The Effect of Self-concept against Student Achievement Motivation
in the Department of Management based on KKNI
A. Y. N. Warsiki, and Tri Mardiana
Universitas Pembangunan Negeri Veteran Yogyakarta
Keyword: Self-concept, achievement motivation
Abstract: This study aims to find out how a Large self-concept can influence student achievement motivation.
Achievement motivation is a need that can encourage individuals to make efforts to achieve goals and produce
better achievements. N Ach aspects (achievement motivation) are moderate risk-taking, immediate feedback
needs, satisfied with achievement, and preoccupied with the task. The importance of achievement motivation
for students' educational success is because achievement motivation is the desire to get things done, in
achieving a standard of success, and make an effort to achieve a goal, while self-conceiving is a perception
and self-evaluation both physical, social and psychological gained through experience experienced by
individuals in relationships with others This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study
were UPN "Veteran" students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, majoring in Management based on
KKNI in 2017 with a sample of 142 determined based on Sugiyono's table (2015). The data analysis technique
used is simple regression analysis. The results showed that: Self-Concept (self-concept) significantly
influence student achievement motivation with a contribution of 50.4%.
Achievement motivation is a need that can encourage
individuals to make efforts to achieve goals and
produce better achievements. In this connection,
McClelland (in Luthans, 2006), illustrates that all
aspects of Ach (achievement motivation) are:
moderate risk-taking, immediate feedback needs,
satisfied with achievement, and engrossed in tasks.
The importance of achievement motivation for
student education success is because achievement
motivation is the desire to get things done, in
achieving a standard of success, and make an effort to
achieve a goal (Santrock, 2003).
Someone who has high achievement motivation
has several advantages compared to those who have
low achievement motivation. This was explained by
Mc Clelland (Robbins, 2006) who said that the results
obtained if a person has high achievement motivation
when faced with complex tasks tend to do better, they
seem enthusiastic to complete their tasks well, and
learn how to do the task better the next time they
continue. Also, someone who has a strong
achievement motivation will look for situations
where they can get satisfaction achievement. They
determine the norms of achievement for themselves
without having to think about rewards that are not
related to the achievement itself. They also try
desperately to achieve what they have more
determined for themselves. Several factors influence
achievement motivation, according to Fernald &
Fernald, including self-concept (Self Concept)
(Rolan, 2006 in Latifa, 2018). If someone considers
himself capable of doing something, then the
individual will try to achieve what he wants. Then
Moss & Kagen (Rola, 2006) also said that a person's
self-concept would affect his desire to excel.
The concept of self (self-concept) is a perception
and self-evaluation, whether physical, social, or
psychological, obtained through the experiences
experienced by individuals in relationships with
others (Fitts, 1991). Aspects of the self-concept
expressed by Fits (1991) include self-identity
(identity self), self-behavior (behavioral self), self-
illumination / evaluator (judging self), physical self,
ethical-moral self (moral-ethical self), personal self
(personal self), family self (family self), and social
self (social self) (Fitts, 19971). The role of self-
concept is the way a person thinks about himself.
Recognition and achievement, individuals will be
motivated to work hard if they feel cared for by
others. Likewise, when individuals have a perspective
on themselves, a concept of themselves will be
formed, the concept of self is important for the life of
Warsiki, A. and Mardiana, T.
The Effect of Self-concept against Student Achievement Motivation in the Department of Management based on KKNI.
DOI: 10.5220/0009967003670370
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 367-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the individual because the concept of self determines
how individuals act in various situations (Calhoun &
Acoccela, 1990).
The results of research conducted by Rola (2006)
showed a significant relationship between self-
concept and achievement motivation in adolescents.
The same research conducted by Gage & Barliner (in
Rola, 2006) shows that there is a positive relationship
between self-concept and the desire for achievement.
Also, Wulandari & Rola's (2004) research on the
relationship of self-concept and achievement
motivation for adolescents who live in orphanages in
Medan City, shows the role of self-concept on
achievement motivation is very large or significant.
The results of the study conducted by Latifah (2018)
also showed that self-concept significantly affected
students' achievement motivation with a contribution
of 33.26%.
2.1 Achievement Motivation
According to Mc Clelland in Djiwandono (2008),
Achievement motivation is where a person tends to
struggle to achieve success or choose an activity that
is oriented to success or failure goals. Thus the
achievement motivation comes from within the
individual and not from others so that success in
learning can be achieved. Achievement motivation is
a very important role in achieving success because a
person's success is achieved due to self-motivation, so
that good learning outcome is achieved.
According to Sri Esti (2009), Motivation has
intensity and direction. The intensity of motivation
used for an activity may depend on the magnitude of
the intensity rather than the magnitude of the
Achievement motivation that is owned by one
person with another certainly different. Several
aspects are used as a measure of high achievement
motivation. This was revealed by McClelland (Rola,
2006) that there are six characteristics of someone
who has a high achievement motivation, among
a. A strong feeling to achieve goals, namely the
desire to complete the task with the best results.
b. Responsible, which can take responsibility for
himself and determine his future, so that what is
said is successfully achieved.
c. Evaluative, which is using feedback to
determine more effective actions to achieve
achievement, the failure experienced does not
make him despair, but as a lesson to succeed.
d. Take the risk of "medium," in the sense that his
actions are in accordance with the limits of his
e. Creative and innovative, which is able to look
for opportunities and use opportunities to be
able to show their potential.
f. Like challenges, i.e., happy activities that are
competitive and competitive
2.2 Self-concept
Fitts & Warren (Rogers, 2010) states that self-concept
(self-concept) is one's feeling of self-esteem, feeling
of satisfaction as himself, and self-evaluation separate
from the body or its relationship with other things.
Self-Concept (self-concept) is defined as multi-
dimensional, arranged by a system that hierarchically
contains academic Self-Concepts (by supervising
mathematical concepts, languages, etc.) and non-
academic self-concepts which are subdivided into
self-concepts physical, social, and emotional (Byrne
& Shavelson in Muller, 2012).
Fitts (Agustiani, 2009) also suggested that a
person's self-concept is influenced by several factors
as follows.
a. Experiences, especially interpersonal
experiences, that give rise to positive feelings
and valuable feelings.
b. Competence in an area that is valued by
someone and others.
c. Self-actualization, or implementation and
realization of true personal potential.
Brooks and Philip Emmert (Rachmat, 2005)
explain the characteristics of someone who has a
positive Self-concept (self-concept) is as follows.
a. Confident in his ability to overcome problems.
b. Feeling equal to others.
c. Receive compliments without shame.
d. Recognizing that everyone has various feelings,
desires, and behaviors that are not all agreed
upon by the community.
e. Able to improve himself because he can express
aspects of his personality that he does not like
and try to change it.
2.1. Effect of Self-concept
(Self-concept) on Achievement
Self-Concept (self-concept) develops along with the
growth experienced by someone. Therefore, if the
development of a normal child, then the self-concept
owned since childhood must be replaced by a new
self-concept and in line with various kinds of
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
discoveries or experiences that have been obtained
(Gunarsa & Gunarsa in Rola, 2006).
Students who are generally in the age range of 18-
22 years are in their late teens (Santrock, 2010). It is
known that culture plays a role in shaping one's self-
Schultz (1991) says the personality of an adult
individual is a reflection of the understanding they get
about themselves, which Rogers refers to as self-
concept. Self-concept is formed from childhood until
the end of adolescence.
Alwisol (2007) and Dayakisni & Hudaniah (2009)
added that self-concept is the relationship between
attitudes and beliefs and views held by someone
about the characteristics and characteristics that they
have which include their physical dimensions,
weaknesses, intelligence, failure, motivation owned
by himself, and others that refer to his hopes. This is
in accordance with the opinion of Fernald & Fernald
(Rola, 2006: 21), which says that one of the factors
that influence a person's achievement motivation is
his self-concept. If someone considers himself
capable of doing something, then the individual will
try to achieve what he wants. Then Moss & Kagen
(Rola, 2006: 21) also said that a person's self-concept
would influence his desire for achievement.
This research is a simple quantitative regression study
with independent variables Self-Concept (X) and
achievement motivation as the dependent variable (Y
). The study population was all students in the 2017/
2018 school year with a total of 250 people, and the
number of selected research sampling was 142 people
based on Sugiyono's table (2015).
Table 1. Results of Regression analysis
Model Unstandardize
d Coefficients
t Sig.
B Std.
(Constant) 40 898 5,920 6,909 .000
8,078 .000
The research results have answered the purpose of
research that is generally concluded that no
significant effect of self-concept on achievement
motivation in students majoring FEB-based
management KKNI UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, and
specifically concluded that aspects of self-concept
have a significant and linear effect on achievement
motivation, with a regression equation with a
significance of 0,000
Ŷ = 40,898 + 0.504 X (1)
These findings are in accordance with the opinion
of Fernald & Fernald (Rola, 2006) which says that
wrong one factor that influences a person's
achievement motivation is the self-concept that is
owned by an individual, if the individual considers
himself capable of doing something then the
individual will try to achieve what he wants. That is
when someone feels himself capable of carrying out
a particular task or activity, he will try to achieve
achievement. This is reinforced by the opinion of
Moss & Kagen (Calhoun & Acocella, 1990), which
also says that one's self-concept will influence his
desire to excel.
The opinion above is also strengthened by
Pudjijogoyanti (1995), which states that self-concept
or self-evaluation will motivate achievement of an
achievement. In addition, self-concept also has a role
in directing all behavior. The role is shown by the fact
that every individual always tries to get a balance in
himself, always holding on to what is obtained in life
experiences and always fulfilled the need to achieve
In accordance with the findings of Latifah (2018)
also showed that self-concept significantly influences
student achievement motivation. This implies that in
the future, both teachers and parents can try to
encourage students/children to have positive self-
concepts so that they can encourage children to
Based on the opinions and results of the research,
theoretically, the self-concept possessed by students
will influence achievement motivation in these
students, so that the results of this study show the
truth of the theory.
Based on the conclusions of the data analysis
conducted, it can be concluded that the aspect of self-
concept as an independent variable influences
achievement motivation with a magnitude of
regression coefficient of 0.504 in the direction of
positive influence. This proves that student self-
concept has a significant and linear effect on
achievement motivation. The better and higher self-
concept in students will be followed by an increase in
student achievement motivation and vice versa.
The Effect of Self-concept against Student Achievement Motivation in the Department of Management based on KKNI
For UPNVY FEB management students in an
effort to achieve optimal and more advanced learning
achievement, it is recommended to have a positive
Self-concept, because with positive self-concept
students will be more confident in their ability to
overcome problems, feel equal to others, not ashamed
and accustomed to getting praise, aware that everyone
has a variety of feelings, desires, and behaviors that
are not all liked by the community, able to improve
themselves because he is able to express aspects of
personality that he dislikes and try to change.
For lecturers, they should be more intent on
encouraging students so that they are active in
learning if there is a need for rewarding programs for
outstanding students can certainly increase student
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ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management