The study reveals that the test persons can concentrate
better on their main activity if they feel a haptic
feedback when operating the touch user interface in
parallel. The reduction in the number of touches
across all test subjects and all five control elements is
37% overall. The greatest improvement in errors
concerning the main task on parallel activity is found
at control element 1. The individual feedback
impulses contribute to orientation, are partially
counted and improve the concentration on the parallel
task the most. The subjectively induced effort is
experienced as less when operating the user interface
in parallel with haptic feedback than operating
without haptic feedback. The setting time, however,
shows an increase over all tasks and test persons. In
addition, the feedback used for the control elements
feels too weak. The information coding behind the
haptic feedback is also partly not intuitively
understandable. This should be further improved.
After a short explanation at the end of the test, the
coding could usually be understood quickly. It is
therefore interesting to see how much the errors of the
main task improves when the test persons are briefly
introduced to the coding logic of the feedback before
the start. Exercise also leads to a better use of the
feedback and further contributes to an increase in the
ability to concentrate and a reduction in effort. The
setting time, which tends to increase with feedback
also shortened through practice.
In conclusion, the haptic feedback has a high
potential with touch screens. There is a great level of
freedom in design and a wide variety of technical
approaches to implementation. In addition, this study
is able to show that haptic feedback at the user interface
both improves the concentration on a parallel activity
and reduces the effort during operation.
This work is founded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG) within the scope of the research
project “Ageing-appropriate adaptive electro-tactile
touch user interfaces in a translatory application”,
grant MA 4210/6-3.
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