to comprehend and understand the text. So, they
could not comprehend the containing texts and they
got trouble in answering the test based on the text.
But they had to answer although they still confused
about their answer.
From the TOEFL for reading comprehension
test, the students studied how to find; heading,
definition, and synonym or antonym vocabulary and
inference. The students also got some problems to
prescribe them. Because of lack of vocabulary was
a big obstacle in analyzing some texts in various
texts. In comprehending and answering the TOEFL
test needs focus and serious in learning, if the
students want to get a good result. However, many
students still thought TOEFL is not essential for
them to, because it is only for someone who wants
to go aboard. In learning reading comprehension-IV,
the lecturer gave to the students hand out about
TOEFL in reading comprehension skill. She asked
students to answer the question based on the texts.
After they finished to answer the test, the lecturer
discussed questions one by one with the students.
They have to answer based on their choice. After that,
the lecturer discussed with her students, which one is
the best answer for each question.
In the teaching-learning process reading
comprehension-IV, at first meeting, the lecturer did
not use media. She only used a hand out in
transferring the material. For the next meeting, she
used the laptop to explain the reading comprehension
material. She said that a laptop or computer one of
the information communication and technology to
improve someone's knowledge like; reading
comprehension TOEFL test, listening, structure, and
writing test. In this case, the students can search the
TOEFL test from the internet through information
communication and technology to learn by
themselves. Learning a TOEFL test have three skills;
listening, structure, reading comprehension. So,
reading comprehension one of the skills in the
TOEFL test that can be learned by students through
ICT. It can increase their ability exactly in learning
reading comprehension. From this application, the
students can answer the question, and they get the
score directly. It is one of the techniques on how to
practice their knowledge in English subject.
3.3 Discussion
In learning Reading Comprehension IV, many
theories become like the way in the process of
learning and some difficulties faced by students. The
researcher thought there are several ways in the
teaching-learning process. In learning reading
comprehension IV, many factors affect the ability to
read (reading comprehension). Farida Rahim said
several factors affect the ability of reading
comprehension that are physiological factors,
intellectual, psychological environment.
Physiological factors consist of physical health,
neurological, gender, and fatigue. Irritation speech,
hearing aids, and visual tools also can slow a
learning process. Then, intelligence is the ability of
individuals that can give rational thinking, and it can
say a child has an excellent intelligence or not. At
last, environmental factors are the background and
socioeconomic factors. The background meant the
children could do anything based on what they get
from their parents, family, and the place in their
life. This condition can influence of their learning
and attitude. Economic status is one of the enormous
impacts on
attitude in the learning process.
The psychological Factors have two factors;
external factor and internal factor. Internal factors,
the students’ background of knowledge, can
influence their ability to comprehend English text. It
related to their intelligence in studying the course.
Then, students’ talented is one of the factors that can
motivate them to increase their knowledge. Last,
enthusiasm is a significant effort to find something in
reaching the aim of our life. It can be proven by study
hard, work hard to get success.
The second external factors, the students’ parents
always give them advice and facilities to support
them in studying; for example, they asked their
children to take the course to increase their children's
knowledge. Then, the school and teacher can
influence the students’ motivation in the learning
From the explanation above, the factors have a
relationship with the other factor. When the teaching-
learning process can run well, it needs one technique
or method in teaching reading comprehension, one
of them used of ICT. Darnton supports that
Information technology is a systemic study of
artifacts that can be used to give form to facts in order
to provide meaning for decision making and artifacts
that can be used for organization, processing,
communication, and application of information.
D.N. Sansanwal said that the method of learning
is a plan that contains the set of activities designed to
achieve learning objectives. This means that every
learning method should definitely have a goal to be
achieved by learners in the learning process in
schools. The objective which can be obtained from
ICT method are:
a. To develop an understanding and application of
the concepts.