the F test is to compare the probability of error
Fcalculated with significance that can be tolerated (α
= 5%. Based on Table 1 can be seen the calculation
results obtained Fcount of 33,708 with a significance
level of 0,000 which is smaller than α (0,000 <0.050)
means Perceived ease, risk perception, conformity
perception, perceived benefit have a significant effect
jointly on the adoption of internet banking, thus the
first hypothesis stating that ease perception, risk
perception, conformity perception, and perceived
benefit have a joint effect on adoption of supported
internet banking. .
5.2.2 Test Coefficient of Determination
The results of data analysis showed that the
coefficient of determination (R2adj)of 0582, which
means that about 58.20% of the variation in the
variable adoption bank-in internet capable of is
explained by variables perceived ease, risk
perception, perception of suitability, the perception of
benefits while the rest viz of 41.80% explained by
variations of variables outside the model.
5.2.3 Testing the t-Test
The test is used to test the significance of the
regression coefficient of the effect of perception of
ease, risk perception, perception of suitability, and
perception of benefits, partially affecting the adoption
of internet banking. Testing via the t-test is to
compare the error probability
with a significance that
can be tolerated (α = 5%). The calculation results
obtained for:
1) Variable perception of ease (X1) has a tcount
of 2,821 with a significance level of 0.005,
which is smaller than α (0.005 <0.050). This
means that perceived convenience has a
significant effect on internet banking adoption.
Thus H2a states that the perception of ease
partially influences the adoption of supported
internet banking.
2) The risk perception variable (X2) has a count
of 3222 with a significance level of 0.001,
which is smaller than α (0.001> 0.050). This
means that risk perception has a significant
effect on internet banking adoption. Thus H2b,
which states that risk perception partially
influences the adoption of internet tires
3) The conformity perception variable (X3) has a
tcount of 3,968 with a significance level of
0,000, which is smaller than α (0,000> 0.050).
This means that the perception of suitability has
a significant influence on internet banking
adoption. Thus H2c, which states that the
perception of conformity partially influences
the adoption of internet banking supported.
4) Variable perceptions of benefits (X4)have
atcount equal to 3,739with a significance level
of 0.000, which is smaller than α (0,000>
0,050). This means that the perception of
benefits has a significant effect on internet
banking adoption. Thus H2d, which states that
perceived benefits partially affect the adoption
of internet banking, is supported.
The results of research using Multiple Regression
Analysis show that ease of perception, risk
perception, conformity perception, and perceived
benefit have a significant effect jointly on internet
banking adoption. The results of this study are in line
with research conducted by Pertiwi, Adhivinna
(2013) showing that perception risk, perceived
benefits, and perceived ease of use simultaneously
(together) to the dependent variable, namely the trust
of customers of Bank Mandiri internet banking users.
The hypothesis is proven and can be accepted.
The results of the study using Multiple Regression
Analysis show that ease of perception has a positive
and significant effect on internet banking adoption.
This means that what if ease of perception increases
then will increase internet banking adoption and vice
versa. The results of this study are in line with
research conducted by Fita Pertiwi, Vidya Vitta
Adhivinna (2013), which shows that the ease of use
of internet banking has a positive relationship with
customers' trust in using internet banking. This
hypothesis is proven and can be accepted. The results
of this study imply that the ease of use is the second
construct that gives a positive influence on a person's
interest in adopting technology (Jogiyanto, 2007).
The ease of innovative internet banking products
means the ease of understanding when transacting
through internet banking media. A technology that is
often used shows that the technology is readily known
and easily understood in its use. When the application
is easier to use than others, it will be more likely to be
accepted by its users so that the level of adoption of
internet banking adoption will increase.
The results of research using Multiple Regression
Analysis show that risk perception has a positive and
significant effect on internet banking adoption. This
means that what if risk perception increases then will
increase internet banking adoption and vice versa.
The results of this study are in line with research