The Effect of Rewards on Yogyakarta Grab Car Partners’ Job
Satisfaction with Motivation as an Intervening Variable
Ayudia Kumala, Arief Subyantoro, and Istiana Rahatmawati
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: Rewards, motivations, and job satisfaction.
Abstract: The present study aims to determine the effect of rewards on Yogyakarta Grab Partners’ job satisfaction
with motivation as an intervening variable. It employed a quantitative method. The population consisted of
160 Partners, and, of these, 110 were included as the respondents. Sampling in this study uses a table to
determine the appropriate sample size of a certain population as developed by Isaac and Michael for the
percentage error of 1%, 5%, and 10%. Path analysis was conducted to analyze the data. The results of the
test and analysis reveal that rewards have a positive effect on Yogyakarta Grab Car Partners' job
satisfaction. On the other hand, they have an indirect effect on job satisfaction as mediated by motivation.
Companies in performing their activities need
several factors that support their efforts to improve
performance and productivity. Qualified human
resources are among important factors without
which any activity in any agency or department will
remain sub-optimally executed.
Each department must realize that the success of
tasks and functions implementation depends, for the
most part, on the quality of human resources (HR).
By human resources, we mean those who dedicated
their efforts, talent, and creativity to their company.
However sophisticated the facilities and
infrastructures of an agency, it will not be moving
forward for further development without capable
To help a company move forward and grow, it
has to develop employees' skills that, in turn, will
affect their satisfaction with their jobs. Job
satisfaction can be created through the
implementation of a reward system that complies
with employees' expectations. Reward system is
critical to employees' motivation and their
performance quality that, in the end, will
improve their job satisfaction.
The reward is defined as a thing given to
motivate employees to help improve their
productivity (Tohardi, 2002). A reward system that
conforms to employees' expectations is expected to
optimize their performance and achievement. In any
organization, employees are required to meet
predetermined targets, and it is expected that these
targets can motivate them to improve their
performance. In addition, these targets will stimulate
further their effort to produce satisfactory outputs
and improve their work.
According to McClelland, when someone
perceived an urgent need, he or she will be
motivated to strive to meet the need.
Hasibuan (2008) stated that job satisfaction is an
emotional attitude that signifies a love of the job.
Such an attitude is reflected in the employee’s
morale, discipline, and performance. Some
employees may have job satisfaction that differs
from some others, despite being in the same type of
job, and this depends on their respective needs and
the system they adopted.
In this modern era, many companies provide
online-based transportation services. One of them is
Grab. Such an increase in demand for online
transportation services is indirectly demanding all
Grab partners to optimally improve their
performance. This large company also adopts a
reward and motivation system for its partners. Their
performance is periodically monitored using an
android app—such as the quality of services they
provided to their customers. Many Grab partners,
such as Grab Taxi, who remain not satisfied with
their current job. From Grab app can see that Grab
Taxi rates remain higher than those of ordinary Grab