Building a Camera-based Smart Sensing System for Digitalized
On-demand Aircraft Cabin Readiness Verification
Luis Unzueta
, Sandra Garcia
, Jorge Garcia
, Valentin Corbin
, Nerea Aranjuelo
, Unai Elordi
Oihana Otaegui
and Maxime Danielli
Vicomtech Foundation, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), Mikeletegi 57,
20009 Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain
Otonomy Aviation, 16 Avenue Pythagore, 33700 Mérignac, France
Keywords: Intelligent Sensors, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks, Aircraft Cabin.
Abstract: Currently, aircraft cabin operations such as the verification of taxi, take-off, and landing (TTL) cabin readiness
are done manually. This results in an increased workload for the crew, operational inefficiencies, and a non-
negligible risk of human errors in handling safety-related procedures. For TTL, specific cabin readiness
requirements apply to the passenger, to the position of seat components and cabin luggage. The usage of
cameras and vision-based object-recognition algorithms may offer a promising solution for specific
functionalities such as cabin luggage detection. However, building a suitable camera-based smart sensing
system for this purpose brings many challenges as it needs to be low weight, with competitive cost and robust
recognition capabilities on individual seat level, complying with stringent constraints related to airworthiness
certification. This position paper analyzes and discusses the main technological factors that system designers
should consider for building such an intelligent system. These include the sensor setup, system training, the
selection of appropriate camera sensors and lenses, AI-processors, and software tools for optimal image
acquisition and image content analysis with Deep Neural Network (DNN)-based recognition methods.
Preliminary tests with pre-trained generalist DNN-based object detection models are also analyzed to assist
with the training and deployment of the recognition methods.
In recent years artificial intelligence (AI) has strongly
gained momentum, especially due to the remarkable
advances obtained by one of its multiple expressions,
which is machine learning, thanks to the emerging
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Currently, DNNs
constitute the basis for the most advanced computer
vision and machine learning methodologies (Mahony
et al., 2019).
In the aircraft cabin environment, cameras are
used as of today for overall cabin monitoring
purposes. Current cabin video monitoring systems are
characterized by restrained video and image analysis
capabilities and are not conceived for specific
purposes such as taxi, take-off, and landing (TTL)
cabin readiness verification. Despite the recent
progress for the optimal installation of surveillance
cameras to monitor different areas of aircrafts, in
practice, the captured images are not being fully
exploited. Moreover, different format images and
cameras should need to be concealed to exploit the
captured images, including AI to help the crew in
handling safety procedures.
Building a camera-based intelligent system for
this purpose reaching the highest Technology
Readiness Level (TRL) (Heder, 2017), i.e., TRL9, “an
actual system proven in an operational environment”,
requires satisfying many challenges. With the
currently available DNN-based methodologies and
equipment this process would start in TRL2, i.e., “a
technology concept formulated”, and the next step
would be to build a TRL3 “experimental proof of
concept”. This transition from TRL2 to TRL3 is not
evident, and relevant technological factors must be
analyzed in detail.
Unzueta, L., Garcia, S., Garcia, J., Corbin, V., Aranjuelo, N., Elordi, U., Otaegui, O. and Danielli, M.
Building a Camera-based Smart Sensing System for Digitalized On-demand Aircraft Cabin Readiness Verification.
DOI: 10.5220/0010128500980105
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems (ROBOVIS 2020), pages 98-105
ISBN: 978-989-758-479-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Conceptual design of a camera-based intelligent system for digitalized on-demand aircraft cabin readiness
verification, and examples of the kind of images that would be captured from cameras installed over the seats and the corridor.
Figure 1 shows the conceptual design of such a
system and the kind of images that would be captured
from cameras over the seats and the corridor. In these
examples, luggage is placed in different wrong areas
for TTL, such as on the corridor’s floor and seats, and
passengers can also occlude totally or partially the
luggage depending on their locations and poses.
The economic viability of the system requires to
minimize the number of cameras to be installed. This
means that each should cover the maximum possible
area, e.g., two seat-rows. As it can be observed, the
kind of lenses that allow this significantly distort the
image content. Thus, the appearances of the
visualized objects can be quite different depending on
the image region where they are located and the
camera position. All these factors are relevant for the
design of the computer vision and machine learning
algorithms (Zhao et al., 2019). Captured images
would then be processed in AI-processors, which in
our context, are edge computing devices that include
AI-accelerator(s), i.e., a new generation of CPUs,
GPUs, FPGAs, and alternative chips, specially
designed for the optimal deployment of DNNs (Chen
et al., 2020).
An example of DNN-based approach that could
be included in the system to handle the TTL-related
use-cases would be the following. For instance, a
DNN-based image classifier (Wang et al., 2019)
could analyze incoming images to check whether they
were “grabbed in night conditions” or not, and then
choose suitable detectors for each case. DNN-based
object detectors would localize bounding boxes of
objects of interest in the image with their
corresponding class (e.g., “suitcase”, “laptop”, etc).
Alternatively, there are also detectors that segment
objects at pixel-level, but their computational cost is
prohibitive for AI-processors in our context, so we
would not consider them (Zhao et al., 2019). Person
detectors could work in the same way as object
detectors, but could also be more sophisticated
approaches, such as those that localize human body
keypoints for body pose estimation. However, again,
the computational cost of the latter is prohibitive for
AI-processors in our context, so we would only
consider the former (Dang et al., 2019). These could
also be trained to classify some attributes (e.g., a
description of their poses, such as “seated”,
“crouched”, etc). Finally, visual relationship
detectors (Agarwal et al., 2020) would describe the
relations between objects (and people) localized in
the image in some TTL-related use-cases (e.g.,
“pouch filled, not allowing enough safe evacuation”).
Thus, the system would send alerts to the
crewmembers when it detects cabin luggage in wrong
areas for TTL, specifying where they happened.
This position paper analyzes and discusses the
main technological factors that system designers
should consider for building such an intelligent
system. The purpose of this work is not proposing a
specific DNN-based approach that would allow
building a camera-based system that could reach
TRL9. Our motivation at this stage (TRL2) is to make
system designers be aware of the relevant
technological factors required for that and assist them
with the TRL2 to TRL3 transition, as it involves
making important decisions to build a successful
solution. These include the sensor setup, system
training, the selection of appropriate camera sensors
and lenses, AI-processors, and software tools, for
optimal image acquisition and image content analysis
with DNN-based recognition methods. Preliminary
tests with pre-trained generalist DNN-based object
detection models are also analyzed to assist with the
training and deployment of the recognition methods.
Building a Camera-based Smart Sensing System for Digitalized On-demand Aircraft Cabin Readiness Verification
Two critical tasks to build a suitable vision-based
system for automated image content analysis are the
sensor setup and the system training. The former
refers to choosing the right number of cameras, their
locations, orientations, and parameters such as the
field of view, to guarantee the complete coverage of
the areas of interest, but also considering the
economic viability. Regarding the system training,
current state-of-the-art DNN-based methods need to
be trained with very large datasets, with over 1M
labeled images. Collecting such amount of labeled
data can be challenging and even prohibitive.
Training techniques that rely on the use of DNN
models that have been pre-trained on generic data,
such as “transfer learning” and “fine-tuning”, allow
mitigating the lack of labeled data. Generic data
means many kinds of objects “in the wild”, not highly
specialized, and coming from different contexts, like
those from generalist datasets such as ImageNet
(Russakovsky et al., 2015), COCO (Lin et al., 2014)
or Open Images (Kuznetsova et al., 2020). This way
the pre-trained features would be adapted to the new
data, potentially achieving meaningful
improvements. Recently, Kolesnikov et al. (2020)
revisited this kind of techniques and proposed a
simple recipe, named “Big Transfer” (BiT), which
exploits large scale pre-training to yield good
performance on downstream tasks of interest. Even
though best results are obtained by training the
system with a large dataset specifically designed to
train the DNNs with the expected kind of images,
considering such pre-trained model-based training
techniques is highly relevant for the development of
the system.
2.1 Simulation Tool
A proper simulation tool can alleviate the effort and
cost of these two tasks. Furthermore, the simulation
tool can resolve legal or privacy issues, which often
make the use of real data hard or impossible.
However, there are no general simulation tools ready
to solve them for all kinds of scenarios and use cases.
Normally, ‘ad-hoc’ tools are built. They require
integrating adequate 3D graphical assets, virtual
camera models, and illumination functionalities
configured employing user-friendly parameters.
For the camera setup task, the tool would allow
visualizing directly the 3D scene from the virtual
camera viewpoints, with camera-related effects, such
as the geometric distortion introduced by the lens,
while changing in real-time their parameters. For the
labeled dataset generation, the tool would allow
configuring scenes for a given camera setup, with a
wide and balanced range of plausible situations of
interest randomly generated. It would involve the
required 3D graphical assets, which should be quickly
captured from the virtual camera viewpoints, along
with the adequate annotations and noise, for training.
Domain Adaptation techniques could be applied
to guarantee successful training with data that
combines synthetic and real images, as real-world
images are more complex than simulated ones. These
techniques try to solve the domain shift that exists
between different groups of data, for example by
learning domain-invariant features (Pinheiro, 2018,
Chen et al., 2018) or translating the data from a
domain to another one (Inoue et al., 2018).
The basis of the simulation tool could be a 3D
computer graphics software such as 3DS Max or
Blender or a game engine such as Unreal or Unity,
which not only allow managing 3D graphical assets,
virtual cameras, and illumination conditions
interactively but also controlling all of these utilizing
programming scripts. Each of these has its pros and
cons, however, with any of them it is necessary to face
the same kind of challenges:
What kind of parameters should be used to
configure the scenes?
How should these parameters be expressed to
be user-friendly?
What kind of strategy should be applied to
generate a wide and balanced range of plausible
situations of interest, randomly?
How can the captures from virtual camera
viewpoints be done quickly, taking into
account that the rendering time could be an
important bottleneck in this process?
What kind of strategy should be adopted to
apply noise to the labeled data for the
appropriate training of the system.
When designing a simulation tool that responds
appropriately to all these challenges, relying on data
formats such as VCD (Vicomtech, 2020), can be
helpful. It is a flexible labeling structure that
addresses modern requirements for ground truth
description, including multi-sensor object, action, and
scene-level annotations, open-source APIs to manage
content, and connectivity with ontologies.
2.2 Camera Sensor and Lens Selection
To build or choose the ideal camera for optimal image
acquisition, it is necessary to define all the relevant
and impacting parameters that affect the image
ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems
quality. These include optical lens parameters (spatial
resolution, deep of field and luminosity), sensor
specifications (quantum convert, pixels and format),
and the camera interface (connectors and protocols).
The objects detected by the camera need to
occupy a certain number of pixels on the image to be
recognized by DNN-based computer vision
algorithms. This number of pixels is commonly
named as object size, which depends on the distance
between the optical unit and the object, as well as the
spatial resolution of the camera. The latter depends on
the smallest measurable gap between black and white
bands expressed in frequency = line / mm.
The depth of field is the distance between the
closest and farthest objects in the optical system that
results in a sufficiently sharp image. A camera can
only focus sharply at one specific distance. But the
transition from sharp to unsharp is gradual, and the
term “acceptably clear image” is generally imprecise
because it is subjective, but in our context, it should
be the minimum of spatial resolution before an object
becomes undetectable. What defines if an image is
optically sharp enough, is the circle of confusion, also
known as the disk of confusion, circle of
indistinctness, blur circle, or blur spot. It is an optical
spot caused by a cone of light rays from a lens not
coming to a perfect focus when imaging a point
source. In our case, an airplane cabin is a small space
where the camera should have sufficient resolution
from top to bottom of the seats considering all with a
fixed focal lens.
The luminosity of an object is a measurement of
its intrinsic brightness and is defined as the amount of
energy the object emits in a fixed time. In our case,
the luminosity would come mainly from the sun and
cabin lighting. The area of measurement should cover
a larger area with a huge delta of illumination. We
need to verify that the camera would be able to
produce enough contrast, and an exploitable
measurement for the computer vision and machine
learning algorithms.
Starting from the lowest possible illumination
within the framework of the measurement, it is
necessary to define the surface of the sensor and the
number of apertures of the lens, according to the
quantum conversion rate, to check whether the
camera would be able to measure with sufficient
resolution. Knowing the value of the illumination of
a surface we can measure with a resolution test if the
camera can produce a sufficiently sharp image.
A minimum of spatial resolution is necessary to
be able to see at a desired level of detail. This level of
detail is discretized by the pixel matrix of the sensor.
An aspect ratio is a proportional relationship between
an image’s width and height. Essentially, it describes
an image’s shape. Aspect ratios are written as a
formula of width to height, like this: 3:2. Most
common sensors have an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 4:3.
For our application, the minimal resolution would be
defined by the spatial resolution and format
benchmarking according to the technical needs to
operate the computer vision and machine learning
algorithms. The best aspect ratio is 4:3 because the
optimal deployment of DNNs in AI-processors
usually is achieved for square images. To be able to
process them, images should be padded with black
areas to make it square or cropped if it fills the space
to be analyzed.
Regarding the communication protocol, there is a
large panel of choice (fiber optic with CML protocol,
3G-SDI, FireWire, USB 3.0, Ethernet-PoE, and CAN
bus). There would no need for full-duplex
communication because the cameras either would
send or receive data but not at the same time. All
protocols that can transport more than 35 Mbps of
data over a plane length would fit. For instance, a
good option to send the video flow to the AI-
processor could be using 3G-SDI over fiber optic
To fulfill the system’s requirements including those
related to airworthiness certification, our criteria for
the AI-processor scouting is that it should be
compact, fanless, powerful enough, efficient, with the
highest possible support for deploying cutting-edge
DNN-based computer vision and machine learning
algorithms, easily integrable in the system’s
architecture, low-cost and easily replaceable by
upgraded versions without affecting the software
development, if required.
To support the AI-processor scouting process we
rely on MLPerf Inference (Reddi et al., 2019), which
is a relevant benchmark suite in the machine learning
community for measuring how fast machine learning
systems can process inputs and produce results using
a trained DNN model. It was designed with the
involvement of more than 30 organizations as well as
more than 200 machine learning engineers and
practitioners to overcome the challenge of assessing
machine learning-system performance in an
architecture-neutral, representative, and reproducible
manner, despite the machine learning ecosystem’s
many possible combinations of hardware, machine-
learning tasks, DNN models, data sets, frameworks,
toolsets, libraries, architectures, and inference
Building a Camera-based Smart Sensing System for Digitalized On-demand Aircraft Cabin Readiness Verification
engines. The design and implementation of MLPerf
Inference v0.5 consider image classification and
object detection vision tasks with heavyweight and
lightweight DNN models in different scenarios such
as multi-stream processing, relevant in our context. In
such a scenario, a traffic generator sends a set of
inferences per query periodically (between 50 and
100 ms).
Among the performance results published in
MLPerf Inference v0.5, the NVIDIA Jetson AGX
Xavier shows good potential for our purpose. It is an
embedded system-on-module (SoM), thus, compact,
with powerful and efficient GPU/CPU and
connectivity capabilities, leveraged by NVIDIA’s
TensorRT software tool for high-performance DNN
More recently, Libutti et al. (2020) proposed some
adaptations to MLPerf to handle new USB-based
inference accelerators, more specifically, Intel
Movidius Neural Compute Stick 2 (with an Intel
Movidius Myriad X VPU) and Google Coral USB
accelerator (with a Google Edge TPU). They
evaluated the ability of these USB-based devices to
fulfill the requirements posed by applications in terms
of inference time and presented a mechanism to
measure their power consumption. Their results show
good potential too for our purpose.
VPUs and Edge TPUs can also be found in other
kinds of hardware architectures (e.g., AI-accelerator
cards) with faster transmission speeds than USB 3.0,
and the software tools that power them, i.e.,
OpenVINO for Intel chips and TensorFlow Lite
supported by the Edge TPU compiler for Google
chips, like in the case of TensorRT, have remarkable
resources and active communities online, as well.
Hence, these are examples of potentially good options
to consider for the development and deployment of
the algorithms and DNN models.
3.1 Preliminary Tests with Pre-trained
Generalist DNN Models
The recognition of cabin luggage in an airplane is an
“open-world problem”, with almost infinite different
objects, textures, shapes to be recognized. This is very
difficult to solve employing an automated solution.
Human errors are a problem, but a machine attracting
the attention of humans to false alerts (i.e., false
positives) is a problem too, and not presenting alerts
when necessary (i.e., false negatives) is even worse.
A TRL9 system should effectively assist
crewmembers with the verification of TTL cabin
readiness. This means that it should have a very high
accuracy, ideally perfect. In case a certain failure rate
is unavoidable, the sensitivity of the system should
prioritize the elimination of false negatives, even
though some false positives might arise.
In the introduction we described a series of TTL-
related use-case situations that could be tackled with
different kind of DNN-based methods, such as image
classifiers, object/person detectors and visual
relationship detectors. We remark that it was only an
example of a DNN-based approach to build the
system, and that alternative approaches could be
proposed. For instance, considering that the cameras
are stationary, temporal context information could be
used (Beery et al., 2020), to reduce the number of
false positives. Furthermore, binary content-based
image classifiers could be applied to areas of interest
to classify whether TTL cabin readiness is complied
or not. Incremental learning strategies (Yang et al.,
2019) could also be added to readjust the system once
deployed, leveraging the observed false positives and
negatives to improve the accuracy through time.
Currently, the major open-source deep learning
frameworks are TensorFlow and PyTorch, which
count with big support not only from the companies
that develop and maintain them (Google and
Facebook, respectively) but also from researchers and
practitioners around the world. Thus, there are many
pre-trained generalist DNN TensorFlow and PyTorch
models available on the Internet, especially for image
classification and object/person detection tasks with
generalist datasets, which can also be converted to
3rdparty inference engines for the optimal
deployment of DNNs in AI-processors like those
relevant in our context (e.g., for NVIDIA’s TensorRT
and Intel’s OpenVINO).
Testing pre-trained generalist DNN models for
object/person detection with images such as those
shown in Figure 1, could be seen as quite simple, but
it can help us clarify important aspects for the design
and development of the TRL3 DNN-based approach
for the system, like:
How do image transformations like resizing
and rotating affect the pre-trained generalist
DNN responses?
Considering lens distortions and that the aspect
ratios of the DNN’s input and the image can be
quite different, is it convenient to process the
full image or cropped image regions?
For these preliminary tests, we have chosen the
SSD-MobileNet-v1-FPN model, which has a good
trade-off between accuracy and performance among
those publicly available at the TensorFlow Object
Detection API webpage (Huang et al., 2017), trained
with the generalist COCO dataset. Nevertheless, the
object detection field is constantly progressing, and
ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems
newer more accurate, efficient and smaller DNN
models are being proposed, such as EfficientDet (Tan
et al., 2020), released on March 18, YOLO-v4
(Bochkovskiy et al., 2020), released on April 23, and
the controversial YOLO-v5 (Jocher, 2020), released
on June 9, and will probably continue so during the
following months and years. Similar tests could be
done with these models too for the same purpose.
We have processed images such as those shown
in Figure 1 in two ways: (1) the full image with
padding added to maintain the aspect ratios (the DNN
expects square input sizes), and (2) the image cropped
in 7 regions, also with the same kind of padding for
each region. In both cases, the object detector
receives images at different sizes (640x640,
1280x1280 and 1920x1920 for full images; 640x640
and 960x960 for cropped images) and orientations
(0º, 90º, 180º and -90º). Figure 2 and Figure 3 show
some examples of the obtained detection results.
In the COCO dataset images are not as distorted
as in these images, and therefore, objects/people seen
from the camera over the corridor are better detected,
as they are further away and less distorted. It can also
be observed that the bounding boxes in some cases
are correctly placed for the object’s real boundaries,
but the classification is incorrect. This behavior was
expected since COCO contains many classes out of
our context (e.g., “car”, “sink”, “toilet”, “stop sign”,
“mouse”, “traffic light”, “toaster”, etc.), and therefore
the DNN has learned “noisy” visual features from
them and has more chances to misclassify. Overall,
the class that is better detected is that of “person”,
even when people are partially occluded and located
in more distorted image regions.
Another interesting behavior is that some objects
are correctly detected in some image orientations but
not in others. Probably this happens because the data
for training was not sufficiently balanced for this
factor, and thus, the learned visual features for some
objects work better for some orientations compared to
others. It can also be observed that the chosen input
size also plays an important role as, depending on it,
bigger and/or smaller objects/people can be missed.
The reason for other misdetections could also be
because COCO does not contain so many top view
perspectives of objects/people.
Regarding the convenience of processing cropped
image regions instead of the full image directly, in
principle, the advantage that it might have is that the
input sizes of the regions can be bigger and with less
padding areas when processed by the DNN,
compared to when processing the full image directly.
However, the analyzed preliminary tests do not reveal
a clear advantage of the former for the detection
accuracy. This factor would need further
investigation with more data and quantitative
measurements, trying to seek a good trade-off
between accuracy and performance, leveraging batch
processing techniques.
S Rot: 0º Rot: 180º
1280x1280 1920x1920
Figure 2: Tests with synthetic full images from cameras
over the seats and the corridor with the COCO-trained SSD-
MobileNet-v1-FPN model (Huang et al., 2017).
Rot: 0º Rot: 180º
Seats Corrido
Seats Corrido
Figure 3: Tests with synthetic images cropped into 7 regions from cameras over the seats and the corridor with the COCO-
trained SSD-MobileNet-v1-FPN model (Huang et al., 2017).
Building a Camera-based Smart Sensing System for Digitalized On-demand Aircraft Cabin Readiness Verification
In this position paper, we have analyzed and
discussed the main technological factors that system
designers should consider for building a camera-
based smart sensing system for digitalized on-
demand aircraft cabin readiness verification. Our
purpose is to make system designers be aware of the
relevant technological factors for that and assist them
with the TRL2 to TRL3 transition while designing
their DNN-based approaches that would allow
building camera-based systems that could reach
TRL9. These include the sensor setup, system
training, the selection of appropriate camera sensors
and lenses, AI-processors, and software tools for
optimal image acquisition and image content analysis
with DNN-based recognition methods.
For the sensor setup and system training, we
consider that a proper simulation tool would be
helpful, along with Domain Adaptation techniques to
guarantee successful training with data that combines
synthetic and real images. Thus, we have reviewed
which are relevant considerations to build the
simulation tool and proposed relying on a metadata
specification format for the description of scenes and
data sequences, such as VCD (Vicomtech, 2020). We
also consider that training techniques that rely on the
inclusion of DNN models that have been pre-trained
on generic data, like BiT (Kolesnikov et al., 2020),
are beneficial to mitigate the lack of labeled data.
We have also analyzed which are the important
and impacting parameters that affect the image
quality, to build or choose the ideal camera for
optimal image acquisition, and how they should be
Regarding the selection of AI-processors and
software tools for the optimal deployment of DNNs,
we have established criteria to fulfill the system’s
requirements and analyzed some remarkable systems
based on the MLPerf Inference benchmark suite
(Reddi et al., 2019).
Finally, we have presented some preliminary tests
with a pre-trained generalist DNN-based
object/person detector with the kind of images that
would be captured from cameras installed over the
seats and the corridor. In summary, based on these
tests, we conclude that DNN models should be
trained: (1) with balanced data, using closer content
to the kind of expected images for each camera
placement (i.e., over the seats and the corridor) and
the use cases, with all kind of orientations, (2) with
the minimal required set of appropriate object classes
only, to avoid learning noisy object/person visual
features for detection and classification, and (3)
exploring the possibility of cropping the image into
regions, such as those used for the experiments, to
learn their specific image characteristics. Then,
trained DNN models should be deployed with
appropriate image sizes for each camera placement
(i.e., over the seats and the corridor) and using
dynamic batch processing to make the most of the AI-
Future work will involve developing a prototype
with an IMX226 sensor and an FPGA card to design
our camera architecture, an NVIDIA Jetson AGX
Xavier SoMs, and FPGAs to process images. Besides,
we will include a DNN-based detection approach
tailored to the TTL-related use cases, leveraging the
considerations presented here. In particular, we plan
training the system with real-world and simulated
data by applying domain adaptation techniques to
learn domain-invariant features, including temporal
context information and incremental learning
This work has received funding from the Clean Sky 2
Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No. 865162, SmaCS
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