Analysis of Business and Added Value of Cassava Agroindustry in
Harjowinangun Village Belitang Medang Raya District East Oku
Wenti Anggraini
Department of Management, STIETrisna Negara, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords: Revenue, Benefits, Value Added
Abstract: Agroindustry using material cassava main. Kelanting is widely produced by the home industry (Home
Industry). In this home industry, the use of its workforce involves workers from inside and outside the family
to carry out production activities. The author wishes to conduct a business analysis and value-added of cassava
twigs with the formulation of the problem regarding: (1) how the system of processing of cassava twigs, (2)
how much the business value (costs, acceptance, and income) on the cassava branches, (3) how much is the
value-added (costs, receipts, and income) to cassava twigs. The purpose of this study is to find answers to the
formulation of the problem. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded as follows: (1) In one
production, the total cost of cassava wandering home industry is Rp 4,715.,000, - the total home industry
revenue of cassava wandering is Rp 9,450,000, -, the total profit of home industry cassava wandering Rp.
4,735,000. (3) Cassava twisting production can provide the added value of Rp.5,500 / kg with a value-added
ratio of 0.61% of the production value.
1.1 Background
The agricultural sector, in its agribusiness
perspective, with its role in the national economy,
provides several things that show the advantages that
should be considered in national development. These
advantages include seeing the high added value of
agro-industry. With this contribution to the national
economy, the agribusiness sector is increasingly
driven by the development of existing technology.
The development of this technology is because there
is still something wrong faced by the agro-industry,
a. Provision of regular raw materials in the form of
adequate quantity and quality, as well as
competitive prices which are still a complicated
issue for agro-industry. Moreover, these raw
materials must be purchased on the free market
from small farmers whose locations are scattered.
b. Marketing because the products produced are of
poor quality, it is often very difficult to market
products with attractive packaging and labels.
c. The transportation of agro-industrial products
tends to be expensive because of the matter of
long distances. Thus the development of agro-
industry located in the production center area or
in the area of raw material production itself needs
to be a concern.
Because the development of agro-industry is
related to the objectives of rural area development
and the involvement of rural human resources so that
it can introduce additional activities or treatments to
commodities after they are harvested, which can later
obtain added value from the commodity produced.
The potential of cassava to be a commodity should
not be underestimated. The development of the
cassava cultivation business is very open because
various types of industries use cassava as raw
material. Approximately 14 types of derivatives are
made from processed products made from cassava,
both gablek, chips, pellets, and tapioca flour. The
domestic market needs, for example, in the food and
beverage industry (chips, syrup), textile industry,
building materials industry (casts, ceramics), paper
industry, and animal feed industry. Whereas export
opportunities for export destinations of the European
Economic Community, Japan, Korea, China, United
States of America, are used as pharmaceutical raw
Anggraini, W.
Analysis of Business and Added Value of Cassava Agroindustry in Harjowinangun Village Belitang Medang Raya District East Oku Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0009966300340038
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 34-38
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
materials, raw materials for the glue industry, raw
materials for the paper industry, raw materials for the
animal feed industry, or even as raw materials for fuel
alternative biofuels.
1.2 Problem Formulation
Some of the problems that want to be investigated
in this study include:
a. How is the processing of twigs from cassava?
b. 2. How big is the business value (cost,
revenue, income, and R / C ratio) on the twigs
of cassava?
c. How much is the added value to the twigs from
1.3 Research Objectives
The objectives to be carried out are as follows:
a. Knowing the processing of cassava twigs that
have been applied.
b. Know the value of the business (cost, revenue,
income, and R / C ratio) on cassava branches.
c. Knowing the added value of cassava twigs.
1.4 Usefulness of Research
The results of this study are expected to be useful:
a. The cassava twigs industry, in particular, is
expected to open up insights and provide an
overview of their business in decision making.
b. As a source of information for interested civil
and private institutions.
c. As a comparison and reference material for
future researchers or similar researchers.
2.1 Types and Data Sources
The type of data collected includes primary data and
secondary data. Primary data obtained using the
method of direct interviews with respondents with a
list of questions that have been prepared. The primary
data taken in this study are data on costs, revenues,
and processing revenue from cassava and business
profile or background.
Secondary data is data or information derived
from village documentation, libraries, relevant
literature, and agencies such as Balai or Dinas
Offices, as well as the results of previous research
relating to the topic to be examined.
2.2 The Research Methods
The Research was carried out in KarangBinangun
Village, Belitang Madang Raya District, East OKU
Regency with a quantitative method, namely
describing the results using Cost Analysis and Value
Added Analysis. With both analyzes to determine the
decision of the processing industry of cassava twigs.
2.3 Data Analysis Method
With the data that has been collected in accordance
with the formulation and objectives of the study, then
checking the nature of the data by tabulating the data.
Data obtained from the results of the research are
processed and analyzed using the following methods:
2.3.1 Cost Analysis Cost
The analysis is used to determine the number of
production costs incurred by producers of twigs from
cassava and to determine the total costs incurred.
Systematically it can be calculated using the formula:
TC = FC + VC ……………….…………………. (1)
TC = Total Cost (stated in Total Cost)
FC = Fixed Cost, e.g., Depreciation of Equipment,
Land and Building Leases, expressed in Rp.
VC = Variable Cost (Variable Costs / Non-Fixed
Costs, e.g., Raw Materials, Labor, Electricity, and
Fuel, expressed in Rp)
2.3.2 RevenueRevenue
The analysis used to determine the amount of revenue
received by cassava producers in KarangBinangun
Village. To find out the total revenue, mathematically
it can be calculated using the formula:
TR = P x Q …………………………….………... (2)
TR = Total Revenue (Total Revenue, expressed in
P = Price (stated in Rp)
Q = Quantity (Production amount)
2.3.3 RevenueRevenue
The analysis used to determine the amount of income
received by producers of cassava twigs. To find out
the total income mathematically can be calculated
using the formula:
π = TR - TC ……………………………...……… (3)
π = Profit / Revenue
TR = Total Revenue (Total Revenue, stated in Rp)
TC = Total Cost (Total Cost, expressed in Rp)
Analysis of Business and Added Value of Cassava Agroindustry in Harjowinangun Village Belitang Medang Raya District East Oku
2.3.4 Business Efficiency Analysis
To measure the level of business efficiency in the
production process of cassava, twigs used R / C ratio
analysis with the formula:
R / C ratio = TR / TC ………………………….... (4)
TR = Total Revenue
TC = Total Cost
If the analysis results:
R / C ratio> 1, then the business is efficient and
profitable to be attempted.
R / C ratio = 1, then the business has no loss and no
profit (break-even).
R / C ratio <1, then the business is inefficient or
unprofitable to be attempted.
2.3.5 Value Added
The amount of added value due to the processing
process is obtained from the reduction in the cost of
raw materials plus other inputs to the value of the
product produced. Added value is a reward for labor
and processing profits. To test the hypothesis that
processing raw materials provides added value
revealed by Hayami et al. (2007).
Table 1. Value Added Analysis Format
No Variable Notation
1. Production Results (Kg / Day) a
2. Raw Materials (Kg / Day) b
3. Labor (hours / Day) c
4. Conversion Factors (1/2) a / b = m
5. Labor Coefficient (3/2) c / b = n
Average Product Prices (Rp /
7. Average Wages (Rp / Hour) e
8. Raw Stock Prices ( Rp / hour) f
Other input contributions (Rp /
10. Production Value (4x6) (Rp / kg) mxd = k
Added value (9-8) (Rp / kg)
Value Added Ratio (11a / 10) (%)
kfg = l
l / k = h
Employee Benefits (5x7) (Rp /
Labor (12a / 11a) (%)
nxe = p
p / l = q
Gains ( 11a-12a) **
Profit Rate (13a-11a) (%)
lp = r
r / l = o
Source: Sudiyono (2001) The
The basis for calculating this value-added analysis
is per kilogram of production. The standard price of
raw materials and production results used are
standard prices at the processor (producer) level. The
amount of added value due to the processing is
obtained from the reduction of raw materials and
other inputs from the value of the product produced,
not including labor, in other words, the added value
describes the rewards for labor, capital, and
management which can be stated as follows:
Value Added = f (K, B, T, U, H, h, L)
K: Production Capacity
B: Amount of raw materials used
T: Labor involved.
U: Labor wages
H: Output Price
h: Price of Raw Materials
L: Value of other inputs (the value of all sacrifices
that occur during the treatment process to add value)
From the calculation results will be produced as
a. Estimated value added (in Rupiah)
b. The ratio of value-added to the value of the
product produced (in Percent)
c. Employee benefits (in Rupiah)
d. Benefits for capital and management (in
2.4 Scope
This research is focused on added value and business
feasibility. The object being studied is cassava
3.1 Receipts
Receipts represent the number of products produced
in the production process multiplied by the selling
price of the product. Each producer of cassava twigs
has a different reception. This difference is due to
varying production capacities. With a different selling
price of each respondent between Rp. 16,000 up to
Rp. 20,000, the average selling price obtained from
each respondent is Rp. 18,000 per kg. The acceptance
of cassava twigs is Rp 9,450,000, with a production
capacity of 525 kg in one production.
3.2 Revenue / Profit
Revenue or profit will be obtained after knowing the
cost and revenue value. All cassava twig business
owners have positive (profitable) income. The total
income of the cassava twig business is Rp 4,715,000
in one production for 5 cassava twig business owners.
The lowest to the largest income in a single
production is Kosim (Rp. 666,000) with a percentage
of 1.6%, Topic (Rp. 774,000), Slamet (Rp. 900,000),
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Kasiman (Rp. 1,150,000,), and finally Bolot (Rp.
1,225,000) with the highest percentage of 52.8%.
3.3 R / C Ratio
BC ratio analysis is used to determine the level of
efficiency in the processing of cassava twigs
financially. The efficiency of the home industry can
be determined by calculating the per cost ratio, which
is the division between the revenue of a business and
the total cost of production.
Table 1. Total Revenue and Total Cost Kelanting Once
Cassava in Process
No. Description Value (US $)
Total Revenue
Total Cost
9.45 million, -
4.735 million, -
Source: Primary Data Processed, 2019.
After learning the value of receipts and cost value,
then the R / C ratio value can be calculated.
R / C Ratio = IDR 9,450,000 / IDR 4,735,000
= 1.9957 or equivalent
= 2
R / C ratio on cassava branches at 1.9957 or 2, which
means R / C ratio> 1, the business is efficient, and this
business is profitable. An R / C ratio of 1.9957 or 2
means that spending 1 unit will generate revenue of
1.9957 or 2 units. For example, if you pay a fee of Rp
100,000, - it will generate revenue of Rp 199,570, or
Rp 200,000, -.
3.4 Value-added Analysis
In the processing industry of agricultural products can
create added value and labor benefits. The purpose of
this analysis is to measure how much-added value is
found in 1 (one) kg of cassava branches. The results
of the figure show how much of 1 (one) kg of cassava
twigs provide work benefits for workers. If the added
value is high, then agro-industry will have more role
in providing workers' income. As a basis for
calculating added value is per kilogram of raw
materials. For clarity, an analysis of the value-added
of cassava twigs can be seen in the table.
In the home industry of cassava twigs, it can be
seen that using cassava as much as 1,313 kg can
produce 625 kg of cassava twigs. Cassava twig
business uses 25 HK labor/ day. Thus, the labor
coefficient needed to process 1,313 kg of cassava is
0.01. The average product price is IDR 18,000 / kg,
with a conversion factor of 0.5. This can be
interpreted that 1 kg of cassava can produce cassava
twigs by 0.5 kg. Thus, the production value in this
cassava twig business is Rp. 9,000. This production
value can be allocated for cassava raw materials in the
amount of Rp 1,500 and other input contributions
(cassava spice material) in the amount of Rp 2,000.
The value-added from the production of cassava
twigs is Rp.5,500 / kg. This value is obtained from the
value of the product, reduced the price of raw
materials, and the contribution of other inputs. So
when making cassava twigs 100 kg of cassava raw
materials, it will get an added value of Rp 550,000, -
with a value-added ratio of 61% of the production
From the results of data processing in this study,
it was found that labor costs Rp. 715 / kg. So it means
that every use of 1 kg of cassava raw materials, the
workers get a reward of Rp. 71500 or 13% of the
added value. While the profit gained from the cassava
twisting business is Rp 4,785 / kg of raw materials
with a profit rate of 87% of the added value in the
cassava twisting business.
Based on the results of research conducted, business
analysis and value-added analysis of cassava twigs
can be concluded that:
a. The total receipts of each household
production in one production are as follows:
Kasim (Rp. 666,000, -), Topics (Rp. 774,000,
-), Slamet (Rp. 900,000), Kasiman (Rp.
1,150,000), and Bolot (Rp. 1,225,000).
b. The total profits from each household
production in one production are as follows:
Kasim (Rp. 203,500, -), Topics (Rp. 367,366,
-), Slamet (Rp. 412,150, -), Kasiman (Rp.
546,752, -), and Bolot (Rp. IDR 580,924.
c. The R/ C value of the cassava crackers ratio is
1.9967 or 2. This indicates the return on
investment is almost or close to 100%.
d. The value-added from the production of
cassava crackers is Rp5,500 / kg, with a value-
added ratio of 61% of the production value. So
when making cassava crackers 100 kg of
cassava raw materials, it will get an added
value of Rp 550,000.
e. Employee benefits for cassava crackers are
IDR 715 / kg or 13% of the added value, while
the benefit to business owners is IDR 4,785 /
kg or a percentage level of 87% of the added
value in the cassava twisting business.
Analysis of Business and Added Value of Cassava Agroindustry in Harjowinangun Village Belitang Medang Raya District East Oku
Table 2. Value Added Analysis Format
No Variable Notation
Value /
Results (Kg /
a 625
Raw Materials
(Kg / Day)
b 1,313
Labor (hours /
c 25
Factors (1/2)
a / b = m 0.5
Labor Coefficient
c / b = n 0.01
Average Product
Prices (Rp / Hour)
d 18,000
Average Wages
(Rp / Hours)
e 70,000
Price of Raw
Baha (Rp / Hour)
f 1,500
Other Input
Donations (Rp /
g 2,000
Production Value
(4x6) (Rp / Kg)
mxd = k 9,000
a. Value added
(9 -8) (Rp /
b. Value Added
Ratio (11a /
10) (%)
kfg = l
l / k = h
a. Labor Benefits
(5x7) (Rp /
b. Labor Section
(12a / 11a )
nxe = p
p / l = q
a. Profit (11a-
12a) **
b. Profit Rate
(13a-11a) (%)
lp = r
r / l = o
Source: Sudiyono( 2001)
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ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management