In the actor model, if the result of failing any secu-
rity check is to recover to the starting state, there can
be a single supervisor and one actor for each security
check, i.e. n + 1 code blocks. Of course, more elabo-
rate recovery strategies are possible, and will typically
generate more code blocks.
Programming languages support multiple reliability
mechanisms, and these have a key role in securing
web applications. This paper seeks to provide in-
formation to guide Scala developers on what mech-
anisms to select. Our results are based on measure-
ments of three instances of a simple secure web app
using the popular Scala/Akka platform, and the key
findings can be summarised as follows.
Performance. (1) All reliability mechanisms fail fast:
unsuccessful requests have low mean latency(1-2ms
in Figure 3) but dramatically reduce throughput: by
more than 100x in Figure 2. (2) For a realistic au-
thentication workloads exceptions have the highest
throughput (187K req/s) and the lowest mean latency
(around 5ms), followed by futures (156K req/s; 6ms)
and actors (108K req/s; 10ms) (Figures 4 and 5).
Programmability. For authentication and authorisa-
tion, actors have the smallest number of code blocks
both for our benchmark (and for a sequence of n secu-
rity checks) namely 3 (n+ 1), and both futures and ex-
ceptions have 4 (2n) code blocks (Figure 6). We con-
clude that Actors minimise programming complexity
and hence attack surface.
Recommendations. Our Scala study reveals an
inverse relationship between performance and pro-
grammability. So for Scala when throughput and la-
tency are not critical, security is paramount, or un-
successful requests are frequent, actors are the best
choice as they minimise complexity and reduce attack
surface. Exceptions provide better performance at the
cost of greater complexity and attack surface. Futures
occupy a middle ground between exceptions and ac-
Ongoing Work. The current study can be extended in
a number of ways. For example, currently, there are
a fixed number of supervisors in the actor implemen-
tation (10). For workloads with varying failure rates,
we could investigate whether raising or lowering the
number of supervised actors improves throughput and
Longer term goals are to investigate other applica-
tion domains, and beyond Scala/Akka. For example,
Erlang has far more lightweight actors and may de-
liver very different performance. Likewise, futures
might have better performance in a functional lan-
guage, such as Haskell.
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Comparing Reliability Mechanisms for Secure Web Servers: Comparing Actors, Exceptions and Futures in Scala