(CTGF). Platelets also release coagulation factors,
serotonin, histamine, endostatin, and hydrolytic
enzymes. If platelets meet with fibroblasts,
interactions will occur between cells. Platelet lysates
isolated from blood have been shown to stimulate
fibroblasts, this is because platelet-generated PDGF
can stimulate resting fibroblasts to migrate
fibroblasts and proliferate through activation of
PCNA and synthesis of TGF-β through the JAK-
STAT signaling pathway. In addition to platelets and
their products, the wound response naturally requires
the fibrin matrix, which can increase growth factors.
(Sclafani, 2009;Wirohadidjojo YW et al., 2016)
Platelet lysatecan be obtained from PRF.
Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is an immune concentrate
and platelets that accumulate in one fibrin
membrane, which contains all blood-forming
components and plays a role in wound healing and
the immune system.(Chirag B Desai et al., 2013)
Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is referred to as platelet-
rich plasma (PRP) second generation with a simpler
manufacturing process without requiring additional
anticoagulants. Platelet-rich Fibrin (PRF) has a
natural fibrin structure that can protect growth
factors from proteolysis. Platelet-rich Fibrin (PRF)
releases periodically and maintains its activity for a
long time. This happens because platelets on PRF
are trapped in the matrix. TGF-β1 and PDGF AB
levels reached the highest number on day
14.Platelet-rich fibrin lysateuntil day 14 can still
optimally trigger osteoblast proliferation and
differentiation whilePRP lysatedoes not. The growth
factor level in thePRF lysateis higher than that in
thePRPlysate. Growth factor can increase the repair
time of damaged skin and accelerate tissue
remodeling with increased collagen synthesis.
(Rajan et al., 2017; Wirohadidjojo YW et al., 2016).
Both patients in this case had an icepick, rolling,
boxcar atrophic acne type and were given 80% TCA
CROSS therapy and PRFlysate. Significant results
were obtained in the form of a base increase from
the atrophy scar with only 1 time the TCA CROSS
application. In the first case, the base of the scar is
parallel to the normal skin around it, but the base of
the scar becomes reddish. After 4 weeks of follow-
up, the redness of the scar was reduced. In the
second case, the base of the scar has risen and most
of it has aligned with the normal skin around after
the third month's follow-up. Permanent side effects
were not found in the second case. Longer follow-up
is still needed for the first case to find out the
permanent side effects of this combination therapy.
This case report shows that a combination of 80%
TCA CROSS and PRFlysateis a simple, easy-to-do,
inexpensive procedure but provides excellent results
for atrophic acne scar. Larger studies and longer
follow-up time are still needed to assess the
effectiveness of this combination therapy.
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