expected to increase buying interest in e-commerce
Online buying interest is also influenced by the
perceived risk perceived by consumers. Kim et al.
(2008) define risk perception as consumer beliefs
about the potential for uncertain negative outcomes
from online transactions. According to Engel et al.,
(1995), the greater the risk perception, the greater
the possibility of consumer involvement in
purchases. If the realized risk is very high, the
consumer has a choice whether to avoid buying and
using it altogether or minimize the risk through the
search and evaluation of pre-purchase alternatives.
In addition to the problem of trust and risk
perception, the use of information systems is an
important problem faced by e-commerce users. One
theory related to the use of information systems is
the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model).
According to Andryanto (2016) and Sugandini et al.,
(2018a), TAM is an information systems theory
designed to explain how users understand and use
information technology. Also, TAM considers the
adoption of technology by the user to be determined
by two perceptions, namely the perceived usefulness
and perceived ease of use. Perceived usefulness to
the context of online shopping refers to the extent to
which consumers feel that shopping at web-based
stores will enhance their shopping experience (Wen
et al., 2011). The definition shows that perceived
usefulness will influence the decision-making
The main reasons why people shop or do not
shop online are the factors of trust (trust) on the
shopping site in question, and the ease of applying
the shopping site (Mayer et al., 1995). Ease of use is
the extent to which consumers feel the ease of
interaction with e-commerce websites and can
receive product information that they need (Wen et
al., 2011; Cho & Sagynov (2015). Based on the
explanations described in this background, this study
aims to analyze the influence of trust, risk
perception, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease
of use on online buying interest (sugandini et al.,
2.1 Intention to Online Shopping
Kinnear and Taylor (1995) define consumer
intention to buy as a component of consumer
behavior in consuming behavior, respondents'
tendency to act before buying decisions are correct
The purchase intention is an impetus that arises in a
person to buy goods or services in order to meet
their needs (McCarthy, 2002; Cho & Sagynov
(2015). Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) explain that
external influences, awareness of needs, the
introduction of products, and alternative evaluations
are things that can lead to consumer buying interest.
2.2 Trust
According to Mowen and Minor (1997), consumer
trust is all knowledge owned by consumers and all
conclusions made by consumers about objects,
attributes, and benefits. Ba and Pavlou (2002) define
trust as an assessment of one's relationship with
others who will carry out certain transactions by
expectations in an environment that is full of
uncertainty. This definition includes two important
attributes of trust: (1) expectations of trust include
the possibility of mutually beneficial results, (2)
uncertain environment indicates that the delegation
of authority from one party to another may have an
adverse effect on the deposit (Ba and Pavlou, 2002).
In the context of the e-commerce environment,
the role of trust is more important than the
traditional business due to the increased uncertainty
caused by the distance factor and impersonal other
(Wen et al., 2011; Cho & Sagynov (2015). The
success of the transaction on the internet to be
influenced by the presence of variable trust (Pavlou,
2003; Sugandini et al., 2018a; 2018b) Customer
trust is the basis of consumers in making a purchase,
especially in shopping online, Koufaris and
Hampton Sosa (2004) state that consumer trust in e-
commerce is one of the key factors in buying and
selling. Online. Faith has become the most important
element in the success of e-commerce. Therefore,
there must be mutual trust between seller and buyer
(Gefen, 2002; Sugandini et al., 2018b). With trust
will grow the interest of consumers to make buying
and selling activities online (Suh et al., 2015)
H1: Trust affects of intention to online shopping
2.3 Perceived Risk
Perceived Risk is defined by Olglethorpe (1994) as
consumers' perceptions of uncertainty and negative
consequences that may be received from the
purchase of a product or service. Mowen and Minor
(1997) define perceived risk as a negative overall
consumer perception of several actions based on an
assessment of negative results and the likelihood
that the results will occur. This definition includes
two main concepts: the negative outcome of a
decision and the probability that the outcome will