The calculation of the distance of the athletes cen-
tre of gravity to the wall and the associated measure-
ment results are highly dependent of accuracy of the
depth information of the used camera system. There-
fore for these first climbing trials, the optimal posi-
tioning of the depth camera was essential to avoid en-
vironmental influences like light and reflections.
Herewith a new method to open up new perspectives
for the specific force and technique evaluation in com-
petitive sport climbing was presented. This system
implements simultaneous measurements of force and
motion with the possibility to evaluate athlete’s per-
formance by analysing parameters like the distance
of mass centre of the body to the wall or the hands-
versus-feet-ratio. On the other hand you can also
use the measured force vectors and captured joint an-
gles for the study of early identification of injuries
or fatigue by evaluating the repeatability of multiple
climbing trials. Minor modifications of the existing
system (enlargement of the sensors housing for the
use of bigger holds, usage of a mobile tracking cam-
era system, etc.) enable an enhancement of the area of
application. Of course, systems using a marker-based
measuring system increase the accuracy of motion-
dependent parameters. The non-use of markers on
the athlete’s body prevents invasion on their technique
while measurements, but also creates a dependency
of the used camera system and its positioning. On
that account the above mentioned modifications will
be implemented as well as the usage of the lidar (light
detection and ranging) camera Realsense L515 from
Intel to get among other things a better accuracy of the
depth information, which is essential for the validity
of this measurement system.
Working in a cooperation with the ’Kletterzen-
trum Innsbruck’ and the Austrian Climbing Federa-
tion and its national trainers on two further projects
in the field of bouldering and speed climbing will
also lead to a advancement of the described method.
Therefore the presented measurement system is modi-
fied in such way, that e.g. equipping larger holds with
multiple connected force sensors could enabled dy-
namic move analysis (’Dyno’, jumps).
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Introduction of a Measurement System for Quantitative Analysis of Force and Technique in Competitive Sport Climbing