The score of HSS and HDCS indicate outcome
measure, HSS measures the severity of lesion while
the HDCS assigns a grade for each complication in a
longitudinal use. Complication assed in HSS is
correlated with HDCS grade. Both of the scale
measure size changes, complications, and risk for
disfigurement. Study of Moyakine in 2017,
determined using HSS to facilitate treatment
decisions for IH, scores of 11 or higher as a marker
for propranolol treatment, scores of 6 or lower as a
marker for watchful waiting or topical β blocker
treatment, and children with HSS score higher than 6
and lower than 11, treatment decision should
consider other factors, including patient age, IH
type, and parental preferences.(Zheng et
al,2019;Rotter et al,2017) In our case, the HSS was
six, and HDCS was 0, based on HSS results, the
patient was treated with topical β blocker.
Diagnosis IH is based on clinical examination
and history. USG, MRI, and CT scan are only
required if there is systemic involvement. IH should
be differentiated with other vascular anomalies such
as congenital hemangioma and pyogenic granuloma.
This lesion occurred three weeks after birth, and the
lesion was rapidly progressed to eliminate the
diagnosis of congenital hemangioma. Location on
the face, tumor with red to brownish red color
manifested in pyogenic granuloma and IH, but
because in our case the lesion occurredseveral weeks
after birth and the surface of the lesion was not
easily bleeds and ulcerated, favor diagnosis as IH.
Treatment of IH has a purpose of preventing
complication, functional compromise, and
permanent disfigurement for this patient. In our case,
the lesion was superficial and localized, so the
primary purpose of administered treatment for this
patient was to reduce the risk of functional
compromise such as ulceration and scar and risk for
residual skin development include telangiectasia,
redundant skin, and fibrofatty tissue after involution
phases. Previous studies reported most 0,5% topical
timolol maleate, administered one drop two times a
day resulted in complete regression of superficial
IH, but only a few studies reported the use of lower
concentration (timolol maleate 0,25%) with the same
potential to reduce the lesion. Lower concentration
theoretically further reduce the risk of side effects,
such as hypotension, hypoglycemia, bradycardia,
and bronchoconstriction. (Chambers et al, 2012).
Prior before starting treatment, we examined
complete blood count (include blood glucose),
cardiovascular function, and pulmonary function.
Laboratory test and cardiopulmonary were regular
so that we started the treatment with topical β
blocker. Contraindication for β blocker includes AV
block (grade 2 and 3), congestive heart failure,
bronchospasm, hypoglycemia, hypotension, and
sinus bradycardia. Topical timolol maleate 0,5%
solutions or GSF consider safe treatment for
superficial IH in term infants receiving a dose less
than 0,2 mg/kg/day, with no adverse events reported.
Higher risk for systemic adverse events is
prematurity and low birth weight, baby. Adverse
events of β blocker usually reported by using
systemic propranolol, but only a few or almost no
adverse event reported by using topical β blocker.
Short-term adverse events include hypotension,
bradycardia, and hypoglycemia. Long-term adverse
events include emotional lability, sleep disturbance,
and other effects related to neural depressant effects.
In our case, the patient was a term baby with average
birth weight, and the lesion was superficial, non-
ulcerated, and located in the temporal region so that
the risk for systemic complication consider minimal
or none. Topical application of β blocker have a
higher risk for systemic complication if given on
mucosal surface (ocular, lips, anogenital), ulcerated
IH, and extend large IH. Evaluation of possible
systemic complication accomplished by educating
parents to evaluate sign and symptoms of adverse
events include lethargy, cyanosis, mottled/cold skin,
irritable, tremor, and excessive sweating. Monthly
evaluation of cardiopulmonary function and blood
glucose checks in hospital. In our case, during three
months of treatment, there wereno adverse effects
This case represents the treatment of superficial non-
complicated successfully, and non-ulcerated IH with
topical β blocker timolol maleate 0,25% eye drops
There were no adverse effects reported in this case.
It suggests an important to determine the effective
treatment for IH based on some points, include
anatomic depth, morphology, and risk for
complication, functional compromise, and
permanent disfigurement. The purpose of initial
administration treatment for superficial IH consider
to reduce the risk of functional compromise such as
ulceration and scar and risk for residual skin
development include telangiectasia, redundant skin,
and fibrofatty tissues.