adhesion molecules and reduced movement of
neutrophils into sites of inflammation. (Visser et al,
2017;Panat,2012) On this patient, we used
methylprednisolone intermediate-acting with a low
tendency to induce sodium and water retention.
When decreasing corticosteroid doses, treatment
with a sparing agent (azathioprine) regimen
begins..(Visser et al, 2017) The aim of corticosteroid
pulse therapy is getting quicker and stronger efficacy
and decreasing the need for long-term use of
steroids. (Panat,2012)
Azathioprinehas proved to be effective in
maintaining disease remission. (Chen et al, 2015) It
is a purine analog that inhibits the nucleic acid
synthesis and affects both cellular and humoral
immune functions. The drug is transformed to 6-
mercaptopurine (6-MP) and then to its active
metabolites, thiocyanic and thioguanine acid (6
TGN), which incorporate into DNA, thereby causing
DNA/protein crosslinks and interfering with nucleic
acid structure. The daily dose is 1 - 2.5 mg/kg.
Regular monitoring of complete blood counts and
liver function tests is required during therapy.(Visser
et al, 2017)
Prognosis of this patient was ad
vitamdubiaadbonam, ad sanamdubiaadmalam, ad
cosmetic dubiaadbonam. The course of BSLE is
often remitting. The disorder frequently resolves
spontaneously in less than one year. BSLE is an
autoimmune disease that tends to relapse. In some
cases, post-inflammatory hypopigmentation may
remain. The development of BSLE in patients with
SLE does not typically lead to increased mortality.
Morbidity depends on the extent of the eruption and
the response to therapy.(Chen et al,
2015;Contestable et al, 2014; Kuhn et al, 2015).
BSLE should be considered as a differential
diagnosis of patients with bullous lesions.
Differentiation between BSLE and other blister
disease is vital to prevent further complications of
SLE that may coexist. Corticosteroid pulse therapy
proved can be given as an alternative to Dapsone in
BSLE with nephritis lupus.
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