process of grinding rice (rice) or by-products of rice
milling which consists of layers of aleuron,
endosperm, and germ. Rice bran itself contains a
high fiber content (20-27%),hence rice bran has its
own advantages to prevent colon cancer, coronary
heart disease, obesity, diabetes and digestive
problems. In addition, rice bran contains a fairly
high carbohydrate (51-55 g / 100 g) and very good
protein (11-13 g / 100 g). Another prominent
nutrient in rice bran is fat, the levels reach 10-20 g /
100 g. Moreover, rice bran is also rich in vitamin B
complex and vitamin E. In addition, rice bran is an
excellent source of minerals, every 100 grams
contains calcium 500 -700 mg, magnesium 600-700
mg, and phosphorus 1,000-2.200 mg. According to
Ardiansyah (2004) the nutritional value of rice bran
is very good, rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, essential
fatty acids, food fibers (dietary fibers), protein,
oryzanol, ferulic acid, thiamine, niacin. Rice bran
also contains carbohydrates, minerals, and rice bran
oil which can reduce cholesterol levels. One hundred
grams of rice bran contains 2.49%, 8.77% protein,
1.09% fat, 1.60% ash, 1.69% fiber, 84.30%
carbohydrates, 382.32 cal. calories, and very fit for
human consumption (Nursalim and Zalni, 2005).
Furthermore, Nutritious Food Products The Agency
for Agricultural Research and Development
(Balitbangtan) through the Center for Agricultural
Postharvest Research and Development, recently
years has produced various technologies to increase
the use of rice bran as a food product. The
stabilization process to extend the shelf life of bran
and prevent rancidity, which has been an obstacle in
its utilization has been overcome.
The development of the culinary world in
Indonesia is highly influenced by many aspects, one
of them is the diversity of commodities available in
this country. Existing aspects do not only come from
staples, Indonesia's tropical climate greatly
influences the diversity of rice types that can be
utilized in making rice bran in various types of food
and drinks. Although it is very abundant in our
country and the benefits contained in rice bran are
good enough, however the use of rice bran has not
been maximized. Most people use rice bran only as
animal feed .By considering the development of
food in the world of patisseries as well as the
nutritional content contained in white rice bran, the
authors will make white rice bran as the material of
this research. The Researcher is interested in pouring
into this community service program with the theme:
"Alternative Use of White Rice bran to replace part
of wheat flour in the manufacture of traditional
Indonesian food and beverages". Therefore a
study of white rice bran conducted to replace a
portion of wheat flour in the manufacture of
traditional Indonesian foods and drinks.
2.2 Question Arise
Based on the background stated above, Some
questions are identified as follows:
a. What are the results of the consumer's
assessment of the taste, price of food and
beverages made from bran?
b. What is the nutritional content of food and
drinks made from rice bran?
2.3 Research Objectives
The purpose of this research is to fulfill several
purposes, namely:
a. Formal Purpose: The purpose of this writing as
one of the requirements in the Tri Dharma of
Higher Education is to conduct research as a
b. Operational Objectives: To find out public
opinion about the taste of food and drinks made
from rice bran, To find out the nutritional
content in food and drink made from rice bran,
To take advantage of rice bran which has only
been considered as waste.
The method used in this study was qualitative. As
for the requirements of collecting data, there are
several steps that researchers used as their way to
collect data. Here are several steps that have been
used by researchers.
3.1 Theoretical Approach
Theoretical approach is a step for finding theory
related to definition of rice bran, rice bran nutritional
content, and the benefits provided by rice bran based
on the daily consumption.
3.2 Setting Goals
The main focus of this step is to find several ways in
order to make rice bran as a substitute product of
wheat flour so that it can be used as the opportunity
in increasing income for cake processing
practitioners in areas that have a lot of rice bran