of damage, assign responsibilities, and increase the
efficiency of the supply chain. Regarding the required
measures when exceeding a set threshold (e.g.
transport vibration): the experts gave priority to steps
that intervene less in the logistics process. The service
system also has the potential to improve customer
satisfaction by increasing planning reliability and
building up a relationship of trust. The service
system's contribution to an improvement of
sustainability is promising and the experts have a
keen interest in it. However, some of the
improvements are still conceptual and (according to
the experts) the current prototypical implementation
of the service system is lacking in terms of usability,
the offered services promise to be highly beneficial.
Concerning future research work on this topic, we
are pursuing an ongoing assessment of the service
system with further evaluation method. In this
respect, first laboratory experiments have already
been conducted. Additional research is required to
supplement the implemented service system with
further services, technologies and participants, in
order to increase the positive effects for all users.
The authors thank the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) for its
financial and organisational support of the
“Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Augsburg”,
which enabled the survey to be conducted.
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