SMS Spam Identification and Risk Assessment Evaluations
Alaa Mohasseb
1 a
, Benjamin Aziz
1 b
and Andreas Kanavos
2 c
School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K.
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Information Retrieval, Spam (SMS) Detection, Risk Assessment, Class Imbalance, Machine Learning.
Short Message Service (SMS) constitutes one of the most used communication medium. It has become an
integral part of people’s lives and like other communication media, SMS texts have been used for propagating
spam messages. Despite the fact that a broad range of spam techniques have been proposed to reduce the
frequency of such incidents, many difficulties are still present due to text ambiguity; there, the same words can
be used in seemingly similar texts which makes it more difficult to identify spam messages. In this paper, we
propose an approach for identifying and classifying spam SMS based on the Syntactical features and patterns
of the message. The proposed approach consists of four main parts, namely, SMS Pre-processing, Syntactical
Features Extraction and Pattern Formulation, Classification and, Risk Analysis. Experimental results show
that the proposed approach achieves a good level of accuracy. In addition, to show the effectiveness of han-
dling class imbalance on the classification performance, two additional experiments were conducted using the
implementation of the SMOTE algorithm. There, the results depicted that handling class imbalance help in
improving identification and classification accuracy. Furthermore, based on the above, a risk model has been
proposed that addresses the risk probability and the impact of spam SMS.
Short Message Service (SMS) constitutes one of the
most used communication medium. It has become an
integral part in people’s life (yan Zhang and Wang,
2009) and like other communication media, SMS
texts have been used for propagating spam messages;
as an example, we can consider a particular product
or service in the case of marketing, or in more serious
cases, the use of malicious SMS texts in order to carry
malware or even to cause premium rate fraud. How-
ever, unlike traditional spam, SMS spam can have an
immediate and direct impact on users as this type of
spam can be costly for recipients due to the fact that
many mobile phone users are charged for text mes-
sages they receive including spam messages.
Despite the fact that a broad range of spam tech-
niques have been proposed for reducing the frequency
of such incidents, many difficulties are still present
due to text ambiguity in which the same words can
be used in seemingly similar texts (Mohasseb et al.,
2019). This phenomenon makes the process of identi-
fying spam messages even more difficult. In addition,
spam SMS detection is more challenging because of
many aspects, such as the restricted length of SMS,
the use of regional content and shortcut words as well
as the fact that SMS contains less header information
(Lota and Hossain, 2017).
Short messages often consist of only few words
and therefore, a challenge related to traditional bag-
of-words based spam filters is considered (Cormack
et al., 2007). In addition, text bodies having different
forms of communication expose channel for spam-
mers (Zhang et al., 2013). A similar work identi-
fied that words and statistical features are the most
appropriate types of feature to use for short text mes-
sage classification (Healy et al., 2004). More to the
point, several machine learning algorithms have been
used in order to identify and to classify spam SMS
such as Naive Bayes (Ahmed et al., 2014; Ahmed
et al., 2015; Mujtaba and Yasin, 2014; Shirani-
Mehr, 2013; Tekerek, 2019), Support Vector Machine
(SV M) (Almeida et al., 2013; Shirani-Mehr, 2013;
Tekerek, 2019), Decision Trees (Gupta et al., 2019;
Mujtaba and Yasin, 2014) and K-Nearest Neighbor
(Ho et al., 2013; Tekerek, 2019). In addition (Dong
et al., 2017) combined machine learning and natural
Mohasseb, A., Aziz, B. and Kanavos, A.
SMS Spam Identification and Risk Assessment Evaluations.
DOI: 10.5220/0010022404170424
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 417-424
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
language processing for spam identification.
In this paper, we propose an approach for iden-
tifying and classifying spam SMS based on the syn-
tactical features and patterns of the message. Each
message is transformed to a pattern, entitled SMS
Syntactical Pattern, which consists of syntactical fea-
tures. The proposed approach consists of four main
parts, namely SMS Pre-processing, Syntactical Fea-
tures Extraction and Pattern Formulation, Classifica-
tion and Risk Analysis. Experimental results showed
that the proposed approach achieves a good level
of accuracy. In addition, to show the effective-
ness of handling class imbalance on the classifica-
tion performance, two additional experiments were
conducted using the implementation of SMOT E al-
gorithm. There, the results depicted that handling
class imbalance help in improving the identification
and classification accuracy. Furthermore, based on
the above, a risk model has been proposed that ad-
dresses the risk probability and the impact of spam
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, the related work of the literature is dis-
cussed. In Section 3, our approach for the analysis
and classification of the dataset is outlined. Section
4 presents an overview of the SMS Spam Collection
dataset used in our analysis as well as the results of
our experiments while in Section 5, the way that risk
can be calculated based on these results is defined. Fi-
nally, in Section 6, we conclude the paper and outline
directions for future research.
Different Spam SMS identification and classification
approaches have been proposed in the literature. In
(Warade et al., 2014), an approach for detecting SMS
messages, sent through spammers mobile, with the
aim of restricting them, has been proposed. The cor-
responding approach initially looks up SMS and call
log database in order to check if a direct or a mutual
relation between sender and receiver exists. Authors
in (Ahmed et al., 2014) proposed a hybrid system of
SMS classification in order to detect ham or spam;
Naive Bayes classifier and Apriori algorithm which
relied on statistical character of the database are used.
The proposed method achieved an accuracy equal to
Bayesian filtering techniques, which are used to
block email spam (for the problem of detecting and
stopping mobile spam), are used in (Hidalgo et al.,
2006). The results showed that Bayesian filtering
techniques could be transferred from email to SMS
spam. In (Almeida et al., 2011), authors proposed
a public and non-encoded SMS spam collection and
compared the performance achieved by several estab-
lished machine learning methods. The results showed
that Support Vector Machine outperforms other eval-
uated classifiers.
Feature-based and compression-model-based
spam filters are evaluated in (Cormack et al., 2007).
Results demonstrated that the accuracy when us-
ing bag-of-words filters could be improved by
substantially considering different features, while
compression-model filters perform well without
taking into consideration any additional features.
Authors in (Sun et al., 2008) proposed a dynamic
updating algorithm of adverse SMS feature library,
which is used to support the identification and
filtration of adverse mobile short message content.
Results showed that the proposed method had a
stable performance and its evaluation criteria of F1
achieved an average value of over 0.9.
In (Kim et al., 2014), authors proposed an al-
gorithm for SMS filtering that could be performed
within mobile devices through an independent way.
Moreover, a Value Ratio (VR) measure was proposed
for evaluating lightness and quickness of filtering
methods so that SMS filtering can be performed in-
dependently within mobile devices. Another similar
work (Mujtaba and Yasin, 2014) proposed a mobile
station based approach, where the spam SMS would
be identified and removed as soon as it is received in
the mobile device. Four features were derived from
each SMS message. The results showed that the per-
formance of Naive Bayes algorithm was better than
Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Tree classi-
Different machine learning techniques were ap-
plied into a database of real SMS Spams from UCI
Machine Learning repository (Shirani-Mehr, 2013).
Authors used multinomial Naive Bayes with Laplace
smoothing as well as SV M with linear kernel and the
results showed that the classifiers reduced the overall
error by more than half when compared to previous
results. In (Ahmed et al., 2015), a semi-supervised
learning method which makes use of frequent itemset
and ensemble learning has been proposed. In addi-
tion, the Apriori algorithm has been used for identi-
fying the frequent itemset while multinomial Naive
Bayes, Random Forest and LibSVM were also em-
ployed as base learners for ensemble learning. The
proposed approach achieved fair performance with
small number of positive data and different amounts
of unlabeled dataset. Another similar work analyzed
SMS spam messages in order to identify features that
distinguish such SMS from benign SMS (ham) (Ju-
DMMLACS 2020 - 1st International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
naid and Farooq, 2011). This method extracts two
features, namely the octet bigrams and the frequency
distribution of octets. The results showed that super-
vised classification system achieved more than 89%
detection rate and 0% false alarm rate.
A method for detecting spam SMS on mobile de-
vices and smart phones is proposed in (Ho et al.,
2013) and is based on improving a graph-based al-
gorithm and utilizing the KNN Algorithm. The ex-
perimental evaluation was carried out on SMS mes-
sage collections and the results demonstrated that the
proposed method is efficient, with high accuracy and
small processing time. In (Karami and Zhou, 2014), a
method that incorporates different content based fea-
tures for improving the performance of SMS spam
detection is introduced. The proposed features were
validated with the use of multiple classification meth-
ods, the results demonstrated that these features can
improve the performance of SMS spam detection.
Furthermore, the impact of several feature ex-
traction and feature selection approaches on filtering
of SMS spam messages in two different languages,
namely Turkish and English, is investigated in (Uysal
et al., 2013). The entire feature set of filtering frame-
work consists of the features originated from the
bag-of-words (BoW) model along with the ensem-
ble of structural features (SF) related to spam prob-
lem. Experimental analysis revealed that the combi-
nations of BoW and SFs, rather than BoW features
alone, provide better classification performance on
both datasets.
Authors in (Choudhary and Jain, 2017) proposed
another method for detecting and filtering the spam
messages and achieved 96.5% true positive rate as
well as 1.02% false positive rate for Random Forest
classification algorithm. In (Tekerek, 2019), a spam
SMS detection technique using Data Mining meth-
ods, such as Naive Bayes (NB), K-Nearest Neigh-
bor (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SV M), was
introduced. The proposed approach achieved ac-
curacy of 98.33% for SV M algorithm with use of
10-fold Cross-Validation. Moreover, in (Raj et al.,
2018), a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) based
approach has been proposed, where Word2Vec tool
has been used. The experimental results depicted that
the proposed approach has achieved accuracy with
value equal to 97.5%. Finally, a CNN spam clas-
sification approach was proposed in (Popovac et al.,
2018), where pre-processing methods such as tok-
enization, stemming and stop words remover were ap-
plied. Authors showed that the proposed CNN ap-
proach achieved accuracy of 98.4%.
Unlike previous approaches, we propose a syn-
tactical based approach for spam SMS identification,
which exploits the structure within the SMS through a
new representation of SMS syntactical features. Fur-
ther information of the implemented framework are
given in the next Section 3.
In this section, we describe the processes that have
been implemented for the analysis as well as the clas-
sification of the dataset. A model has been developed
for the identification and classification of SMS mes-
sages, where each message has been transformed to a
pattern entitled SMS Syntactical Pattern (SSP), which
consists of syntactical features. Figure 1 depicts
the structure of the SMS syntactical based frame-
work, which consists of four phases: (1) SMS Pre-
processing; (2) Syntactical Features Extraction and
Pattern Formulation; (3) Classification and (4) Risk
(1) SMS Pre-processing: The main objective of pre-
processing is to clean the data, remove characters
considered as noise, and handle missing field, which
helps reducing the classification errors in the data
and improves the accuracy. This step is executed by
removing special characters and punctuation marks,
such as question and exclamation marks. Unlike most
approaches, stop words, such as “a” and “the” as well
as numbers, are not removed. The resulting terms are
used in order to generate the Syntactical features.
(2) Syntactical Features Extraction and Pattern
Formulation: The model takes into consideration the
SMS syntactical features. In this phase, every SMS is
transformed into its syntactical representation. The
Syntactical features consist of the seven major word
classes in English, which are Verb (V ), Noun (N),
Determiner (D), Adjective (Ad j), Adverb (Adv) ,
Preposition (P) and Conjunction (Con j) in addition
to the six main question words: How (QW
), Who
W ho
), When (QW
W hen
), Where (QW
W here
), What
W hat
) and Which (QW
W hich
). Some word classes
like Noun can have sub-classes, such as Common
Nouns (CN), Proper Nouns (PN), Pronouns (Pron),
and Numeral Nouns (NN) as well as Verbs, such as
Action Verbs (AV ), Linking Verbs (LV ) and Auxil-
iary Verbs (AuxV ). In addition, the syntactical fea-
tures consist of other features such as singular (e.g.
Common Noun – Other - Singular (CN
)) and plural
terms (e.g. Common Noun - Other - Plural (CN
This representation is a way to represent the text
(SMS) as a series of syntactic categories forming syn-
tactic patterns (Mohasseb et al., 2019) using a small
number of features, unlike other syntax based fea-
tures, such as the n-gram, which results in a high num-
SMS Spam Identification and Risk Assessment Evaluations
Figure 1: SMS Syntactical Based Framework.
ber of features. As an example, we can consider the
sentence “What is your favourite food - ham”; this
representation will be transformed into a pattern and
each syntactical category will be considered as a fea-
ture (e.g QW
W hat
+ LV + D + Ad j + CN
). This will
later be used in the following classification phase.
(3) Classification: In this phase, the SMS Syntacti-
cal Pattern (SSP) features predictive models are built,
tested and compared. The dataset is split into training
and test set, where the training set is used for building
the model, and the test set is used so as to evaluate
the performance of our model. The classification will
be employed with use of different machine learning
algorithms, which will be discussed in the following
(4) Risk Analysis: In this phase, if a SMS is classified
as spam a risk analysis will be applied in which this is
a case study of how to utilise the results of the spam
analysis in the context of Cyber security. A detailed
explanation of this analysis is provided in section 5.
The classification accuracy is obtained by using the
implementation of popular machine learning algo-
rithms, namely Naive Bayes (NB), K-Nearest Neigh-
bor (KNN) and Random Forest (RF) utilised in the
software. The effectiveness of the classifica-
tion algorithms was evaluated in terms of Precision
(i.e. how precise we are in detecting spam SMS), Re-
call (i.e. how robust we are in detecting spam SMS)
and F-Measure (i.e. a trade-off metric between preci-
sion and robustness) (Chinchor, 1992), using 10-fold
4.1 The SMS Spam Dataset
The SMS Spam Collection v.1 dataset
is collected
by the Department of Telematics at the University of
Campinas, Brazil. Concretely, it contains a set of
SMS messages in English that consists of 5,574 mes-
sages and their distribution is given in Table 1.
Table 1: Data distribution for the selected dataset.
SMS type Total
Ham 4,827
Spam 747
The messages were tagged according to being
ham (legitimate) or spam (Almeida et al., 2011). In
addition, these files contain one message per line,
where each line is composed by two columns; the
first line has the label (ham or spam) and the second
one has the raw text. A couple of examples from this
dataset are shown below:
Ham: What you doing? how are you?
Spam: Double Mins & Double Txt & 1/2 price
Linerental on Latest Orange Bluetooth mobiles.
4.2 Results
Tables 2, 3 and 4 present the classification perfor-
mance details of the three algorithms used for the
DMMLACS 2020 - 1st International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
three different evaluation metrics.
Table 2: KNN classifier performance.
SMS Types Precision Recall F-Measure
Ham 0.864 0.93 0.896
Spam 0.111 0.056 0.075
Overall 0.763 0.813 0.786
Table 3: NB classifier performance.
SMS Types Precision Recall F-Measure
Ham 0.867 0.899 0.883
Spam 0.148 0.112 0.128
Overall 0.771 0.794 0.782
Table 4: RF classifier performance.
SMS Types Precision Recall F-Measure
Ham 0.866 0.978 0.919
Spam 0.148 0.024 0.041
Overall 0.77 0.851 0.801
Results show that KNN correctly classified 81.3%
of the SMS, while NB and RF achieved 79.4% and
85.1% respectively. More specifically, looking at
where the errors occur, all three classifiers obtained a
high value for all three metrics (Precision, Recall and
F-Measure) for the ham category while the spam class
had low values due to the low number of instances of
this class compared to the ham class. This can be ob-
served in Table 1 where it is shown how the classifi-
cation accuracy was affected by the imbalance of the
dataset classes.
To show the effectiveness of handling imbalance
data on the classification performance, two additional
experiments were conducted using the combination of
KNN, NB and RF along with the SMOTE algorithm.
Full details for the experiments and results are pro-
vided in the following subsection.
4.3 Dealing with Class Imbalance
To evaluate the impact of handling class imbalance on
the identification of the spam category and the over-
all accuracy, the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling
TEchnique (SMOT E) algorithm (Chawla et al., 2002)
was applied to KNN, NB and RF with the value of
k = 1. SMOTE is one of the most popular sam-
pling technique used for handling imbalanced data.
SMOT E over-samples instances of the minority (ab-
normal) class, which helps in achieving better perfor-
mance in terms of a corresponding classifier.
Two experiments were conducted:
1. the spam class was slightly increased by 2, 241
instances (case 1), and
2. the spam class was significantly increased by
5,229 instances (case 2).
Both of these cases are shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Data distribution with SMOTE for case 1 (left ta-
ble) and case 2 (right table).
SMS type Total
Ham 4,827
Spam 2,988
SMS type Total
Ham 4,827
Spam 5,976
4.3.1 Results for Case 1
Tables 6, 7 and 8 present the classification perfor-
mance details of the Naive Bayes (NB), K-Nearest
Neighbor (KNN) and Random Forest (RF) classifiers
for the three different evaluation metrics after apply-
ing SMOT E algorithms in which the instances of the
spam class were increased by 2, 241 instances.
Table 6: KNN classifier performance using SMOT E (1).
SMS Types Precision Recall F-Measure
Ham 0.937 0.757 0.837
Spam 0.7 0.917 0.794
Overall 0.846 0.818 0.821
Table 7: NB classifier performance using SMOTE (1).
SMS Types Precision Recall F-Measure
Ham 0.793 0.779 0.786
Spam 0.653 0.671 0.662
Overall 0.739 0.738 0.739
Results show that KNN correctly classified 81.8%
of the SMS, while NB and RF achieved 73.8% and
89% respectively. More specifically, after handling
class imbalance, the Precision, Recall and F-Measure
metrics of the ham class were slightly decreased while
the Precision, Recall and F-Measure of the spam class
were increased. This means that the slight increase of
the instances of the spam class helped in improving
the overall accuracy and performance. In addition,
this increase lead in improving the identification and
classification of the spam class but simultaneously af-
fected the identification and classification of the ham
class, especially for KNN and NB classifiers.
4.3.2 Results for Case 2
Tables 9, 10 and 11 present the classification perfor-
mance details of the Naive Bayes (NB), K-Nearest
Neighbor (KNN) and Random Forest (RF) classifiers
for the three different evaluation metrics after apply-
ing SMOT E algorithms in which the instances of the
spam class were increased by 5, 229 instances.
SMS Spam Identification and Risk Assessment Evaluations
Table 8: RF classifier performance using SMOT E (1).
SMS Types Precision Recall F-Measure
Ham 0.881 0.95 0.915
Spam 0.908 0.794 0.847
Overall 0.892 0.89 0.889
Table 9: KNN classifier performance using SMOT E (2).
SMS Types Precision Recall F-Measure
Ham 0.956 0.672 0.789
Spam 0.786 0.975 0.87
Overall 0.862 0.839 0.834
Results show that KNN correctly classified 83.9%
of the SMS, while NB and RF achieved 75.3% and
91.9% respectively. Similar to the previous results,
after handling class imbalance, the Precision, Recall
and F-Measure metrics of the ham class were af-
fected; KNN and NB achieved Recall values equal
to 67.2% and 59% respectively. On the other hand,
regarding the spam class, the Precision, Recall and
F-Measure metrics were increased. Furthermore, RF
achieved a Recall value equal to 90.5% for the ham
class and 93% for the spam class, which means that
this increase of the instances of the spam class has
significantly lead to improve the overall accuracy and
performance. In addition, regarding the KNN and
NB classifiers, this corresponding increase resulted in
improving the identification and classification of the
spam class but slightly affected the ham class.
Concluding this section, the overall results depict
the following remarks:
1. The classification accuracy was affected by the
imbalance of the dataset classes.
2. Handling class imbalance improved the identifica-
tion and classification of ham and spam classes.
3. Increasing the minority class (spam), the perfor-
mance of the other class (ham) was slightly and
significantly affected as two different cases were
taken into consideration.
4. Random Forest (RF) classifier achieved the best
overall performance.
5. The employment of the syntactical pattern of the
SMS helped in the identification of the ham and
spam classes.
In this section, we introduce a risk model for identi-
fying risk probabilities, cost variables, as well as risk
values associated with spam SMS messages. As is
well known, risk is defined as:
Table 10: NB classifier performance using SMOTE (2).
SMS Types Precision Recall F-Measure
Ham 0.806 0.59 0.681
Spam 0.728 0.885 0.799
Overall 0.763 0.753 0.746
Table 11: RF classifier performance using SMOT E (2).
SMS Types Precision Recall F-Measure
Ham 0.913 0.905 0.909
Spam 0.924 0.93 0.927
Overall 0.919 0.919 0.919
risk = probability × impact
In our present work, we focus on the most obvi-
ous type of risk that can be extracted from the spam
detection analysis; that is the risk of not detecting a
spam SMS message. Since Recall is a measure of the
classifier’s robustness, i.e. it represents the percent-
age of the cases when the classifier correctly detects
spam messages in relation to all the possible cases of
spam messages, we define risk probability p
for a
particular classifier C as following:
probability = p
= (1 Recall
This probability represents the percentage of cases
when a classifier C fails to detect spam messages.
However, since one of the important attributes that
determines the value of Recall is the level of the class
imbalance in the dataset, this probability for the cases
of the two “synthetic” datasets utilised for SMOT E
algorithm, as shown in Table 12, is also considered.
It is clear from these that the risk probability dramat-
ically decreases when the problem of class imbalance
is addressed.
Table 12: Spam detection risk probabilities.
Prediction Original SMOT E SMOT E
Algorithm Dataset (1) (2)
0.944 0.083 0.025
0.888 0.329 0.115
0.976 0.206 0.07
On the other hand, we consider the immediate cost
of replying to a spam message m that has not been de-
tected by a classifier, as an example of direct measure
of risk impact:
impact = cost
In our case study, we identified the following types
of spam message costs:
Texting a number specified in the spam message.
We define the type of this cost as a variable t.
Calling a number specified in the spam message.
We define the type of this cost as a variable c.
DMMLACS 2020 - 1st International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
Texting or calling a number specified in the spam
message. We define the type of this cost as a vari-
able tc.
Clicking on a link specified in the spam message.
We define the type of this cost as a variable `.
No action required. We define the type of this cost
simply as 0, since effectively it costs nothing.
Table 13 represents the cost percentages for each
of the above cost variables for the case of the origi-
nal dataset considered in the analysis. More specif-
ically, these percentages are the occurrence rates of
each cost type as a percentage of the total number of
cases. Therefore, we come across with the fact that in
the majority (i.e. over 88%) of cases, the direct cost
of responding to a spam message will be the cost of
texting a number or the cost of calling a number spec-
ified in the original spam message.
Table 13: Percentage of each cost variable.
Cost variable Original Dataset
t 41.63%
c 47.12%
tc 0.54%
` 4.69%
0 6.02%
We did not consider the cost for the two “syn-
thetic” datasets utilised for SMOTE algorithm be-
cause of two main reasons: first, we were not able
to read the additional data generated for balancing the
dataset, but second and more importantly, this data,
even if readable, would be artificial and therefore any
cost variable percentages would have been unrealistic.
Next, we calculate risk as follows:
risk = (1 Recall
) × percentage(cost
) × cost
The right side of the equation consists of three
parts: The first part represents the probability of not
detecting a spam SMS, the second is the probabil-
ity that the cost would be of a certain type and the
third part is the cost variable itself. The risk values
for the original dataset are shown in Table 14, for the
three classification algorithms considered and param-
eterised by the cost types. Note that for the last case,
the risk is 0 as the cost is 0.
In our paper, an approach for identifying and classify-
ing spam SMS based on the syntactical features and
patterns of the message has been proposed. More to
Table 14: Overall risk values for the original dataset.
Cost/Risk Probability Risk Value
t p
0.393 ×t
0.37 ×t
0.406 ×t
c p
0.445 × c
0.418 × c
0.46 × c
tc p
0.005 ×tc
0.0048 ×tc
0.0053 ×tc
` p
0.443 × `
0.416 × `
0.458 × `
0 p
the point, the message is transformed to its syntacti-
cal pattern, entitled SMS Syntactical Pattern. Specif-
ically, the proposed approach consists of four main
parts, namely SMS Pre-processing, Syntactical Fea-
tures Extraction and Pattern Formulation, Classifica-
tion and Risk Analysis. The experimental evaluation
showed that with use of popular machine learning al-
gorithms, the proposed approach lead to promising re-
sults. In addition, two experiments were conducted
using the implementation of SMOT E algorithm in or-
der to show the effectiveness of handling class im-
balance on the classification performance. Results
showed that handling class imbalance improved the
identification and classification of both ham and spam
classes. Finally, four types of spam message costs
have been identified, which address the risk probabil-
ity and the impact of spam SMS. In order to differ-
entiate our work, we state that other previous works
do not take into consideration a syntactical based ap-
proach for spam SMS identification. This kind of ap-
proach exploits the structure within the SMS through
a new representation of SMS syntactical features.
As future work, we aim to investigate the impact
of using other syntactical features and in following
compare the results. We also plan to test other ma-
chine learning algorithms and use different and larger
datasets. New metrics can also be taken into con-
sideration in order to measure the efficiency of our
proposed method, such as Batting Average and Roc
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SMS Spam Identification and Risk Assessment Evaluations
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