Effect of Encouragement of Organizational Commitment in
Mediation by Job Satisfaction at the University
Casimiro Soares
, Wahid Eka Saputra
, Dyah Sugandini
, and Winarno
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Departement of Management, STIE Trisna Negara South Sumatera
Keywords: Organizational Encouragement, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment.
Abstract: Timor Leste and Indonesia is a country that is still young, so it still needs resources quality human resources
to carry out development in the days to come. Organizational commitment becomes very important for
organizations in this country because when an organization is complicated to find employees who have
outstanding qualifications in doing their work, organizational commitment is one way in determining
employees who have unique requirements, loyalty, and performance. In this study, a study was conducted on
the effect of organizational drive on organizational commitment with job satisfaction as mediation. The study
aims to determine the impact of organizational support on organizational commitment at the University and
determine the effect of organizational support on organizational commitment mediated by job satisfaction at
the oriental university. The population in this study is the entire structural administration that takes policy the
most critical systems in the University, which numbered 47 people. While the sampling technique uses
saturated samples of census studies so that all members of the population are sampled. Data collection
methods in this study using a questionnaire. Hypothesis, tested using techniques Structural Equation
Modelling statistically to examine the relationship 3.2.7 for SMART PLS program three variables. The results
found that 1) organizational drive had a significant effect on organizational commitment at Oriental
University, and 2) there was an influence of organizational support on organizational commitment mediated
by job satisfaction significantly at Oriental University.
After Timor Leste declared its independence day on
May 20, 2002, the Government of Timor Leste built
development in various sectors. One of the
development sectors is the Education sector.
Therefore, guerrillas or veterans such as General Lere
Anan Timur, along with their comrades, are
committed to opening a foundation to assist the
government in terms of opening an institution called
After establishing University from 2002, through
the leadership of the First Chancellor to the fourth
Chancellor, University is still in the development
stage, meaning that university is still very slow, and
has not been recognized or accredited by the
government of Timor Leste, by the Minister
Education. In 2013 University under the leadership of
the fifth Chancellor, DR. Roberto Seixa Miranda
Geronimo, has a commitment to reform the structure
starting from the Rector's assistant to the faculties and
departments, and at that time University was
recognized or accredited by the government through
the Ministry of Education in 2014. Furthermore, this
can be said that the organization or company has the
intention to encourage employees or employees to
take up positions in a better place or position so that
it can bring a positive impact on the organization or
company. Besides, University has encouraged its
employees to continue their education in Master and
Doctoral degrees in various countries such as
Portugal and Indonesia, employees, or staff who
continue their education in these two countries, a new
total 57 people.
Currently, University has produced output in the
form of graduates/alumni ranging from 2010 to 2017.
This amount is a commitment from the organization
and lecturers who are teaching at University to
commit even higher so they can produce more
qualified graduates so various institutions or
Soares, C., Saputra, W., Sugandini, D. and Winarno, .
Effect of Encouragement of Organizational Commitment in Mediation by Job Satisfaction at the University.
DOI: 10.5220/0009962405260533
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 526-533
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
institutions can use them in Timor Leste and
Indonesia. With a variety of limitations that exist in
Oriental university, such as faculties that do not yet
have practicum tools and laboratories which are not
enough to support these faculties, to support and carry
out their duties and functions correctly.
(Organizational commitment to organizational
commitment), is defined as a situation where an
employee side with a particular organization and his
goals and desires to maintain membership in the
organization. Thus, high job involvement means
taking sides on a specific individual's work, while
high organizational commitment means choosing the
organization that recruits the individual. (Robbins,
2.1 Organizational Commitment
Commitment is an attitude towards the organization
and a willingness to achieve everything for the
organization (Sjahruddin, 2013). Organizational
success depends on employee commitment to the
organization (Baraba et al., 2014).
According to Robbins (2006) states that there are
three dimensions or indicators of organizational
commitment, namely: Affective Commitment,
Normative Commitment, and Continuous
Commitment. Affective Commitment that is
emotional feelings for the organization and believes
in its values. Normative Commitment is a feeling of
obligation to remain in the organization because it
must be so, the action is the right thing to do.
Continuous commitment is the economic value that is
felt from surviving in an organization when compared
to leaving the organization.
2.2 Organizational Support
Support and job satisfaction are factors that influence
organizational commitment. The perception of
organizational support is the central concept of
organizational support theory. Understanding of
organizational support as employees' global beliefs
about the extent to which organizations care about
their well-being and value their contributions
(Eisenberger et al., 2002). The perception of
organizational support gives positive results for
members and organizations (Agustiningrum &
Suryanto 2013).
2.3 Job
Satisfaction is a definite feeling at a job that is an
impact or evaluation results from various aspects of
the job (Robbins 2006). Luthans (2012) states that job
satisfaction is the result of employees' perceptions of
how well their work provides what is considered
necessary. Tunjungsari (2011) says job satisfaction is
an attitude that is owned by someone about work that
results from their perception of their work. Based on
this according to Hariandja (2002) classifying the
factors that influence job satisfaction related to
several aspects, namely: 1) The work itself, 2) Fellow
workers, 3) The Principal.
Figure 1.
3.1 Formulation of the Hypothesis
This Research, as addressed in the framework of this
study, in general, predicts that organizational drive
influences organizational commitment (accepted),
and there is also organizational drive that positively
influences organizational commitment mediated by
job satisfaction (can be supported). Therefore, based
on the above findings, the researchers propose the
first hypothesis:
H1: The hypothesis that there is an impetus
Organizational influence on Organizational
Commitment at the Oriental University is acceptable.
H2: Hypothesis, which states that Organizational
Encouragement has an influence on Organizational
Commitment mediated by Job Satisfaction at the
University, can be supported.
Data used in this study are primary data that is data
collected directly by researchers to answer problems
or research objectives. Respondents in this study are
Effect of Encouragement of Organizational Commitment in Mediation by Job Satisfaction at the University
47 employees who work as decision-makers in Unita
administration or can also be called structural
University employees. The data collection technique
was carried out by distributing questionnaires to
administrative employees in the university, starting
from the Chancellor to the chair of the faculty
department, which was conducted for one month. Of
the 47 (forty) completed questionnaires, then the
results were analysed so that it can be seen the extent
of respondents' responses regarding the relationship
of Organizational Encouragement to Organizational
Commitment, which is mediated by Job Satisfaction.
The sampling technique used is saturated sampling.
4.1 Testing Instrument Research
4.1.1 Validity Test
Validity test associated with testing conducted to
determine whether all statements (indicators) of
research submitted to measure research variables are
valid. Validity means the extent to which the
measurement scale can measure what should be
measured (Mo. Nazir, 2013). The results of the
validity test are then compared with the value of r
table. Correlation results were carried out with a
significant level of 5%.
If the value of r count> r table, then the data is
valid, whereas if the value of r count <r table, then the
data is invalid or fall. Validity test results using a
small sample of 30 respondents are shown in Table 1
Table 1 Validity Result
Item count r Critical Value (r table) Description
KO1 0.740 0.3 Valid
KO2 0857 0.3 Valid
KO3 0.729 0.3 Valid
KO4 0862 0.3 Valid
KO5 0897 0.3 valid
KO6 0786 0.3 valid
DO1 0.850 0.3 valid
DO2 0814 0.3 valid
DO3 0827 0.3 valid
DO4 0868 0.3 valid
DO5 0.427 0.3 valid
DO6 0759 0.3 valid
KK1 0698 0.3 valid
KK2 0780 0.3 valid
KK3 0893 0.3 valid
KK4 0862 0.3 valid
KK5 0.830 0.3 valid
KK6 0.694 0.3 valid
The validity of the test results showed that all
items on impulse organizational questions, job
satisfaction, and organizational commitment
correlate (r count) more significant than r table (0.3)
so that it can be stated that all variables are valid.
4.1.2 Data Reliability Test
Concerned with the degree of consistency and
stability of the data or findings. Reliable or consistent
data will tend to be valid, although not necessarily
valid (Sugiyono, 2013). The reliability test of this
study used the technique Cronbach Alpha with an
error rate of 5%. A constructor variable is said to be
reliable if it gives a Cronbach Alpha value> 0,700
(Nurnnally, 1994 in Ghojali, 2011). Reliability
testing was carried out with SPSS 16.0 for Windows.
The results of the reliability test are shown in the
following table:
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Table 2 Result Test
Variable Koef
0,893 0.6 Reliable
0,849 0.6 Reliable
0,880 0.6 Reliable
Based on 3.2 table concluded that all of the
questions used are reliable or reliable. In this study,
each item has a value question different. To be
declared really, each variable must have a value
Cronbach's Alpha above 0.6.
5.1 Hypothesis Testing (Inner Weight)
Hypothesis testing can be done by taking into account
the level of significance and the path of the
parameters between latent variables. The hypothesis
is proposed to find out the relationship of each
construct being hypothesized. Decision making is
based on the direction of the link and the significance
of the inter-construct testing model shown in Table
4.14, which is the output of the results of emotional
weight with the help of software PLS 3.0. PLS output
results in 3.2.7. Found the results of the value
bootstrapping with a sample of 98, resulting in the
estimated value and probability (p-value) shown in
Figure 4.1.
The results of emotional weight show the
correlation relationship between constructs that
connect between variables that form a hypothesis.
Figure 4.1.
Table 3 Direct Effects Between
T Statistics
(| O /
P Values Description
Encouragement ->
Job Satisfaction
0.564 0.101 5,554 0,000 Significant
Encouragement ->
0.354 0.153 2.318 0.021 Significant
Job satisfaction ->
0449 0148 3028 0003 Significant
Effect of Encouragement of Organizational Commitment in Mediation by Job Satisfaction at the University
Table 4 Indirect Sobel Test Affect
SobelTest Std.error P-value Description
OrganizationEncouragement ->
Job Satisfaction -> Organsiasional
0.0949 0.0076 2.6657 Significant
From 4:13 in the output table, 3.2.7 PLS can be
seen as the influence of exogenous variables on
endogenous variables. The test results show that the
coefficient of influence of organizational drive on
organizational commitment is 0.354 with a count of
2.318 and a value of p = 0.021 <0.05 at an alpha
significance level of 5%. These results can be
interpreted that organizational drive has a positive
and significant direct effect on organizational
commitment on employees and employees of the
University, so the first hypothesis of this study which
states "Hi = There is an organizational drive has an
effect on organizational commitment at the
Universidade Oriental Timor university accepted.
A positive sign is shown in the path coefficient,
which is 0.354, which indicates a positive direction.
This means that the higher the organizational drive of
UNIVERSITY employees, the organizational
commitment of employees will also be better. The test
results of the indirect effect of organizational
encouragement variables on organizational
commitment through job satisfaction are shown from
the results of the Sobel test. It appears that the Sobel
Test results indicate Z value calculated at 2.6657 and
p-value 0.0076of <0.05 alpha 5%. So it can be
interpreted that job satisfaction as a variable
mediating the effect of organizational drive on
organizational commitment. Thus the second
hypothesis of the study stating "H2 = There is an
organizational impulse influencing organizational
commitment mediated by job satisfaction at Oriental
Timor University" can be supported.
6.1 Effect of Organizational
Encouragement on Organizational
H1: Hypotheses stating that Organizational
Encouragement Influences Organizational
Commitment at the East National University were
The results of testing with PLS prove that
organizational drive has a significant effect on
organizational commitment at the University (H1
accepted). This can be seen in the path coefficient of
organizational encouragement to the organizational
commitment of 0.354, which indicates a positive
influence. This shows that the higher organizational
drive will increase organizational commitment to
structural, administrative employees at the Oriental
Timor University.
The results of this study are consistent with the
theory put forward by Rhoades & Eisenberger (2002),
which states that organizational support produces a
feeling of obligation for employees to help the
organization achieve its goals, increasing
commitment to the organization. According to Celep
& Yilmazturk (2012), there is a significant
relationship between organizational support for
organizational commitment, the higher the level of
organizational support to organizational, the higher
organizational commitment will be.
The Effect of Organizational Encouragement on
Organizational Commitment with Job Satisfaction as
H2: Hypotheses stating that Organizational
Impulse has an influence on Organizational
Commitment mediated by Job Satisfaction at Oriental
Timor University, can be supported.
The results of testing with PLS and Sobel test
prove that the coefficient of the indirect effect of
organizational drive on organizational commitment
through job satisfaction is 0.253, and the Z count is
2.6657, and the p-value is 0.0076 <0.05.
Several previous studies found that there is a
relationship between intellectual intelligence on
auditor performance. Intellectual knowledge has a
positive and significant effect on auditor performance
(Choiriah, 2013). If the auditor has good mental
knowledge, then the implication is that their
performance will be excellent. Thus it can be stated
that there is a significant influence of organizational
drive on organizational commitment through
employee job satisfaction at Oriental Timor
University. This means that the higher organizational
motivation is given, it will increase job satisfaction,
and this will have an impact on increasing
organizational commitment.
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Based on the results of data analysis and discussions
that have been carried out, the following conclusions
can be drawn:
a. The organizational drive has a significant
positive effect on organizational commitment
at the University. This means that the higher the
organizational drive, the higher the
organizational commitment.
b. The organizational drive has a positive and
significant influence on organizational
commitment mediated by employee job
satisfaction at the university. This means that
when employees at the University have an
increasingly high organizational drive, this
causes employees to feel cared about for
careers and improved performance so that job
satisfaction will increase, and this will lead to
the formation of firm commitments.
Based on the conclusions, it can be proposed some
suggestions including
1. The University should be able to provide a
robust organizational impetus to all structural
employees, namely by increasing the completeness of
work equipment facilities to assist small tasks.
Because so far, this indicator has been rated the
lowest by employees. In the procurement of facilities
and infrastructure, it is not just doing purchase, but
must go through several stages, such as planning and
acquisition of facilities and infrastructure,
distribution, use and maintenance of facilities and
infrastructure effectively and inventory of facilities
and infrastructure. This is important so that the
working equipment facilities and infrastructure can
be utilized effectively in increasing organizational
2. In terms of job satisfaction, it is seen that a well-
developed family work atmosphere is the lowest
satisfaction. Working conditions like this need to be
improved so that it becomes a concern, especially in
forming working groups (work teams), so that team
members have individual compatibility, so it is not
easy to dispute in completing work. Likewise, the
indicators are satisfied because each job can be
completed well is still considered the lowest. Tasks
given by superiors should be given proportionally,
following their work capabilities, so that employees
do not experience a buildup of jobs, especially at the
end of the quarter or the end of the year. Each task
given should be well-timed so that there are no
periods where employees appear to be unemployed,
but in other periods employees look busy due to
excessive workload.
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