In a study done at the polyclinic the health of the
skin and venereal HOSPITAL DR. R. M.
DJOELHAM the CITY of BINJAI in the Years
2014-2018 the patients with Tinea Capitis most in
the age range 1-20 years, with female gender and
employment status as a student/school. The same
thing obtained in the research carried out in RSUP
Sanglah Denpasar to get age group the highest in the
5-14 years (45,45%), while in RSU dr. Soetomo
Surabaya age group the highest at the age of under
14 (93,33%).(Putu et al,2008;Suyoso et al,2008)
Research in Spain gain of 0.33% of school
children with culture-positive tinea capitis in 1994
and in London reported a prevalence of 2.5 % in
1995. The prevalence of tinea capitis in the United
States ranged from 3% to 8% in the child population
.(Mohrenschlager et al,2005) from Indonesia that
comes from RSUP Sanglah Denpasar to get to
0.32% of patients with tinea capitis were treated
during the period January 2004 to December 2006.
Putu et al,2008) Other Data in the poly
Dermatomikosis Unit Outpatient Skin and Venereal
HOSPITAL dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, there is
0,31-1,55% of new cases of tinea capitis between the
years 2001-2006.(Suyoso et al,2008)
Tinea capitis ( ringworm of the scalp) is a disorder
of the skin and the hair of the head caused by a
species of dermatophyte. This disorder is
characterized by scaly lesions, reddish tint, alopecia
to kerion.
(Budimulja et al, 2016) The cause of the
tinea capitis is a dermatophyte fungus. Tinea capitis
usually occurs, especially in children, although there
are also cases in adults are usually infected with
Trichophyton tonsurans the most common cause
Verma et al, 2008) incidence of Tinea capitis in the
Polyclinic of the Health of the Skin and Venereal
BINJAI In the year 1 January 2014 - 1 November
2018 more common in women that is of 66.7%
compared to men of 33.3%, achieved the number of
patients of Tinea Capitis as many as 50 people, with
the age group is the largest 1 -120 of the year
amounted to 52.4%, and a lot of students/school
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