VoxNet can be considered the best, as it achieves
perfect classification of the provided dataset and has
significantly lower training time than other models. It
supports the initial intuition that 3D CNN should be a
reasonable choice as they fully exploit the 3D
structure of analysed components.
Based on the results, it was decided that further
research should focus on the Resnet18 models for the
radius of 2 and 3 mm and the VoxNet model.
The paper is aimed at application of AI techniques to
reliability evaluation of 3D simulation results
produced via 3D finite element simulation. It was
found that such classification is possible by various
3D model classification techniques, and some of them
produce perfectly accurate results.
Among the machine learning approach, relying on
geometrical features, 2D depth image classification
via Resnet18, and VoxNet-based classification of
voxelized models, the latter two were selected for
further analysis.
Future research is planned to be aimed for two
major aspects. First, currently only global SF minima
were classified, whereas in reality, local minima need
to be classified as well.
Second, absolute sizes of components (and
component fragments) were used for classification.
However, there can be components with significantly
different sizes and the appropriate sample radius may
differ from the findings in this paper. Approaches to
either scale models or choose the fragments according
to the number of included vertices need to be studied,
which might be more generic for varying component
The paper is due to collaboration between SPIIRAS
and Festo SE & Co. KG. The state-of-the-art analysis
(sec. 3) is due to the grant of the Government of
Russian Federation (grant 08-08). The CNN-based
classification (sec. 5) is partially due to the State
Research, project number 0073-2019-0005.
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