life cycle. On the one hand the proliferation of data
from one stage to the other (specification to produc-
tion). On the other hand and even more important is
the propagation of constraints that one step requires
and another has to interpret and obey. It is especially
valid for the backward propagation from later steps to
earlier steps, e.g.: The specification should honor the
restrictions the 3D mold printing process imposes.
A general, common and light weighted accessible
repository can be established. In the showcase fac-
tory a single XML is used as repository data struc-
ture. This will be reformulated in a model based data
structure that is accessible from a distributed environ-
ment. A common technically defined protocol will be
In this paper a layered generalized approach is shown
to model the vertical integration of a lotsize-1 produc-
tion throughout the entire life cycle of a product. In
four abstraction layers the variability of the deployed
instruments and organizational settings are arranged
into an concise model. A subset of business func-
tions were described the life cycle process consists of.
The results of the referenced model factory were pre-
The further work will concentrate on the follow-
ing research threads: (a) Completing the showcase es-
stone.flights; (b) Define a data structure and protocol
to be able to distribute the life cycle stages to different
organizations/companies; (c) Completing the analysis
of all proposed life cycle stages; (d) Investigate the or-
ganizational aspects, to find out what does it mean to
be a ”product designer” in the proposed framework.
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Infrastructure for an Integrated Industry 4.0 Life Cycle Spanning Design and Production Platform