In this paper, we have proposed to apply transfer
learning to extract latent features of images describing
items. We have used the resulting model for person-
alized user modeling by inferring user preferences for
latent features of images from the history of their pref-
erences for items and thus building the user model.
The personalized model obtained was then user used
collaborative filtering algorithm on users to make rec-
We evaluated the performance of our approach
by applying two different feature extraction models
VGG16, VGG19. To improve the performance of
our approach, we applied two method Top-K features
and LSA for the reduction dimension. Finally, we
compared the accuracy of our approach to other ap-
proaches based on hybrid filtering which deals with
different text attributes describing items.
As a fertile interdisciplinary research area of rec-
ommendation and transfer learning, there are various
exciting directions worth further exploration in our
approach. In future work, we will include several ma-
jor directions extension of the application domain and
apply other dimension reduction algorithms.
We have experimented with our approach in the
area of movie recommendation and more specifically
MovieLens datasets. However, the performance of a
recommendation algorithm may vary depending on
the data used or the application domain (Shani and
Gunawardana, 2011). It is for this reason that it would
be interesting to confirm our conclusions by experi-
menting with our approach to other fields of applica-
tions such as the recommendation of ready meals or
clothing for example.
To reduce the size of the model representing the
items features, at the end of the transfer learning for
features extraction, we opted for the filtering of the
features by eliminating the least relevant, having a
rate of zero greater than a given threshold ( Top-K
features) and LSA for dimension reduction. Besides,
there are several methods of dimension reduction al-
lowing to project the features in a reduced dimension.
It is also interesting to use deep learning techniques
such as the Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)
or the AutoEncoder (AE).
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WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies