tests are summarized as follows. The total value of the
influence of the variable information sharing on
supplier performance through supplier synergy is
0.223. Thus the t-test can be obtained as follows
t =
The T-value of 1.551181 value is smaller than
1.96, which means that the mediation parameters are
not significant. Then the model supplier synergy
mediates the effect of information sharing on supplier
performance is not accepted. The implication of this
research is for the retailers to be able to increase
information sharing through cooperation contracts so
that there is a guarantee in conducting business
relationships and creating added value for the long
Based on the results of the study as described in the
previous chapter, some conclusions can be drawn as
1. Information sharing has a positive effect on
supplier performance in retailers
2. Information sharing has a positive effect on
supplier trust in retailers
3. Information sharing has a positive effect on
synergy suppliers on retailers
4. Supplier trust has a positive effect on supplier
performance on retailers
5. Synergy suppliers have a positive effect on
performance suppliers at retailers
6. Supplier trust cannot mediate the effect of
information sharing on supplier performance in
7. Synergy suppliers cannot mediate the effect of
information sharing on supplier performance in
Suggestions from this research based on the results of
testing the research hypothesis are as follows:
1) Judging from the results of the study, it is
expected that retailers shoe can be more of the view
that the relationship between companies and suppliers
is not just buying and selling in supplying goods.
However, it is also better to build relationships
through information sharing through a contract
system to create trust and good collaboration that can
minimize waste that can be overcome and make the
company more competitive in terms of the selling
price of goods. Also, building relationships with
suppliers can create a sense of security in every
transaction with these partners so that there is no fear
that the supplier will commit fraud against the
2) The results of this study are expected to be
used as a reference for further research specifically
related to operational management and the
relationship between companies and suppliers.
Because this research is limited to the geographical
scope in the Special Region of Yogyakarta where are
retailers centered in 3 districts out of 5, namely
Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency, and Bantul
Regency, it would be better if the researcher further
expanded the geographical scope of this research
which could be a basis for comparison. Moreover, in
this study, not all hypotheses are proven so that future
research can add or replace variables or other
measurement indicators that can replace variables
that have been used in this study to obtain more
convincing study results.
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