The object of study referred here addressed a brief
contextualization and reflection from different
perspectives that often prove to be complementary,
and that in common, aim to obtain a better
understanding of the behavior of individuals through
neuroscience studies/techniques with marketing. The
importance of establishing an emotional connection
with consumers through design was also mentioned;
this factor is important to build better experiences and
smoothies the “essentially commercial character” in
the transactions.
Although neuroscience is still a relatively new
field, through the aforementioned literature review, it
was possible to notice significant transformations,
mainly due to the foundations resulting from
technological advances. Its contribution in the search
for a better understanding of the subconscious has
resulted in more and more assertive experiments that
sometimes are complementary and even deconstruct
what was previously believed. The historical context,
merges with the future perspectives, in order to
preserve such complexity when exploring the human
Meeting the 17 sustainable development goals
established by the United Nations Organization
(UNO), the work also aspires to make a significant
contribution to society, especially by addressing a
brief reflection in favor of conscious consumption
(Habitat, 2017). The fact is that it is useless to attract
the consumer's attention, appeal to their emotions and
convey the message if the value that is perceived in
the product is not adequate to the consumer's desires
and other personal issues.
"This work is financed by portuguese national funds
through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,
under the project UIDB/05422/2020".
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