The Effects of Colchicine Concentration and Length of Immersion on
Cutting Growth of Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth)
, Andre
and Siti Hafsah
Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Jl.T.H.Krueng Kalee, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Pidie Regency Agriculture and Food Service, Sigli, Indonesia
Keywords: mutation, diversity, colchicine, immersion, patchouli
Abstract: The aims of the study were to determine the concentration of colchicine and the best immersion length for the
growth of patchouli cuttings. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) 4 x 4 factorial pattern with
5 replications, the factors tested were: Colchicine concentration consisted of 4 levels (C0: Without Colchicine,
C1: 0.25% Colchicine, C2: 0.50% Colchicine and C3: 0.75% Colchicine) and immersion length consists of 4
levels (R1: 2 hours, R2: 4 hours, R3: 6 hours, and R4: 8 hours). This research conducted in Sigli - Pidie
Regency, Aceh-Indonesia from May to July 2016. The colchicine concentration affected the height, leaf area,
and number of patchouli branches. Length of immersion give a different response. There was an interaction
between the concentrations of colchicine and length of immersion in plant height, but there was no interaction
on leaf area and number of patchouli branches.
Pogostemon cablin Benth is plant that produce the
essential oil and has high economic value in the
world. This plant is an important crop in Indonesia
because it can contribute a high foreign exchange to
the country (Hariyani et al., 2015). This essential oil
is one of the most important naturally occurring
perfumery raw materials because of its characteristic
woody fragrance and xative properties by which the
scent is xed and make it last longer on the skin.
Patchouli essential oil produced from the distillation
process of the patchouli leaves. Pogostemon cablin
(P.cablin; common known as Patchouli) originated
from southeast Asia is cultivated extensively in
Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, China, and Brazil
(Miyazawa et al., 2000; Singh et al., 2002; Wu et al.,
2008). The aerial part of P.cablin has been used for
the treatment of the common cold, headache, fever,
vomiting, indigestion and diarrhea as well as an
antifungal agent in the medicinal materials of China
and its surrounding regions (
Board of Pharmacopoeia of
P. R. China). It is an herbaceous perennial plant with
oil glands producing an essential oil (patchouli oil),
which is commonly used to give a base and lasting
character to a fragrance in the perfume industry.
Due to its uses in perfumery, the demand of
patchouli oil is increasing dramatically in the world.
Therefore, available preparations of the patchouli oil
products may differ significantly in quality depending
on a number of factors such as the plant varieties,
tissues or organs used, harvesting time (different
developmental stages of the plant) and the different
and poorly controlled analysis conditions (Bergonzi
et al., 2001). In addition, the geographic location was
an important factor affecting the chemical
composition and developmental process of the
medicinal plant. The plant growth progress and
chemical characterization varied under different
environmental conditions and cultivation locations.
Indonesia has three types of patchouli namely
Pogostemon cablin Benth, Pogostemon heyneatus
Benth, and Pogostemon hortensis. Patchouli plants
are vegetative propagated by cuttings, because
propagation through seeds is not possible, this is
because patchouli plants do not have flowers even
under the photoperiodical control (Hefendehl and
Murray, 1979), so it does not allow pollination and
fertilization. Therefore, the diversity of patchouli
plants is very narrow and undeveloped, so it needs
efforts in increasing plant diversity by mutation
approach. A possible alternative is to produce a
mutant trait in order to have a new clone.
Zuyasna, ., Andre, . and Hafsah, S.
The Effects of Colchicine Concentration and Length of Immersion on Cutting Growth of Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth).
DOI: 10.5220/0009973001590164
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Essential Oils (ICEO 2019), pages 159-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-456-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Mutation induction is one of the non-
conventional plant breeding methods that aims to
increase the genetic diversity of a plant. Mutations are
changes in genetic material in living things that occur
suddenly and randomly inherited. Mutations that
occur inherited and can return to normal (epigenetic).
Mutations can occur naturally or intentionally
induced for certain purposes for genetic improvement
of plants. Natural mutations can occur due to the
presence of sunlight, as well as electrical energy such
as lightning. Artificial mutations for plant breeding is
by giving mutagens. There are two groups of
mutagens that used to get mutants, physical mutagens
and chemical mutagens. Physical mutagens are x-
rays, gamma rays and ultra violet rays. While
Chemical mutagens are Ethyl Methane Sulfonate,
Diethyl sulphate, Ethyl Amin and colchicine.
Colchicine is a toxic and carcinogenic alkaloid
obtained from the extract of the Colchium autumnale
plant and various other members of the Colchicaceae
tribe (Eka et al., 2014). Colchicine is applied to the
part of the plant that is actively dividing at a
vegetative growth point so that it can inhibit the
metaphase stage. Giving colchicine known to affect
plant growth, such as producing changes in plant
morphology, decreasing plant height, stem
circumference diameter, leaf area, number of crop
flowers and number of plant capsules and increasing
the flowering age of a plant. The addition of
colchicine by dropping at the growing point affected
the plant height and diameter of the lower stem
circumference, then the leaf area became narrower,
the flowering period was longer, but the percentage
of plants that produced higher seeds than using the
immersion technique at the tip of the sprouts (Sri et
al., 1999).
In this study, we conducted the use of colchicine
with several concentrations and length of immersion
to the patchouli of Lhokseumawe var. in an effort to
increase the genetic diversity and productivity of
patchouli plants.
This research conducted in Sigli, Pidie Regency,
Aceh-Indonesia. This research took place from May
to July 2016. This study used 4 x 4 factorial
randomized block design (RBD). The factors that
were tried were: The concentration of colchicine
consisted of 4 levels (C0: No Colchicine; C1: 0.25%
Colchicine; C2: 0.50% Colchicine, and C3: 0.75%
Colchicine). The immersion length consists of 4
levels (R1: 2 hours; R2: 4 hours; R3: 6 hours, and R4:
8 hours). Thus, there were 16 treatment combinations
with 5 replications, so this study consisted of 80
experimental units. The planting media used in this
study was top soil mixed with husk and compost with
ratio of 1: 1:1, which then filled in a 17 × 23 cm
2.1 Preparation of Colchicine Solution
Colchicine solution made as much as 1 L for each
concentration. Colchicine with a level of 0.25%
obtained by weighing 2.5 mg of colchicine and then
put into a measuring cup and dissolved with distilled
water up to 1 L. For 0.50 and 0.75% colchicine
solution, 5.0 and 7.5 mg of colchicine weighed and
dissolved with distilled water up to 1 L.
2.2 Preparation for Planting Material
(Patchouli Cuttings)
The planting material cleaned with distil water. Then
immersed in a colchicine solution according to the
treatment level of concentration and soaking time.
Then rinse with distilled water.
2.3 Planting
The planting material that has been prepared directly
planted on the media according to the treatment.
2.4 Maintenance
Plant watered every day and when needed the areal
plant cleaned from weeds.
2.5 Observation
The factors observed in this study were: a) Plant
Height (cm), plant height measured at 30, 60 and 90
DAP (day after planting). b) Leaf area (cm
), leaf area
was observed at 30, 60, and 90 DAP, using millimetre
paper. c) Number of branches, the number of
branches calculated from the base of the stem to the
growing point at 30, 60, and 90 DAP.
3.1 Plant Height
Results on the analysis of variance showed that the
concentration of colchicine and length of immersion
did not significantly affect the average height of
ICEO 2019 - 2nd International Conference of Essential Oil Indonesia
patchouli seedlings at the age of 30 days after planting
(DAP), but had a very significant effect at age 60, and
90 DAP.
Plant height is an indicator of growth that is
easiest to observe and used to observe the effects of
environmental influences and the treatments applied
(Sitompul and Guritno, 1995). Table 1 shows that in
the plant height on 30 DAP, the highest value was
found in the control treatment with a value of 2.41 cm
but not significantly different from other treatments.
At the age of plants 60 and 90 DAP, the highest value
was found also in the control treatment with a value
of 4.70 cm at 60 DAP and 10.56 cm at 90 DAP, which
was very significantly different from the treatment of
Table 1: Average patchouli plant height on 30, 60 and 90 DAP due to immersion with colchicine
Average Plant Height (cm)
30 DAP 60 DAP 90 DAP
Colchicine Concentration
C0 (control) 2,41 4,70d 10,56d
C1 (0,25%) 2,33 4,29c 8,89c
C2 (0,50%) 2,23 3,51b 7,15b
C3 (0,75%) 2,11 2,91a 6,55a
- 0,33 0,33
Immersion Length
R1 (2 hour) 2,33 3,96 8,59b
R2 (4 hour) 2,35 3,94 8,22a
R3 (6 hour) 2,23 3,87 8,21a
R4 (8 hour) 2,17 3,64 8,11a
- - 0,33
Note: numbers followed by different letters on the same line are significantly different at 0.05 LSD
This is can be assumed that colchicine
succeeded in causing the plant cell size become larger
but plant height becomes lower, so that high
concentrations of colchicine can inhibit the growth of
patchouli. Permadi et al. (1991) mention that the
greater chance of inhibition of plant height followed
by the higher concentration of colchicine, and
Honkanen et al., (1992) in his research also found that
colchicine affects the growth of gerbera plants at a
high level of concentration. Mihu et al. (1989) stated
that 0.2% colchicine concentration showed a decrease
in shoot height in cabbage (Brassica oleraceae)
Inhibition of plant height is not only influenced
by the concentration of colchicine, but based on the
results of the F test on the analysis of variance shows
that length of immersion also has a very significant
effect on the average height of patchouli at the age of
90 DAP. The effect of length of immersion of
colchicine causes stunted plant height growth when
compared to non-treatment with colchicine. This can
occur due to colchicine dissolved in stem cells
affecting cell division, so the process becomes slower
when compared to cells in normal shoots. This also in
accordance with Permatasari (2007) research that the
treatment with the longest immersion showed the
lowest average height of Hibiscus rebaudiana plant.
Sri et al., (1999) reported that the technique and
immersion with colchicine at the level of 0.05% at the
point of growth of Hibiscus sp resulted in a decrease
in plant height.
3.2 Leaf Area (cm
The analysis of variance showed that the
concentration of colchicine and length of immersion
did not significantly affect the average leaf area at 30
DAP, but had a very significant effect at age 60 and
90 DAP Table 2 showed that the highest leaf area
obtained in the control compared to the leaf area in
the treatment immerse with colchicine. Leaf area is a
growth parameter that can determine the rate of
photosynthesis per plant unit (Sitompul and Guritno,
1995). Leaf growth is very important because it will
affect the fresh weight and dry weight produced;
especially the leaves are an important yield
component for patchouli plants. The results of this
study indicate that the treatment of colchicine causes
the leaf area sizes reduced compared to control plants
with have larger of area leaf sizes.
Table 2 also shows that in the plant height at 30
DAP there were no significant differences with other
treatments. However, there were very significant
differences in the observations of 60 and 90 DAP
from the concentration of colchicine and immersion
length, the interaction between the two factors had no
significant effect on leaf area. The results of this study
indicate that the colchicine has an effect on
The Effects of Colchicine Concentration and Length of Immersion on Cutting Growth of Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth)
decreasing leaf area, where the higher the
concentration of colchicine given the narrower the
leaf area size. This maybe accordance with the
process of mitosis that occurs in disturbed cells due
to colchicine, which has toxic properties. Herman et
al., (2013) stated that phenotype changes due to
colchicine treatment not only had an impact on
changes in the number and size that were greater due
to colchicine treatment than its control, but also had
an impact on the narrowing of leaf area size.
Table 2: Rata-rata luas daun pada umur 30, 60 dan 90 DAP
akibat pemberian colchisine dan immersion length.
Average leaf area (cm
30 DAP 60 DAP 90 DAP
Colchicine Concentration
C0 (Control) 9.47 19.41c 5.68c
C1 (0,25%) 9.43 18.96c 24.95c
C2 (0,50%) 8.99 16.51a 20.81b
C3 (0,75%) 8.55 13.68a 17.08a
- 1.06 0.97
Immersion length
R1 (2 Jam) 9.52 18.63b 23.98c
R2 (4 Jam) 9.13 16.86a 21.88b
R3 (6 Jam) 8.88 16.95a 21.91b
R4 (8 Jam) 8.91 16.11a 20.75a
- 1.06 0.97
Note: numbers followed by different letters on the same line
are significantly different at 0.05 LSD
The small size of plant leaves due to the
treatment of colchicine is caused by stress due to the
concentration and duration of immerse on colchicine,
so that the process of cell division is hampered due to
the colchicine which causes the primordial stage of
leaf formation to slow development (Haryanti et al.,
2009). In accordance with the results of Ajijah and
Bermawie's research on onion (2003), reported that
plants treated with colchicine can show the effect of
physiological damage, so that it can inhibit plant
growth, the effect of physiological damage seen in
leaf circumference size. The higher the concentration
of colchicine, the greater the effect of depression
(Permadi et al., 1991). The results of this study are
consistent with the results of the study of Ramesh et
al., (2011) who reported that mulberry plants soaked
in colchicine with concentrations of 0.1 to 0.3% had
smaller leaf area than controls.
In addition to the concentration of colchicine,
the immersion length factor also has a significant
effect on leaf area size. Two-hour immersion has the
largest leaf size, with a value of 18.63 at 30 DAP and
23.98 at 90 DAP. While the treatment with an eight-
hour immersion has the smallest leaf size, with a
value of 16.11 at 30 DAP and 20.75 at 90 DAP. It can
be said that the length of immersion length will result
in negative effects such as many damaged cells, thus
affecting the formation of a perfect leaf area.
According to Roberts, and Watson (2004) in
Anggraito Y. U (2004) states that the treatment time
is too long, then colchicine will show a negative
effect because cell degradation has occurred. The
results of this study are also consistent with the results
of the study of Yudia (2012), who reported that the
longest immersion treatment showed a trend that was
different from other immersion treatments. The
longest soaking with 0.02% colchicine solution
causes a decrease in leaf area size, but the number of
leaves is increasing.
3.3 Number of Branches
The analysis of variance showed that the
concentration of colchicine and immersion length did
not significantly affect the average number of
patchouli at the age of 30 DAP. Nevertheless, had a
very significant effect on the age of 60, and 90 DAP
(Table 3). At the age of 30 DAP the number of
branches did not have a significant difference due to
the treatment of colchicine and the immersion length.
However, at the age of 60 and 90 DAP there were
significant differences in the number of branches due
to the treatment of colchicine. The highest number of
branches was in the treatment of 75% colchicine
concentration with a value of 17.20 at the age of 60
DAP and 23.35 at the age of 90 DAP, compared to
the lowest in the control treatment with values 12.95
and 18 at the age of 60 and 90 DAP. It seems that
colchicine has an active role in increasing the number
of branches stimulate vegetative growth of plants.
The growth of branches for patchouli plants has a
positive effect on the yield produced by plants; it that
the better the growth of branches, the more likely the
growth of leaves will grow. The leaves are the main
target organ in patchouli as a producer of essential
The influence of colchicine on increasing the
number of branches shows that the concentration of
colchicine at the level of 75% is able to encourage
plants to induce number of branches / buds to grow
more. The results of this study are consistent with the
research of Haryanti et al., (2009) which states that
the dose of colchicine 0.20% affects the growth of
green bean plant cells. Plants experience an increase
in metabolic activity that stimulates branch growth
more than lower doses.
An increase in the number of branches indicates
that the application of colchicine may affect the
activity of genes that stimulate the activity of
ICEO 2019 - 2nd International Conference of Essential Oil Indonesia
hormones such as gibberellins, cytokinins, or inhibit
the production of auxins. Other research results state
that the application of colchicine can stimulate bud
induction and growth of buds of the Colophospermum
mopane plant, as well as stimulate growth in the
number of branches of tomato plants (Adelanwa et
al., 2011 in Sutrisno and Heru, 2014).
The immersion length factor also significantly
affected the number of branches at the age of 90 DAP,
where two-hour immersion had the fewest number of
branches, with a value of 19.50 and the highest was
found in the treatment with an eight-hour immersion
having a number of branches, with a value of 20, 90
at the age of 90 DAP. It is said that the length of
soaking time also has a certain optimal range to
produce the number of branches. Where the results of
Lina's research in 2010 showed that there was a very
significant effect on the number of new shoots due to
the duration of immersion, where the duration of
soaking with colchicine for 48 and 72 hours
decreased the number of new shoots, while the 24-
hour immersion treatment showed an increase in the
number of shoots. Lina (2010) states that the growth
of new shoots is inhibited because it is influenced by
the length of soaking time with colchicine, while the
results show that the 24, 48 and 72-hour immersion
treatment shows more shoot growth compared to
other immersion lengths.
Table 3: Average number of branches at 30, 60 and DAP
due to treatment with colchisine dan immersion length.
Average number of branches
30 DAP 60 DAP 90 DAP
Colchicine Concentration
C0 (Control) 6.40 12.95a 18.00a
C1 (0,25%) 6.50 10.05a 18.75b
C2 (0,50%) 6.75 14.90b 21.00c
C3 (0,75%) 6.90 17.20c 23.35d
- 1.05 0.73
Immersion length
R1 (2 Jam) 6.50 14.15 19.50a
R2 (4 Jam) 6.50 14.30 20.15ab
R3 (6 Jam) 6.60 14.45 20.55b
R4 (8 Jam) 6.95 15.20 20.90b
- - 0.73
Note: numbers followed by different letters on the same line
are significantly different at 0.05 LSD
3.4 Interaction
The analysis of variance also showed that there was
an interaction between the concentration of
colchicine and immersion length on plant height at
the age of 90 DAP, but there were no interactions on
the measurement of leaf area and number of branches.
The average value of plant height on patchouli
seedlings aged 90 DAP between colchicine
concentration and immersion length on the growth of
patchouli as shows in Table 4.
There are interactions that cause a decrease in
the height of patchouli plants that given colchicine
and immersion length, so that the tendency in
treatment with colchicine has the lowest average
height of plants. This is probably due to by too high
concentrations of colchicine or immerse for too long.
According to Suryo (1995), plants will show negative
effects such as the number of damaged cells, stunted
growth, even causing the death of plants due to the
concentration of colchicine that is too high, or too
long immerse.
Research on patchouli plants by Mariska and
Lestari (2003) shows that immerse colchicine for too
long will reduce the mass of cells that can regenerate.
The highest percentage of regeneration is by soaking
colchicine for 1 day and the lowest by soaking for 7
days. Based on the results of Permatasari's research
(2007), it was reported that there was a decrease in
the average height of the Stevia rebaudiana bud in the
longest soaking colchicine treatment with a
concentration of 0.02% colchicine. This ensures that
the effect of giving colchicine treatment with the
length of soaking time provides greater opportunities
for colchicine dissolved into plant tissue. Lina (2010)
used of colchicine, it was able to suppress the average
height of shoots.
Table 4: Average patchouli plant height on 90 DAP
Immersion length
C0 (Control)
C1 (0.25%)
C2 (0.50%)
C3 (0.75%)
The concentration of colchicine has no effect on plant
height, leaf area and the number of patchouli
seedlings at the age of 30 DAP, but there are
significant differences at age 60, and 90 DAP.
Immersion length does not affect plant height and
number of branches at 30 and 60 DAP, however there
is a significant difference at 90 DAP. Immersion
length has no effect on leaf area at 30 DAP, but there
The Effects of Colchicine Concentration and Length of Immersion on Cutting Growth of Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth)
are significant differences at 60 and 90 DAP. There is
an interaction between the concentration of
colchicine and immersion length on plant height at
the age of 90 DAP.
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ICEO 2019 - 2nd International Conference of Essential Oil Indonesia