Contributions of Neuromarketing to Design
Bruno Silva
, Agostinho Sousa Pinto
and Cristina Costa-Lobo
2,3 c
Polytechnic of Porto, Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim s/n, S. Mamede de Infesta, Portugal
CEOS.PP - ISCAP - Polytechnic of Porto, Rua Jaime Lopes Amorim s/n, S. Mamede de Infesta, Portugal
Instituto de Estudos Superiores de Fafe & Cátedra UNESCO de Juventude Educação e Sociedade, Portugal
Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Design, Marketing, Neuroscience, Neuromarketing.
Abstract: The reported study aims to assign different perspectives for reflection; to consider how neuromarketing can
assist in understanding consumer behavior, intending to investigate the best way to develop products and
improve communication through neuroscience. The systematic literature review referred here applies as a
scientific method of research and analysis in a specific area of science. Following the PRISMA guidelines
(2009), the research was carried out in March and April 2020, in seven electronic databases for the inclusion
of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed studies published in Portuguese or English, master's or doctoral theses
and research reports that focused in neuromarketing. One hundred and fifty studies were conducted, 20 of
which, met the inclusion criteria. 1st filter: title, abstract, keywords and references; 2nd filter: introduction
and conclusion of studies; 3rd filter: full reading of the studies (Liberati et al., 2009).
Paying attention to something is a conscious process,
but for that to happen, an activation must occur in our
brain causing us to be able to pay attention to a
particular stimulus. Since this process requires a great
deal of cognitive effort, our ability to maintain
attention is limited and, therefore, focusing on
something is one of the most difficult tasks for our
brain. In the middle of so many stimulus in which we
are daily exposed, catching the attention of the
consumer and maintaining it, is an arduous mission
(Dias, 2014; Kandel et al., 1997).
Facing constant changes, in 1999, Kevin Ashton
gave name to the term “Internet of Things” (Internet
of Things -IoT). The author's use of this term refers
to a high integration and connectivity between objects
/ devices in an intelligent way (Ashton, 2009). It is
undeniable that facing a globalized world, the speed /
exchange of information occurs in a meteoric way
and reflects in the way individuals relate and also in
the way they consume (Lipovetsky & Richard, 2008).
With the market becoming increasingly fierce, it
is difficult to establish competitive advantages. This
is because most of the companies continue to follow
the same methods as for delivering their value
proposition; consequently, to use the same practices
and reap the usual results (Crescitelli, 2004). The
need to get closer to the consumer, become even more
relevant to understand him and, thus, devise more
assertive strategies. Empathy, putting yourself in the
other's place; living the other's "pain"; comes to make
even more sense for generating ideas / insights
(Brown, 2013; Norman, 2004).
Jordan defends the user experience using a model
based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, placing as
main characteristics, the pleasure, functionalities, and
usability. The author proposes a holistic approach to
products based on human fatigue by two pleasures.
So, understanding the human being as a whole
indivisible that can not be explained separately by
different physical and psychological components
(Gawel, 1996; Jordan, 2002).
Silva, B., Pinto, A. and Costa-Lobo, C.
Contributions of Neuromarketing to Design.
DOI: 10.5220/0010000901390144
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - Volume 3: ICE-B, pages 139-144
ISBN: 978-989-758-447-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In addition to corresponding to the desired
experience, a product only makes sense if it
establishes an affective connection with the consumer
(Brown, 2013; Jorge & da Costa, 2019). After all,
what is relevant for the consumer when choosing a
particular product or service? Are the differentials
that the company invests really important for its
consumer? Can the company deliver / communicate
its value proposition? Both positive and negative
emotions can help to draw consumers' attention to a
particular product. The fact is that for a long time,
companies have focused their efforts on large-scale
production, neglecting to establish a closer
relationship with the consumer through emotional
connection (Desmet, 2002; Norman, 2004).
For Jordan (2002), pleasure is divided into four
types: physical, social, psychological and, ideological.
The physical is derived from the relationship of the
artifact with the sensorial organs, for example, the
texture. The social pleasures are interactions between
several people, provided by the artifact. The
psychological partners are associated with emotional
and cognitive reactions concerning the artifact. Jordan
refers to the pleasure of the mind in carrying out tasks
related to usability and compatibility of two products
friendly considered. The performance of the product
must be satisfying so that the benefits are positive
(Jordan, 2002; Norman, 2004).
The ideological pleasures are associated with the
aesthetic and ethical values of a certain culture,
generation, or individual. You will find here the eco-
sustainable values of social, political, and moral
responsibility. Consuming ecologically correct
artifacts demonstrates a moral concern with the world
and can be traced to the user. These elastic values can
be influenced by idioms and the cultural industry
(Jordan, 2002).
The principle of the marketing is to meet the needs of
consumers and for that, it has as a premise, the search
for understanding the consumer behavior (Schewe &
Smith, 1982). This requires that marketing
professionals have solid knowledge in different areas,
such as: Administration, Economics, Psychology,
Neuroscience and Communication. The
interdisciplinary of profiles and competencies are
seen as complementary to critical thinking, resulting
in the development of more effective strategies
(Kotler & Keller, 2006).
The marketing recognized the added value of
being as close to customers as possible in the early
1950s in the USA (Schewe & Smith, 1982). Hence, it
was also noted the need to promote adjustments in
products / services and approaches - the way it
communicates with customers. From there, the
principle of diversification and personalization was
enhanced. That is, products that until then were
produced like commodities gained new forms, versions
and even purposes / purposes. For such transformations
to be possible, it was necessary to reassess several
practices, such as: planning, pricing, promoting and
distributing goods and services (Stanton et al., 2004).
Intuition and subjectivity can no longer drive a
company's strategy. In many segments, profits become
increasingly divided, potentially reducing the chances
of errors (Kotler & Keller, 2006).
The triune brain theory was developed in a post-
World War II period, between the 60s and 70s.
Created by the American doctor and neuroscientist
Paul MacLean, the theory is based on the study of the
evolution of species; to which the author attributes
three functional changes that occurred in the
constitution of the human brain (MacLean, 1990).
1 Reptilian or primitive - corresponds to the oldest
and most original part of the brain of the first
animals, reptiles. Responsible for instincts and
vital functions, such as feeding, reproduction, and
2 Limbic, paleo mammal, or emotional system -
tasked with managing and administering
emotions/feelings and pleasures.
3 Neocortex, neomamiferous, or rational -
responsible for logical reasoning, reason.
Understood by the author, as the most modern part
of the evolutionary brain.
According to Paul MacLean (1990), these three
layers are seen as independent and capable of
generating internal conflicts. The fact is that the
theory is fragile because it does not constitute a
validation of scientific methods, since, through
technological advances linked to the studies of
neuroscience and evolutionary biology, results have
been obtained that deconstruct the theory in question.
As an example, it is not possible to relate human
evolution from reptiles (Damásio 2012; MacLean
1990; Tieppo, 2019).
E-BDT 2020 - Special Session on E-Business and Digital Transformation
It is impressive how an organ weighing
approximately one kilogram and three hundred grams
still holds incalculable hidden values. The study
through neuroscience aims at a greater understanding
of brain activity by mapping billions of neurons that
reflect in the behavior of individuals; those who
suffer from influences from the internal and external
environment, as well as from other cultures -
experiences from the past and which are still closely
linked (Kandel et al., 1997).
Generally speaking, all human beings believe that
they are unique and that they need to be seen as such.
The fact is that the search for mapping and
understanding such patterns becomes a complex task
in view of the constant transformations/stimuli
presented in daily life (Poon & Prendergast, 2006). In
view of the referred context, some recent studies until
now under the domain of neuroscience have
contributed to the achievement of notable
interventions in neuromarketing; concerning, they are
the works of: (Barrett et al., 2016; Eysenck &
Brysbaert, 2018; Kolb & Whishaw, 2015).
Still, for some scientists, researchers, and authors,
even in the face of undeniable technological and
scientific developments, the human being preserves a
prehistoric brain/behavior. Much of this is attributed to
the behavioral biology of individuals; which results in
many brain stimuli, such as the impact of hormonal
issues. One of the reasons why experiments with
animals are justified is that many of them not only have
an incredible genetic similarity but also exhibit
behaviors similar to those of humans (Camargo, 2013).
Neuromarketing is understood as the use of
neuroscience experiments with marketing. The
purpose is to obtain new ideas for the development of
products that can be better adapted to the needs and
desires of consumers. Unlike marketing that
traditionally seeks and extracts information through
conventional research; focus groups, ethnography,
and others, neuromarketing works in search of
understanding the subconscious, mapping brain
stimuli (Plassmann et al., 2015; Schwarzkopf, 2015;
Yoon et al., 2012).
In common, all human beings have the same brain
structure and from there, marketing understood the
importance of using experiments from neuroscience
as a strong ally in the search for a greater
understanding of consumer behavior. The conception
of the neuromarketing concept was attributed to Jerry
Zaltman in the late nineties (Wilson et al., 2008).
Until then, "quantifying emotions" and understanding
neurological stimuli was something that was even
more subjective.
The Neuromarketing has been widely used to
develop more attractive products that have a value
more suited to the needs and desires of consumers.
From a different perspective, neuromarketing plays a
somewhat controversial role. One of the valuable
findings of neuroscience is that almost all decisions
are made unconsciously. Through the knowledge
obtained from neural analyzes, it is possible to foresee
decisions that until then were pre-conscious and / or
unconscious (Balmer, 2014). Therefore, consumers
can be more easily influenced by consumption that is
not necessarily conscious (Dias, 2012). Persuasion is
a term that attributes an interaction where the two
parties sign a mutually satisfactory agreement
(Garver, 1994). Manipulation, on the other hand, is
about convincing someone to do something instead of
influencing them because of something that is
relevant to both parties (Roiz, 1996).
One of the substantial aspects that contributed to the
credibility of neuromarketing, were the advances
coming from neuroscience, mainly through
neuroimaging techniques. (Baker et al., 2017).
According to one of the main neuromarketing
research institutes in Latin America, Fore Brain, some
of the methodologies adopted for analysis are (Fore
Brain, 2020):
Electroencephalography - The EEG technique
allows you to extract implicit measures of
attention, motivation, and memorization;
Eye Tracking - The technique allows you to
calculate the salience, visualization and
engagement indices for each evaluated element or
Pupilometry - It allows analyzing the variation of
the consumer's pupil diameter, which represents
an implicit measure of the emotional intensity
Electrocardiography It allows you to analyze the
variation of the consumer's heart rate, that is, to
detect changes in the speed at which the heart is
Contributions of Neuromarketing to Design
Reaction Time - The reaction time techniques
reveal the degree of association between the
chosen attributes and the evaluated stimuli;
Salivation - The appetite appeal, in turn, can be
related to the level of pleasantness generated by
the stimulus;
Facial Electromyography - The results show an
implicit measure of emotional valence;
Sweating - This methodology represents an
implicit measure of the value of emotional
Behavioral Economics - Different behavioral
economics games provide purchase intention
indices for each evaluated element.
Fore Brain (2020), understands that through the
referred neuromarketing methodologies, it is possible
to conceive innovative and personalized solutions,
namely in the areas of: product development,
marketing and communication, merchandising and
media (Fore Brain, 2020).
The systematic literature review corresponds to a
method of scientific investigation containing
retrospective and/or experimental observational
studies of recovery and critical analysis of the
literature (Mendes et al., 2008). Therefore, it was
identified as being the most adequate to meet the
study objectives in question. The research has the
purpose of constituting a synthesis resulting from the
most relevant studies on the field of neuroscience,
marketing, and design. The purpose is to structure the
collection of data, so that it is possible to group them,
interpret them, with similarities or not, to contribute
to a reflection with more possibilities.
The systematic review of the referred literature
corresponds essentially to three initial phases:
1 Selection of keywords - a previous floating
reading was established, to assist in the
identification of key terms. The combinations
used were: “neuromarketing and neuroscience”,
“neuromarketing and neuroscience”,
“neuromarketing”; “neuroscience”;
“neuroscience” and “design”.
2 Research and selection in scientific databases that
allow access to studies in full in the areas of
Psychology, Neuroscience, and Administration.
APA PsycNet, b-on, CAPES, ELSEVIER Scopus,
Pepsic, Scielo, and Web of Science.
3 Article selection criteria - i) refer to marketing and
science (or neuromarketing) in a context that
contemplates consumer behavior; ii) approaching
design from an experience perspective; iii) works
in Portuguese or English. It was also decided not
to restrict the research as to time, in order to
consider the relevance of each author in their
respective area of expertise.
One hundred and fifty articles resulted from the
research, of which, 20 corresponded to the pre-
established inclusion criteria (1st filter: title,
summary, keywords, and references; 2nd filter:
introduction and conclusion of studies; 3rd filter: full
reading of studies). As for the management of the
theoretical framework, the tool used in order to
organize citations and sources was Zotero.
To highlight the authors who most referred to the
terms Neuroscience (NS), Marketing (MK) and
Consumer behaviour (Design), the table 1 presenting,
in descending order, the authors who most dealt with
the concepts incorporated in the present study was
elaborated, with the following points: yes (1), no (0)
and partial (0.5). Those with at least 1.5 points were
Table 1: Most relevant authors.
Authors NS MK Cb
Dias, Á.
1 1 1
Fore Brain (2020) 1 1 1
Schwarzkopf, S. (2015) 1 1 1
Balmer, A. (2014) 1 1 0,5
Barrett, Lewis, & Haviland-Jones,
1 1 0,5
Dias, S. W. (2014) 0,5 1 1
2009 and 2013
1 0,5 0,5
& Br
sbaert, M.
1 0,5 0,5
e & da Costa,
0 1 1
Kolb, B., & Whishaw, I. (2015) 1 0,5 0,5
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2006) 0 1 1
Plassmann, Venkatraman, Huettel
& Yoon,
1 0,5 0,5
Schewe C. & Smith, R. (1982) 0 1 1
Stanton, Etzel, Walker, Báez &
0 1 1
Baker, D., Ware, J., Schweitzer, N.,
& Risko, E.
1 0 0,5
Damásio, A.
1 0 0,5
Kandel, Schwartz, & Jessell
1 0 0,5
MacLean, P. D. (1990) 1 0 0,5
Poon & Prendergast, (2006) 1 0 0,5
Tieppo, C. (2019) 1 0 0,5
E-BDT 2020 - Special Session on E-Business and Digital Transformation
The object of study referred here addressed a brief
contextualization and reflection from different
perspectives that often prove to be complementary,
and that in common, aim to obtain a better
understanding of the behavior of individuals through
neuroscience studies/techniques with marketing. The
importance of establishing an emotional connection
with consumers through design was also mentioned;
this factor is important to build better experiences and
smoothies the “essentially commercial character” in
the transactions.
Although neuroscience is still a relatively new
field, through the aforementioned literature review, it
was possible to notice significant transformations,
mainly due to the foundations resulting from
technological advances. Its contribution in the search
for a better understanding of the subconscious has
resulted in more and more assertive experiments that
sometimes are complementary and even deconstruct
what was previously believed. The historical context,
merges with the future perspectives, in order to
preserve such complexity when exploring the human
Meeting the 17 sustainable development goals
established by the United Nations Organization
(UNO), the work also aspires to make a significant
contribution to society, especially by addressing a
brief reflection in favor of conscious consumption
(Habitat, 2017). The fact is that it is useless to attract
the consumer's attention, appeal to their emotions and
convey the message if the value that is perceived in
the product is not adequate to the consumer's desires
and other personal issues.
"This work is financed by portuguese national funds
through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,
under the project UIDB/05422/2020".
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Baker, D. A., Ware, J. M., Schweitzer, N., & Risko, E. F.
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E-BDT 2020 - Special Session on E-Business and Digital Transformation