Cost control must primarily be aligned with the
goals to be achieved by the company, one of the goals
to be achieved by the company is to obtain maximum
profit by issuing the lowest costs, therefore by
controlling the production costs, the company hopes
to get a large profit. A company in order to compete
in a market environment, the company is also
required to be able to create a good product
innovation, and the price is lower or at least the same
as the price offered by its competitors.
4.5.2 Information Technology Capability
(ITC) Has a Significant Positive Effect
on SME’s Performance (PERF)
Hypothesis 2 of this study states that Information
Technology Capability (KTI) has a positive effect on
Business Performance (KIN). The test results using
WarpPLS 5.0 show the path coefficient of 0.750 and
p-value <0.01. Based on these figures, it is concluded
that hypothesis 3 can be accepted, meaning that
Information Technology Capability (KTI) has a
positive effect on Business Performance (KIN).
This hypothesis is supported by previous
researchers finding a significant relationship between
information technology and performance. Kelley
(1994), Siegel, and Griliches (1992) state that some
of the results of the study found a positive effect of
information technology on company performance at
the industry level. Diewert and Smith (1994), Hitt and
Brynjoltsson (1995), Board and Min (1997), Devaraj
and Kohli (2003) indicate that there is a positive
relationship between technology and company
However, this research is not supported by
Devaraj and Kohli (2003), stating that there are some
studies that do not find a significant relationship
between information technology and performance.
Baily (1986), Roach (1987), Morrison and Berndt
(1991), Devaraj and Kohli (2003) find a negative
relationship between information technology
relatedness variables that are associated with firm
performance. In addition, Berndt and Morrison
(1995) and Kohli (1999) find that there is no
significant relationship between investing in
information technology and performance.
The above findings are not consistent with
previous studies conducted by Kelley (1994), Siegel
and Griliches (1992), Diewert and Smith (1994), Hitt
and Brynjoltsson (1995), Council and Min (1997);
Devaraj and Kohli (2003). Research conducted by
Nengah (2005) also found that information
technology contributes a positive and insignificant
value to business process performance and
competitive dynamics.
With information technology, a company's activities
can be carried out effectively and efficiently in costs
because with faster operational activities, and greater
profits will be obtained by the company. Chriswan
and Mahmudin (2008) stated that information
technology offers many opportunities to reduce costs,
increase efficiency, increase effectiveness and
revenues, and can improve cost control.
This study found a relationship between
Information Technology Capability and SME's
Performance. This hypothesis was supported by
previous researchers finding a significant relationship
between information technology and performance.
Kelley (1994), Siegel, and Griliches (1992) state that
some of the results of the study found a positive effect
of information technology on company performance
at the industry level.
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