Adoption of Weaving Craftsmen Innovation
Department of Management, STIE Trisna Negara
Keywords: Trialability, Compatibility, Ease of Use, Perception of Benefits, Adoption of Innovation.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of trialability, compatibility, perceived ease of use, perceived benefits
on the adoption of innovation. This research uses a quantitative approach, in which data and information are
collected using questionnaire tools. The unit of research analysis is the Weaving artisans in Lampung. This
research uses 139 respondents. The analytical method used in testing hypotheses is multiple regression. The
results of this study: there is a positive influence between experimentation, compatibility, perceived ease of
use, perceived usefulness together, or partially on the adoption of innovation.
In the era of globalization like the current
development of the business world in Indonesia,
which is dynamic and full of competition, requires
companies to change their orientation towards the
way they serve their customers, handle competitors,
and create products. In Indonesia itself, there are
many small and household industries that create
various products and continue to develop them to
meet customer desires. Without innovation, a
company's products can sink in competition with
other products that increasingly meet the market.
The innovation process occurs during the
production process, wherein the production process
there are important factors in it, including human
resources/labor, capital, material, machinery. In this
case, the role of human resources is very important.
Companies need human resources/ workers who are
capable of creativity to create new products and
improve product quality. The existence of innovation
that continues to develop can’t be separated from the
role of human resources/labor that has created new
innovations or has adopted existing innovations and
then developed so that the products produced by a
company have increased in terms of attracting
consumers increased and increased sales and are able
to compete with competitors.
Rapid environmental changes require companies
to adapt quickly, too, by making continuous
improvements through innovations. In this research
that can influence the adoption of innovation are: a)
Experimentation, namely the degree to which an
innovation can be tested before adoption. New ideas
through the trial process can be adopted more quickly
(Suarta and Suwintana, 2012). Innovation can be
tested on actual conditions; innovation, in general, is
more quickly adopted. To further accelerate the
adoption process, an innovation must be able to
demonstrate its superiority (Rogers, 2005 in Ahmad,
2016). Has the possibility to be tested first by
adopters to reduce their uncertainty about the
innovation. b) Compatibility is the level of harmony
of innovation, whether it is considered consistent or
following the values, experiences, and needs that
exist. If the innovation is contradictory or not by the
values and norms adopted by the adopter, the
innovation cannot be adopted easily by the adopter
(Rogers, 2005 in Ahmad, 2016). c) Perceived Easy of
Use is the level where someone believes that the use
of technology is easy and does not require a lot of
effort from the user (Handayani, 2007). Individuals
believe that every technology helps and does not
require a great effort and cost in its use. d) Perceived
Usefulness is a level where one believes that the use
of a particular subject will improve the work
performance of that person (Nasution, 2004). An
individual will use technology if the technology
provides benefits in carrying out their duties or work
(Sugandini et al., 2018c).
The factors that influence the speed with which an
innovation is adopted or rejected depending on the
members of a social system living up to five
characteristics of innovation which include: relative
advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability
probability, and observability (likely to be observed).
Garaika, .
Adoption of Weaving Craftsmen Innovation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009967203710380
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 371-380
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This determines the rate of adoption rather than other
factors such as the type of a decision, communication
channel, social system, and intensive business of
change agents (Sugandini et al., 2018 a; 2018c).
In the Lampung, there are various types of small
and home industries, one of which is a home industry
engaged in weaving located in Lampung. In Lampung
itself there are many home industries in the form of
weaving, this requires the weaving craftsmen in
Lampung to continue to compete, one of them is by
developing innovative products in the hope of
meeting consumers' needs and can be accepted by
consumers and can compete with weaving craftsmen
others so that the weaving business can continue to
live and develop.
In addition to loom innovations and product
coloring, artisans also innovate anti-fungal products
on weaving products. It is intended that woven
products are not easy to mold when it reaches the
hands of consumers. Because most products derived
from natural ingredients such as woven products will
be moldy in a short time, also, this aims to maintain
the quality of Lampung woven products, so that if
high-quality products are automated, consumers will
be loyal always to buy woven products in Lampung.
The products produced by weaving artisans at
Lampung have penetrated the international market.
Many foreign countries have established cooperation
with home industries weaving in Lampung, such as
France, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, the
Netherlands, America, Britain, Yemen, Norway, and
Japan. This collaboration has existed for a long time
because the products produced by Lampung
craftsmen have good quality and many pluses. In
terms of beauty, durability, affordable prices make
customers always loyal to buy woven products from
2.1 Understanding Innovation
Innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is
understood as something new by each individual or
another user unit. The innovation-decision process is,
in principle, an information search and processing
activity where individuals are motivated to reduce
uncertainty about the advantages and disadvantages
of innovation. The characteristics of innovation
consist of: relative advantages in the economic field,
(social prestige factors, comfort, and satisfaction),
resilience/strength (the degree to which innovation is
perceived as being consistent with existing values,
past experiences, and the need for users who are
potential), complexity (the level at which innovation
is perceived as difficult to understand and use),
testing power (the level at which innovation within
certain limits can be tested), observability (the level
at which the results of innovation can be seen by
others) (Sumarwan, 2010).
Innovation is a way to continue to build and
develop organizations that can be achieved through
the introduction of new technologies, new
applications in the form of products and services, the
development of new markets, and introducing new
forms of organization. Innovations can be divided
into two parts: first, process innovation involves the
development of new management and organizational
practices; secondly, product innovation involves the
application of knowledge for new product
development tangible and new services (Rochaety
and Ratih, 2005 in Suroso and Iriani, 2014)
Innovation can be concluded a process of
spreading uptake of ideas or new things in efforts to
change a society that occurs continuously from one
place to another, from one period to the next, from
one particular field to another to a group of members
of the social system (Ahmad, 2016; Sugandini et al.,
2.2 Characteristics of Innovation
The factors taken into consideration by the adopter in
making a decision to accept or reject a product if it is
associated with the thinking of Rogers (1983) in the
spread of innovation (diffusion of innovation) is
influenced by 5 (five) characteristics of innovation
namely, (1) relative superiority (Perceived
Usefulness), (2) compatibility, (3) complexity or
complexity (Perceived Ease of Use), (4) trialability,
and (5) visibility. Each aspect is used as a benchmark
in the acceptance of innovative products because they
are considered to be able to represent all aspects of
the ability of individuals to receive innovative
products. Innovation characteristics that have an
important role in the stage of persuasion, because, at
the stage of persuasion, an individual or other
decision-making unit forms an attitude of liking or
disliking an innovation and trying to reduce
dissatisfaction and risk of innovation by finding
relevant information. However, only complexity or
complexity negatively influences the adoption of
innovation because the more complex or complex an
innovation is, the less likely it is to be adopted.
According to Rogers (1983) suggests the five
characteristics of innovation include:
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
a. Relative Advantage Relative advantage is an
innovation considered more or superior than
ever before. This can be measured from several
aspects, such as economic aspects, social
prestige, comfort, satisfaction, and others. The
greater the relative superiority felt by adopters,
the faster the innovation can be adopted. The
concept of relative excellence indicates that the
rate of adoption of innovative products will be
high if individuals feel the benefits or benefits
offered by innovative products. Relative
advantage is innovation perceived better than
replaced. The relative advantage in adopting
innovation as the greater benefits available for
adopting innovation rather than maintaining the
status quo.
b. Conformance (Compatibility)
The compatibility of innovation is considered to
be consistent with prevailing values, experience,
and the needs of adopters. For example, if a
particular innovation or new idea is not
following the applicable values and norms, then
the innovation cannot be adopted easily, as is the
case with innovations compatible.
This definition implies two types of
compatibility, namely normative or cognitive
compatibility that refers to compatibility with
what is felt or thought about innovation and
practical or operational compatibility that refers
to compatibility with what is done by the user.
c. Complexity
Complexity is an innovation considered as
difficult to understand and use. Certain
innovations can be easily understood and used
by adopters, and some are the opposite. The
more easily understood and understood by
adopters, the faster an innovation can be
adopted. This concept shows the degree to
which an innovation is prepared is difficult to
understand and use. The rate of adoption of
innovative products will be high if individuals
feel the ease of use of the products offered by
innovative products. Certain innovations can be
easily understood and used by adopters, and
some are the opposite. The more easily
understood and understood by adopters, the
faster an innovation can be adopted.
d. Trialability
Trialability or ability to be tested is innovation
can be tested to a certain extent. An innovation
that can be tested in actual settings will
generally be adopted more quickly. So to be
quickly adopted, innovation should be able to
demonstrate (demonstrate) its superiority. The
ability to be tested is a degree where innovation
can be tested to a certain extent. An innovation
that can be tested in actual settings will
generally be adopted more quickly.
e. Visibility or Observability
The ability to be observed is the result of an
innovation that can be seen by others. The easier
one sees the results of an innovation, and the
more likely that person or group of people will
adopt it. Visibility is defined as the degree to
which the results of innovation can be easily
seen and communicated to other parties. This
concept shows that the rate of adoption of
innovative products will be high if individuals
find it easy to see the benefits of the innovative
product attributes offered.
2.3 The Process Decision the
The decision process is a process through which
individuals begin from first knowing that there is
innovation, then proceed with the decision to agree on
innovation, the decision to accept or reject
innovation, the implementation of innovation, and
confirmation of the innovation decisions they have
taken. The innovation-decision process is not an
activity that can take place instantaneously but is a
series of activities that take place within a certain
period so that individuals or organizations can assess
the new ideas as consideration for the next will reject
or accept innovation and implement it.
The main characteristic of an innovation-decision
and its difference with other types of decisions is that
it starts with uncertainty about something. According
to Rogers (1983), the innovation-decision process
consists of 5 stages, namely the knowledge stage, the
persuasion stage, the decision stage, the
implementation phase, and the confirmation stage.
2.4 Behavior Adoption of Innovation
Understanding consumer behavior is an action that is
directly involved in obtaining, consuming, and
consuming products and services, including
processes that precede and follow up from this action.
The main problems found in marketing and consumer
behavior, namely consumer response to new services
or products. The basis for observing consumer
responses to new products is part of a study called
innovation diffusion. Consumer researchers examine
the diffusion of innovation, which is divided into the
diffusion process and the adoption process. The
diffusion process is a macro process in which the
Adoption of Weaving Craftsmen Innovation
process focuses on the development and innovation
of new products or services carried out by a company
aimed at the market. How companies can see market
needs and then determine an innovation for these
markets (Schifman & Kanuk, 2010; Sugandini et al.,
The decision taken by marketers is the process of
how the market can accept a new product, from now
on, referred to as the adoption process. This is also a
micro process of Innovation Diffusion. In this
process, more emphasis is placed on individual
consumers in responding to a new product, whether
to accept or reject the product. The process of
diffusion is concerned with how innovation can be
accepted, how it can be integrated into the existing
market share. More precisely, diffusion is an
acceptance of innovation, can be in the form of goods
or services, which are conveyed through
communication, either through the mass media,
salespeople, daily talks, to members of the social
system, namely society in general in a certain period
(Rogers, 1995 ).
Diffusion is important because not everyone can
accept an innovation, or in the end, can accept it, but
it takes a long time. That is more because there is a
change from a product or service that was previously
commonly used, and people need time to be able to
accept new ideas of innovation from the company and
can normally use the new offer. The tendency that
occurs in society is reluctant to try something new and
get out of their habit.
2.5 Innovations in the Home Industry
Home industry or small industries generally do
processing with conventional process techniques with
limited tools and technology. The business model
built is a business activity to produce products with
low production costs and is intended for low-income
markets as well. Also, the innovations produced can
be incremental or the development of existing
products, rather than radical innovations.
Furthermore, because low-income groups have
limited access to capital to carry out technology-
based innovation activities, many of their innovations
involve less technical aspects. This is due to a lack of
skills and low education, including knowledge about
science and technology and engineering (Wang &
Ahmed, 2004).
Although the product development activities
carried out by these small industries do not involve
much research (research), it does not mean they do
not innovate at all. Instead, this innovation activity is
more often obtained from outside sources of
knowledge, especially intermediary input factors
(Wijayanti&Nadhiroh, 2012). Therefore, it is
important to know how small industries carry out
innovation activities as an effort to continue their
survival during increasingly open competition of
imported products. Also, the thing that is no less
important to identify is the ability of innovation, such
as what is needed by small industries so that they can
encourage their competitiveness against other
industries (Guan & Ma, 2003).
Much of the literature focuses on evaluating the
capabilities of innovation, which are translated as the
type of capability that compiles the overall
performance or output of innovation. For example,
(1) product innovation capabilities (2) process
innovation capabilities, (3) marketing innovation
capabilities, (4) strategic innovation abilities,
organizational capabilities, (5) production
capabilities, (6) networking capabilities,
entrepreneurial abilities, and R&D capabilities
(Christensen, 1995; Sugandini et al., 2018a).
However, there is no theoretical perspective that can
integrate this fragmented part of innovation research
(Drazin& Schoonhoven, 1996). Therefore, the ability
of innovation must be further defined through
empirical studies using existing innovation research.
Inputs owned by small industries are resources
that are used to create innovations. This input can be
"tangible," such as HR, finance, time, equipment, or
even something that is "intangible," such as
motivation, "knowledge," and corporate culture
(Davila et al., 2006). An innovative product will have
a surplus value compared to rival products or
substitute products, and the innovative product will
create its market segment and spin-off of old and
inefficient products (White Tan, 1994; Sugandini et
al., 2018b).
2.6 Technology Acceptance Model
The TAM concept was developed by Davis in 1989,
offering a theory as a basis for learning and
understanding user behavior in receiving and using
information systems (Handayani, 2007). This model
has the aim to explain the key factors of information
technology user behavior towards the adoption of
information technology adoption (Ferda, 2011 and
Seeman, 2009 in Devi and Suartana, 2014; Sugandini
et al., 2018a). Expansion of the TAM concept is
expected to help predict one's attitude and acceptance
of technology and can provide the necessary basic
information regarding the factors that drive the
individual's attitude (Rose, 2006 and Lee, 2010;
Sugandini et al., 2018a).
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
TAM theorizes that a person's intention to use a
system or technology is determined by two factors,
namely perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease
of use (PEOU).
a. Perception of Benefits
Perceived Usefulness is defined as
something level where someone believes
that the use of a particular subject will be
able to improve the work performance of the
person (Nasution, 2004; Sugandini et al.,
2018a; 2018b).
b. Perceived Ease of Use
Perception of ease of use is defined as the
degree to which a person believes that the
use of technology is easy and requires no
effort on the wearer (Rogers, 1995).
c. Attitude Toward Using
Attitude Toward Using in TAM is
conceptualized as an attitude towards the use
of a system in the form of acceptance or
rejection as an impact when someone uses
technology in their work (Davis, 1993).
d. Behavioral Intention
Behavioral intention to use is the tendency
of behavior to keep using a technology
(Davis, 1989).
e. Actual Use System Actual Use
The system is a real behavior in adopting a
system. The Actual Use system is
conceptualized in the form of measurements
of the frequency and duration of technology
use. Someone will be satisfied using the
system if they believe that the system is easy
to use and will increase productivity, which
is reflected in the real conditions of use. The
actual use system is measured based on
repeated use and more frequent use, in this
case, the use of Weaving Craftsmen,
coloring technology, and antifungal
technology in woven products (Davis,
3.1 The Experimental and Innovation
The ability to be tested is the degree to which an
innovation can be tested to a certain extent. An
innovation that can be tested in actual settings will
generally be adopted more quickly. If an individual
feels the ease of trying the innovative products
offered first, namely Non-Machine Weaving
Equipment, product coloring, and antifungal, the rate
of adoption of innovative products will be high. This
theory is supported by a previous study conducted by
Aditya (2015); Sugandini et al., (2018c) that
trialability positive effect on innovation adoption
batik dyeing using natural dyes (Sugandini et al.,
3.2 Compatibility and Adoption of
Compatibility refers to the compatibility of
innovations for existing values, experience, and
needs. The compatibility of innovation with previous
ideas will accelerate adoption, and vice versa, the bad
experience of innovation will inhibit adoption.
Compatibility describes the degree to which users use
technology consistently with their usage practices.
One is not interested in using innovation because the
person feels that the existing innovation is not by his
work. Perception of compatibility in Non-Machine
Weaving Equipment, coloring technology, and
antifungal technology have an impact when
technology is believed to be compatible with its work
practices, so people will prefer to use the technology.
Conversely, if the technology is considered
incompatible, people will need a lot of adjustments in
carrying out their work and need time to learn. This
theory is supported by previous research conducted
by Yulimar and Setiawan (2008) that compatibility
has a significant positive effect on the adoption of E-
3.3 PEOU and Innovation Adoption
Ease has meaning without difficulties or is free from
difficulties or does not need to try hard. Thus, this
perception of ease of use refers to an individual's
belief that each of these systems is helpful and does
not require a large amount of effort and cost to use.
Perception of ease of use in Non-Machine Weaving
Equipment, coloring technology, and anti-fungal
technology is intended so that artisans can use Non-
Machine Weaving Equipment, coloring technology,
and anti-fungal technology easily understood and
easy to apply without using complicated business and
requires a large time and cost. With this, so artisans
can properly and happily use Non-Machine Weaving
Equipment, coloring technology, and anti-fungal
technology, of course, with an easy way to use it. This
theory is supported by previous research conducted
Adoption of Weaving Craftsmen Innovation
by Alviyah (2015) that ease of perception has a
positive effect on internet banking adoption.
3.4 Effect of Benefit Perception on
Innovation Adoption Benefit
Perception-based on the word useful (benefits) can be
used for beneficial purposes. The perception of
benefits is a level where someone believes that the use
of a system will be able to improve performance,
increase the level of productivity and effectiveness. In
the organizational context, the perception of benefits
is associated with an increase in individual
performance that impacts on opportunities to obtain
benefits both material and non-material. In the
context of the adoption of innovations that use Non-
Machine Weaving Equipment, coloring technology,
and antifungal technology can improve performance
for artisans who use it. Someone will use Non-
Machine Weaving Equipment, coloring technology,
and anti-fungus technology if that person believes
that non-machine Weaving Tool, coloring
technology, and anti-fungal technology can provide
benefits in carrying out a task or job. Therefore, the
level of perception of the benefits of Non-Machine
Weaving Equipment, coloring technology, and
antifungal technology affect the craftsmen to use
Non-Machine Weaving Equipment, coloring
technology, and anti-fungal technology. This theory
is supported by previous research conducted by
Yulimar and Setiawan (2008) that the perception of
benefits has a significant positive effect on the
adoption of E-commerce.
4.1 Model of Research
This study examines the effect of Experiments,
Compatibility, Perceived Ease of Use, Perception of
Benefits to Adoption of Innovations in weaving
artisans in Lampung. The conceptual framework
proposed in this study is as follows:
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
Based on the picture, it can be seen that the
Trialability, Compatibility, Ease Usage, Benefit
Perception variables have an influence on the
Adoption of Innovations in weaving craftsmen,
Trialability variable has an influence on Innovation
Adoption in the weaving craftsman, Conformance
variable has an influence on Innovation Adoption on
weaving craftsmen, Ease Perception has an influence
on Adoption of Innovation in weaving craftsmen, the
variable Perception of Benefits has an influence on
Adoption of Innovation in weaving craftsmen in
4.2 Hypothesis
Based on the formulation of the existing problem, the
researcher formulates the hypothesis as follows:
H1: Trialability, Compatibility, Perceived Ease of
Use, Perception of Benefit jointly influence
the Adoption of Innovation.
H2: Experiments have a positive effect on the
adoption of innovation.
H3: Compatibility has a positive effect on the
adoption of innovation.
H4: Perceived Ease of Use has a positive effect on
Innovation Adoption.
H5: Benefit Perception has a positive effect on
Innovation Adoption.
5.1 Type the Research
The type of research used in this study is quantitative
survey research, data collection using a questionnaire
to test the hypothesis.
of Ease of
of Benefits
Adoption of
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
5.2 The Research Object
The object of this research is weaving artisans in
Lampung. The population of this study was all
weaving craftsmen in Lampung, which amounted to
115 artisans. Samples from this study are some of the
weaving craftsmen in Lampung. The technique used
in sampling is purposive sampling. Purposive
sampling is very important to be used in finding more
specific target information because every element of
the population does not have the same opportunity to
become a research sample, but only the population
element that meets certain conditions of research is
used as a sample. The criterion in this study is that
artisans who have adopted non-machine weaving
innovations, coloring, and anti-fungus. The sample
collection was carried out by visiting the home
industry weaving located in Lampung, which
consisted of 136 artisans who had adopted
innovations in Non-Machine Weaving Equipment,
coloring, and anti-fungus.
5.3 Operational Definitions of
This study explains the interrelationship of variables
in a model, the variables used in this study are:
Adoption of innovation, Experimentation,
Compatibility, Perceived Ease of Use, Perception of
5.3.1 Adoption of Innovation
Adoption of innovation is a series of stages of initial
acceptance of an object (innovation: ideas/ideas that
are considered new) until then applied and used.
Indicators of the adoption of innovations used by
weaving craftsmen in Lampung are:
1) Adoption of Non-Weaving Machine technology:
theNon-Machine Weaving Equipment
framework called comb innovates from tightly
spaced distances per bar, which functions to
form patterns to become more diverse.
2) Adoption of coloring technology: how it works
by boiling chemical dyes and natural ingredients
until the water boils after it is cold, then the
material is dipped, rinsed without being
squeezed, then dried and then processed to
become a product.
3) Adoption of antifungal technology: after the
production process is complete, it continues to
use antifungal, which is by applying antifungal
after the finished product is then dried or
5.3.2 Trialability
Trialability is defined as the degree to which an
innovation can be tested before adoption. The
trialability indicators used are Awareness, Interest,
Evaluation, Trialability, Adoption.
5.3.3 Compatibility
Compliance is the degree to which the innovation is
considered consistent with applicable values,
experience, and adopter needs. The compatibility
indicators used are: Following existing methods,
Following the experience, and Compatible with
5.3.4 Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)
Perceived ease of use is defined as the degree to
which a person believes that technology can be easily
understood. Indicator of perceived ease of use used
are: Easy to learn, Can be controlled, Easy to
understand, Skilful, and Easy to use.
5.3.5 Perceived Usefulness
Perceived Usefulness is a level where someone
believes that the use of a particular subject will be
able to improve the work performance of the person.
Indicators of perceived benefits are: making work
easier, useful, increasing productivity, Increasing
effectiveness, and developing job performance.
5.4 Data Analysis Techniques
Quantitative analysis in this study was used to test the
effect of Trialability, Compatibility, PEOU, PU to
Adoption of Innovation in weaving artisans in
Lampung. Quantitative data analysis techniques in
this study used multiple regression analysis.
5.5 Hypothesis Testing
5.5.1 F-Test
F-test will be carried out to show whether all
independent or independent variables entered in the
model have a joint influence on the dependent
variable. The hypothesis is accepted if the significant
level is 5% and rejected if the significant level is >
5%. Through the model can be seen the magnitude of
the coefficient of determination (R
). From the
determinant coefficient (R
) can be known the degree
of accuracy of the Multiple Regression analysis.
Shows the magnitude of the variation of the
Adoption of Weaving Craftsmen Innovation
contribution of all independent variables and the
dependent variable. If the obtained from the
calculation results is greater (close to one), then it can
be said that the contribution of the independent
variable to the dependent variable is getting greater.
Conversely, if it gets smaller (near zero), then it can
be said that the contribution of the dependent variable
gets smaller. The magnitude of the coefficient of
double determination is between 0 and 1 or 0 1.
5.5.2 t-Test
T-test was carried out to show how far the effect of
an individual explanatory/independent variable in
explaining the variation of the dependent variable.
The influence of variables including experimentation,
compatibility, perceived ease of use, perceived partial
benefits of innovation adoption in Weaving
Craftsmen in Lampung. Based on the results of
multiple regression analyses testing the hypothesis as
follows: If the significance level 0.05, then there is
a positive influence on the variables of
experimentation, compatibility, perceived ease of
use, perceived usefulness to the adoption of
innovation. Results
6.1 Characteristics of Respondents
This study was conducted by distributing
questionnaires 2 times, the first by distributing 150
questionnaires to find out craftsmen who are able to
adopt Non-Machine Weaving Tools, coloring,
antifungal then the second questionnaire contains
questions that distributed to 139 craftsmen after the
number of craftsmen who were able to adopt Non-
Machine Weaving, coloring, and anti-fungal
properties was known. The characteristics of
respondents in this study are as follows.
Table 1. The characteristic of the respondent
Women 92.3
Men 7.7
Junior high school 28.2
Senior high school 64.1
Diploma 7.7
Long Time of Work
20-30 years 23.1
31-40 years 43.6
41-50 years 33.3
6.2 Results of Multiple Regression
Analysis and Hypothesis Testing
Quantitative analysis in research uses multiple
regression analysis. Multiple linear regression
analysis was used to determine the effect of
experimentation, compatibility, ease of use, and
perceived benefits on the adoption of innovations.
The results of the multiple regression analysis
regarding the effect of Trialability, Compatibility,
Perceived Ease of Use, Perception of Benefits to
Innovation Adoption as follows:
Table 2. Regression analysis
Variable Regressio
(Constant) 1,034
y (X1)
0.229 3,419 0.002 Significant
lity (X2)
0.122 2,427 0.021 Significant
Ease of
use (X3)
0.356 4,936 0,000 Significant
of benefits
0.146 3.680 0.001 Significant
Adj R Square = 0.715
F count = 24.859
Sig F = 0.000
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion,
the following conclusions are obtained:
a. The results showed that trialability,
compatibility, perceived ease of use, and
perceived benefits had a positive effect on the
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
adoption of innovations in weaving artisans in
b. The results showed that the experiment had a
positive effect on the adoption of innovations in
weaving artisans in Lampung.
c. The results showed that compatibility had a
positive effect on the adoption of innovations in
weaving artisans in Lampung.
d. The results showed that perceived ease of use
had a positive effect on the adoption of
innovations in weaving artisans in Lampung.
e. The results showed that the perception of
benefits had a positive effect on the adoption of
innovations in weaving artisans in Lampung.
f. The results showed that perceived ease of use
was the variable that most influenced the
adoption of innovations in weaving artisans in
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ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management