Figure 5. Healed of multiple ulcer after anti fungal
A multiple genital ulcer usually caused by sexual
transmitted infection (STI), such as HSV, syphilis
and chancroid. Risk factors for genital ulcers are
lack of male circumcision, multiple sex partners (life
time or current), nonrecognition of ulcers in
prodormal stage, serodiscordant sex partners,
unprotected sexual contact and uprotected skin to
skin contact with ulcers. In genital ulcer case, we
should ask for more complaints in addition to the
symptoms of STI. Moreover, the past medical and
sexual history is important to assess the risk
behavior of the patient with STI. .(Roet MA et al.,
2013; Ballard,2008)
Balanoposthitis is defined as inflamation of the
glans or the prepuce.(Edwards EK et al., 2013;
Griffiths et al., 2016). A lot of condition can affect
the glans condition, from infectious to non-
infectious. Infectious etiologies such as Candida
species, Streptococci, anaerobes, Staphylococci,
Trichomonasvaginalis, herpes simplex virus etc. For
non-infectious such as, lichen sclerosus, lichen
planus, psoriasis, zoon balanitis, eczema to
premalignant condition, such as bowen’s disease,
bowenoid papulosis. (Ballard RC, 2008) But, all
cases of balanoposthitis was associated with poor
hygine and uncircumcised.(Edwards EK et al., 2013;
Habif TP, 2016; Griffiths et al., 2016). In this case,
the patient had a history of unprotected sex, he
confessed he only have sexual intercourse with his
wife. Patient’s history matches the risk factors for a
genital ulcer and also balanoposthitis.
Genital ulcer has several characteritics according
to the causative agent.(Roet MA et al., 2013; Ballard
RC,2008; Kundu RV, 2012; Habif TP, 2016; Farida
Z 2015). Genital HSV infection usually begins as
multiple vesicular lesions, located inside the foreskin,
labia, vagina, or rectum. Vesicles may rupture
spontaneously, becoming painful, shallow ulcers.
Sometimes there’s a prodormal symptoms, around
20% of the case. Primary syphilis usually begins
with a single, painless, well-demarcated ulcer
(chancre) with a clean base and indurated border.
Chancroid ulcers are usually deep, nonindurated,
bleeds easily, painful and usually cover with
yellowish grey exudate. The ulcers occur on the
prepuce and frenulum of the penis in men or on the
vulva or cervix in women.(Kundu RV et al., 2013;
Habif TP, 2016; Griffiths et al., 2016)
Candida balanoposthitis less than 20% of cases
of balanoposthitis3, and the most common pathogen
is Candida albicans.
It can give a manifestation as
maculopapular lesions with diffuse erythema, edema,
ulcerations, and fissuring of prepuce, also itchy
sensation.(Edwards EK et al.,2013; Habif TP, 2016
In our patient, with a multiple shallow genital ulcer,
painful in the beginning, it’s really similar with the
herpes simplex ulcer. That’s why we diagnosed this
patient as genital HSV infection, at first. But later,
when the symptoms become itchy and especially the
culture showed a fungal growth, it become more
convincing to suspect of Candida albicansinfection.
It’s important to determine a causative etiology
for genital ulcer. Laboratory evaluation of an initial
genital ulcer should include culture or polymerase
chain reaction, testing for HSV infection, HSV type-
specific serology, serologic testing for syphilis, and
culture for H. Ducreyiin settings with a high
prevalence of chancroid. For candidalbalanoposthitis,
the work ups are sub-preputial culture and KOH
This patient was done a serology test
for syphilis, HSV, HIV, culture examination, gram
examinations and complete urinalysis. We didn’t do
a KOH examination, because of the manifestations,
we haven’t thought about fungal infection in the first
place. But it can be a learning experience for
clincians when facing this kind of cases in the future.
The treatment for genital ulcers is depend on the
causative agent but for candida balanoposthitis, the
recommended topical regimens are clotrimazole
cream 1% and miconazole 2% cream. For the
alternative regimen, are fluconazole 150 mg
orally (if the symptom is severe) or nystatin 100.000
(if resistance or allergy to imidazoles).
Although there’s one case report in China, 2016,
about a Candida albicansresistance towards