The Implementation of Branding and Socialization of Intellectual
Property Rights in the Microfinance, Small, and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) Community in Yogyakarta
Ninik Probosari, Kartika Ayu Ardhanariswari, Ari Wijayanti
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keyword: Branding, Microfinance, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Intellectual Property Rights
Abstract: The emergence of branding on MSME's products causes by the needed for the identity for products of
MSME's for entering in the national market, thus increasing penetration. In fact, many MSME s are not yet
aware of the importance of branding for competitiveness and not aware of the importance of protecting
intellectual property rights. The MSME's are more focused on aspects of product sales. The purpose of the
research is that known the business conditions and application of branding of MSME's snacks and
implementations of the socialization of intellectual property rights in the Yogyakarta District. The result of
this activity is to increase entrepreneurial skills to the community by providing capabilities to homemakers
and youth to teaching how to market product results online and branding good, also awareness of the
importance and the process of registering intellectual property rights.
The development of SMEs in Yogyakarta is growing
rapidly, and this is inseparable from the support of
the Regional Government and banks. Also, BUMN,
BUMD, private companies, and communities also
help improve the skills and quality of human
resources. At present the MSME sector, based on
2016 census data, from a total of 533,670 business
units/companies, the number of micro and small
businesses (MSEs) is 524,935 companies (98.40%)
and large businesses of 8,735 companies (1,60%).
Some successes have not only succeeded in meeting
the needs of the national market but also succeeded
in penetrating international market competition. The
great potential of businesses in the Yogyakarta
Regency provides new opportunities for the
community to increase budgetary needs in the local
area. Hopefully, this information can be useful for
readers and motivate people in various regions to
start businesses immediately.
One of the problems experienced by the majority
of MSMEs is the lack of understanding of branding
as a function of maintaining business
Sustainability. Most MSME business people still
focus on trading and forget about the branding side.
This can be caused by ignorance, ego, or their closed
nature over new ideas, and feeling quickly satisfied.
Seeing the good conditions above, it turns out
that the existence of MSMEs in Yogyakarta still has
several obstacles, namely the branding/media
promotion and also the protection of trademark
intellectual property rights. Because it is very
important for every MSME to have a clear and
unique strategy and approach for an identity to be
outlined in branding through social media or other
digital media. Why does identity or brand identity or
branding design through social media help the SME
industry a lot? One of them is helping MSMEs to
form and look professional. This will increase
consumer confidence in the products and services
offered. A strong brand identity is very important
because the character of the Indonesian people is
easier to remember images than writing. There is a
saying that "pictures speak is equivalent to
thousands of words". Social media
Branding is usually in the form of symbols or
symbols so that it is easily identified comfortably
rather than a pile of pages of words contained in a
company profile. In addition, the graphic design side
of branding through social media can increase
awareness of the products or services offered,
especially if the name of the company does not
Probosari, N., Ardhanariswari, K. and Wijayanti, A.
The Implementation of Branding and Socialization of Intellectual Property Rights in the Microfinance, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Community in Yogyakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009962002460250
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 246-250
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
necessarily explain something. The value of a brand
or brand can be a profitable added value if at any
time the SMEs or business units decide to transfer it
to the heir or others. From a theoretical approach
(Fandy Tjiptono,
Brand Management & Strategy, 2005), this good
brand is produced through branding decisions. This
branding decision covers six main aspects, namely
First, the decision regarding whether to use the
brand or not for the product produced. Branding
applies to all types of products (goods, services,
retailers, online businesses, people, organizations,
places, and ideas). Namely by giving a name to the
product and include the meaning or specific meaning
regarding what is offered the relevant product and
what distinguishes it from competing products. The
second aspect of brand sponsor decisions, namely
decisions regarding who should sponsor the brand.
Each marketing organization has three main choices:
(1) products use manufacturing brands; (2) the
manufacturer sells the product to a distributor or
intermediary who will then use the house brand or
private label; and (3) implementing a mixed brand
strategy. The third aspect of brand hierarchy
decisions, namely decisions regarding whether each
product needs to be given its own brand or use a
corporate brand. The fourth aspect of brand
extension decisions, namely decisions regarding
whether specific brand names need to be extended to
other products. The fifth aspect of a multi-brands
decision is to develop two or more brands in the
same product category. The sixth aspect of brand
repositioning decisions, namely the decision to
change the product and its image in order to better
meet customer expectations.
Community service activities are trying to help
partners (in this case the Kompak Jogis Community
and Forkom Karya Manunggal Yogyakarta to be
able to make branding through social media products
of MSMEs) and understand the IPR registration
procedures, the activities that will be carried out to
address partner problems are:
Information dissemination and material
regarding the importance of branding/brands
for MSMEs
Dissemination and distribution of material
concerning Overview of Intellectual Property
Rights in the Trademark, Industrial Design,
and Copyright categories.
Training on the design of branding concepts
through social media and other digital media
Assistance with the branding design process
Intellectual Property Rights registration
This research used qualitative research. Qualitative
research is a scientific method of observation to
gather non-numerical data. This sort of inquiry
refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions,
characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and description
of things "and not to their "counts or measures. This
research answers how and when a particular
phenomenon occurs. According to Hennink et al.,
“qualitative research is an approach that allows you
to examine people’s experiences in detail, by using a
specific set of research methods such as in-depth
interviews, focus group discussions, observation,
content analysis, visual methods, and life histories or
This Reseach undertaken is to provide awareness
of the importance of branding/brands for MSMEs
and also to assist in making branding through social
media as the identity of MSMEs. This activity was
carried out in partnership with the Kompas Jogis
Community and Forkom Karya Manunggal in the
city of Yogyakarta. Specific problems faced by
community service partners, namely the Kompak
Jogis Community and Forkom Karya Manunggal
Yogyakarta, are to provide awareness of the
importance of branding/brands for MSMEs, to the
assistance of branding through social media as the
identity of MSMEs in their associations, as well as
socialization activities on the importance and
procedures protection of Intellectual Property Rights
in Trade Marks of MSME products.
The Implementation of Branding and Socialization of Intellectual Property Rights in the Microfinance, Small, and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) Community in Yogyakarta
Figure 1: Socialization Activities of Intellectual Property
Figure 2. Training on the design of branding concepts
through social media and other digital media.
Referring to the above activity items, the
problems of the Kompak Jogis Community and the
Forkom KaryaManunggalYogyakarta as a service
partner carried out by the Universitas Pembangunan
Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta include the
1 To strengthen the Kompak Jogis Community
and Forkom Karya Manunggal Yogyakarta,
one of the important strategies implemented is
to provide awareness of the importance of
branding/brands for MSMEs and also to assist
in making branding through social media as
the identity of MSMEs. Branding strategies
need to be carried out to be able building the
image and identity of the products produced
by MSMEs that can influence consumers to
have a positive perception of the product,
character, ability, appearance, and offer being
promoted. Moreover, to enter the era of free
trade on a national, regional, and global scale
that cannot be separated from the support and
influence of the branding carried out.
2 So far, branding has become one of the things
that are considered trivial for some business
people, none other than MSMEs. Whereas
UMKM actors must have an awareness that
packaging or identity/branding through social
media that is made and used must be able to
be uniquely involved and attractive so that it
becomes a reliable promotional media. The
interesting branding through MSME social
media is the main attraction for the product
being sold. Generally, consumers on the
market want to buy an item after seeing a
unique and attractive product packaging. So
the packaging design is very important for
3 Another problem is that there is not enough
knowledge about the importance of having a
clear and unique strategy and approach for an
identity to be poured out for MSMEs through
social media. One thing to do is to approach
social media. Two facts must be kept in mind
when talking about social media and SMEs.
First, SMEs will always want to add
connections to social media. Second, SME
owners have limited time and money for
social media. Fortunately, social media does
not mean that SMEs must appear on all social
media platforms. SMEs can choose one or two
of the most relevant and effective social media
to reach out and focus on consumers. It should
be remembered that neglecting the existence
of social media will have a negative impact on
the development of MSMEs. Problems like
this have not been much expressed by the
Yogyakarta Jogging Compact Community.
4 The most important final problem for MSME
practitioners is that there is no awareness of
the importance of legal protection regarding
intellectual property rights regarding
trademarks, copyrights, and industrial designs.
So it is feared that the products will be
plagiarized by others or prosecuted because
there are products that have the same
For the form and realization of the above method,
the work procedure is as follows:
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Making Branding Re-Design through social
media and other digital media MSME
Making a Branding Design Handbook through
morning media on MSME actors.
Registration of Copyright Guidebooks.
Through branding design, the outcomes resulting
from PbM activities are as follows:
Improving the quality of social media
branding designs
Improved marketing strategy
Branding Design Handbook for SMEs
Proceedings and Journals
Copyright of Intellectual Property Rights
Figure 3.Branding Strategy through Social Media
This output was generated through socialization
activities and the provision of material on Brief
Information on Intellectual Property Rights in the
Trademark, Industrial Design and Copyright
categories see Doc 1. And through training on the
design of branding concepts through social media
and training on online marketing. The first thing
they do is introduce them to an online marketing
strategy through Instagram. One example of
marketing via Instagram can be seen in Figure 3
The conclusion of this community service activity is
trying to help partners (in this case the Kompak
Jogis Community and Forkom Karya Manunggal
Yogyakarta to be able to make branding through
social media products of MSMEs, and understand
the IPR registration procedures are:
1 Some SMEs' responses related to branding
appear, this is caused by, 1) because they do
not understand the knowledge of branding; 2)
do not have a positive entrepreneurial
character 3) have never received assistance.
2 Referring to these conditions, the Universitas
Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran”
YogyakartaService Team needs to hold
technical guidance on branding strategies for
MSMEs in Yogyakarta to provide
understanding for MSMEs about the benefits
of branding for business development, which
in the end is able to compare products well.
The function of branding as a means to embed
the image and image of the product and its
business in a positive way in the minds of
consumers must be truly understood by the
SMEs, because product branding is one of the
important points so that MSME products will
always be remembered by the public or
consumers in the time period long.
3 Linkages with Intellectual Property Rights, a
choice that must be made by SMEs in the city
of Yogyakarta if they want to survive in trade
competition. The obstacles that arise in
trademark registration occur mainly because
of the misunderstanding of MSME actors in
understanding the brand. Therefore, MSMEs
need government support to be able to develop
brands. This support can be in the form of
providing brand development training as well
as ease in obtaining brand protection.
The Implementation of Branding and Socialization of Intellectual Property Rights in the Microfinance, Small, and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) Community in Yogyakarta
Thanks to Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian
Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas
Pembangunan Nasional ‘Veteran’ Yogyakartawhich
has funded community service through the IbM
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Profil Asosiasi UKM Yogyakarta, diakses pada 5 Maret
2019 melalui
Strategi penggunaan media bagi UMKM, diakses pada
5 Maret 2019. melalui
kesalahpahaman- ukm-tentang-media-sosial/
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management