Effect of Product Quality, Brand Image, Price, and E-Service Quality
on Decisions on Purchase of Aesthetic Cosmetic Products Online in
Yogyakarta and South Sumatera City
Demsie Harlofida
, Selly Veronica
, Yuni Istanto
Departement of Management, STIE Trisna Negara South Sumatera
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: Product Quality, Brand Image, Price, E-Service Quality, and Purchase Decisions
Abstract: Cosmetics are unique products because in addition to these products can meet the fundamental needs of
women for that clarify his identity socially in the eyes of the community. This study aims to determine the
effect of product quality, brand image, price, and e-service quality on purchasing decisions of the Cosmetic
online in Yogyakarta and South Sumatera City. This study uses quantitative research designs that use primary
and secondary data. The population in this study are consumers who have bought Cosmetic products with 150
respondents as a result of sample size. The sampling technique in this study uses Non-Probability Sampling,
and the sampling method used is Purposive Sampling. Data analysis techniques using SPSS with the results
of multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that product quality, brand image,
price, and e-service quality have a significant effect together on purchasing decisions
In this era of increasingly fierce competition, one way
to get consumers is to meet consumer needs
consistently from time to time. Many ways
companies can use to fulfill purchasing decisions.
Often companies are competing to provide products
at low prices with the assumption that consumers only
consider product quality, price, the brand image in
purchasing decisions.
Cosmetics are unique products because, in
addition to these products can meet the basic needs of
women for beauty as well as often a means for
consumers to clarify their identity socially in the eyes
of society. Cosmetics have a risk of use that needs to
be considered given the content of chemicals does not
always give the same effect to all consumers.
Cosmetic is a pratama aesthetic beauty clinic that
carries the concept of "Natural Ingredient with High
Technology," which is a facial care system, hair care
to body care using natural ingredients which are
synergized with the use of modern technology at an
affordable price.
Alwi et al., Purchasing decisions are influenced
by the brand trust. Beneke et al., Purchasing decisions
are influenced by product quality and price (In Amron
Journal, 2018).
Nilsson et al., Product quality is the ability of the
product to meet the needs or desires of consumers.
Sebastianelli and Tamimi, product quality is the
totality of features and characteristics of products or
services that depend on their ability to meet a need (In
Amron Journal, 2018). According to Kotler and
Keller (2009) argues that product quality is the ability
of a product to carry out its functions including
durability, reliability, ease of operation and
improvement as well as other valuable attributes. The
quality of products offered by Cosmetic is more
defined as reliability, high aesthetics, where the
products offered are based on natural ingredients that
are safe to use in the long run and do not have harmful
adverse effects.
Diallo et al., Put forward the brand image as the
basis for consumer understanding of certain types of
brands. According to Lau & Phau, a right brand image
must be introduced to consumers continuously to
form a memory that is inherent to consumers (In
Amron Journal, 2018). According to Kotler and
Armstrong (2013), the definition of brand image is a
set of beliefs about a brand called brand image. So we
need a good marketing strategy to show the quality of
Harlofida, D., Veronica, S. and Istanto, Y.
Effect of Product Quality, Brand Image, Price, and E-Service Quality on Decisions on Purchase of Aesthetic Cosmetic Products Online in Yogyakarta and South Sumatera City.
DOI: 10.5220/0009962500650072
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 65-72
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
products and services offered by Cosmetic as a
benchmark to improve brand image.
Chase et al., Said that e-service quality is a service
provided to internet network consumers as an
extension of the ability of a site to facilitate shopping,
purchasing, and distribution activities effectively and
efficiently. Parasuraman et al., States the definition of
online service quality (e-service quality) as a level of
a website to effectively and efficiently facilitate
shopping, making purchases, and the delivery of
products and services (In the Journal of Ataburo et al.,
2017). Therefore, Cosmetic provides quality online
services (e-service quality) to be able to meet the
needs of consumers more effectively and more
Chase et al., Said that e-service quality is a service
provided to internet network consumers as an
extension of the ability of a site to facilitate shopping,
purchasing, and distribution activities effectively and
efficiently. Parasuraman et al., States the definition of
online service quality (e-service quality) as a level of
a website to effectively and efficiently facilitate
shopping, making purchases, and the delivery of
products and services (In the Journal of Ataburo et al.,
2017). Therefore, Cosmetic provides quality online
services (e-service quality) to be able to meet the
needs of consumers more effectively and more
This study aims to examine, analyze, and explain
the influence of product quality, brand image, price,
and e-service quality on purchasing decisions. From
the description above, the research "The Effect of
Product Quality, Brand Image, Price, and E-Service
Quality on the Purchasing Decision of Cosmetic
Center Online" in Yogyakarta and South Sumatera is
2.1 Purchasing Decisions
According to Kotler and Armstrong (2012)
purchasing decisions are the stages in the decision-
making process where consumers buy.
2.2 Product Quality
Understanding of product quality, according to Kotler
and Armstrong (2008) is everything that can be
offered to the market to get attention, bought, used, or
consumed that can satisfy desires or needs. Product
quality is closely related to consumer purchasing
decisions because good product quality must be able
to reflect the ability of the product to provide the
expected benefits and consistency of product quality
where the product is not easily damaged and
following consumer expectations.
2.3 Brand Image Brand
An image is a form of identification of a product
offered to customers that can distinguish company
products from competing for products that form a
name, word, sign, symbol or design, a combination of
all of these according to Kotler and Keller which is
translated by Bob Sabran (2011). A consumer who
has a positive image of a brand will be more likely to
make a purchase.
2.4 Price
Price is the amount of value (money) that must be
paid by consumers to obtain the desired product
(Kotler and Armstrong, 2008). Therefore, companies
must be able to set the right price in the market so that
consumers can determine which products to buy in
the purchasing decision process.
2.5 E-Service Quality
According to Chase (2006) said that e-service quality
is a service provided to consumers of the internet
network as an extension of the ability of a site to
facilitate shopping, purchasing, and distribution
activities effectively and efficiently. The better the e-
service quality provided by the seller in his service
online, the higher the consumer's purchasing
2.6 Thinking Framework
Based on the theoretical basis mentioned earlier, the
framework used by the authors in this study serves to
determine the effect of Product Quality, Brand Image,
Price, and e-Service Quality on Purchasing
Decisions. Based on the description above, the
authors make the research framework as follows:
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Figure 2.2 Research Framework
From the picture above states that the H1 line
shows product quality, brand image, price, and e-
service quality simultaneously or jointly influence
purchasing decisions. Whereas the H2, H3, H4, and
H5 lines show that product quality, brand image,
price, and e-service quality partially or individually
influence purchasing decisions.
2.7 Hypothesis
According to Dantes (2012), hypothesis is a
presumption or assumption (temporary) that must be
tested through data or facts obtained by research. It is
said temporarily because the answers given are only
based on relevant theories, not yet based on empirical
facts obtained through data collection. So the
hypothesis is also stated as a logical answer to the
formulation of a research problem, not yet an
empirical answer. The hypotheses in this study are as
H1: Product quality, Brand Image, Price, and E-
Service Quality jointly influence the Purchase
Decision on Cosmetic products.
H2: Product Quality has a positive effect on
Purchasing Decisions on Cosmetic products.
H3: Brand Image has a positive effect on
Purchasing Decisions on Cosmetic products.
H4: Price has a positive effect on Purchasing
Decisions on Cosmetic products.
H5: E-Service Quality has a positive effect on
Purchasing Decisions on Cosmetic products.
3.1 Variable Measurement Scale
According to Sugiyono (2015), variable measurement
scale is an agreement that is used as a reference to
determine the length of the interval that is in the
measuring instrument. The measurement scale of the
variable used in this study is the scale Likert. Scale
Likert is a scale used to measure attitudes, opinions,
and perceptions of a person or a group of social
phenomenon. With a scale Likert, the variables to be
measured are translated into indicator variables. Then
the indicator is used as a starting point for arranging
instrument items, which can be statements or
questions. These responses are weighted as follows:
Strongly Agree (SS): Score 5
Agree (S): Score 4
Neutral (N): Score 3
Disagree (TS): Score 2
Strongly Disagree (STS): Score 1
Research instruments using a scale Likert can be
made in the form of a checklist or multiple choice.
Respondents' answers to the question items on each
of the research variables are categorized into 5
categories along with the interval of the average score
of the answer. The categorization score intervals can
be calculated as follows:
 
Based on the above calculation, it can be
determined the scale of distribution of respondents'
opinion criteria as follows:
Table 1 Interval Category Answer on variable research
Interval Products Quality Brand Price
1.00 to 1.79 Very No Good Very Low
Very Not
Very Not Good Very Low
KualitasProduk (X1)
Citra Merek (X2)
Harga (X3)
e-Service Quality
Effect of Product Quality, Brand Image, Price, and E-Service Quality on Decisions on Purchase of Aesthetic Cosmetic Products Online in
Yogyakarta and South Sumatera City
1.80 to 2.59 No Good Low
No Good Low
2 , 60 - 3.39 Neutral Fair Neutral Fair Neutral
3.40 - 4.19 Good High Affordable Good High
4.20 - 5.00 Very Good
Very Good
3.2 Test Instrument
3.2.1 Validity Test
According to Ghozali (2018), test validity is used to
measure the validity or validity of a questionnaire. In
this study the validity test can be said to be valid if it
has a probability value seen more significance said to
be valid if it has a probability value smaller or equal
to 5% (0.05). The validity test method uses the
product-moment correlation method with the
following formula:
Table 2 Test Results Data Validity 30 Respondents
Sig r
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
0.05 Valid
Source: Primary data processed, 2019
Based on the output of the validity test results, all
indicators have a significant level under 5% (> 0.05),
based on the value above; then all indicators are
declared valid. This indicates that the questionnaire
instrument used in this study is valid and able to
measure the variables that want to be measured.
3.2.2 Reliability Test
According to Ghozali (2018), a reliability test is a
test to measure a questionnaire, which is an indicator
of a variable or constructs. A questionnaire is said to
be reliable and reliable if a person's answers to
questions are consistent or stable from time to time.
A constructor variable is said to be reliable if it
characterizes Cronbach Alpha> 0.70 Nunnaly.
According to Ghozali (2018), in this study, the
reliability test was carried out using the Cronbach
Alpha formula, where an instrument can be said to be
reliable or reliable if it has a reliability or alpha
coefficient of 0.7 or more.
Formula Cronbach Alpha:
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Table 3 Results of Test Reliability Data 30 Respondents
Variable Cronbach
Criteria Description
0.903 0.70 Reliable
Brand 0861 0.70 Reliable
Price 0.902 0.70 Reliable
0.925 0.70 Reliable
0.908 0.70 Reliable
Sources: Primary data is processed (2019)
From the table above, it can be seen from the
reliability test that all variables are concluded that all
items of the statement have value Cronbach's Alpha
greater than 0.70. Thus it can be said that all
statements in this study have a right level of reliability
and can be used in the analysis of this study.
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents
4.1.1 Work
Based on questionnaires collected from 150
respondents obtained data based on the work of
respondents is shown in Table 4.1:
Table 4 Characteristics of Respondents by
Occupation Total Percentage (%)
Others 7 4.7
Students 68 45.3
21 14.0
45 30.0
Entrepreneurs 9 6.0
Total 150 100.0
Source: Primary Data processed, 2019
Based on Table 4.1, it can be seen that most
respondents of Cosmetic products in Yogyakarta and
South Sumatera are 68 students or 45.3%.
4.1.2 Income
Based on questionnaires collected from 150
respondents obtained data based on respondent
income is shown in Table 4.2:
Table 5 Characteristics of Respondents based on Income
Revenue Total Percentage (%)
<Rp 1,500,000 26 17.3
Rp 1,500,000 up to
60 40.0
Rp 3,500,000 to
54 36.0
> Rp 4,500,000 10 6.7
Total 150 100.0
Source: Primary data processed, 2019
Based on Table 4.2 it can be seen that most
respondents of Cosmetic products in Yogyakarta and
South Sumatera are those who have an income of Rp
1,500 .000 to 3,000,000 totalling 60 people or 40.0%.
4.1.3 Age
Based on questionnaires collected from 150
respondents obtained data about the age of the
respondents shown in Table 4.3
Table 6 Characteristics of Respondents by Age
Age Number Percentage (%)
<19 years 13 8.7
19 to 25 years 88 58.7
26 to 30 years 48 32.0
> 30 years 1 0.7
Total 150 100.0
Source: Primary data processed, 2019
Based on Table 4.3, it can be seen that the age of
respondents of the Cosmetic product in Yogyakarta
and South Sumatera is mostly 19-25 years at 58.7%
when the survey was conducted.
4.2 Descriptive Analysis of Variables
Based on the descriptive analysis of 150 respondents,
the following results were obtained:
4.2.1 Product Quality
For more clearly, it can be seen in Table 4.4
respondents' perceptions of product quality variables
as follows:
Table 7 Respondents Statistics Variable Product Quality
Interval Categories
1.00 to 1 ,
It is Not Good 0 0%
1.80 s / d
Not Good 0 0%
Effect of Product Quality, Brand Image, Price, and E-Service Quality on Decisions on Purchase of Aesthetic Cosmetic Products Online in
Yogyakarta and South Sumatera City
2.60 s / d
Neutral 5 3%
3.40s / d
Good 52 35%
4 20 to 5.00 Very Good 93 62%
Total 150 100%
Source: Primary Data processed, 2019
Based on Table 4.4 it can be seen that of the 150
respondents who responded to the most variable
product quality statement items, namely at intervals
4, 20 to 5.00 with the category of strongly agree, there
are 93 respondents or (62%). This means that
respondents feel strongly agree with the quality of
Cosmetic products in Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera that are good.
5.1 Effect of Product Quality, Brand
Image, Price, and E-Service Quality
Together on Purchasing Decisions
This research resulted in the purchase decision of
Cosmetic Yogyakarta, and South Sumatera should
focus its attention on consumers to choose which
products to buy according to alternatives considered
by consumers. Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera have a trusted trademark because it is
Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South Sumatera
consumers choose to buy online because of the
complete inventory. Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera consumers in making purchases are online
free to determine the number of products to be
purchased. When purchasing Cosmetic Yogyakarta
and South Sumatera products online can be done
anytime and anywhere while still connected to the
internet. The payment method for purchasing
products is online Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera done via transfer.
5.2 Effect of Product Quality on
Purchasing Decisions
The Results of this study, Larissa Aesthetic Products
Center Yogyakarta and South Sumatera has several
choices of product size. In terms of product
packaging, the Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera is very interesting. The characteristics of
Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South Sumatera products
are convenient to use in daily activities. Cosmetic
Yogyakarta and South Sumatera always provides
quality products that are easily tailored to the needs
of consumers. Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera products can be used for a long time.
Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South Sumatera products
do not have adverse effects on the skin because they
use natural ingredients. Larissa Aesthetic Center
Yogyakarta and South Sumatera products have a
characteristic fragrant scent in each of their products.
Cosmetic products have a product function that suits
the needs of consumers, which in turn will make
consumers decide to purchase Cosmetic products in
Yogyakarta and South Sumatera.
5.3 The Effect of Brand Image on
Purchasing Decisions
The Results of this study are: Cosmetic Yogyakarta
and South Sumatera products have credibility as
evidenced by the compatibility of the products used
by consumers. Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera products have the right size product
packaging that is tailored to the needs of consumers.
Yogyakarta and South Sumatera's Cosmetic product
has been patented and has a trademark
5.4 Effect of Price on Purchasing
This research resulted, the price offered by Cosmetic
Yogyakarta and South Sumatera is affordable. The
price offered by Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera is following the quality of its products. The
price offered by Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera is in accordance with the benefits obtained
by consumers. The price offered by Cosmetic
Yogyakarta and South Sumatera is following the
purchasing power of consumers.
5.5 Effect of E-Service Quality on
Purchasing Decisions
The results of this study are, information about stock
and delivery of goods following what was promised
on the Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South Sumatera
website. Website Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera quickly and efficiently when accessed.
Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South Sumatera always
guarantee the safety and protection of consumers'
data. The menu is website Cosmetic Yogyakarta, and
South Sumatera not accessible to error.
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
a. Product quality, brand image, price, and e-
service quality have a significant effect
together on purchasing decisions on Cosmetic
b. Product quality has a significant positive effect
on Purchase Decisions on Cosmetic products.
c. Brand Image has a significant positive effect on
Purchasing Decisions on Cosmetic products.
d. Price has a positive but not significant effect on
Purchasing Decisions on Cosmetic products.
e. E-Service Quality has a significant positive
effect on Purchasing Decisions on Cosmetic
a. Price variable (X3) has the smallest influence
on the purchase decision. This explains that the
Cosmetic must frequently evaluate the price
offered by Cosmetic Yogyakarta and South
Sumatera to be more affordable, following the
quality of its products, following the benefits
obtained by consumers and more following the
purchasing power of consumers.
b. On the variable, E-Service Quality (X4) has the
most significant value of influence on
purchasing decisions. This explains that the
Cosmetic must increasingly updated
information on the Cosmetic Yogyakarta and
South Sumatera website and always upgrade
the Website Yogyakarta and South Sumatera
Larissa Aesthetic Center so that it is faster and
easier when accessed, and not accessible to
error, it also always guarantees security and
data protection personal consumer
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