Community Empowerment in Village Economic Development in
Sidomulyo Village Belitang OKU Timur District
Department of Management, STIE Trisna Negara, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords: Community Empowerment, Economic Development.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the role of government and non-government in community economic
empowerment. And to know the supporting and inhibiting factors faced in community economic
empowerment in Sidomulyo village, BelitangOKUTimur District. The research method used is a qualitative
approach. Data analysis techniques. In this study, using an interactive model. The results showed that the
government policy of the East OKU Regency in empowering the community especially the development of
the Village in Sidomulyo Village, BelitangTimur OKU District included providing assistance and facilitating
facilities and infrastructure for the community, as well as an extension of the government in fostering,
directing and controlling including opening up great opportunities especially outside the region. In addition,
the facilities provided by the government as one of the facilities to obtain business capital assistance from the
banking sector. Thus, community empowerment activities are determined.
Entering the era of globalization, the main thing must
be avoided the process of widening inequality,
because the opportunities arising from an open
economy can only be utilized by more developed
regions, sectors, or groups. This economic crisis has
not yet been fully implemented and in turn, has
created a multi-crisis, which is a burden on society
and the government and is truly a difficult problem to
overcome. Like what has stated above, the
community of small economic actors or so-called
SMEs felt abandoned because the government's
attention was considered to be lacking and only
defended the interests of more advanced economic
groups. In fact, particular attention must be given to
the alignment and empowerment of the community
through economic development, namely the
economics of small businesses, including
cooperatives, so as not to lag behind and instead be
able to take advantage of the momentum of
globalization for its growth. Gaps that are a reality in
development require solving with partiality and
empowerment for actors - economic actors are
significantly weak. For this reason, every citizen has
the right to an adequate level of welfare and is obliged
to participate in efforts to realize the prosperity of the
people. In this perspective, poverty is also a shared
responsibility, so that efforts to overcome its demand
the active participation of all parties.
Therefore, in this reform era an effort will be
made to shift from a growth paradigm to a
development paradigm that is based on equity with
the people's economic power, small businesses,
including small farmers, small farmers, fish farmers,
medium businesses and cooperatives given the same
opportunities as large businesses. Therefore, there is
no loss between small and medium businesses, even
partnerships that can be more effective and mutually
Permendagri RI No. 7 of 2007 concerning
Community Empowerment cadres, states that
community empowerment is a strategy used in
community development as an effort to realize the
ability and independence in the life of society, nation
and state (Article 1, paragraph 8). The core
understanding of community empowerment is a
strategy to realize the ability and independence of the
community. Minister of Home Affairs Regulation
No. 66/2007 concerning village development
planning, Article 5 paragraph 2 of empowerment is an
effort to realize the ability and independence of the
community in the life of society, nation, and state.
The development of the Regency of East OKU
through its programs has made a lot of efforts to
empower economic development in the context of
empowering rural communities, especially in the
Ruliyansa, .
Community Empowerment in Village Economic Development in Sidomulyo Village Belitang OKU Timur District.
DOI: 10.5220/0009962804360440
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 436-440
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
village of Sidomulyo, BelitangOKU Timur District.
The main policy is the development of small
industries or home industries. Based on the
background above, there are several problem
formulations as follows:
1) What is the role of government and non-
government in community economic
2) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors
faced in community economic empowerment
in Sidomulyo Village, BelitangTimur OKU
3) While the purpose of this study is to describe
the role of government and non-government in
community economic empowerment and find
out supporting and inhibiting factors faced in
community economic empowerment in
Sidomulyo village, Belitang District.
2.1 Community Empowerment The
The concept of empowerment includes the
understanding of community development and
community-based development. Related to this
understanding, it is necessary to first understand the
meaning and meaning of empowerment and
empowerment through independence, and even it is a
"must" to be more empowered through their efforts
and accumulation of knowledge, skills, and other
sources in order to achieve their goals without relying
on the help of the relationship external.
Empowerment in the context of the community is
the ability of individuals who are united in the
community and builds the empowerment of the
community concerned. Empowering the community
is an effort to increase the dignity of the layers of
society, which in their present condition, are unable
to escape the pitfalls of poverty and
underdevelopment. In other words empowering is
enabling and independence of the community.
Empowerment or empowerment comes from the
word "power or empowerment." Empowerment
refers to the ability of people, especially vulnerable
and weak groups, so that they have the power or
ability to fulfill their basic needs so that they have
freedom, meaning not only free to express an opinion
but free from hunger, free from ignorance, free from
Community empowerment is an effort to increase
the dignity and status of a group of people who are in
poor condition so that they can escape from the
pitfalls of poverty and underdevelopment.
Empowerment is an effort to build community
capacity by encouraging, motivating, to develop that
potential into concrete actions. Community
empowerment is a concept of economic development
that encapsulates social values. This concept reflects
a new paradigm of people-centered, participatory,
empowering, and sustainable development. The
concept of empowerment is broader than just an effort
to meet basic needs or just a mechanism to prevent
further impoverishment.
Adi (2003) explains that describing the process of
continuous empowerment as a cycle consisting of five
main stages, namely:
a. Bringing back experiences that empower and
not empower.
b. Discuss the reasons why empowerment and
empowerment occur.
c. Identify a problem or project.
d. Identify a meaningful power base for making
e. Develop action plans and implement them.
In the context of social welfare, the empowerment
efforts described by Hogan above are, of course, also
related to efforts to improve the standard of living of
people from a level to a better level. Of course, by
examining the factors that cause a community to
become powerless.
2.2 Village Economic Development
Development is seen as an increase in per capita
income, and the pace of economic development is
demonstrated by using the GDP growth rate for the
national level and GRDP for the regional level. The
development definition cannot be separated from the
notion of economic development, because basically
both the development goals and economic
development is to improve the welfare of the
community. The difference is that economic
development only covers the efforts of a community
to develop economic activities and enhance the level
of community income, whereas development in the
most basic sense must include material and financial
problems in people's lives.
Economic development is part of national
development. The aim of national development in the
opening of the fourth 1945 Constitution, which is to
protect the entire Indonesian nation and all of
Indonesia's blood spills, promote public welfare,
educate the nation's life, participate in and actively
maintain world order based on independence, eternal
peace, and social justice. The aim of economic
development is to increase the prosperity and welfare
of the people.
Community Empowerment in Village Economic Development in Sidomulyo Village Belitang OKU Timur District
Qualitative research is essentially observing people in
their environment, interacting with them, trying to
understand language, and their interpretation of the
surrounding world. Data sources in this research are
primary data in the form of data from informants
(Sidomulyo Village community, Sidomulyo Village
Head ). Note the results of observations about the
conditions and events encountered during the field
and notes the results of interviews. Data analysis
techniques using an interactive model consists of 4
activities: data collection, data editor, data
presentation, and drawing conclusions.
4.1 The Government's Role in
Economic Empowerment of Village
Communities the
Policies of the East OKU Regency in empowering the
community, especially economic development in
Sidomulyo Village, Belitang District include
providing livestock assistance and facilitating
facilities and infrastructure for the community, as
well as government extension in fostering, directing
and controlling including the opening of market
opportunities, especially outside regional markets. In
this case, the department's role in the economic
empowerment of the community is highly needed.
As in the results of the interview, June 14, 2019,
it was that:
a. statedSocialization of disease carried out in
Sidomulyo Village
b. Development of socialization
c. Providing assistance in the form of Livestock
d. Assistance in arranging group administration
e. Supervision of infectious diseases
f. Guiding to livestock groups
g. Monthly counselling
4.2 Non-government Role in
Empowering Community Economy
As an extension of the government, the role of this
group is quite significant in fostering and directing its
members. As the comments made by the group leader
"... the task of the group here is very easy if the
characteristics of each member are the same, but
because each group member has a different opinion
and will. However, due to the cooperation spirit
owned by the Sidomulyo Village community, these
difficulties can be reduced. "
The results of the interview delivered were sincere
expressions from a farmer in Sidomulyo Village.
With the community empowerment in the economic
development of the village in his village Thus, most
of the residents in Sidomulyo Village, whose duck
breed is now prosperous. Likewise, with the role of
the government to assist community empowerment,
such as providing guidance to farmers, socializing,
and also providing assistance.
With the development of duck farming, residents
who have livestock can request product certification
from the government so that the community
empowerment activities for duck farming groups are
determined: business development, cooperative
development, human resource development, and
submission of venture capital assistance with
facilities from banks. The activities carried out by the
activity groups will be explained as follows:
a. Distribution of the remaining allocation of
operating results by AD / ART
b. Social funds/development participation is
manifested in the activities of upgrading
public facilities such as the renovation of the
mosque, improvement of village roads, or
compaction of village roads with grass / coarse
c. Activities to strengthen group venture capital
in terms of meeting other needs.
4.3 Supporting Factors and Inhibitors
of Community Empowerment in
Village Economic Development
4.3.1 Supporting Factors Supporting
Factors are understood as conditions that strengthen
duck farmer groups "Food sources" in village
economic empowerment. Participation of community
leaders also helps in supervising and giving direction
to people who do not understand the empowerment
program of the village economic development, as
well as acting as social control in the community.
While community involvement, in general, is needed
as the main target object in the community economic
empowerment program developed by the Public.
Factors that support the "Source of Food" Duck
Farmers' group in community economic
empowerment in Sidomulyo Village, Namely:
1) Support from the government, both from the
South Sumatra Provision government as the
originator of program policies, then the East
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
OKU district government that accompanies
and oversees the program, and until the
government Sidomulyo Village which
facilitates the implementation and oversees
its performance.
2) Support from the community, both from
community leaders and citizens in general.
In addition to getting facilities from the
government, many community leaders
helped and worked together in community
economic empowerment programs
developed by the Duck Farmers Group in the
Village of Sidomulyo, Belitang District.
3) The enthusiasm of the community that the
existence of an independent community
empowerment program from the
government will spur the enthusiasm of the
residents of Sidomulyo Village, Belitang
District to participate in registering
themselves as a community to create and
develop a business and the results are
expected to bring goodness and prosperity to
the family economy.
4.3.2 Inhibiting Factors
Based on the findings in the field of factors that
inhibit the non-government of East OKU Regency in
community economic empowerment in Sidomulyo
Village, namely:
1. There is no laboratory that is good enough
for livestock needs in Sidomulyo village.
2. The community has felt the experience of
raising duck livestock. So it does not need
counseling and coaching from the livestock
3. The community is less pleased with the
provision of spraying on their duck cages
because it can affect the condition of their
ducks, which results in a decrease in egg
The role of government and non-government in the
economic empowerment of villagers in
DesaSidomulyo as following:
a. The Role of the Department of
Agriculture, plantations, and farms OKU
District East:
1) Dissemination of the disease that
doesdibalaiSidomulyo Village
2) Development socialization
3) provision of assistance in the form of
4) Assistance arrangement book group
5) Supervision of infectious diseases
6) Guidance to livestock groups
7) Monthly counseling
b. Role of the administration of the economy and
natural resources Sidomulyo Village
1) The coordination function of the relevant
SKPD in selecting and determining the
location of the
2) The facility in relation to the location setting
of the
3) A facility-related to the location branding.
c. The role of groups in community
empowerment is, as stated above, that the
policies of the East OKU district government
in empowering the community, especially
duck farmers in Sidomulyo Village. Belitang
District is provided by providing assistance
and facilitating facilities and infrastructure for
the community. As an extension of the
government in fostering, directing, and
controlling, including opening up great
d. The success or failure of a program is
determined by two conditions that influence it,
namely supporting factors and inhibiting
factors. Factors that support community
empowerment in village economic
development are support from the
government, both the provincial, district, and
village governments, support from the
community, and community participation.
While the factors that hamper the course of
community economic empowerment are
From the findings, discussions, and conclusions that
have been put forward, it can be taken some
recommendations proposed to overcome community
economic empowerment in Sidomulyo Village,
Belitang District:
a. There needs to be an increase in community
economic empowerment, one of which is
carried out more intensive development efforts
by paying attention to the socio-economic
conditions of the community, both through
technical guidance, education, and training.
Community Empowerment in Village Economic Development in Sidomulyo Village Belitang OKU Timur District
b. The limited ability of venture capital for the
community, it is necessary to be facilitated in
terms of capital support or at least given the ease
in the procedure to obtain business credit.
c. The need to provide vitamins - good vitamins
for ducks to survive during the rainy season and
can maintain the amount of production so as not
to decline and also to be resistant to disease
outbreaks that hit during the rainy season.
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ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management