Table 2: Results for all experiments. Experiment 1: Full dataset, in-range scenes. Experiment 2: Full dataset, out-of-range
scenes. Experiment 3: Minimal dataset, in-range scenes. Experiment 4: Minimal dataset, out of range scenes. The subscript
rb indicates robot/ball and t indicates target.
Experiment 1
Type Total Hit Target Hit Ball/Missed Target Missed Ball
# # # Mean
# Mean
MLP 9 0 5 0.1438 0.1404 0.4504 0.4607 4 0.1375 0.1287
MLP/GAN 11 3 4 0.2023 0.2022 0.3246 0.3772 4 0.2069 0.2382
Experiment 2
MLP 8 0 0 - - - - 8 0.2985 0.3312
MLP/GAN 8 0 2 0.2816 0.2816 0.5370 0.5370 6 0.3022 0.3395
Experiment 3
MLP 36 12 11 0.2106 0.1990 0.3368 0.2989 13 0.2467 0.2785
MLP/GAN 36 21 7 0.2254 0.2223 0.3854 0.3321 8 0.2524 0.2432
Experiment 4
MLP 16 6 4 0.1791 0.1898 0.3399 0.2624 6 0.43 0.3977
MLP/GAN 16 6 1 0.2128* 0.2128* 0.3039* 0.3039* 9 0.3439 0.2427
*The mean and median results match as there is only a single trial where the ball was hit but the target was missed.
to train the generator on an intermediate layer of
the discriminator, which is the actual features of the
dataset, as opposed to a singular output that inade-
quately combines those features.
Another line of inquiry is to use a more recent
GAN architecture. We picked the WGAN (Arjovsky
et al., 2017) to minimize mode-collapse. However,
mode-collapse was still a problem in Experiment 4.
A natural response is to use a GAN such as that de-
scribed in (Gulrajani et al., 2017), which incorporates
further technical improvements.
Regardless of these future developments, we be-
lieve that we have shown GAN-augmentation is a vi-
able path for developing robust controllers for phys-
ical robots in scenarios where a sufficient number of
the physical trials is difficult to obtain.
These experiments were carried out while Todd Flyr
was a visiting student at King’s College London. We
are grateful to King’s for hosting him, and for allow-
ing us to use the robotics facilities in the Department
of Engineering.
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Improving Learning in a Mobile Robot using Adversarial Training