Players can learn to hit various rotation directions by
using smart tennis sensors, but they do not provide in-
formation about the opponent’s treatment of the ball.
Ball rotation can be detected using a high-speed and
high-resolution camera, but since tennis is a sport in
which the balls travel fast in a short period of time,
and are hit at various places in the court, a precise
tracking system is required in addition.
Since tennis players are known to make decisions
based on the hitting sound of the opponent, in this
study, we focused on the hitting sound. Although
some previous studies focused on the hitting sound
of tennis balls during play, they paid attention only to
ball speed (Zhang et al., 2017). In depth research on
hitting sound and ball rotation direction has not been
previously conducted. However, Canal-Bruland et al
asked subjects to watch a professional tennis match
on video and predict the trajectory of the ball at that
time (Canal-Bruland, 2018). As a result, it was shown
that the hitting sound could be an important factor in
predicting the ball trajectory. In predicting the tra-
jectory of a ball, three types of the rotation direc-
tion, namely spin, flat, and slice form the basis of ball
movement pattern. By recognizing rotation direction,
a rough trajectory of the ball can be predicted, and
player performance can improve as prediction accu-
racy improves.
A spin hit happens when the head of the racket is
rotated over the top of the ball during a hit causing a
tangential velocity of the top of the ball in the same di-
rection as the ball’s trajectory resulting in lower drag
force at the bottom of the ball so it falls downwards
(Figure 2a). A flat hit ball does not spin to any sig-
nificant degree so does not veer from the direction in
which it is hit (Figure 2b). A slice hit, contrary to
spin, happens when a player angles the racket back
and slides it underneath the ball when hitting which
makes it veer upwards. The tangential velocity of the
top of the ball is in the opposite direction of the tra-
jectory of the ball, so the force of this hit tends to
be weaker than spin or flat. Players may also make
the ball deflect left or right by corresponding rota-
tions (Figure 2c). To validate the proposed method,
a set of tests was, performed to obtain necessary ball
hitting sound data. Then, a identifiable data set was
constructed using a developed identifier. Thereafter,
accuracy of the identifier was evaluated. Finally, we
sampled ball hitting sounds from YouTube and ap-
plied the identifier to observe the percentage of cor-
rect answers.
Following, Section 2 describes related research,
Section 3 describes the database constructed, Section
4 proposes a method for processing the data, and Sec-
tion 5 describes the results and considerations of eval-
uation experiments using the proposed method.
To improve player performance in tennis, Asano et al.
attached markers to a ball and used high-speed cam-
eras to determine the rotation angle and number of ro-
tations for each of three axes. Three-dimensional lo-
cation of the ball center was obtained from the camera
parameters with two cameras, and the ball trajectory
was estimated.
Elsewhere, research has focused on the sound of
hitting balls in sound table tennis. A game was de-
signed for blind people with a rule that if no returned
ball hitting sound was heard, it was a foul. Because
the judge only relied on hearing, application of the
rule was ambiguous. Kogusuri et al. aimed to clarify
this rule (Kogusuri et al., 2008). In that research, they
propose a technique to determine a hit by focusing on
frequency domain components by recording the hit
sound with a digital audio tape recorder via a noise
meter, applying wavelet transform analysis, and us-
ing the hit sound. Similar concept was used aimed at
improving the player performance in other ball sports
studies focusing on the hitting sound. Although the
effect of ball hitting sound on performance has been
studied, waveform characteristics of the hitting sound
have not been clarified.
Therefore, Zhang et al. are conducting research of
the latent characteristics of the hitting sounds of op-
ponent players (Zhang et al., 2017). In their study,
the sound of hitting a service ball was extracted from
the deuce side and the advantage side in 15 examples
each, and the characteristics were compared by over-
lapping the time domain waveforms. Specifically, a
television image was recorded and its sound was ex-
tracted, the first peak of each sound waveform was
overlapped and compared for each player, and the
sound characteristics of each player were detected
from the average amplitude of the first peak and the
arrival time between the first peak and the last peak.
It is defined that a sample point has a peak when it
has a greater value than two adjacent sample points
and a certain threshold. It is how to find peaks. They
reported a correlation between ball speed and hitting
sound magnitude, but rotation direction was not men-
Hitting sound has been studied in other sports.
However, in tennis, although some studies aimed at
improving performance focused on the sound of hit-
ting balls, no study has been conducted to determine
ball rotation from the sound of hitting balls as far as
we know. In this study, we focused on ball hitting
Detection of Ball Spin Direction using Hitting Sound in Tennis