previously mentioned by the media. In order to truly
support news journalists, and to truly take advantage
of the concept of SW the application should be
extended to rely also on external sources of linked
data. It is recommended to develop some kind of
certification to guarantee that the datasets live up to
current GDPR regulations and are maintained and up
to date, e.g. guaranteeing that the dataset is reviewed
at least once a month, and that a person registered
with name and contact details is responsible for this.
Establishing national or even international standards
for the quality and maintenance of linked data allows
media organisations – and other organisations – to
share and reuse encyclopaedic data from each other.
The analysis demonstrates that news journalists
across Danish news media organisations work in very
similar ways and with extended focus on research and
fact-checking. These conventions might ease the
process of defining a set of standards for summary
data, but legal and practical implementation of such
certification requires further research.
The core intention of SW is to make content machine-
readable in order to improve findability and enable
knowledge- and context-based information to be
generated. This way semantic annotation can be seen
as pure preparation for AI agents. However, this study
demonstrates that AI in the context of Danish news
media still seems distant. Remarkably little research
explores aspects of reliability and objectivity within
the field of SW even though major challenges on how
to secure trustworthy information need to be solved.
As demonstrated in this study, these challenges need
to be solved not only locally, but as standards or
certifications agreed upon by all trustworthy linked
data providers. Another area which needs attention in
this context is the concept of neutral ontologies
(Uschold and Gruninger, 2004). The concept of
ontologies presupposes that the entire world can be
objectively categorised. However, several current
debates illustrate how this – in reality – is often
negotiable or political dependent. Thus, those in
charge of annotating information and constructing
underlying ontologies can easily influence the way
we understand our surroundings which has proved to
be extremely powerful. In contrast to the power of
current media, this impact is much less visible and
harder to trace and should be an area of extreme
interest for researchers in the field of SW and in the
field of journalism. In the context of Danish news
media, this paper has, in a practical manner, explored
potentials of SW technologies exposing three areas
where these technologies can be used to make
significant improvement. Before this can be realised,
basic research on implementation of annotation tools
and standards for trustworthiness is still needed.
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