Semantic Web Applications for Danish News Media
Astrid Ildor
Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark,
Universitetsparken 1, 6000 Kolding, Denmark
Keywords: Semantic Web, Linked Data, Web 3.0, News Media, Journalism, RDF, Semantic Annotation, URI, Web
Ontologies, Application Development.
Abstract: Most news media possess a publish-and-forget mindset: Once a news article is published, the information it
contains devalue in the messy place of the unstructured Web and great potentials of combining and reusing
data is missed. News media has long constituted an area of interest for Semantic Web researchers, but few
studies merge technical knowledge with editorial insights. To fill the gap in literature, this study combines
technical analysis with interviews and Participatory Design studies with eight Danish news journalists and
digital editors. The exploration reveals three areas within the journalistic work process with significant
potential of improvement: Journalists’ challenge of finding the right person to comment on a specific topic,
issues of finding previously published articles, and the need for generating infoboxes. Each area is examined
as a type of Semantic Web application. It is demonstrated how profound annotation of persons, places,
organisations, and key terms mentioned in a body of articles is required for each application. Trustworthiness
is another major challenge as this cannot yet be fully achieved within the concept of Semantic Web.
News media publish trustworthy information on an
hourly basis; however, the vast majority of
information is not being archived or annotated for the
purpose of reuse. Great potentials of combining
different datasets or autogenerating new information
based on accessible data cannot be fulfilled as lots of
data – including the content of most news articles – is
not machine-readable. To attain machine-readability,
Semantic Web (SW) reuses the Web’s global
indexing and naming scheme, meaning that every
semantic concept can be annotated a unique identifier
(Domingue et al., 2011) – such data is known as
linked data. Through formal computational
ontologies and ontology-aware technologies,
relationships between concepts published on the SW
can be processed and understood within specific
domains. In this context, SW contains potential as a
distributed reasoning machine that not only can
execute extremely precise searches but also analyse
existing data and create new knowledge (Goddard, &
Byrne, 2010). This can potentially improve the
process of any news journalist and entail innovative
storytelling and knowledge mediation.
However, before media organisations can be expected
to make large investments in archives of linked data,
journalists and other stakeholders must be convinced
that there are costly problems associated with their
current suite of processes and technologies, and that
SW applications can help solve these. On the other
hand, news media has long constituted an area of
interest for SW researchers, but remarkable little
research include insights of editors and journalists. To
fill the gap in literature, this study attempts to answer
the following research question: How can the work
process of news journalists and the user experience
of news journalism be improved in the context of SW?
The problem background is discussed in Section
2 on the basis of a small literature review carried out
as part of the study. The importance of linked data and
Resource Description Framework (RDF) is then
commented in Section 3, before Section 4 sets out the
method of the qualitative study. Qualitative analysis
reveals three areas within Danish news journalism
with significant potential of improvement in the
context of SW. These areas are discussed as three
types of SW applications for the news media industry
in Section 4.1–4.3. Finally, Section 5 sums up the
study in a short discussion and conclusion.
Ildor, A.
Semantic Web Applications for Danish News Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0010124102690276
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 269-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Semantic Web applications for news media.
In February 2008, semantic annotation tools reached
a point of development where Berners-Lee and the
W3C declared SW open for business (Miller, 2008).
Coinciding, multiple news media organisations
launched initiatives for annotating their archives of
news articles in order to generate SW applications
(see Figure 1): In 2008, Thomson Reuters launched a
Web service capable of extracting entities and
relationships in text documents and annotating these
with linked data URIs (Hendler et al., 2011). In
cooperation with Rattle Research, the BBC has
developed a similar service to empower applications
such as BBC Wildlife Finder which repurposes data
from Wikipedia, WWF, and the IUCN’s Red List of
Threated Species and combines it with natural world
footage from the BBC archive (Raimond, Scott,
Oliver, Sinclair, & Smethurst, n.d.). Finally, in 2015,
New York Times (N.Y.T.) launched a semi-
automated annotation tool trained to apply semantic
N.Y.T.-resources to plain text (N.Y.T. Labs, 2015).
N.Y.T. has annotated their archive of articles from
1981 to today and on this basis generated multiple
SW applications. A handful other smaller news media
The five examples identified as research tools for
journalists are: Wiki2News and Wiki-excerpt (Rudnik
et al., 2019). Social Semantic Journalism (Heravi &
McGinnis, n.d.). The last two examples are thought-up
scenarios where Semantically-Interlinking Online
Communities (SIOC) are applied to combine data from
organisations and researchers have launched or
described similar SW applications – in total 24 SW
applications or descriptions of thought-up
applications for the news media industry have been
identified as part of a literature review for this study.
Analysis of these demonstrates that none of the
applications seem to be based on systematic empirical
insights of news journalists or publishers.
A majority of the applications are concerned with
content search and new ways of presenting already
published information. Only five
of the 24
applications are identified as research tools to
support journalists’ work processes. In comparison,
all of the applications proposed in this study can be
characterised as research tools which in some way
support the work process of Danish news journalists.
This comparison indicates, that it might be beneficial
to change the objective of SW application
development for the news media industry: Instead of
focusing on how already published information can
be presented, this study demonstrates that potentials
of SW are more likely to be unfolded within news
journalists’ work processes.
different sources about a politician relevant for a
specific news article (Raimond et al., n.d.). In the other
example SIOC is applied to research the term ‘bog-
snorkelling’ across Facebook, Technorati, Flickr, and
YouTube (Meek, 2008).
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In order for the Web of linked documents to evolve
into a Web of linked data, Berners-Lee introduced the
Linked Data Principles as a best practice for
publishing structured data on the Web:
1. Use URIs as names for things
2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up
those names
3. When someone looks up an URI, provide
useful information, using the standards RDF
4. Include links to other URIs, so that they can
discover more things (Berners-Lee, 2006)
The first principle advocates using URIs to
identify, not just Web documents, but also real-world
objects and abstract concepts. Unicode in
combination with URI extends support for identifying
any type of resource regardless of its text and
scripting language (Alam et al., 2015).
The second principle advocates the use of HTTP
URIs to identify objects and abstract concepts just
like HTTP is the universal access mechanism for the
traditional Web (Berners-Lee, 2006).
The third principle advocates that HTTP clients
should be able to look up any URI and retrieve a
description of the resource. The agreement of HTML
as the dominant document format has been crucial for
the Web’s ability to scale (Hendler et al., 2011).
Similarly, it is important to agree on a standardised
content format for URI descriptions. According to the
third principle, this format should be Resource
Description Framework (RDF) which is readable for
both humans and machines (Berners-Lee, 2006). It is
common practice to use different URIs to identify
real-world object and the document that describes it.
The fourth principle advocates the use of links to
connect not only Web documents, but any concept
described on the Web (Berners-Lee, 2006). Such
links in a linked data context are called RDF links.
3.1 Resource Description Framework
RDF is a data model for publishing statements on the
Web. Each statement is represented as a triple
consisting of a subject, a predicate, and an object.
The subject is the URI identifying the described
resource. The object can either be a simple literal
value or the URI of another resource that is somehow
related to the subject. The predicate is also identified
by an URI and describes the relationship between
subject and object. RDF provides a data model for
describing resources, but it does not provide any
domain-specific terms for describing classes of
things, and how they might relate. This function is
served by lightweight RDFS ontologies, thus
predicate-URIs come from standard vocabularies or
ontologies. The strength of RDF lies in the flexibility
of integration. RDF graphs can quite easily be merged
by sharing particular resources, or claiming two
resources to be the same, although their identifier
might be different (Domingue et al., 2011).
Resource Description Framework in Attributes
(RDFa) is a serialisation format that embeds RDF
triples in the HTML document, meaning that existing
content within the HTML code can be annotated with
RDFa (Hendler et al., 2011).
RDF and the Linked Data Principles allow for
publishing and accessing simple facts but do not
support more complex queries (Hendler, Heath, &
Bizer, 2011). To retrieve this type of information,
SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
(SPARQL) can be applied. The query language is
designed for evaluating queries against RDF datasets
and to ask meaning-driven questions to databases of
structured data on the Web (Wood, Marsha, Luke, &
Hausenblas, 2013).
3.2 Research on Proof and Trust
In most SW applications, it is fundamental to know
where presented information comes from and how
resulting conclusions have been constructed.
Technologies for including automatic proof checking
are however not yet standardised, and research lacks
to provide answers to several questions.
In SW applications, technologies of unifying logic
operate on top of the ontology to make new inferences
(Pandey & Sanjay, 2010). However, standards to
ensure transparency on how applied ontologies and
reasoning mechanisms are constructed are still
missing and require more research. Without
transparency, biased or manipulated ontologies can
provide answers which cannot be distinguished as
true or false.
Berners-Lee (2006) introduced the concept of
Proof to describe for software agents (or human
users) why they should believe a retrieved result.
Hendler et al. (2011) argues that Proof can be
achieved, if Linked Data Principles are applied to the
dataset itself as metadata, including information
about authorship, currency, license etc. (Hendler et
al., 2011). One mechanism for publishing this type of
metadata is Semantic Sitemaps which are an
extension of the well-established Sitemaps protocol.
In practice, however, semantic metadata are
processed by different loosely coupled systems which
Semantic Web Applications for Danish News Media
makes tracking, propagating, and querying difficult
(Jacques et al., 2012).
Finally, the concept of Trust is suggested to be
attained through digital signatures which are
envisioned to check if data really comes from the
claimed and trusted source (Berners-Lee, 2006). This,
however, has not yet progressed far beyond a vision.
As discussed above, current research envisions
how trustworthiness can be achieved, and the
framework for different systems and technologies
have been theoretically outlined. However, practical
solutions have not yet been developed, thus it is not
possible to state that the concept of SW is fully
The study attempts to identify issues within the
existing practice of Danish news journalism which
might potentially be improved by SW technologies.
This is examined qualitatively through a series of
interviews with six news journalists and two digital
editors from four of the largest Danish news media
organisations. The same group of journalists and
editors have been invited to engage in multiple
Participatory Design (PD) activities. As a subgenre of
qualitative research, PD aims not only at describing
the social world, but also at contributing to the
improvement of it by inclusion of stakeholders in the
development of new services (Brandt, Binder, &
Sanders, 2013). In this study, activities and
techniques such as The Future Workshop, Scenarios,
The Magic If, and Prototyping (Brandt et al., 2013)
has been applied to explore: How SW technologies
can improve the journalistic practice? And: How the
user experience of Danish news journalism can be
improved in the context of SW?
Transcripts of the qualitative interviews and PD
studies have been categorised inductively after a
grounded theory approach and analysed in the context
of SW. Qualitative analysis reveals three areas within
Danish news journalism with significant potential of
improvement in the context of SW.
4.1 Semantic Archive of Sources and
Contact Details
The first area concerns the challenge of finding the
right person to comment on a specific topic.
Journalists often research in related news articles to
find relevant sources. Such searches are however
difficult to perform as persons are not semantically
related to key terms or organisations. This part of the
journalistic work process can be improved by
implementing a semantic database of sources and
contact details allowing a media’s journalists and
editors to quickly identify relevant sources and their
contacts in relation to specific search terms. The
analysis finds that information about all persons
described in previously published articles need to be
annotated to form a database of already used sources.
This application is referred to as Semantic archive of
sources and contact details. Figure 2 illustrates the
simplest graph needed to build a functional archive of
sources and contact details, where journalists can
easily evaluate a source’s area of expertise
(worksFor, knowsAbout, areaOfExpertise) and
reliability in a specific context (jobTitle,
qualifications). The graph also meets the third Linked
Data Principle about triples that should be included in
a resource’s RDF/XML description. All resources
(represented by circles in Figure 2) must be organised
in a formalised ontology with class hierarchies and
domain-/range- relations. It is recommended to apply
standard vocabularies as resource- and
Figure 2: Minimum graph structure for semantic description of sources and contact details.
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
property- URIs can then be reused together with the
underlying ontology of the standard vocabulary
(Berners-Lee, 2006). In the example illustrated in
Figure 2, the standard vocabulary
applied. Most standard vocabularies include
resources phrased only in English which might entail
a language issue when used for annotating news
articles in Danish. This language differentiation
presents a weakness of semantic annotation as it can
be hard to integrate and might cause inconsistency or
missing links. Thus, it is recommended to create new
resources in Danish in a media’s controlled
vocabulary and link these to equivalent English
resources – if possible, in existing standard voca-
bularies – via owl:sameAs-relations. This ensures that
any Danish resource becomes part of a global graph
and allows standardised software to be applied.
Semantic annotation can be implemented in each
news article using RDFa. This is however a very
time-consuming process and requires basic
knowledge of HTML and the RDFa syntax which
journalists are not expected to possess. Thus, it is
necessary to develop and implement systems that can
automatically or semi-automatically write the
annotation. In 2008, Thomson Reuters launched the
linked data entity extractor Calais which is a Web
service capable of annotating documents with URIs
of places, people, and organisations mentioned in
unstructured text such as news articles (Hendler,
Heath, & Bizer, 2011). Today, Calais is integrated in
the latest version of Drupal which is the content
management system (CMS) used by multiple Danish
news media organisations.
To reach a critical number of annotated concepts,
the established SW community
emphasises large-
scale cooperation and user contributions. Same
approach needs to be applied within news media
organisations: Every journalist must contribute and
add pieces of semantic information when she comes
across new or updated data. Thus, this type of
application is not suitable for smaller organisations.
In fact, it is recommended that multiple Danish news
media organisations join forces and build a database
of sources and contact details together.
Once semantic annotation is applied, it is possible
to query sources and their contact details related to
specific organisations, persons, or topics using
SPARQL-queries. Journalists are not trained in
constructing such queries, and it is recommended to
2 was launched in 2011 by Google, Yahoo, and
Bing as a standard for semantic mark-up of web pages
(Bradley, 2013). Since then, has grown to
become one of the most popular standard vocabularies.
develop a search panel and design a user interface to
guide the construction and formatting of these. Figure
3 illustrates how a search panel can be constructed.
The search panel suggests three fixed search
parameters (the properties: areaOfExpertise,
worksFor, and qualifications) to be matched with
different search terms (values). It is possible to type
each search term and choose between suggested
predefined terms from a media’s controlled
vocabulary. These appear from a drop-down list as
the user starts typing. The user interface ensures that
the combination of properties and values are matched
and formatted correctly following the SPARQL
syntax. The technical implementation of this
formatting can be performed using the library
SPARQL Lib. This type of application raises
questions about privacy and GDPR regulations which
should be examined and discussed separately.
Figure 3: Search panel for sources and contact details.
The Linked Open Data Cloud (
keeps track of how many datasets have been published
in the linked data format. The organisation also
contributes to conferences and advisory boards.
Semantic Web Applications for Danish News Media
4.2 Internal Semantic News Article
The second area of interest concerns issues of finding
previously published articles related to a specific
concept. When news break, journalists often search
for context, and sources in related news articles
published by their own media or by others. Journalists
and editors however experience inconsistency and
limitations in standard search engines such as Google,
e.g. it can be difficult to search for articles published
a long time ago. This process can be empowered by
semantic annotation: If all persons, organisations,
places, and key terms described in a media’s archive
of articles are semantically annotated, it is possible to
perform thorough and complex search queries. This
application is referred to as Internal Semantic News
Article Search. This type of application requires
concepts to be annotated as RDF triples the same way
as for the semantic archive of sources and contact
details. This annotation is however much more
comprehensive and requires use of multiple
vocabularies to describe relevant relations between
different domains. Furthermore, it is important to
distinguish real-world objects from the HTML
document (the news article) that describe these, and it
is recommended to annotate not only concepts and
domains but also metadata about the Web document
and its relation to the content (Hendler et al., 2011).
The rNews ontology
can be applied to annotate
information about author, publication data, and
thumbnail-URL. As an example, this allows users of
the semantic news article search application to search
for concepts described by a specific journalist or
written within a specific timeframe.
In order for journalists to apply semantic RDFa
annotation as they write and publish news articles, a
robust annotation system – preferably integrated into
the CMS – is needed. However, even with an
annotation system such as N.Y.T.’s Editor
, the
process of semantically describing an entire news
article requires more time, than journalists spend on
tagging articles today. Also, current technology still
requires manual editing to secure quality mark-up,
and it should be considered whether this is a task for
journalists, editors, or maybe even dedicated mark-up
specialist to do. These issues are highly relevant and
The vocabulary is designed by the International Press
Telecommunications Council (IPTC) to ensure
consistency in how news media annotate metadata.
In 2015, New York Times launched Editor which a semi-
automated tool for annotating news articles with
semantic information. The tool comprises a simple text
worth a deeper study with journalists and other
Once all concepts are semantically annotated, it is
possible to develop an application to perform
complex and precise searches within a media’s
database of linked data. In fact, such an application
already exists: N.Y.T. has created a semantic search
for their archive of articles – consisting
of news articles from 1981 N.Y.T. Developer (n.d.).
The application is designed as an API for public use
over the HTTP and is used as a case study in this
Apart from supporting the research phase, some
participants suggest that an internal semantic news
article search application can be used for additional
purposes: The function can be used to insert links to
related articles in a specific news article. This is
something Danish journalists currently do manually
because existing technologies are not good enough.
An automation of this process saves time and enables
new links – which are not present to the journalist –
to be added. Participants also suggest that internal
semantic news article search can be used to analyse
how minorities are represented and used as sources in
the overall news coverage. This type of analysis can
be applied as a tool for the media to shed light on
biases or specific discourses, but it can also provide
research for new articles worth reading for the public.
The sections above describe how a semantic
search application can be implemented for a media’s
own archive of articles. Journalists however often
research in other media’s archives too, and it would
increase usability remarkably, if not only one Danish
news media organisations, but all news organisations
world-wide decided to semantically annotate their
articles and provide open API search tools.
4.3 Semantic Infobox: Summary
The third area of interest targets improvement of user
experiences and concerns the issue of adding
encyclopaedic information in a short amount of time.
The analysis finds that Danish news articles do not
deploy online opportunities of providing additional
information, and that Danish news journalists are not
willing to spend more time than absolutely necessary
writing additional, encyclopaedic information
editor, supported by a set of networked microservices
that are trained to apply specialised N.Y.T. resources to
text documents.
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: Interface for adding autogenerated summaries.
about persons or concepts mentioned in news articles.
On the other hand, it can be concluded that such
additional information contributes to transparency
and ultimately supports a media’s trustworthiness.
To ensure the quality of information, it is
recommended to focus on one type of infobox:
Autogenerated summaries – and as a starting point
design the application to rely exclusively on
information from a media’s own database of
annotated information. This application is referred to
as Semantic Infobox: Summary.
The analysis finds that autogenerated summaries
must include information about a person’s name, job
title, workplace, educational background, and
seniority. This way integrated summaries can
strengthen a media’s trustworthiness as they
document why professors or other authorities are
chosen as expert sources. Additionally, summaries
should include personal information such as date of
birth, family relations, and information about
previous jobs and memberships. This allows readers
of the news article to easily recap information about
the person. Ultimately, news journalists can also use
the application as a research tool. For this type of
application, it is important that all string values are
phrased in Danish, and that all resources describing
anything else than names are linked to resources
phrased in Danish via owl:sameAs-relations.
Similarly, all properties need to be linked to
equivalent properties in Danish. This allows the
autogenerated summary to be displayed with both
properties and values phrased in Danish.
An application for autogenerated summaries
differs from the two previous solutions as it not only
support research but contributes with information
displayed directly as part of the news article. This
highly increases requirements for reliable
information as one incorrect information contained in
an infobox might affect the trustworthiness of all
other content on the media’s platform. Possibilities
for fact-checking can be provided as metadata such as
when the summary was last updated, and what
sources the data is collected from. This kind of
transparency and traceability can be implemented
using Semantic Sitemaps which allows metadata to be
included in the RDF/XML descriptions.
Figure 4 demonstrates how a user interface –
integrated in the CMS – for implementing and fact-
checking autogenerated summaries can be designed.
The journalist simply highlights a person’s name and
uses the middel panel to create a summary. A display
then appears showing all relevant information about
that person. For each line of information, the journalist
is provided with options to edit data or inspect the data
source. This way, the journalist can review when a
person’s current job title was last updated or delete
outdated information. It is also possible for the
journalist to add new information using predefined
properties and predefined or typed values. Technically,
summaries can be queried and formatted using
SPARQL-queries and SPARQL Lib the same way as
results are retrieved and displayed for the semantic
archive of sources and contact detail application.
Autogenerated summaries as described in the
sections above rely exclusively on linked data from a
media’s own archive of news articles. This guarantees
journalists and users that information contained in the
summary at some stage has been fact-checked and
edited by a journalist, but it also means that the
application can only generate summaries for persons
Semantic Web Applications for Danish News Media
previously mentioned by the media. In order to truly
support news journalists, and to truly take advantage
of the concept of SW the application should be
extended to rely also on external sources of linked
data. It is recommended to develop some kind of
certification to guarantee that the datasets live up to
current GDPR regulations and are maintained and up
to date, e.g. guaranteeing that the dataset is reviewed
at least once a month, and that a person registered
with name and contact details is responsible for this.
Establishing national or even international standards
for the quality and maintenance of linked data allows
media organisations – and other organisations – to
share and reuse encyclopaedic data from each other.
The analysis demonstrates that news journalists
across Danish news media organisations work in very
similar ways and with extended focus on research and
fact-checking. These conventions might ease the
process of defining a set of standards for summary
data, but legal and practical implementation of such
certification requires further research.
The core intention of SW is to make content machine-
readable in order to improve findability and enable
knowledge- and context-based information to be
generated. This way semantic annotation can be seen
as pure preparation for AI agents. However, this study
demonstrates that AI in the context of Danish news
media still seems distant. Remarkably little research
explores aspects of reliability and objectivity within
the field of SW even though major challenges on how
to secure trustworthy information need to be solved.
As demonstrated in this study, these challenges need
to be solved not only locally, but as standards or
certifications agreed upon by all trustworthy linked
data providers. Another area which needs attention in
this context is the concept of neutral ontologies
(Uschold and Gruninger, 2004). The concept of
ontologies presupposes that the entire world can be
objectively categorised. However, several current
debates illustrate how this – in reality – is often
negotiable or political dependent. Thus, those in
charge of annotating information and constructing
underlying ontologies can easily influence the way
we understand our surroundings which has proved to
be extremely powerful. In contrast to the power of
current media, this impact is much less visible and
harder to trace and should be an area of extreme
interest for researchers in the field of SW and in the
field of journalism. In the context of Danish news
media, this paper has, in a practical manner, explored
potentials of SW technologies exposing three areas
where these technologies can be used to make
significant improvement. Before this can be realised,
basic research on implementation of annotation tools
and standards for trustworthiness is still needed.
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WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies