Etiology and pathogenesis of Vogt Koyanagi
Harada suspected to be a systemic autoimmune
disease which clearly unknown (Lavezzo et al, 2016;
Burkholder, 2015; Su et al, 2018). The Vogt
Koyanagi Harada may be systemic autoimmune
disease on melanosis that affects mainly on eyes,
inner ear, and brain membrane and skin (Lavezzo et
al, 2016; Su et al, 2018).
An author has reported a
case that one of the triggers of this disease is an
infectious agent such as Epstein-Barr Virus &
Cytomegalovirus. Trauma on the skin can be one of
the etiology of the disease, even though the
causative relationship between the virus and the
disease have not been established yet (Lavezzo et al,
2016; Burkholder, 2015; Ng et al, 2014).
The diagnosis of VKH disease was based on the
American Uveitis Society (AUS) criteria. The
physical examination also some criteria that have
been made to be diagnostic approachment (Lavezzo
et al, 2016; Sakata et al, 2014).
The diagnosis of
Vogt Koyanagi Harada disease was based on criteria
made by American Uveitis Society (AUS) criteria on
1978 and Sigiura
s criteria on 1976 (Lavezzo et al,
American Uveitis Society recommend,
without history of trauma and eyes surgery
procedure , at least there are 3 or 4 other criteria to
diagnose VKH disease, which are iridocyclitis
bilateral, posterior uveitis, neurology abnormality,
and skin abnormality likes vitiligo, poliosis, or
alopecia. The accurate diagnosis of VKH disease
can prevent complication (Bilgic et al, 2014).
The active and adequate treatment on early phase
can reduce the risk to recurrent. The early treatment
and aggressive corticosteroid are the best treatment
for this disease on acute uveitis phase, and also
corticosteroid treatment on this acute phase can
reduce the risk of lost sight permanently (Lavezzo et
al, 2016; Sakata et al, 2014; Burkholder, 2015; Ng et
al, 2014). The dosage of systemic corticosteroid is
given by oral is prednisone 1-1.5 mg/KgBB/Day, or,
methylprednisolone 1 gr/day for three days.
Treatment with corticosteroid must reduce slowly
and last at least for six months (Lavezzo et al, 2016;
Ng et al, 2014). The treatment for skin
depigmentation is the same with vitiligo treatment
(Bayer, 2016).
A 47 years old man, came with complaint of having
some white spots for three weeks ago. The white
spots appear on the face, It has been starting from
the chin and spreading through cheek, nose, and
forehead, the white spots are not itchy, and the
patient did not apply topical regimen to the spots.
His eyelashes had been starting to bleach when he
came to the hospital. The patient was referred from
the ophthalmology department. One year prior, the
patient suffered from fever, pain on eyes, and blurry
sight, headache without a history of trauma or eyes
surgery. In the ophthalmology department, the
patient is diagnosed with panuveitis and iridocyclitis
bilateral. On that time, there were no hearing
symptoms of ear buzzing and had no white spots on
face. The wound on the Genitalia was denied, no
similar history or symptoms in his family. General
condition was compos mentis, weel nourished with
height 165cm and weight 63kg, blood pressure is
120/80mmHg, respiratory rate 18x/m, and heart rate
is 80x/m, and axilla temperature is 37
C. Physical
examination, dermatology status is found
hypopigmented macules on face and poliosis on
dermatologic examination.
On laboratory testing the hemoglobin was 15
gr%; leucocytes 5.500/mm
; eritrocytes 4,3
; trombocytes 231.000/mm
; ureum 15
mg/dl; creatinin 0,8 mg/dl; SGOT 14 U/I; SGPT 45
U/I. VDRL and TPHA are negative.
The histopathologic examination found flat
sprained epithelial, creatine, follicular plugging, and
melamine pigment is not equal, stroma subepithelial
plain, contain sebaceous gland that suitable of
vitiligo. Diagnosis of this patient was Vogt
Koyanagi Harada disease. The treatment of vitiligo
to this patient is active potential topical
corticosteroid fluticasone 0,05 % applied every 12
hours on the face, and a systemic corticosteroid is
metilprednisolon 16 mg tab 2-0-1.
Repigmentation was found in the first month of
observation. Good clinical improvement was
observed after four-month.