The Influence of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction toward
Professional Performance and Non-professional Performance
Pribadi Widyatmojo and Winarno
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keyword: Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, Individual Professional Performance
Abstract: This research aims to figure out the influence of the work environment variable on the influence of job
satisfaction variable toward individual professional performance variables in comparison with non-
professional performance. Theoretically, the work environment is one of the job satisfaction variable
antecedents, but it is possible that the work environment serves as a moderator variable of job satisfaction
and the individual performance variable relationship. This research use doctors and nurses as research
respondents. The analysis result discussed
Innovation is bringing business advancement.
Advancement is a viable method to react to the
disturbance business atmosphere since the
development is fit for proposing a better approach to
experience a new risk of the choppiness business
atmosphere (Widyatmojo P, 2009). In this way, the
organization needs to construct its management to be
a management that equipped for upholding
advancement improvement. Sadly, this innovation
improvement is not simple management practice,
because innovation is intellectual and brain science
perspectives came about of organization member
fulfillment as an individual, who works in the
organization (Burgenon, 1998; Tiwana, 1999).
In the previous industrialization time, the board
perspective spotlights on looking for profitability
extension technique. The logical management
hypothesis proposed by Frederic Taylor has
upgraded significant commitment toward efficiency
improvement through optimization organization
member's exhibition in the working place. This
organization member's exhibition optimization in
management science is come about because of work
specialization. This specialization thought originates
from a moderate movement study. The moderate
movement study upgraded the board partitions a
vocation into a few words, that expansion the
profitability. They divided work called work
specialization; consequently, every organization
member is capable of his or her very own work by
any stretch of the imagination.
Typically, scientific management hypothesis
stresses performance through work specialization to
expand organization goal or benefit, since there are
numerous researches to upgrade organization
performance. Organization member's performance
optimization practice by the work specialization is
delivering organization member 's weariness,
boredom, and weights in the working place, because
the tedium work specialization stresses each
organization member 's work amount and fills in as
though a machine or as an instrument of production.
The practice of organization member's exhibition
optimization through the work specialization is
delivering organization member's weariness,
boredom, and weights in the workplace because the
repetitiveness work specialization accentuates each
organization member's work amount and fills in as
though a machine or as an instrument of product
This organization member's boredom in the
workplace debilitates profitability, lessens the
organization member's soul to complete his or her
work, innovativeness debilitating, and confines the
organization member's' pride to finish his or her
work well. Accordingly, this organization member's
performance optimization practice through
specialization is not adequate for innovativeness
improvement, advancement, and high innovation
businesses, let alone organization faces choppiness
business atmosphere.
Widyatmojo, P. and Winarno, .
The Influence of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction toward Professional Performance and Non-professional Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0009963005340542
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 534-542
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Since Chester Barnard school of perspective, the
management hypothesis is considering
psychological viewpoints into management
discretion, in light of new worldview that satisfied
organization member performs superior to
unsatisfied one. Consequently, management
thoughts take into account workplace environment.
This new management worldview is a fortuitous
event with the Hawthorne effect found by Elton
Mayo's research. Although the environment of the
workplace has not evident direct impact on the
individual performance, this environment of the
workplace contributes roundabout impact toward
individual performance achievement.
In reality, job satisfaction antecedents are
including variables that produce job satisfaction, for
example, wage and incentive payment, teamwork
cooperation and cohesiveness, great shot of
advancement, opportunity reasonableness,
significant authority, excellent performance
appraisal on the workplace (Luthans, 1995). The
environment in the workplace puts asides from the
management thought since it does not have a direct
impact on job satisfaction and individual
performance. There is an uncertainty of the work
environment that influence the association between
job satisfaction toward performance. This misty
impact it ought to be affirmed or demonstrated.
Consequently, this research is genuinely expected to
answer the uncertainty above.
2.1 Performance
The earliest management consideration focuses on
the performance of an organization because this
scientific management is developed from economics
attention, primarily based on microeconomic theory,
which focuses on production efficiency aggregate or
comprehensive nationally. The microeconomics
theory attention focuses on production efficiency,
which is indicated by an equation that the marginal
cost of production should have to be the same with
marginal revenue. Consequently, the scientific
management theory pays attention to production
efficiency, either, that indicated by its performance.
An organization has to pay attention to production
efficiency. At the same time, the organization has to
pay attention to performance development either, to
attain the organization's production efficiency in
turbulence economics. This production efficiency is
indicated by the ratio of input needed in the
production divided by the output of production. This
input-output ratio shows resources use capability to
produce an amount of output. The higher the ratio,
the more production efficiency. The ratio of
production efficiency is indicating the organization's
production efficiency at all, but it is not capable of
indicating how the organization's production
efficiency should be attained. Thereby, there is a
difference in attention between scientific
management and macroeconomics.
The difference between microeconomics and
scientific management is located on their attention.
The management science pays attention not only to
the production efficiency of an organization but also
on the way to accomplish the production efficiency
at all. Thereby, the management science attention
not only focuses on production efficiency but also
on the way to attain the production efficiency. An
organization consists of human resources or
members of the organization, financial resources,
capital, natural resources, and technology. The
organizations have various techniques to produce the
same output, thereby the organization focus on how
to accomplish the production efficiency.
Organization production efficiency consists of all
its member efficiency. Every organization member
contributes the organization's production efficiency
according to his or her specialization, and thereby
every organization member supports the entire
organization's performance. Logically, the
performance improvement endeavor ought to need
to take into account every member organization's
performance improvement, to improve the whole
organization performance. In this way, the higher
member organization performance contribution to
the organization the higher organization
performance thoroughly. In other words, the
organization's performance determines the entire
organization's performance.
2.2 Professional Individual
Every organization has professional members and
non-professional members to conduct organization
activities. The classification of professional and non-
professional members is concurring with the supply
chain concept of the production process in the
organization. Doctors, for examples, are professional
members in the hospital.
A professional member of an organization is a
member of an organization who accomplishes his or
her works professionally in the organization. This
professional has professional responsible for his or
The Influence of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction toward Professional Performance and Non-professional Performance
her work. Most professional has an amount of
dominant contribution toward the organization
performance accomplishment, because of his or her
professional capabilities. On the other hand, a non-
professional member of an organization is a member
responsible for his or her work received from the
organization. Every organization has a professional
member and non-professional members.
The supply chain concept clarifies that
production supply chains in the organization
comprise of primary activities and supporting
activities to create the organization's services or
products. The primary activities consist of the
leading job to create organization services or
products. These primary or main jobs are an
essential process of production in the organization; if
these primary or main jobs are disturbed, the
services or product creation stopped. These primary
or mains activities have to be operated and
controlled by professionals. For example, pilots
responsible for their flights. The pilots are creating
flight services offered by the air flight company. It
means the professional organization member plays a
vital role in creating the organization's services or
On the other hand, the supporting activities
consist of supporting a job that eases the
organization's production process. These supporting
activities do not create any service or product, but
these supporting activities ease the primary activities
of creating services or products. Even though these
organization supporting activities do not create any
organization services or products, these activities
enhance the primary activities grows continually
for example, accountants who work in the flight
The professional member has to be a specific
professional performance appraisal because of his or
her contribution to professional capabilities.
Professional member performance has to be
evaluated based on his or her professional
responsibilities in the workplace. The performance
appraisal implementation has to be done fairly.
Thereby, non-professional performance assessment
has to be based on his or her responsibilities, either.
Following the performance evaluation base, this
professional performance needs to be assessed based
on professional performance responsibilities
(AzisImrana, et al, 2015). Consequently, this
professional performance is indicated by the
organization member's professional responsibilities,
such as; received workload, work authority, work
accomplishment, and work targeted.
2.3 Job Satisfaction
Management practice appreciates business climate
changes resulted from the economics turbulence
because the economics turbulence makes
organization failure. Management practice to
improve the organization's competitiveness in the
changing business climate is improving organization
efficiency through performance improvement
practice. Performance improvement management
practice in the organization that emphasizes on
quantity at all produce organization member stress,
because of monotony or repetitiveness work.
This monotony work is a harmful abundance of
specialization techniques to improve organization
productivity. This specialization way of productivity
improvement is capable of easing the manager to
count every organization member' monotony work
(Azis et al., 2015). Thereby, this specialization
technique emphasizes each organization member's
productivity improvement. However, it results in
organization member boredom.
Theoretically, this monotony work technique
ables to improve the organization's productivity
through organization member productivity
improvement individually, which enhances
organizational performance improvement in the
short run, but this monotony work technique results
in diminishing job satisfaction. Due to the
diminishing job satisfaction, the manager should
have to be cautious in leading the process of
dividing the organization's work to prevent
diminishing job satisfaction. Diminishing job
satisfaction influences the working spirit negatively
in the workplace.
As mentioned above, earlier scientific
management does not take into account job
satisfaction. Job satisfaction is a psychological
aspect of a human being in the workplace.
Consequently, job satisfaction demonstrates the
extent to which the organization member feels happy
to accomplish his or her job. The happiness of job
accomplishment increases organization member’s
readiness to work.
Job satisfaction is an organization member's
evaluation or reviews toward his or her actual
workload following his or her job accomplishment
to the organization. This evaluation results in
positive or negative feels; thereby, this job
satisfaction is an aspect of human attitude toward
work (Azis et al., 2015).
Job satisfaction is an organization member’s
review toward his or her workload psychologically
to complete his or her job in the workplace. This
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
organization member’s review process is the
organization member’s psychological process of
comparing his or her actual workload with his or her
expectations of the workload. Job satisfaction seems
to be related to organization member’s happiness
toward his or her job in his or her workplace (Theo
JM, 2004; Rane D B, 2011; MbogoGerishon, 2015;
Embuldeniya, 2017).
Sometimes, organization management needs to
enrich the professional organization member's job to
prevent the professional organization member from
boredom in the workplace. This decision to enrich
the organization member's job is called job
enrichment. This job enrichment decision is a
management practice of doing the job to be more
motivational and satisfying to the organization
member through enriching job variety, responsibility
and decision-making contribution (Pelled, and Hill,
1997) because job enrichment is challenging and
satisfying to the organization member.
Mentioned earlier that job satisfaction is the
psychological aspect of an organization member that
indicates the extent to which the organization feels
happy to complete his or her job. This happy
organization member tends to repeat finishing his or
her job well again, to get happy again. Thereby, the
satisfied human being has higher readiness to work
well than the unsatisfied one. This organization
member's job satisfaction is a psychological aspect
of accomplishing the job in the workplace that
produces desires, preparedness, or willingness to
work hard (Pelled and Hill, 1997; Rane D B, 2011).
Due to the job satisfaction is preparedness to
work hard, that indicates the organization member’s
pleasure to accomplish his or her job in the
workplace, the assessment of this job satisfaction
has to be based on the organization member’s
pleasure to accomplish his or her job in the
workplace (Theo JM, 2004; MbogoGerishon, 2015).
Thereby, this job satisfaction is indicated by an
organization member’s preparedness, desires,
behavior to accomplish his or her job in the
2.4 Performance and Job Satisfaction
The first conclusion is that the organization
member's psychological aspect of his or her job
produces job satisfaction enlargement. Thereby, job
satisfaction variable proxy is according to the extent
to which organization member's satisfaction in the
The higher member's job satisfied in the
workplace, the more member's outcome dedicated,
the more efficient, the more committed to work
hard, to get work happiness again (Azis, et al.,
2015). The second conclusion is that the more
satisfied a job, the happier toward a job, the higher
the performance of his or her job. Thereby, the first
hypothesis is formulated as follows.
Hypothesis 1: The higher job satisfaction, the
higher the professional performance.
Even though a non-professional organization
member does not create any organization services or
product offered in the market, the non-professional
organization member serves primary organization
activities, in creating the organization services or
products go well. Thereby, the non-professional
organization member performance appraisal should
be conducted fairly to support the organization's
main activities (Theo JM, 2004). If the non-
professional member gets comfortable in the
workplace, so that his or her job satisfaction in the
workplace increases, results in his or her working
spirits grows up and influences his or her
performance. Thereby, the second hypothesis is
formulated as follows.
Hypothesis 2: The higher the job satisfaction,
the higher the non-professional performance.
2.5 Work Environment
Work environment some times called by the job
environment because work circumstances build up
the job environment. The work environment is
workplace circumstances that an organization
member accomplish his or her job in the workplace.
There is an insight that this work environment does
not have any influence on the organization work
accomplishment so that the organization manager
puts this work environment aside. Let alone this
insight is supported by empirical data; for an instant,
many organizations conduct e-learning, e-training,
and re-working program successfully for their
organization members.
Theoretically, this work environment is not an
antecedent of the organization's production process.
Consequently, this work environment does not
determine the organization's production process.
This insight of the work environment is not
obviously against the wright theory. Although this
work environment does not influence the
performance directly, this work environment
enhances the organization member to accomplish his
or her work, comfortable (Albaqami, 2015; Azis et
al., 2015; MbogoGerishon, 2015). Thereby, the work
The Influence of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction toward Professional Performance and Non-professional Performance
environment does not create any organization
services or products, but this work environment is
capable of enhancing the primary organization
activities grows well.
The conclusion is that the work environment
refers to the workplace circumstance; thereby, this
work environment proxy has to be related to the
workplace environment where the organization
member completes his or her job.
2.6 Work Environment, Performance
and Job Satisfaction Relationship
Mentioned above, that work environment is
workplace circumstances; thereby this work
environment is not an antecedent of performance.
This work environment does not have a direct
impact on the organization production process, but
this work environment enhances the productivity
improvement process (Jain and Kaur, 2014).
This work environment consists of workplace
circumstances that do not influence organizational
performance directly, but this work environment is
capable of enhancing the continuity of the
organization's production process (Albaqami, 2015;
Duru and Shimawua, 2017). In case an organization
does not pay any attention to its work environment,
resulting in a bad work environment, this bad work
environment probably enhances organization
production process continuity grows down (Donald
Ian, et al. (2005).
The effect of work specialization is that an
organization member job consists of an amount of
job-related works. Consequently, the work
environment called the job environment. The work
environment is unique, and it does not have a direct
effect on job performance, because every job has its
antecedent of job success in accordance to the
specialization work (Theo JM, 2004; Duru and
Shimawua, 2017). Thereby, this work environment
serves as a moderator variable of the organization's
production process, which means this work
environment was sometimes supporting or reducing
the organization's production process (Albaqami,
2015; MbogoGerishon, 2015).
The conclusion is that the higher the work
environment, the higher the causal relationship
between job satisfaction and professional
performance. On the other hand, the lower the work
environment, the lower the causal relationship
between job satisfaction and professional
performance. Therefore, the third hypothesis
formulated as follows.
Hypothesis 3: The work environment
moderates the causal relationship between job
satisfaction and professional performance.
An organization needs non-professional
members to facilitate the primary organization
activities of creating the organization's services or
products. Hence the organization's performance
improved thoroughly (Jain and Kaur, 2014). Non-
professional organization member does not create
any organization services or product offered in the
market but serves primary organization activities of
creating the organization services or products. Non-
professional member comfort in the workplace
increases his or her job satisfaction and his or her
working spirit and improves his or her support
toward the organization's primary activities. Hence
organization performance grows up. Thereby, a non-
professional organization member's work
environment serves as an organization's primary
activities support (Donald Ian et al., 2005; Owusu,
2014). This discussion implies, the work
environment improvement of non-professional
organization member influences the primary
organization activities, enhance organization
performance improvement positively (Albaqami,
2015; MbogoGerishon, 2015; Duru and Shimawua,
2017). Thereby, the higher the work environment,
the higher the non-professional comfortability in the
workplace, the higher the organization's
The conclusion is that the higher the work
environment, the higher the causal relationship
between job satisfaction and professional
performance. On the other hand the lower the work
environment, the lower the causal relationship
between job satisfaction and professional
performance. Thereby, the fourth hypothesis is
formulated as follows.
Hypothesis 4: The work environment
moderates, the causal relationship between job
satisfaction and professional performance.
This research collects data through distributed
questionnaires to doctors and nurses working in the
hospitals surround Yogyakarta. Doctors and nurses
are so very busy that this research has only 36
doctors and 62 nurses respondents. Mentioned
above, this research aim is to figure out the effect of
the work environment on the causal relationship
between job satisfaction and individual professional
performance in comparison with non-professional
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
individual performance. Following the research aim,
the analysis technique of this research is the
regression analysis technique. The regression
technique is conducted by ordinary least square with
the stepwise method. The ordinary least square is a
technique of identifying the causal relationship
among variables through the minimum square
variance of the variables (Gujarati, 2003). This
research examines the professional data, then
examines the non-professional data group.
The summaries of the analysis result shown in the
following tables. The first step regression is
analyzing the influence of job satisfaction toward
professional performance, and the second step
regression is analyzing the job satisfaction and work
environment toward professional performance
variables. Following the research aim, the first
analysis is analyzing professional performance data,
that consists of doctors' performance.
Table 1: Model Summary
R sqr
Error of
R sqr
F Sig
The summary of the first analysis above shows
that job satisfaction and work environment variables
are significant predictors toward professional
performance variables. The table above shows that
the professional performance prediction model has
the goodness of fit. The goodness of fit of the model
is indicated by the increases of correlation
coefficient from 0,712 to 0,807 along with the
stepwise analysis method, with a significance F test.
Even though the F test decreases, the F significance
remain s below 0.05. It is indicating that the
prediction model is good.
The table 2 below is reporting the significance of
the work environment as a moderating variable
toward the influence of job satisfaction toward
professional performance. This analysis process is
conducting by the stepwise regression technique.
The stepwise regression is analyzing the influence
significance of job satisfaction and work
environment variables toward professional
performance variables. The analysis of variance
summary shows the model's significance as follows.
Table 2: Anova
F test
The result of the analysis above shows that first
step of the analysis which predicts professional
performance variable by job satisfaction variable
only, and the second step of the analysis which
predicts professional performance variable by job
satisfaction variable and work environment variable.
The second step of analysis shows the predictors'
variables are predicting the professional
performance better than the first step of the analysis.
The significant F test supports the second step of the
analysis. This means that job satisfaction variables
and work environment variables are predictors of the
professional performance variable.
The analysis also analyzes the extent to which
the professional performance model breaks the
traditional assumption, such as autocorrelation, etc.
The Influence of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction toward Professional Performance and Non-professional Performance
Table 3 below shows that the Durbin Watson is
1,629, located between 1,6 and 2,4. This means the
equation of the professional performance model
does not break the autocorrelation assumption. The
result table printed as follows.
Table 3: Durbin Watson
Durbin watson Statistics
Nurse =
Nurse = 2
The fourth analysis is analyzing the significant
influence of each predictor of professional
performance. This analysis is examining the
influence significance of job satisfaction and work
environment toward professional performance. The
analysis of variance summary shows the model
significance in table 4.
Table 4 below shows that the professional
performance model is significant. The significance is
indicated by job satisfaction and work environment
variables t-test are less than 0,05, that, implies the
two predictors of professional performance variables
are significant, as following table 4.
Table 4: Analysis of Variance
rt satisf
rt satisf
rt envir
This analysis result also implies that the work
environment variable is a predictor of professional
performance, neither a moderator nor a mediator
variable onto the influence of job satisfaction
variable toward professional performance.
Table 5: Analysis of Coefficients significance continued
Colinear Statistic
rt satisf
rt satisf
rt envir
The fourth analysis result that consists of table 4
and table 5 show that the professional performance
model does not against the classic assumption. To
summaries, the analysis indicates that empirical data
support hypothesis 1, but empirical data do not
support hypothesis 2. The conclusion is that job
satisfaction and work environment variables are
significant predictors of professional performance
variables, but the work environment variable is
neither a moderating nor mediating variable toward
professional performance variables.
Non-professional performance data analysis
The following analysis examines the influence of
job satisfaction and works environment toward non-
professional performance variables. As mentioned
above, the first step regression is analyzing the
influence of job satisfaction toward non-professional
performance only. The second step regression is
analyzing the job satisfaction and work environment
toward non-professional performance variables. The
table of analysis results printed as the following
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Table 6: Model Summary of the non-professional model 1
R sqr
R sqr
Error of
R sqr
F Sig
The analysis of variance summary shows the
non-professional performance model is significant as
Table 7: Anova
The analysis result table above shows that job
satisfaction defines non-performance professional
significantly. The goodness of the model is indicated
by the F significance of 0,03. This analysis does not
explain the work environment variable in the model,
thus the work environment does not determine the
non-professional performance.
The following analysis examines the extent to
which the non-professional performance model
breaks the classic assumption, especially toward
autocorrelation. The result table shows that the
equation of statistic prediction of non-professional
performance is autocorrelation because Durbin
Watson ratio is 0,674 far below 2 as the following
Table 8: Durbin Watson
Durbin watson Statistics
= 2 (selected)
Doctor-Nurse = 0
The autocorrelation above probably is caused by
the little number of research data. Thereby, if this
research has enough number of data, the
autocorrelation can be solved.
The analysis of variance summary shows each
predictors significance in the model. Following the
t-test, job satisfaction is significant predictor toward
non-professional variable, but the work environment
is not significant. The predictor significance is
printed in the following table.
Table 9: Analysis of Coefficients significance
Std err
rt satisf
0, 025
Table 10: Analysis of Coefficients significance continued
Colinear Statistic
Zero order
rt satisf
Table 9 and Table 10 above show that the model
of non-professional performance does not contain
multicollinearity, it means the model does not
against the classic assumption. The second analysis
indicates that the hypothesis is 3 supported by
empirical data, but hypothesis 4 is not supported by
empirical data. The conclusion is that job
satisfaction is significant predictors of non-
professional performance variable, but the work
environment is not a predictor of non-professional
performance. This research shows the work
environment variable is not a moderating nor
mediating variable.
To sum up, the supported hypothesizes of this
research are hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2. Job
satisfaction variable is significant, but the work
environment variable is not significant. This
research gives clue that works environment is not
Sum of
The Influence of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction toward Professional Performance and Non-professional Performance
moderating nor mediating variable of the
professional performance model. This research gives
clue that variable job satisfaction predictors of non-
professional performance, but this research does not
explain the work environment toward the non-
professional model.
Though this research fails to explain the role of the
work environment as a moderating variable, the
analysis result of this research indicates that the
work environment is a significant predictor of
professional performance in the organization. It
means that variable job satisfaction and work
environment predictors of professional performance.
Job satisfaction and work environment improvement
capable of improving the organization professional
performance comprehensively.
This research aim does not accomplish fully,
since only hypothesis 1 that variable job satisfaction
is a predictor of professional performance, is
supported. It concludes that variable job satisfaction
and work environment are significant predictors of
professional performance. Though this research
indicates that job satisfaction is a predictor of non-
professional performance, the work environment is
not a predictor of non-professional performance.
Since this research is talking about organization
member's perception of his or her job in the
workplace, thereby in the future readers need
research that explores individual work environment
in the workplace.
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ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management