Information Sharing, Supplier Performance, Supplier Trust, and
Supplier Sinergy on Retailer
Helisia Margahana
, Hasto Dwi Erianto
,Yuli Liestyana
, and Yekti Utami
Department o
Management, Sekolah Tin
i Ilmu Ekonomi Trisna Negara, Sumatera Selatan
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: Information Sharing, Performance Suppliers, Trust Suppliers, And Synergy Suppliers.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of Information Sharing Against supplier performance Through
Supplier Trust and Supplier Sinergy on Original Shoe Retailer in Yogyakarta and South Sumatera. The
research method used survey method used to obtain primary data through questionnaires. The sampling
technique in this study uses the census method; the object of this study is the Original Shoe Retailer in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta and South Sumatera. The results of this study indicate that information sharing
has a positive effect on supplier performance. Information sharing has a positive effect on supplier trust.
Information sharing has a positive effect on supplier synergy. Supplier trust has a positive effect on supplier
performance. Supplier synergy has a positive effect on supplier performance. Synergy suppliers are not able
to mediate the effect of information sharing on supplier performance. Supplier trust cannot mediate the effect
of information sharing on supplier performance in Original Shoe Retailer.
Russell and Taylor (2011) interpret the key to success
in carrying out supply chain management is
information, communication, coordination, and trust.
Businesses must always look for ways to develop
their operational efficiency. Therefore, it is not
surprising that business people pay more attention to
suppliers to optimize supplier performance (Pooe,
Mafini, and Loury-Okoumba, 2015). Wu et al. (2010)
in Pooe et al. (2015) define supplier performance as
the ability of suppliers to provide the needs of buyers
as reflected in operational matters such as quality of
goods, delivery, responsiveness, costs, and technical
Information is vital in terms of effectiveness in
business. Information can also be likened to the
lifeblood of an organization (Pooe, 2015).
Information sharing refers to the extent to which
companies openly communicate essential and
sensitive information to their business partners (Shout
al, 2012 in Pooe, 2015). Effective information sharing
among members of the supply chain is also stated as
a crucial aspect in overcoming the negative effects of
the bullwhip effect (Kelepouris, Miliotis&Pramatari,
2008 in Pooe, 2015). The bullwhip effect is the
variety and the number of requests that are
increasingly enlarged because the information is not
well understood by each recipient of information
causing costs (Russell & Taylor, 2011).
Supplier trust can be interpreted as the level of
confidence among transaction partners because they
have trusted the integrity and reality of each
(Cavusgil, Delignoul & Zhang, 2004 in Pooe, 2015).
Trust is defined as an important contributor and
facilitator for each transaction that requires mutually
beneficial engagement and cooperation with various
parties (Cheung et al., 2011 in Pooe, 2015).
Supplier synergy is another important factor that
requires a clear understanding of its relationship with
supplier performance (Pooe, 2015). Supplier synergy
is defined as the coordination and complementarity in
similar matters carried out by two or more companies,
groups, or individuals in creating business
relationships that can produce outcomes that have
superior quality values (Osanrenkhoe, 2010 in Pooe,
Small retailers usually have differences from large
competitors in competitive strategies, organizational
learning styles, and positions in their supply chain
structures. The problem often faced by small retailers
that they also compete with large retailers, especially
in terms of the selling price of goods because retailers
Margahana, H., Erianto, H., Liestyana, Y. and Utami, Y.
Information Sharing, Supplier Performance, Supplier Trust, and Supplier Sinergy on Retailer.
DOI: 10.5220/0009964705540559
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 554-559
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
small not have a large capital capacity to supply
goods as much as large retailers so the purchase price
of goods from their suppliers is higher which results
in the selling price of products can compete from
large retailers. Based on a brief interview conducted
by researchers of one member of the national shoe
community, the Indonesian Sneakers Team (Saudara
Tama). There are approximately 57 retailers of shoe
sneakers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta who
already have a physical store and join their
community. Tama said that one of the factors that can
make these shoe retailers survive and develop is by
building good relationships with their suppliers. From
this, retailers can gain more trust when buying goods
so that they get information about which goods have
good selling potential, and also get competitive
purchase prices with largeretailers that are usually
found in malls in Yogyakarta Special Region.
2.1 Information Sharing and
Supplier’s Performance
Information sharing enables companies to access data
in all their cross supply chains and allows companies
to collaborate in activities such as sales, production,
and logistics management. With good management of
information sharing in the supply chain is expected to
improve the company's ability to manage
relationships with partners so that it can expedite
business processes, monitor in detail all business
activities, and make business decisions with
confidence because the risks are minimized (Hsu et
al, 2008).
H1: Information sharing has an influence on
supplier performance in retailer’s original shoe-in
Yogyakarta Special Region.
2.2 Information Sharing and Supplier
According to Hsu et al. (2008), information sharing
refers to how far sensitive and important information
in a company is available and accessible to members
in the supply chain. This important information can
be in the form of process-related information
(purchasing, operational scheduling, logistics,
business issues, etc.) or strategic information (long-
term company plans, marketing, business plan
development, and customer information). In a
previous study that examined the importance of
informal and formalin information sharing between
trading partners showed that information sharing
effective increases openness and reduces the level of
uncertainty so that trust (Brennan & Turnbull, 1999;
Handfield & Bechtel, 2002, in Hsu et al, 2008). In
building relationships with suppliers, of course, trust
is one important thing. High trust can provide a more
certain guarantee for retailers in supplying goods so
that the goods received are maintained in quality and
quantity, and the accuracy of suppliers in keeping
promises in sending goods is also more secure
(Pooeet al, 2015).
H2: Information sharing has an influence on
supplier trust in retailer
2.3 Information Sharing and Supplier
Without the exchange of information, both companies
and suppliers only buy and sell without building good
relations as partners. Therefore, information sharing
can be a bridge for companies and suppliers to build
synergies between partners to create good relations to
create added value for both parties. The results of this
study are also supported by the statement of Horvarth
(2001) in Pooe at el (2015) which states that the key
to creating synergy between partners is to build a
desire to share useful information with partners in the
supply chain.
H3: Information sharing has an influence on
synergy suppliers on retailers
2.4 Supplier Trust and Supplier
According to Deutsch (1958); Gattiker, Huang, and
Schwarz (2007) in Terpendet al (2012), trust is
defined as a combination of trust in honesty between
two or more parties, and also the belief that the other
party will not betray the party related to it despite
having the opportunity to do so. In managing good
relationships with business partners, trust between
partners has the effect of mutualism to increase
confidence in the abilities and work done by each
related member (Johnston, 2004).
H4: Supplier Trust has an influence on supplier
performance in retailers
2.5 Supplier Synergy and Supplier
Supplier synergy is defined as the ability of
coordination and harmony in activities carried out by
two or more individuals or groups in carrying out
Information Sharing, Supplier Performance, Supplier Trust, and Supplier Sinergy on Retailer
partnerships to create better outputs (Pooeet al, 2015).
Output Mainwhat is expected from synergy suppliers
is the level of cost savings incurred due to the
alignment of objectives between suppliers and
buyers. Based on Hoegl and Wagner (2005) in Pooeet
al (2015), synergy suppliers have a positive impact on
the ability of organizations to provide quality
products to their consumers. These effects can be
influenced by good coordination between partners to
create a competitive advantage. Wu et al. (2010) and
Yeung et al. (2013) in Pooeet al (2015) stated that
synergy suppliers can reduce or eliminate technical
errors and increase flexibility in company operations.
H5: Supplier synergy influences supplier
performance in retailers.
2.6 The Effect of Information Sharing
on Supplier Performance through
Supplier Trusts
One purpose of conducting information sharing is to
create trust between partners. According to
Chinomona and Pooe (2015), in their research, found
that strategic information distributed in a timely and
targeted manner can reduce the level of waste in the
supply chain. Copy that, trust with suppliers that are
obtained from information sharing can form the belief
that suppliers will not cheat the company and will
instead benefit the company because the company
also has complete information from suppliers so that
it can prepare plans to create better outcomes
(Panayides and Lun, 2005).
H6: Information sharing has an influence on
supplier performance through supplier trust in the
retailer shoe original in Yogyakarta.
2.7 The Effect of Information Sharing
on Supplier Performance through
Supplier Synergy
Information sharing can also be used by companies to
create relationships with suppliers through a
collaboration contract. If the company can align its
objectives with suppliers, is expected output obtained
by the company will be more efficient in terms of
costs due to increased bargaining power
(Ranganathan, 2011). When there is a cooperation
contract, the company and the supplier are also easier
to collaborate ordination to create competitive
advantage (Hoegl and Wagner, 2005 in Pooeet al,
H7: Information sharing has an influence on
supplier performance through supplier synergy at
retailersOriginal shoe in the Special Region of
The framework of thought proposed for this study is
based on the independent and dependent variables
described. To further facilitate understanding of the
framework of this research, it can be seen as follows:
Figure 1: Model Research
This study uses quantitative research, and the data
source used in this study is the source of primary data
obtained from questionnaires. The sampling
technique used is probability sampling, namely by the
census. The sample is the same as the population in
this study, namely retailers Original shoe in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Amount of sample is
110 respondents.
3.1 Validity and Reliability Testing
To measure the correlation between variables, a
validity test using Pearson's product-moment was
conducted. Based on the significant value of each
item in the variable, it can be concluded that the items
used in this study are valid and reliable
3.2 Data Analysis Techniques
Models or analysis techniques used in this study are
simple linear regression, multiple linear regression,
and path analysis. For simple and multiple linear
regression, if the significance value < 0.05 means the
model has a significant effect. While the path
analysis, if the value is Sobel Test more than 1.96, it
means that the research model is significant.
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
5.1 Result of Hypothesis 1
The results of the first hypothesis testing show that
information sharing has a positive and significant
effect on supplier performance in retailers. Proven
with a coefficient of 0.239 (positive) with a
significance value of t of 0.005 (sig < 0, 05). The
results of this study are in line with research
conducted by Pooeet al (2015). Research by Pooeet al
(2015) shows that information sharing has a positive
effect on supplier performance.
5.2 Result of Hypothesis 2
The results of the second hypothesis test show that
information sharing has a positive and significant
effect on supplier trust in-retailer. Proven with a
coefficient of 0.212 (positive) with a significance
value of t of 0.030 (sig <0.05). The results of this
study are in line with research conducted by Pooe et
al. (2015). Research by Pooe et al., (2015) shows that
information sharing has a positive effect on supplier
5.3 Result of Hypothesis 3
The results of the third hypothesis test show that
information sharing has a positive and significant
influence on supplier synergy in retailers. Proven
with a coefficient value of 0.178 (positive) with a
significance value of t of 0.039 (sig <0.05). The
results of this study are in line with research
conducted by Pooeet al (2015). Research by Pooe et
al. (2015) shows that information sharing has a
positive influence on supplier synergy.
5.4 Result of Hypothesis 4
The results of the fourth hypothesis testing show that
supplier trust have a positive and significant effect on
supplier performance in retailers shoe original in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Proven with a
coefficient of 0.377 (positive) with a significance
value of t of 0.002 (sig <0.05). The results of this
study are not in line with research conducted by
Pooeet al (2015). Research by Pooeet al (2015) shows
that supplier trust does not influence supplier
5.5 Hypothesis Testing Results
The fourth hypothesis test results show that supplier
synergy has a positive and significant effect on
supplier performance in the retailer shoe original.
Proven with a coefficient of 0.336 (positive) with a
significance value of t of 0.013 (sig <0.05). The
results of this study are not in line with research
conducted by Pooeet al (2015). Research by Pooeet al
(2015) shows that supplier synergy does not influence
supplier performance.
Table 1. Direct Influence, Indirect Influence, and Total
Direct Influence
(P1) =
0.161 Indirect Influence
(P2 x P3) = 0.212 x 0.371 = 0.079
Total Effect
0.161 + 0.079 = 0.24
Testing on the effect of intervening/mediating
variables with the dependent variable is done by
calculating the Sobel formula, the results of the two
tests are summarized as follows. The total value of the
influence of variables information sharing on supplier
performance through supplier trust is 0.24.
Thus the t-test can be obtained as follows
t =
The t value of 1.80142585 is smaller than 1.96,
which means that the mediation parameters are not
significant. Then the model supplier trust mediates
the effect of information sharing on supplier
performance is not accepted. The implication of this
research is for the retailer's shoe original to be able to
increase information sharing to build trust between
partners, especially with suppliers, to create added
value for both parties.
Table 2. Direct Effects, Indirect Effects, and Total Effects
of Information Sharing on Supplier Performance mediated
by Supplier Sinergy
Direct Effects
(P1) = 0.161
Indirect Effects
(P2 x P3) = 0.178 x 0.347 = 0.062
Total Influence
0.161 + 0.062 = 0.223
Testing on the influence of intervening/mediating
variables with the dependent variable is done by
calculating the Sobel formula, the results of the two
Information Sharing, Supplier Performance, Supplier Trust, and Supplier Sinergy on Retailer
tests are summarized as follows. The total value of the
influence of the variable information sharing on
supplier performance through supplier synergy is
0.223. Thus the t-test can be obtained as follows
t =
The T-value of 1.551181 value is smaller than
1.96, which means that the mediation parameters are
not significant. Then the model supplier synergy
mediates the effect of information sharing on supplier
performance is not accepted. The implication of this
research is for the retailers to be able to increase
information sharing through cooperation contracts so
that there is a guarantee in conducting business
relationships and creating added value for the long
Based on the results of the study as described in the
previous chapter, some conclusions can be drawn as
1. Information sharing has a positive effect on
supplier performance in retailers
2. Information sharing has a positive effect on
supplier trust in retailers
3. Information sharing has a positive effect on
synergy suppliers on retailers
4. Supplier trust has a positive effect on supplier
performance on retailers
5. Synergy suppliers have a positive effect on
performance suppliers at retailers
6. Supplier trust cannot mediate the effect of
information sharing on supplier performance in
7. Synergy suppliers cannot mediate the effect of
information sharing on supplier performance in
Suggestions from this research based on the results of
testing the research hypothesis are as follows:
1) Judging from the results of the study, it is
expected that retailers shoe can be more of the view
that the relationship between companies and suppliers
is not just buying and selling in supplying goods.
However, it is also better to build relationships
through information sharing through a contract
system to create trust and good collaboration that can
minimize waste that can be overcome and make the
company more competitive in terms of the selling
price of goods. Also, building relationships with
suppliers can create a sense of security in every
transaction with these partners so that there is no fear
that the supplier will commit fraud against the
2) The results of this study are expected to be
used as a reference for further research specifically
related to operational management and the
relationship between companies and suppliers.
Because this research is limited to the geographical
scope in the Special Region of Yogyakarta where are
retailers centered in 3 districts out of 5, namely
Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency, and Bantul
Regency, it would be better if the researcher further
expanded the geographical scope of this research
which could be a basis for comparison. Moreover, in
this study, not all hypotheses are proven so that future
research can add or replace variables or other
measurement indicators that can replace variables
that have been used in this study to obtain more
convincing study results.
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Information Sharing, Supplier Performance, Supplier Trust, and Supplier Sinergy on Retailer