Evaluating Person Re-identification Performance on GAN-enhanced
Daniel Hofer and Wolfgang Ertel
Institute for Artificial Intelligence, University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten,
Doggenriedstrasse, 88250 Weingarten, Germany
Person Re-identification, GAN (Generative Adversarial Network), Data Enhancement.
Person re-identification remains a hard task for AI systems because high intra-class variance across different
cameras, angles and lighting conditions make it difficult to create a reliable re-identification system. Since only
small datasets for person re-id tasks are available, in recent years Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
have become popular to improve intra-class variance to train more robust re-identification frameworks. In
this work we evaluate an Inception-ResNet-v2 using triplet loss, introduced by (Weinberger and Saul, 2009),
which works very well for face re-identification and use it for full-body person re-identification. The network
is trained without GAN generated images to get a baseline accuracy of the network. In further experiments, the
network is trained by adding constantly rising amounts of synthetic images produced by two image generators
using different generating approaches.
The task of person re-identification proposes an in-
teresting challenge. It involves very high intra-class
variance due to different lighting conditions, poses,
cameras and even clothes. Furthermore, the training
and test sets do not necessarily share any persons in
common. This means, that classifier learning is not
a viable option. A network needs to be able to learn
how to generate a representation that can be compared
without further processing. There is already a net-
work architecture available that was built for exactly
such an use-case, the so called Siamese neural net-
work (Bromley et al., 1994). This architecture tends
to need a lot of training data to perform well(Schroff
et al., 2015). In the area of full body
person re-
identification there is no dataset available, which can
compete with the size of face re-identification datasets
(e.g. (Cao et al., 2018)) but there are many differ-
ent GANs available that are able to generate images
based on existing person pictures to enhance datasets.
This work evaluates two different image generators
by training a improved FaceNet(Schroff et al., 2015)
for person re-identification with datasets enhanced by
various amounts of synthetic images.
Full-body in this context means an image of the whole
or nearly whole body.
(Schroff et al., 2015) proposes ”a system, called
FaceNet, that directly learns a mapping from face im-
ages to a compact Euclidean space where distances
directly correspond to a measure of face similar-
ity. (Schroff et al., 2015). Their system achieved a
new record accuracy of 99.63% in the widely used
Labeled Faces in the Wild dataset(Huang et al., 2007),
but is only able to re-identify faces and not images of
a complete person with the face not visible.
(Zheng et al., 2017) introduced a re-identification
system which uses a GAN to generate unlabeled im-
ages of persons. They propose to assign an uniform
label distribution to those images by Label Smoothing
Regularization for Outliers. Their experiments show,
that the GAN generated images improve the discrim-
inative ability of the learned embedding. (Ma et al.,
2017) proposes a novel ”Pose Guided Person Gener-
ation Network (PG
)” (Ma et al., 2017) that is able
to generate images of persons in arbitrary poses. The
output image is based on an input image of a person
and a target pose.
(Bak et al., 2018) addresses the issue of the lack
of diversity in lighting conditions in currently avail-
able datasets. They introduce a new synthetic dataset
created with the Unreal Engine 4 game engine. 100
virtual humans are placed in modeled environments
Hofer, D. and Ertel, W.
Evaluating Person Re-identification Performance on GAN-enhanced Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0010060200770081
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems (ROBOVIS 2020), pages 77-81
ISBN: 978-989-758-479-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with realistic outdoor and indoor lighting conditions
and are captured from different viewpoints. (Ge
et al., 2018) uses a pose map and an input image
from a person to create a new image of that per-
son in the given pose. This way the authors want
to force a network to learn identity related and pose
unrelated features. (Liu et al., 2018) approaches the
problem of insufficient pose coverage of existing re-
id training datasets. Therefore the authors propose
”a pose-transferrable person ReID framework which
utilizes pose-transferred sample augmentations (i.e.,
with ID supervision) to enhance ReID model train-
ing.”(Liu et al., 2018). In addition to the conventional
GAN-discriminator, they introduce a novel guider-
sub-network which guides the generated data towards
better satisfying the re-id loss. (Qian et al., 2018) also
addresses the problem of huge pose variations in the
person re-id task. They propose a novel image gener-
ation model to generate realistic person images con-
ditioned with a pose. This way they can learn re-id
features without the influence of a pose.
(Zheng et al., 2019) merges two images of persons
by taking the appearance related features like cloth-
ing, shoes etc. and maps them to a person on a differ-
ent image taking hairstyle, posture and face from the
second image.
The goal of this work is to verify whether real world
datasets complemented with synthetically generated
images can improve the accuracy of a re-identification
system. The mentioned system is working on images
showing the complete person and not only small parts,
e.g. the face. Figure 1 shows some sample images
from the Market-1501 dataset. Persons are visible
in different poses and angles meaning a re-id system
needs to be robust against those changes.
Figure 1: Example images from Market-1501
dataset(Zheng et al., 2015).
To evaluate, if GAN generated images can be
helpful to increase the robustness of a re-id pipeline,
an Inception-ResNet-v2(Szegedy et al., 2017) is
trained. The complete training process is based on
FaceNet(Schroff et al., 2015) which is a record break-
ing face re-id system. They propose to use the Triplet-
Loss function first introduced in (Weinberger and
Saul, 2009). This way, the squared L2-distances di-
rectly correspond to face similarity. The complete
system is trained in an end-to-end manner. Regarding
the FaceNet implementation
, the used deep neural
network was changed to a more recent one, the In-
ception ResNet-v2. (Szegedy et al., 2017) states, that
this network architecture needs lesser training data
because it converges faster and therefore benefits this
work. Also the stem was exchanged for the Inception-
ResNet-v1 stem to reduce dimensionality.
To get a baseline to compare later results to, the
network is trained without generated images first.
To verify, if artificial images can improve the ac-
curacy, two different GANs are used to enhance ex-
isting real world datasets with newly generated im-
ages. The first GAN integrated in our pipeline is FD-
Gan(Ge et al., 2018). This system uses a target pose
map and an image of a person as input. The target
pose map consists of key points of the human skele-
ton. The image generator then proceeds to generate
an image of the person in the target pose. To gener-
ate new images, an image was chosen at random and
combined with a pose extracted from a random im-
age of a different person. By using this system, new
images of the same person are generated. The person
will have a new pose, but is still wearing the same
outfit. Figure 2 shows an example of the image gen-
eration process. On the left side there are a pose map
and an image of a person. The resulting image on the
right side shows the person in a new pose.
To compare the training results with a completely
different image generation approach, DG-Net(Zheng
et al., 2019) was chosen. There, people put on new
cloths, so to speak. As input, the generator needs two
images of different people. The outfit of one person
will be transferred to a different person. This way,
the network should be directed into learning, that the
identity of a person is not related to one’s outfit but
other features like the body shape, hair color and so
Figure 3 shows the inputs and output of the DG-
Net image generator. It is clearly visible, that the out-
fit of the person in the second image was mapped to
the person in the first input image.
To evaluate the proposed framework, Mar-
Our implementation is based on this work:https://
ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems
(a) Target pose.
(b) Image of a per-
son. Source: Market-
1501(Zheng et al., 2015)
(c) Newly generated im-
Figure 2: Input and output of FD-GAN for image gener-
ation. Those image are generated by the author using the
weights provided by the paper authors.
(a) Structure image.
Source: Market-
1501(Zheng et al.,
(b) Appearance image.
Source: Market-
1501(Zheng et al.,
(c) Newly generated im-
Figure 3: Input and output of DG-Net for image generation.
Table 1: Ratios of real to generated images in the used train-
ing datasets.
Dataset Ratio
1 1:0
2 1:0.5
3 1:1
4 1:2
5 1:10
6 0:1
Figure 4: Accuracy and loss during training on Market-
1501 with zero synthetic images.
ket1501 (Zheng et al., 2015) and DukeMTMC-
reID (Ristani et al., 2016) datasets were chosen be-
cause they are widely used. Therefore it will be
easy to compare the results of our work to others.
Market-1501 contains 12936 training images of 751
persons and 19732 images for testing. DukeMTMC-
reID training set contains 16522 images of 702 differ-
ent identities. The test-set contains 17661 images in
1110 different classes.
To test if the GAN generated images can im-
prove the accuracy of the trained network, the exist-
ing datasets were enhanced by different portions of
generated images. Table 1 gives an overview of the
various ratios. Dataset 6 was created containing 1000
generated images for each identity. If synthetic im-
ages improve the network’s accuracy, the results on
this dataset should be very good, if not, it should be
clear that the network is underperforming. Before
the actual evaluation, the threshold, which yields the
best accuracy is chosen. The threshold is the upper
limit for the distance between two images showing
the same person.
Evaluating Person Re-identification Performance on GAN-enhanced Datasets
1:0 1:0.5 1:1 1:2 1:10 0:1
Dataset ratio Real:Generated
FD-Gan enhanced on Market-1501
FD-Gan enhanced on Duke
Figure 5: Accuracy over different real to generated image
3.1 Preprocessing and Training
Before training the images are resized to 160 times
160 pixels to match the input size of the network. Af-
terwards the network is trained for 20 epochs using
the ADAGRAD optimizer. The learning rate started at
0.05 with a decay factor of 0.98 every 4 epochs. The
small number of epochs is justified in the fact, that, as
shown in figure 4 afterwards the training process was
stalled out and did not yield any progress. Stopping
it there is preventing further over fitting to training
data. To get a baseline, the network was trained on
the Market-1501 without generated images.
The baseline, retrieved by testing a network only
trained on real data, achieves a accuracy of 94.05%
on the Market-1501 and 78.65% on the DukeMTMC-
reID dataset.
To evaluate, if GAN enhanced datasets can im-
prove the re-id accuracy, enhanced datasets were used
for training the network. Figure 6 shows the results of
the network over different ratios of real to generated
images using the image generator from DG-Net. On
the other hand, figure 5 shows the results of the net-
work over different ratios of real to generated images
using the image generator from FD-Gan.
For the evaluation of the first GAN, FD-GAN,
the Market-1501 dataset was enhanced by artificially
generated images according to the ratios in Table 1.
No improvement is visible, the accuracy is worse by
0.06% compared to the baseline results. The drop
in accuracy when using 1000 syntactical images per
identity indicates that the generated images are not as
good as the real ones. Figure 2c visualizes, that the
1:0 1:0.5 1:1 1:2 1:10 0:1
Dataset ratio Real:Generated
DG-Net enhanced on Market-1501
DG-Net enhanced on Duke
Figure 6: Accuracy over different real to generated image
generated images are quite blurred. The trained re-id
pipeline does not seem to handle that very well.
If enhancing the Market-1501 with the genera-
tor from DG-Net, the best network was trained on a
ratio of 1:0.5 and achieved an accuracy of 94.12%
in Market-1501 and 78.4% in Duke. On Market
this is a small improvement of 0.07% compared
to the baseline. For comparison, DG-Net reaches
87.4% accuracy on Duke-MTMC-reID and 98.5% on
Market-1501 and FD-GAN achieves 86.28% accu-
racy on DukeMTMC-reID datasets and 98.41% on
the Market-1501 dataset in peak performance. Fig-
ure 3 shows, that the image generation is not always
perfect. The trained re-id system is not as affected
by those errors as by blurred images because the drop
in accuracy is not nearly as high(shown in Figure 6
compared to Figure 5) as with blurred generated im-
ages when using 1000 synthetic images per identity
for training.
For this evaluation, both network weights were
taken from the authors of the original works.
The generated images produced with two different
image generators do not improve the accuracy of the
trained re-identification system. Neither new images
of existing persons in new poses nor other clothes
yielded significant improvements in accuracy. The
amount of images per class does not seem to be the
problem. We assume, that there are too few identi-
ties, hence classes to train on. So the better approach
would be to add more classes to improve the perfor-
mance of the network.
Additional future work would be the usage of an
image set containing images from several different
ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems
datasets for training to improve the cross-dataset per-
formance. Also a changed training process could be
executed. The network would be trained on imageNet
as a classifier. Before inference, the softmax, dropout
and avg. pooling layers would be stripped. This way
the amount of available training data is not the prob-
lem and the network could still work as feature ex-
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Evaluating Person Re-identification Performance on GAN-enhanced Datasets