Based on the results of the study as described in the
previous chapter, two conclusions can be drawn;
namely, first, work motivation has a positive
influence on farmers' performance. It means that if the
work motivation is high, the farmer's performance
will also increase; on the contrary, if the work
motivation is low, the farmer's performance will also
decrease. The highest motivation indicator is to build
self-motivation through the expected appreciation
and in accordance with personal goals so that the
individual's performance will increase due to the
motivation of personal goals that you want to obtain.
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positive influence on the performance of farmers.
This means that if the use of information technology
is high, then the performance of farmers will also
increase; on the contrary, if the information
technology is low, then the performance of farmers
will also decrease. Utilization of technology increases
individual performance by looking at the more
dominant frequency of using information technology
compared to other technology utilization indicators.
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