be significantly associated with HGS (Martins et al.,
2020) and cardiorespiratory fitness in children and
adolescents (Langer et al., 2020).
Results are available not only on whole-body PhA
but also, for the first time, on IR and segmental BIA.
Difference between genders emerged for IRs and
PhAs, which were more marked with regard to upper
limbs (for instance, PhA in males, +4.9% for the
whole body, +12.9% for upper limbs and +3.5% for
lower limbs). This finding was in line with the previ-
ous study by Schmidt et al., (2018) on whole-body
HGS, is a reliable index of musculoskeletal fitness
varies in children and adolescents (Castro-Pinero et
al., 2010), depending on factors such as age, gender,
stature, weight, preferred limb and body composition
(De Souza et al., 2014; Silverman, 2015; Montalcini
et al., 2016). We used a Dynex dynamometer to de-
termine isometric strength of upper limbs in male and
female adolescents from fourteen to seventeen years
old. A statistical difference occurred between male
and female adolescents for the whole body, preferred
limb and non-preferred limb, as previously described
by Omar et al. (2015).
To the best of our knowledge, a single study has
so far yielded evidence on the direct association be-
tween HGS and whole-body PhA (Martins et al.,
2020). Our results showed that all raw BIA variables
were direct predictors of HGS. This was the case of
BI index at high frequency (250 kHz), which is
known to be strictly related to TBW and FFM (Kyle
et al., 2015). Interestingly, a weaker correlation
emerged for the BI index at 5 kHz, which is likely to
be an index of ECW (Kyle et al., 2015). There was
also a correlation of HGS with whole-body IR and
PhA, which was even stronger with the corresponding
upper-limb values. These findings were further sup-
ported by the fact that in multiple regression analysis
BI indexes along with IRs or PhAs were independent
predictors of HGS, whereas gender and age were not.
In conclusion, HGS is clearly associated with BI in-
dexes (marker of FFM), IR and PhA (markers of the
anatomical structure of the muscle).This study gives
information about the use of HGS and raw BIA vari-
ables in the second decade of life. Further studies are
needed to evaluate the reliability and effectiveness of
such approach to assess nutritional status in children
and adolescents.
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icSPORTS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support