many years that it had developed keratinization.
(Haroen et al, 2008).
In order to confirm the diagnosis, authors run for
skin biopsy for histopathological testing and the
result matched to Verruca Vulgaris. The result
showed acanthosis (epidermal thickening),
hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis, parakeratosis, and
dilated vessels in the upper dermis (this cause blood
to enter the stratum corneum and can be clinically
visible, therefore the stratum corneum contains
parakeratotic nucleus and blood). (Akram et al,
2015;Androphy et al, 2012; Beber at al, 2018).
;Cipto,2015;Patrick et al,2018).
The differential diagnosis with SK was removed
because lesion in SK perform as papule with smooth
or verrucous surface, covered in light brown to dark
brown or similar to the skin tone (especially in
dorsum manus), and happens in the
As for EV, the disease
usually inherited genetically in a way that it’s either
autosomal dominant or recessive inheritance, and
can’t be found in general population like Verruca
Vulgaris. ( Beber at al, 2018)
Therapies consist personal care hygiene and
avoidance of direct contact with infected person.
Medical treatment has some option to perform,
including topical medication (e.g; Cantharidin, 5-
fluorouracyl, Imiquimod, Salicylic acid 25-50%,
Tricloroacetate 25%, and phenol solution),
destructive agents method (keratolytic), destructive
surgery method (e.g; cryosurgery,
electrocauterization, and CO
laser), and
intralesional treatment (interferone and Bleomycin).
(Androphy et al,2012; Cipto,2015Jr JGM et
al,2013;Patrick et al,2018)
The existence of multiple treatment modalities
reflects the fact that none is uniformly effective or
directly antiviral. (Androphy et al, 2012) Literature
stated that most treatments for verrucae involve
physical destruction of the infected cells and
immunotherapy, but recurrences are common with
all treatment modalities. (Androphy et al,2012;
Bansal,2015;Cipto,2015). In this case,
electrocauterization was considered to be more
effective to eliminate the wart and to avoid patient’s
potentially non-compliance to the long course of
topical treatment.The drawback side of
electrocauterization is that it may cause scar tissue,
pain, and can isolate the virus that it will cause
recurrence. Authors did not perform HPV DNA
identification because the limitation of modality in
authors domicile. The last day of follow up showed
the post treatment lesion has been healed with scar
tissue remaining.
The diagnosis of Giant Scalp Verruca Vulgaris were
made based on clinical and histopathological
findings. Selected therapy was electrocauterization
which was used to destruct the lesion, authors
considered it to be more effective than topical
application that it might decrease patient’s
compliance. Patient also were given oral antibiotic
and topical antibiotic (applied on the lesion post
electrocauterization) and also multivitamin. The last
day of follow up showed the lesion has been healed
with scar tissue remaining.
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]. Diunduh dari :