What Web Users Copy to the Clipboard on a Website: A Case Study
Ilan Kirsh
The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo, Tel Aviv, Israel
Clipboard, Copy and Paste, Web Analytics, Web Usage Mining, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), User
Behavior, Personalization, Adaptive Websites, Text Simplification, Text Summarization, Plagiarism, Search
Engine Optimization (SEO).
The clipboard is a central tool in human-computer interaction. It is difficult to imagine a productive day-to-
day interaction with computers, tablets, and smartphones, without copy and paste functionalities. This study
analyzes real usage data from a commercial website in order to understand what types of textual content users
copy from the website, for what purposes, and what can we use such user activity data for. This paper advocates
treating clipboard copy operations as a bidirectional human-computer dialogue, in which the computer can
gain knowledge about the users, their preferences, and their needs. Copy operations data may be useful in
various applications. For example, users may copy to the clipboard words that make the text difficult to
understand, in order to search for more information on the internet. Accordingly, word copying on a website
may be used as an indicator in Complex Word Identification (CWI) and help in text simplification. Users
may copy key sentences in order to use them in summaries or as citations, and accordingly, the frequency
of copying full sentences by web users could be used as an indicator in text summarization. Ten different
potential uses of copy operations data are described and discussed in this paper. These proposed uses and
applications span over a wide range of areas, including web analytics, web personalization, adaptive websites,
text simplification, text summarization, detection of plagiarism, and search engine optimization.
This study examines the content copied to the clip-
board by users of a commercial website and proposes
possible uses of copy operations data, in a wide range
of applications.
Web analytics tools are widely used in almost all
industries to better understand the interests, prefer-
ences, needs, and actions of website users. Premium
web analytics services track client-side user activity
at a very low level and go as far as to record all user
mouse movements. However, tracking what the users
copy to their clipboards is currently not part of the
web analytics toolbox.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 re-
views related work. Section 3 introduces the company
website examined in this study and the data that were
collected and used in this research. Section 4 presents
examples of textual contents that were copied from
the website and taxonomy of copy operations types
and subtypes. It also discusses possible user motiva-
tions to copy each type of textual content. Section 5
discusses ten different directions for potential applica-
tions and uses that can benefit from copy operations
data. Section 6 concludes the paper.
Various studies show that web analytics is effective in
understanding how visitors use websites and in im-
proving and optimizing websites and web applica-
tions. This effectiveness has been demonstrated for a
wide range of industries, including, for example, on-
line news (Tandoc, 2015), online learning (Luo et al.,
2015), e-commerce (Hasan et al., 2009), and digital
marketing (Chaffey and Patron, 2012; J
arvinen and
Karjaluoto, 2015). Web analytics concepts, princi-
ples, and methods are described in detail in various
books (Kaushik, 2007; Kaushik, 2010; Dykes, 2014;
Alhlou et al., 2016).
The mouse cursor position is often used to esti-
mate which areas of the website capture the user’s at-
tention. Studies show a correlation between the posi-
tion of the mouse cursor on the screen and the user’s
Kirsh, I.
What Web Users Copy to the Clipboard on a Website: A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0010113203030312
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 303-312
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
eye gaze (Huang et al., 2012), with a higher correla-
tion when the user clicks the mouse or moves it (Chen
et al., 2001; Rodden and Fu, 2007). Mouse cursor
position information has been found to be an effec-
tive indicator of user’s attention in various web ap-
plications, including in e-commerce (Schneider et al.,
2017), web marketing (Tzafilkou et al., 2014), online
surveys (Cepeda et al., 2018), task execution (Mil-
isavljevic et al., 2018), text reading analysis (Kirsh
and Joy, 2020b), and web search (Guo and Agichtein,
2008; Huang et al., 2012; Navalpakkam et al., 2013;
Rodden and Fu, 2007).
The cumulative attention of all the visitors in dif-
ferent areas of a web page can be visualized by
heatmaps (
Spakov and Miniotas, 2007; Lamberti and
Paravati, 2015; Lamberti et al., 2017). Attention
heatmaps are also offered by many commercial web
analytics services, which track, record, store, and vi-
sualize user mouse activity (Kirsh and Joy, 2020a).
Unlike the mouse cursor position and the mouse
activity, copy operations are hardly used to gain
knowledge on users. A recent study proposed and
demonstrated the visualization of cumulative user
copy operations using heatmaps, similarly to the
mouse cursor heatmaps (Kirsh and Joy, 2020a), but
commercial web analytics services do not offer such
heatmaps yet.
This study is the first to analyze web user copy
operations of different types, to define a taxonomy of
copy operations by types and subtypes, and to propose
various possible uses of copy operations data. Initial
work on two of the ten proposed uses have already
started: Using copy operations in automatic text sum-
marization (Kirsh and Joy, 2020c) and in automatic
text simplification (Kirsh, 2020a). Further work is re-
quired to explore the other eight proposed uses and
Data for this study were collected by tracking and
recording copy operations of users on a commercial
website of a software company, ObjectDB Software.
The examined website contains hundreds of docu-
mentation pages with technical information on the
company’s products and tools, and about related sub-
jects. These web pages are visited daily by thousands
of visitors.
Many of the visits to the website are short. Soft-
ware developers, who make up most of the traffic to
the website, use the website as a learning and knowl-
edge source. They frequently arrive from search en-
gines for short visits, after searching for specific tech-
nical solutions and code examples. When the desired
code example is found, it is often copied to the user’s
clipboard in order to be pasted and integrated into the
user’s software project. Although most of the copy
operations on this website are of code, this study ex-
plores also copy operations of text. Copy operations
of images and other resources, however, are out of the
scope of this study. Most of the uses that this paper
discusses are more relevant to copy operations of text.
Figure 1 shows the architecture that was used to
collect usage data. A reference to a Tracking Script
is embedded in the relevant web pages. As a re-
sult, every request for one of these web pages re-
turns a revised page that triggers an additional request
to load the Tracking Script from the Copy Tracking
Server. This script tracks clipboard copy operations
(by listening to JavaScript events) and reports them to
the Collector component in the server, which stores
the data (following anonymization) in a dedicated
database. The database contains the input dataset for
this study, while the Reporter component supports re-
trieval of copy operations based on specific param-
eters (e.g. type, length, and language of the copied
Recording copy operations of web users is re-
lated to session recording, which is a common prac-
tice in modern web analytics of tracking and record-
ing user activity on websites, including mouse move-
ments and keystrokes. This practice raises questions
related to personal data protection and user privacy,
because of the risks of collecting sensitive personal
data intentionally or unintentionally (Gilliam Haije,
2018). Session recording does not necessarily require
prior user consent under personal data protection reg-
ulations, such as GDPR (under certain terms, as ex-
plained by the privacy and IT lawyer Arnoud Engel-
friet (Gilliam Haije, 2018)). Unnecessary personal
data should not be collected. If the collected data are
completely anonymized, which is a standard practice
in web analytics, then they are no longer considered
personal data (e.g. according to GDPR).
The copy tracking system was run on 231 pages
of the website. Usage data were collected for a pe-
riod of several months, ending in March 2020. During
this period, 654,399 page-views from 241,644 unique
visitors (estimated), and 53,131 copy operations were
recorded. This dataset of copy operations is the input
for this study.
Obtaining data for web usage mining research is
usually much more challenging than for web content
mining research, and therefore, most of such studies
focus on a single website. This study is no different,
and further work is required in order to explore copy
operations on other websites.
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
o o o
+ Tracking Script Ref
Website Web Server
Tracking Script
Copy Tracking Server
Figure 1: High-Level Architecture of the Copy Tracking System.
Users copy from websites different things for dif-
ferent reasons. This section presents real examples
of copied textual content from the studied dataset of
copy operations. The goal is to classify different types
of copy operations and to understand possible user
motivations for copying each of these types of con-
tent (although there is no attempt to cover every pos-
sible motivation). Each of the following subsections
presents one type of copied content, with a further di-
vision into subtypes.
4.1 Copying Single Words
We start by examining copying of single text words.
Table 1 presents the most frequently copied words
(taking into account only copy operations of a single
word). The examples of copied words are divided into
three categories of word types.
The first category contains acronyms of technical
terms. The three examples provided represent central
concepts in the website domain knowledge. A possi-
ble reason for copying these terms into the clipboard
is that users need more information about these con-
cepts, so they copy the terms to search them on the in-
ternet. They might search these terms on their own or
as part of a longer (and more specific) search queries
that contain additional words.
The second category contains real-life words re-
lating to the specific examples used in the website tu-
torials. The tutorials explain how to develop simple
“Guestbook” applications in several environments.
Users can follow the step by step instructions in these
tutorials to create their own versions of these ap-
plications in their IDEs. The words: “Guestbook”,
“guest”, “GuestDao”, and “GuestListener” are the
suggested names for the created projects and classes.
Users copy these names from the tutorials to their
clipboards and then paste them in the relevant dialog
boxes in their IDEs.
The third category is complex words. These are
regular but less frequent words, which may be less
familiar for some non-native English speakers. A
plausible explanation as to why users copy complex
words rather than simple words, such as “of and
“the”, is that they need more information about these
words and therefore paste them in online dictionar-
ies or search engines, searching for more information
or a translation. This is discussed and analyzed in
a follow-up study (Kirsh, 2020a), which shows that
copied words are more likely to be evaluated as com-
plex than uncopied words and words that are copied
more frequently are more likely to be evaluated as
complex than words that are copied less frequently,
by three distinct word complexity measures.
4.2 Copying Phrases and Clauses
In this subsection, we progress from single words to
sequences of several words. Table 2 presents the most
frequently copied phrases and clauses (which are not
complete sentences).
The phrases category contains short sequences of
two or three words. These are mainly technical terms
and concepts, similar to the acronyms category in sub-
section 4.1. Users may copy them to the clipboard in
order to search for more information on these subjects
(possibly with additional search words, in order to re-
fine and focus the search). They may also be copied in
order to paste them later in texts that the users write,
What Web Users Copy to the Clipboard on a Website: A Case Study
Table 1: Examples of Frequently Copied Words.
Type Examples (the numbers of copy operations are indicated in the parentheses)
Concepts (Acronyms) JPQL (229), JPA (36), JDO (10)
Tutorial Words Guestbook (70), guest (32), GuestDao (20), GuestListener (14)
Complex Words criteria (36), transient (24), embeddable (21), embedded (20), persistence (17),
composite (16), redundent (14), retrieved (14), explicit (11), cascaded (11)
Table 2: Examples of Frequently Copied Phrases and Clauses.
Type Examples (the numbers of copy operations are indicated in the parentheses)
Phrases Composite Primary Key (86), JPA Criteria API Queries (53), Embedded Primary Key (39),
JPA Criteria API (32), The Sequence Strategy (23), JPA Named Queries (21)
Clauses This page covers the following topics (7),
A value will be automatically generated for that field (5)
including summaries, documentation, answers to on-
line questions, etc.
The clauses category contains longer sequences
of words. Usually searching for longer sequences
of words on search engines is less effective, because
such search attempts may be too restrictive. The most
frequently copied clause “This page covers the fol-
lowing topics” is very general and not related specif-
ically to the subject of the website. It is more likely
that users copy such clauses in order to use them in
their own text (they may search them on the internet
first, to verify that these clauses are commonly used).
The frequency of these copy operations are relatively
low, and the information that they provide may be of
less value in the context of this study.
4.3 Copying Sentences
From phrases and clauses, we proceed to full sen-
tences. Table 3 presents some of the frequently copied
sentences and sequences of sentences.
Some of the examples in Table 3 are single sen-
tences and the others are multiple sentences. In both
cases, it is quite unlikely that users copy these sen-
tences in order to use them in searches on the Internet,
as such long strings are not effective for searching.
It is much more likely that full sentences are copied
in order to use them in other texts, e.g. as citations
or in summaries. Possible uses for the copied sen-
tences could be in documentations, summaries, pre-
sentations, blogs, websites, answers on forums (such
as StackOverflow), or even private communications
between colleagues who work on a project together.
Copying full sentences is further demonstrated and
discussed in a follow-up study (Kirsh and Joy, 2020c).
4.4 Copying Translated Text
The website under investigation contains only texts in
English. Therefore, it was a surprise to find many
hundreds of copy operations of text in other lan-
guages (mainly Spanish, but also French, Portuguese,
and other languages). It seems that many users used
Google Translate or other translation services to read
translations of the pages, and subsequently copied
translated text as well. Table 4 shows some examples
of copied translated text, which are relatively short
and could fit the limited space in the table.
Google Translate usage is usually transparent to
websites and web applications, as ordinary requests
are sent from the browser to the website server, and
ordinary responses are sent back from the server to the
client. Translations are done by communications be-
tween browsers and Google Translate, in which web-
sites are not involved. However, client-side JavaScript
copy events are aware of translated text in the browser
(as shown to the users), and therefore, copying of
translated text is tracked and recorded.
The copied translations include phrases and
clauses (similar to the copied English phrases and
clauses, shown in subsection 4.2), and sentences (sim-
ilar to the copied English sentences, shown in subsec-
tion 4.3). Translated single words (as shown for En-
glish in subsection 4.1) have not been copied.
Three types of copied words have been described
in subsection 4.1 (see Table 1). Words of the first two
types, acronyms and names from the tutorials, might
have been copied by Google Translate users, but since
these words are never translated, they cannot be de-
tected as copied translated text. Words of the third
type, the complex words, are translated (and therefore
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: Examples of Frequently Copied Sentences.
Type Examples (the numbers of copy operations are indicated in the parentheses)
The JPA Criteria API provides an alternative way for defining JPA queries, which is mainly
useful for building dynamic queries whose exact structure is only known at runtime. (24)
Transient entity fields are fields that do not participate in persistence and their values are never
stored in the database. (9)
Changes to detached entity objects are not stored in the database unless modified detached
objects are merged back into an EntityManager to become managed again. (7)
The IDENTITY strategy also generates an automatic value during commit for every new entity
object. The difference is that a separate identity generator is managed per type hierarchy, so
generated values are unique only per type hierarchy. (63)
The @Id annotation marks a field as a primary key field. When a primary key field is defined
the primary key value is automatically injected into that field. (16)
Table 4: Examples of Copied Translated Text.
Type Examples (the numbers of copy operations are indicated in the parentheses)
Phrases Requerimientos de plataforma (4), Fiabilidad y Estabilidad (3)
Sentences Adecuado para archivos de bases de datos que van desde kilobytes a terabytes. (1),
Las relaciones son campos persistentes en clases persistentes que hacen referencia
a otros objetos de entidad. (1)
could be detected if copied), but the translation to the
user’s preferred language eliminates the need to copy
these words for the purpose of translation.
4.5 Copying Programming Code
Elements and Fragments
All the types of copy operations that are discussed
above are related to copying text, rather than code.
Table 5 shows some of the more commonly copied
code elements and fragments, which are short enough
to be included as examples.
Code elements and fragments copied by users
range from single words (query literals, class names,
method names, files names, etc.), through lines of
codes (e.g. queries), to larger fragments containing
complete examples. This reflects the extent of assis-
tance that the copying user needs. In some situations,
only a single word is missing. In other situations, a
complete example is needed. It is reasonable to expect
that in most cases code elements and fragments that
are copied on the website are then pasted in the users’
IDEs and integrated into software projects. Single
code words may also be used in further searches.
As shown in the previous sections, copy operations of
website visitors can be tracked, stored, and analyzed.
This potential source of web usage data could be use-
ful in various applications. Each one of the follow-
ing ten subsections proposes and discusses a different
possible use of such data.
5.1 Understanding the Website
Audience’s Interest
Knowing the users and understanding how they use
the website is a core element of user-centered design
and a key to business success. Copy operations reveal
valuable information about the audience of the web-
site, which is not easily obtained by other means.
The frequencies of copying code indicate the
importance of specific code fragments to the audi-
ence of the website. For example, Table 5 shows
a high interest in the date and time literals, CUR-
larly, the frequencies of copying text indicate the im-
What Web Users Copy to the Clipboard on a Website: A Case Study
Table 5: Examples of Frequently Copied Code.
Type Examples (the numbers of copy operations are indicated in the parentheses)
persistence.xml (93), EntityManager (80), SUBSTRING (57), Transient (54),
orphanRemoval=true (47), YEAR{d’2011-12-31’}) (41), @GeneratedValue (36),
MEMBER OF (32), getSingleResult (25), PersistenceException (24), orphanRemoval (16).
Lines @NamedQuery(name=”Country.findAll”, query=”SELECT c FROM Country c”) (279)
SELECT c1, c2 FROM Country c1 INNER JOIN c1.neighbors c2 (158)
Fragments TypedQuery<Country> query =
em.createQuery(”SELECT c FROM Country c”, Country.class);
List<Country> results = query.getResultList(); (294)
portance of specific concepts. For example, Table 2
shows that certain types of primary keys (Compos-
ite Primary Key and Embedded Primary Key), and a
certain type of queries (Criteria API Queries) are of
particular interest to many users.
Existing web analytics tools, including premium
services that track every user’s mouse movement, fall
short of providing this precious information. This
study advocates the use of copy operations data as a
new tool in the web analytics toolbox. As discussed
in section 2, web analytics is effective in improving
and optimizing websites. Extending the boundaries of
web analytics to include copy activity of users could
make it even more effective.
5.2 Web Personalization and Adaptive
The insights copy operations provide about user inter-
est could also be used for personalization. Knowing
the user’s interest in real-time paves the way to com-
mercial opportunities, such as presenting customized
advertisements and special offers, as well as improv-
ing user experience by adjusting the website user in-
terface, for example, by presenting new relevant links.
An adaptive website can also change the content
that is presented to users based on their copy oper-
ations. In the context of a software company web-
site with technical documentation, if a user copies
only sample code fragments of a specific program-
ming language, content that is relevant to that pro-
gramming language should be presented where avail-
able, rather than content that is only relevant to other
programming languages.
5.3 Text Simplification
Shardlow defined text simplification as “the process
of modifying natural language to reduce its complex-
ity and improve both readability and understandabil-
ity” (Shardlow, 2014). In lexical text simplification,
complex words are replaced with simpler words with
similar meanings (Shardlow, 2014). This could be
done manually or automatically. In any case, the iden-
tification of complex words is the first step.
Word complexity is subjective. Information about
which words users of a given website consider com-
plex could be very helpful in improving the website
content and making it more readable and understand-
able. Some users move the mouse cursor while read-
ing to mark their reading position, so slowing down
or stopping near words might indicate difficulties in
reading or understanding (Kirsh, 2020b).
Table 1 shows examples of single word copy op-
erations. The third category in that table contains reg-
ular words that have been copied by the users of the
website. As discussed in subsection 4.1 and shown in
a follow-up study (Kirsh, 2020a), these are relatively
complex words, and apparently, some users have to
search their meanings on search engines or online
dictionaries. Therefore, simplifying these complex
words might be particularly beneficial to the website’s
5.4 Tooltips and Glossary
Similarly to complex words, users also copy profes-
sional and technical terms to the clipboard in order
to search for more information about them, either on
the website or externally on the internet. The “Con-
cepts” category in Table 1 and the “Phrases” category
in Table 2 contain terms that express concepts. Unlike
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
complex words, these terms cannot be replaced with
simple words in order to improve readability.
However, there may be other possible techniques
to help readers. One option is to underline these terms
and display tooltips when the mouse cursor hovers
over them. Another option is to present a focused,
local glossary of relevant terms beside the main text.
Frequently copied terms may also be defined and ex-
plained on other pages of the website. However, most
users arrive from search engines directly to specific
pages, missing definitions found on other web pages,
so they can benefit from employing such techniques.
The frequencies of copy operations in the “Concepts”
and “Phrases” categories could indicate where on the
website such assistance is most needed.
5.5 Text Summarization
In the era of information explosion, text summariza-
tion is essential in bridging the gap between computer
capabilities to store texts and human abilities to read
them. A common approach to automatic text summa-
rization is to compose a summary from key sentences,
which are extracted from the original text. Various
statistical metrics can be used to evaluate the impor-
tance of sentences in the original text. The most im-
portant sentences, based on the results of this evalua-
tion, are selected and included in the summary (Sajjan
and Shinde, 2019).
However, copy operations data might provide a
better indicator of the importance of sentences. Ta-
ble 3 shows examples of sentences that are frequently
copied by users. As discussed in subsection 4.3, users
may copy sentences for various reasons, including for
summaries, and it is reasonable to expect that more
important sentences would be copied more frequently.
This novel approach is further developed and
demonstrated in a follow-up study (Kirsh and Joy,
2020c), which shows that users tend to copy impor-
tant key sentences more frequently and that a good
summary can be built from the most frequently copied
Even if fully automatic text summarization is not
used, copy operations data can help a human summa-
rizer to make difficult decisions regarding what to in-
clude in a summary. Sentences copied by users more
frequently are likely to be more important to the au-
dience of the website, and therefore, should probably
be included in summaries.
5.6 Reference Cards and Tip of the Day
Sentences that are copied frequently by users may
also emphasize important points. A further exami-
nation of the examples of copied sentences in Table 3
reveals that there are two different types of frequently
copied sentences.
The first type is summary sentences, such as key
definitions and conclusions. For example: “Tran-
sient entity fields are fields that do not participate in
persistence and their values are never stored in the
The second type highlights important details that
have to be considered and may be less familiar, e.g.
caveats and edge cases. For example: “Changes to de-
tached entity objects are not stored in the database un-
less modified detached objects are merged back into
an EntityManager to become managed again.
A summary can benefit from both types of key
sentences. In addition, sentences of the second type
may be selected (manually or automatically) and
highlighted using reference cards (or cheat sheets) or
as part of a Tip of the Day system.
5.7 Detecting Plagiarism
The vast majority of copy operations are legitimate,
e.g. embedding short pieces of copied text as cita-
tions, with references to the source, is usually consid-
ered legal. On the other hand, some copy operations
violate copyright rules, e.g. copying and publishing
long sections of text, without explicit permission and
with no reference to the source, is illegal in most cir-
Copy operations of isolated words and phrases are
usually less concerning in this context. Plagiarism is
associated mainly with copying larger sections of text
and code (as well as images and other resources, but
this study focuses on copying textual content).
Simple Google searches of sentences and lines of
code that were copied frequently by the website users
reveal that many of them appear on other websites.
Some occurrences, such as answers to questions on
StackOverflow with proper references to the sources,
are not only legitimate but even desirable. On the
other hand, using large original sections of the web-
site content, without any attribution to the source, are
pure plagiarism.
This process of searching for unauthorized uses
of the content of a website, based on copy operations
data, can be either manual or automatic. An auto-
matic plagiarism detection implementation can track
suspicious copy operations, search for the copied text
on the internet frequently, and alert the website owner
What Web Users Copy to the Clipboard on a Website: A Case Study
when instances of plagiarism have been found.
5.8 Tracking User Progress in Tutorials
Table 1 shows several words that are frequently
copied from the website tutorials. The “Guest-
book”, “guest”, “GuestDao”, and “GuestListener” are
the suggested names for the tutorial project and its
classes. Users are expected to copy these names from
the tutorial’s web pages and paste them in their IDEs.
Similarly, users are expected to copy fragments of
code from the tutorials and integrate them into their
Tracking these copy operations (possibly in com-
bination with other indicators) may be useful in ana-
lyzing user progress in tutorials. It could be used to
detect possible breaking points, i.e. points at which
many users abandon the tutorials. Some reduction in
the number of copy operations throughout a tutorial,
due to users’ decisions to quit the tutorial, is expected.
However, if the copy operations data show an extreme
drop at a certain point it may indicate an issue with
that specific section of the tutorial and may require
further investigation.
5.9 Understanding Language
Translation Needs
As discussed in subsection 4.4, some users view web-
sites through Google Translate. The translation pro-
vided by Google Translate is normally invisible in the
website statistics and web analytics data. The website
is accessed ordinarily from the browser, and the trans-
lation is done by the browser and Google Translate.
In this case study, the copy operations expose a com-
munity of users that use Google Translate to translate
pages on the website to Spanish.
Examining copy operations data is a simple way
to detect the level of usage of Google Translate on
a website. This method has the additional benefit of
detecting also specific interests of these users on the
website (see subsection 5.1 above).
Deciding on investing in the translation of a web-
site or specific web pages can take into account copy
operations data of Google Translate users. That data
is much more relevant for decisions on translation
than the distribution of users by country (which is
ordinarily available by web analytics services) since
many non-native English speakers do not need trans-
lation and may even prefer reading the content in the
original language.
5.10 Search Engine Optimization
Copy operations data can be useful in Search Engine
Optimization (SEO), i.e. in making a website perform
better in search engine results, and consequently in
increasing the traffic to the website (which is usually
desired for commercial websites). Copy operations
indicate which topics are more popular among users
of the website. Investing in new content on these sub-
jects may be a cost-effective way to increase the traffic
to the website.
As part of an SEO process, new pages can be cre-
ated for phrases that users frequently copy for the
purpose of further searches. A new dedicated page
can provide additional content about the subject of a
frequently copied phrase, with a title containing that
phrase, as well as other optimizations that help search
engines to establish the relevancy of the new page to
the phrase.
This could attract more visitors from search en-
gines. It may even be possible to catch a rebound
of users that leave the website with a phrase in their
clipboard to search for more information on the inter-
net. These users may find themselves after that search
back on the same website, possibly on a page that was
created in this SEO process.
This study explored what users of a website copy to
their clipboard. Copy operations of users of the web-
site were recorded and analyzed, and different pat-
terns were identified. Accordingly, copy operations
were classified into types and subtypes, and possible
motivations for each of the copying types were dis-
Copy operations data may be valuable in various
situations. This paper proposes ten potential applica-
tions and uses that can benefit from that data. Addi-
tional work is needed in order to explore these pro-
posed directions further and to develop and evaluate
the usefulness of these potential applications.
Most of the proposed applications focus on spe-
cific types of copy operations. Therefore, auto-
matic classification of copy operations types (possi-
bly based on the taxonomy that this paper defines),
may be needed as the first step in most of these ap-
plications. An automatic classifier may also help in
estimating the distribution of copy operations among
the different types, and the frequency of copy opera-
tions of each type.
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Work on two of these applications, the use of copy
operations in text summarization and the use of copy
operations in Complex Word Identification (CWI) and
text simplification, has already started with promis-
ing initial results, as discussed above. Further work
is needed in order to explore the other eight proposed
uses and to extend the initial work on the two first
Although it is reasonable to expect that the results
of this research are not unique for the selected web-
site and can be extrapolated to other websites, due to
the study focusing only on one website, further work
on other websites is needed in order to establish and
generalize these results.
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