The Effect of Store Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product Packaging, and
Product Innovation on Consumer Purchasing Decisions
, Tri Yuli Astuti
, Dyah Sugandini
, and Dwi Hari Laksana
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business,STIE Trisna Negara
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: Store Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product Packaging, Product Innovation and Consumer Purchasing Decisions.
Abstract: In recent years the culinary world in Yogyakarta and South Sumatra is enlivened by the opening of various
kinds of coffee shops or cafes. Within a month, at least one new coffee shop will appear or one branch of an
existing coffee shop or cafe. During this business competition, many cafes still survive in the culinary industry
until now. This study aims to determine the effect of Store Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product Packaging and
Product Innovation on Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Yogyakarta and South Sumatra. From this
population, a sample of 200 people will be drawn to be used in the study as respondents. The data analysis
method used by the authors is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that Store
Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product Packaging, and Product Innovation have a significant effect both partially and
jointly on Consumer Purchasing Decisions for bakeries in Yogyakarta and South Sumatra
A place to get rid of fatigue, calm down or a place to
just talk - talk casually until something serious with
college friends or coworkers today is straightforward
to find, with accompanied food and soft drinks in the
form of bread, tea, various kinds of snacks and coffee
will adding to the more comfortable atmosphere, such
activities are called "hangout" activities (Paramita,
2007). Activities and needs for "hanging out" are
increasing along with the increasing development of
human civilization and development, which are
influenced by cultural and environmental factors.
Also, the development of information technology
affects the lifestyle and culture that is owned so that
the culture of human interaction is also increasing
towards a more modern direction. The entrepreneurs
take advantage of this opportunity to start a beverage
and food business, with prices offered to vary
according to predetermined target markets. The cafe
is a significant stopover for students or the
community to determine to eliminate fatigue.
According to Kotler (2008), marketing is a form
of business activity seen from the view of customers.
Nowadays, marketing management is demanded not
only as a form of business ability in producing goods
or services needed because more and more business
businesses offer the same amount and type of goods
and services.
In this industry, store atmosphere, lifestyle,
product packaging, and product and service
innovation are factors that consumers consider when
making purchasing decisions. If they feel satisfied
with the price and quality obtained, consumers may
buy again. So, companies need to understand how
consumers compare store atmosphere, lifestyle,
product packaging, and product innovation, which
can lead them to make a purchase. This will help
companies to be able to interact with consumer needs.
In this study, the author tries to take the title: "The
Effect of Store Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product
Packaging, and Product Innovation on Consumer
Purchasing Decisions in Yogyakarta and South
2.1 Relationship between Store
Atmosphere on Consumer
Purchasing Decisions
The atmosphere of the store can be concluded as an
activity carried out in designing a storeroom
following the concepts and goods sold by utilizing
existing facilities, and by determining the appropriate
theme that can make the store's atmosphere attract
Solikhan, ., Astuti, T., Sugandini, D. and Laksana, D.
The Effect of Store Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product Packaging, and Product Innovation on Consumer Purchasing Decisions.
DOI: 10.5220/0009964102750279
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 275-279
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
consumers' attention. Gilbert in Foster (2008) states
that the store atmosphere influences consumer
purchasing decisions.
H1: Store atmosphere influences consumer
purchasing decisions in Yogyakarta and South
2.2 Relationship between Lifestyle to
Consumer Purchasing Decisions
Research conducted by Herawati (2019) states that
lifestyle variables have a positive relationship and
have a strong enough influence on the purchase
decision variable. Consumer purchasing decisions
can not be separated from the lifestyle of those who
want to buy products that are useful and have good
quality. Diversity of consumers in meeting their
needs is influenced by lifestyle characteristics that are
measured based on the activities in which a person
performs activities in meeting his needs such as work,
hobbies, shopping, entertainment, sports, and one's
interests based on the desires of the desired product,
as well as one's opinion or view of the product which
will be purchased so that it can influence consumer
decision behavior.
H2: Lifestyle influences consumer purchasing
decisions in Yogyakarta and South Sumatra.
2.3 The Relationship between Product
Packaging and Consumer
Purchasing Decisions
Packaging has a significant meaning because the
packaging is not only used as a protector of the
contents of the product but also used to please and
captivate consumers. Therefore, the packaging is one
of the marketing strategies, especially product
strategies that can be done by improving the outer
shape of the product such as packaging, ethics, colors,
logos, etc. to attract the attention of consumers and
can give the impression that the product is of good
quality well. In addition to providing benefits for
producers, product packaging also has meaning for
consumers (Buchari Alma, 2007). With the wrapping
of the product, it will remain clean and practical to
carry anywhere, durable, and easy to store, with the
packaging means that the scales in it are correct, the
packaging shows the quality of goods such as
explaining the contents of the wrapped.
H3: Product packaging influences consumer
purchasing decisions in Yogyakarta and South
2.4 The Relationship between Product
Innovation and Consumer
Purchasing Decisions
Innovation is a significant thing to do for every
company or business. Innovations can be
implemented according to the needs of each company.
Innovation is useful for maintaining customers to keep
buying the products we have produced.
H4: Product innovation influences consumer
purchasing decisions in Yogyakarta and South
The process of consumer purchasing decisions can
not be separated from the atmosphere of the store,
lifestyle, product packaging, and product innovation.
From the explanation above, a theoretical framework
can be made, as shown below.
Figure 1:
Model Research
This research is a quantitative study and uses primary
data derived from questionnaires. The sampling
technique used is non-probability sampling. Using a
purposive approach sampling. The sample in this
study was 200 respondents who were bakery visitors
in the Yogyakarta and South Sumatra regions.
5.1 Research Results
This research is a study of the Effect of Store
Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product Packaging, and
Product Innovation on Consumer Decisions in
Store atmosphere
Life Style (X3)
decisions (Y)
Product packaging
Product innovation
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Bakeries in Yogyakarta. In this study, using primary
data that is data obtained directly by distributing
questionnaires and observations of respondents.
Respondents in this study are consumers who have
made purchases at a bakery at least once.
Respondents in this study were 100 people after the
data collected from respondents, then the data will be
tested for validity and reliability instruments. After
the questionnaire is known, the results are valid and
reliable, followed by the collection of 100
respondents, then the regression test to find out the F
test, t-test and Beta test (β) which is processed using
SPSS to be able to know whether the statistics of
Store Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product Packaging, and
Product Innovation Against Consumer Purchasing
Based on the data collected, the answers from
respondents were then analyzed to find out the
influence of Store Atmosphere variables (X1),
Lifestyle (X2), Product Packaging (X3), and Product
Innovation (X4) on Consumer Purchasing Decisions
(Y) and to find out the most significant contribution
which influences the Consumer Baker's Purchase
Decision in Yogyakarta and South Sumatra. This
analysis goes through two stages, namely, descriptive
analysis and quantitative analysis.
5.2 Descriptive Analysis
Based on the descriptive analysis of the variables
in table 4.9 it can be seen that of the 200 respondents
who responded to the Purchase Decision statement, a
total of 4 respondents (2%) responded to the purchase
decision low, 38 respondents (19%) gave responses
to ordinary purchasing decisions, 90 respondents
(45%) gave responses to high purchasing decisions,
68 respondents (34%) gave very high purchasing
decision responses. The majority of respondents gave
a big purchase decision response as much as 90
respondents (45%); it could mean that the bakery
consumer was interested in buying products.
Table 1: Purchasing Decision Categories
Low 4 2.0 2.0 2.0
38 1
90 4
68 3
200 1
5.1. Quantitative Analysis
Based on the results obtained from the regression
coefficient, a regression equation can be made as
Y = 0.224 + 0.254X1 + 0, 341X2 + 0.228X +
In the above equation, the influence of Store
Variables, Lifestyle, Product Packaging, and Product
Innovation Against Decision of Bakeries Consumer
Consumers in Yogyakarta. The meaning of the
regression coefficient, namely:
In the equation above obtained a value of 0.562
means that if the store atmosphere variable (X1),
Lifestyle (X2), Product Packaging (X3), and Product
Innovation (X4) equal to zero (no change), the
Purchase Decision (Y) of 0.224.
The coefficient of store atmosphere regression in
the above equation is 0.254 (positive), meaning that
if the atmosphere of the bakery shop gets better, the
Consumer Purchasing Decision will also increase,
assuming the variable store atmosphere, product
packaging, and product innovation.
The coefficient of product packaging in the above
equation is 0.341 (positive), meaning that if the
Lifestyle of Bakeries is getting better, the Consumer
Purchasing Decision will increase as well, assuming
the variable Lifestyle, Product Packaging, and
Product Innovation.
The lifestyle regression coefficient in the above
equation is 0.228 (positive), meaning that if the
bakery product packaging gets better, the consumer's
Purchasing Decision will also increase, assuming the
variable Lifestyle, store atmosphere, and product
The regression coefficient of product innovation
in the above equation is 0.223 (positive), meaning
that if the bakery product innovation gets better, the
Consumer Purchasing Decision will also increase,
assuming the variable Lifestyle, Product packaging,
and store atmosphere.
5.2. Hypothesis Testing
a. Results F Test Results (joint) testing
This test aims to prove whether the independent
variables, namely Store Atmosphere, Lifestyle,
Product Packaging, and Product Innovation
simultaneously (together) influence the dependent
variable, namely Consumer Purchasing Decisions.
Based on the results of the F test shows that the F
count of 40.278 with a significant level of 0,000,
because the significance level is smaller than 0.05
(0.00 <0.05), it can be concluded that the variables of
The Effect of Store Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product Packaging, and Product Innovation on Consumer Purchasing Decisions
Store Atmosphere, Lifestyle, Product Packaging, and
Product Innovation are together has a positive and
significant effect on Bakers Consumer Purchasing
Decisions in Yogyakarta. Hypothesis 1 is proven
b. T-test T-
The test was conducted to determine the influence of
store atmosphere, packaging lifestyle used, and
product innovation partially on the Purchase Decision
of products in the Bakery is as follows: Store
atmosphere has a significance value of t of 0.007,
which means less than 0 .5. This shows that the store
atmosphere influences the product purchase decision
in the Bakery.
Hypothesis 2 is proven. Lifestyle has a
significance value of t of 0,000, which means less
than 0.05. This shows that lifestyle influences the
product purchase decision in the bakery. Hypothesis
3 is proven. Product packaging has a significance
value of t of 0.020, which means less than 0.05. This
shows that product packaging has an influence on
product purchasing decisions at the Bakery.
Hypothesis 4 is proven. Product innovation has a
significance value of 0,000, which means less than
0.05. This is pointing out that product innovation
influences the product purchase decision in a bakery.
Hypothesis 5 is proven
Based on the results of the research that has been
described previously, the discussion is elaborated as
1) The atmosphere of the shop created in terms of
the interior and exterior of the Bakery is made
and arranged for consumer convenience, and to
adjust the tastes of consumers, the Bakery
makes an atmosphere that looks artsy able to
spoil the eyes of consumers, so that makes
consumers feel like spending time in the
2) Lifestyle variables have a significant influence
on this study. This is because consumers think
that buying products at a bakery can improve
the prestige and a better self-image. The target
of the Bakery is people in the middle and upper
classes and people who have a healthy lifestyle,
and therefore, consumers are satisfied with the
bakery products that have organic, vegan and
vegetarian products.
3) Product packaging influences product
purchasing decisions at the Bakery. In this
study, the influence of product packaging on
consumer purchasing decisions is the least.
However, the packaging that is designed to be
environmentally friendly by the Bakery has its
appeal for consumers who support the
existence of going green activities, those who
care deeply for the environment.
4) The product innovation variable has a
significant influence in this study. Innovations
made by
5) Bakeries can satisfy consumers, can be seen in
the statement "Excellence/privileges of
products offered by Kebun Roti are not easily
forgotten by offering similar products from
other cafes" has a high response, which means
that innovations or offers made by Bakeries can
increase consumer purchasing decisions.
Based on the results of research and discussion on the
influence of store atmosphere, lifestyle, product
packaging, and product innovation on Consumer
Purchase Decisions in Bakeries in Yogyakarta and
South Sumatra, researchers can draw several
conclusions as follows:
1) Based on the results of the Multiple Regression
Test, it is known that all independent variables,
namely store atmosphere, lifestyle, product
packaging, and product innovation, have a
positive and significant effect on Consumer
Baker's Purchasing Decisions in Yogyakarta
and South Sumatra.
2) Based on the results of the Multiple Regression
Test partially, it is known that each
independent variable, namely store, lifestyle,
product packaging, and product innovation, has
a positive and significant influence on
Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Bakeries in
Yogyakarta and South Sumatra.
Bakeries should maintain and improve the
atmosphere of the shop and product packaging as well
as develop other factors so that lifestyle factors
remain good and always innovate so that visitors are
increasingly interested in buying bakery products. If
this has gone well, it is expected that consumer
purchasing decisions will increase from before, so
that the bakery will continue to survive despite much
pressure from the culinary industry in this era and the
times ahead.
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