symptoms of systemic mastocytosis, such as
gastrointestinal problems, lymphedema, or skeletal
abnormalities. Pediatric consult found no systemic
involvements. This result corresponded with the
literature that specified that pediatric UP is mostly
confined to the skin, and rarely shows systemic
involvements. (Tharp, 2012; James et al, 2011).
Blood laboratory examination found no
abnormalities. Histopathological examination by the
use of special Giemsa stain has found purplish
stained granulated mast cells in the superficial
dermal layer. The literature mentioned that UP can
be diagnosed based on the result of skin biopsy and
histopathological examination by the use of special
stain to clearly examine the mast cells, such as
Giemsa or Toluidine Blue stain. . (Tharp, 2012;
Vasani et al, 2015;Gysel et al,2011;Rapini,2012).
Differential diagnosis of juvenile
xanthogranuloma can be excluded because the
lesions are mostly soft, well-defined papules or
nodules. The lesions are red-orange or red-brown in
color, and then it may change into yellowish color.
The lesion are mostly found at the upper body, and
in children, the lesion will spread quickly and then
spontaneously regress in approximately a
year.(Gelmetti,2012;Burgdof et al,2010)
Differential diagnosis of Spitz nevus can be
excluded because the lesions are mostly red to dark
brown, flat, smooth, hairless, hard, well-defined
papules or nodules, with the distribution in the head
and neck region.(Grichnik at al,2012;James et
The current case was treated with Ketotifen
syrup 1 mg bid, Urea 10% cream and
Betamethasonevalerate 0,1% cream. The parents
were also educated to avoid some known triggering
factors, such as temperature change, physical
activity, food, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, and to avoid scratching or trauma to the skin.
The literature mentioned that the treatments are
usually symptomatic. Ketotifen is a mast-cell
stabilizer that has been shown to be effective in
reducing urtica and pruritus in patients with UP.Urea
10% cream helps to moisturize the skin and prevent
dryness, and to improve the absorption of
Betamethasonevalerate 0,1% cream. Very potent
topical corticosteroid applied with occlusion for 8-
12 weeks may reduce the number lesions in UP.The
current case was treated with betamethasonevalerate
0,1% cream, a medium potency topical
corticosteroid, that was applied to the erythematous
lesions onlyto alleviate the skin lesions.After 12
weeks of treatment, there were no new lesions,
itching was reduced, and there was no skin dryness.
(Wagner et al, 2017; Tharp, 2012). The prognosis of
the current patient was, quo ad vitam and quo ad
sanam dubia ad bonam because there were no
systemic involvement and the patient was expected
to have spontaneous resolution before puberty, quo
ad cosmeticamdubia ad bonam because of the
remaining hyperpigmented macules. (Wagner et al,
2017; Tharp, 2012;Prose et al,2008).
A case of UrticariaPigmentosa treated with
ketotifen, urea, and betamethasone has been reported
that can reduce the complaint and lesions.
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