Psychographic and Cognitive Human Factor Modeling in Decision
Support Systems for Building Personalized Product Ecosystems
Alberts Pumpurs
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Riga Technical University, Duagavgrivas Street 2, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Human Factor Modeling, User Modeling, Decision Support Systems, Design and Creativity Support System.
Abstract: There are countless products build and launched every day. A growing number of possibilities for the
consumer increases competition between similar products and product developers voluntarily or involuntarily
are creating product ecosystems to stay competitive or relevant. As the products tend to form ecosystems,
then for users it less decision of which product, instead of more of which ecosystem to buy into. This poses
new challenges for product and ecosystem developers, how to comply with true user needs, and which are
worth investing in. This position paper discusses the possibility that psychographic and cognitive human
factor modeling could be the way to understand users and build personalized ecosystems using the decision
support system. Following position, the paper is a proposal for future research in developing such decision
support and conceptual model of user data and its relationship is proposed.
Today's users and consumers are fortunate because
there are many solution providers ready to fix their
needs and problems. There are plenty of products that
users can acquire and invest their time to get their
desired tasks done. The issue today is not that there
would not be a particular product or digital solution
for users' problem, but the burden of making the right
choice. Because right now users are not simply
buying just one product, but the whole ecosystem that
the product is in or will be in the future. We are living
in a time where the line between digital products and
physical products is blurring. Thanks to IoT and
digitalization everyday items are connected to the
internet and our smartphone apps (Mattern,
Friedemann; Floerkemeier, Christian, 2010).
Additionally, products from the same and different
industries create product ecosystems (Dass, M., &
Kumar, S., 2014). For example, Apple, Microsoft,
and Google are known for creating their product
ecosystems in which they are interested to keep users
in and providing them with all the solutions to their
needs. Companies like Ikea and Xiaomi strive for
cross-industry partnerships to create a smart home
environment for better living. Knowing that Xiaomi
is a competitor to Apple, Microsoft, Google there is
an unlikely chance that these IT companies would
participate in IKEA and Xiaomi joined the
This paper is not about the company strategy and
competition policy, but the user and the product
ecosystem developer aspect. The objective of the
position paper is to outline how currently user data is
used to create new solutions and propose a
preliminary conceptual model of how to extrapolate
knowledge about users using their cognitive and
psychographic data. It is important to evaluate what it
means for users to be a part of any kind of ecosystem,
what they gain, lose, and what kind of decisions they
are having when enrolling in a product’s ecosystem
as well as what it means to be a product development
company that creates products and ecosystems
around them. How to make better decisions and
which decision support systems or methodologies
they should use. For digital-only and products
connected to the internet, users place important to be
aware of product quality as well as what kind of
ecosystem integrations it has, with what kind of other
services it works and with whom it doesn't (Dass, M.,
& Kumar, S., 2014). Most users don't want to be
denied functionalities and features even if they are not
planning to use them. That is loss aversion bias
(Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A., 1992) that plays a
powerful role in decision making. Another aspect is
that users are paying attention to their personal data.
Who and how are using them. Users are concerned
Pumpurs, A.
Psychographic and Cognitive Human Factor Modeling in Decision Support Systems for Building Personalized Product Ecosystems.
DOI: 10.5220/0010132001450151
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2020), pages 145-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-480-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
about how companies collect, store, and use their
personal data. But for companies data analysis often
is how to improve their solutions to satisfy and retain
their users (Crocco, M. S., Segall, A., Halvorsen, A.
L., Stamm, A., & Jacobsen, R., 2020). For some
ecosystems gathering, analyzing, and sharing data is
the reason for their existence. Misusing and
miscommunicating data usage creates a conflict
between involved parties that may threaten the
existence of the ecosystem itself. There is a need for
fair exchange between users, their personal data, and
companies that develop products and ecosystems.
Where on one hand users would be happy to provide
and share their personal data and companies would
use them in a fair manner to provide the solutions for
the user needs thus retaining them on their product
and even building a product system around them.
To create better solutions companies often are
using human factor modeling principles to gain a
conceptual understanding of the user. The generated
knowledge is used to better understand user needs and
satisfy them in new product development, or product
iterative update (Fischer, Gerhard, 2001). The
objective of this paper is to propose an initial version
of a conceptual model of human factor modeling
using user psychographic and cognitive analysis to
better understand their needs. The aim of this model
is to be used as a start for the decision support systems
to assist in personalized product or product ecosystem
development, ensuring that user data is used for a
good purpose to develop products that suit their true
needs. The proposed system as well could assist
designers in the decision making process as a design
and creativity support system due to insights on
human factors.
Most newly created companies that are building
products fail within two years of their product launch
because of a poor problem-solution fit and negligence
of the learning process during product development
(Tripathi, N., Oivo, M., Liukkunen, K., & Markkula,
J., 2019). This shows the risks of what can happen if
important user needs are not met by the product
developers. Newly found companies that have only
one product as their main income source risks whole
existence on its success. Established companies in
case of product failure risks allocated budget and
potential setback or loss in the given product market.
There are two key aspects when creating and
releasing any product or ecosystem to the market, to
maximize its success. First is the bigger picture - why
the product is needed and what purpose it has - the
focus on the fulfillment of psychological needs to
create (Kim, J., Park, S., Hassenzahl, M., Eckoldt, K.,
2011). Second - the product’s embodiment design in
detail concerning material, usability and interface.
Thus, the two key aspects of product success are
Macro UX and Micro UX as proposed in the research
paper by Constantin von Saucken, Ioanna
Michailidou, and Udo Lindemann - “How to Design
Experiences: Macro UX versus Micro UX
Macro UX - the psychological needs the product
fulfills is not something that users often consciously
realize and are aware of. Thus, these are unconscious
needs. If a user would be asked, as typically done in
product development processes via focus groups,
questionnaires etc, what he wants in a new future
product, the answer will not directly show his real
psychological need. The research on a user's implicit
motives or psychological needs can lead to innovative
ideas but requires a psychological background. Since
most of the product decision-makers are not with
knowledge in psychology they would benefit from
knowledge on the user psychography. It is possible to
build products that are more suited to users by
knowing their true needs and motives, but it is only
part of product success.
Another part is the Micro UX that focuses on the
optimization of user experience (UX) in the later
embodiment design stage by anticipating the user’s
perception and processing, (Von Saucken, C.,
Michailidou, I., & Lindemann, U., 2013) in
psychology that is called cognition. A mental action
or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding
thoughts, experience, and the senses (Oxford
dictionary, 2020). Having data on users’
psychographic and cognitive thinking it is possible to
build and modify the understanding of the user by
creating a model to customize and adapt systems to
the user's specific needs. Successfully created models
can be used in decision support systems for new
innovative solution development thus achieving user
The necessity for a decision support system is for
decision-makers who often rely on their personal
intuition when coming up with strategic decisions
(Jossey-Bass, H. A. Simon, 1983). This position
paper proposes an opportunity to help intuitive
decision-makers to base their decisions not solely on
their intuition, but on rational facts as well as make
their decisions user-centered. Such a system could
help make precise, personalized user-need centered
decisions, as a result - maximize the chance for
product success and drive effective resource usage.
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Figure 1: Current relationships in product development between the user, his data and product developers.
Figure 2: Conceptual model relationships between product ecosystem developers and the proposed decision support system.
To achieve that, the position paper’s aim is to propose
a model for a decision support system based on
human factor modeling principles where it would
help to make better decisions for Macro UX and
Micro UX aspects. Psychographic and cognitive
human factor modeling is proposed as a key aspect of
generating new, untapped knowledge that will be
used in the product and ecosystem development
decision-making process.
To better evaluate and seek improvements, it is
necessary to understand how currently most of the
products are created and what are the relationships
between the user, product developer, and data.
Because of rapid digitalization and IoT common
and previously unimagined solutions more and more
are connected to the internet. As users are interacting
with products and solutions, data is generated and
brought back to users in the form of knowledge. For
example, Philips Sonicare toothbrush and its
application. Toothbrush - when used is generating
data about tooth cleaning frequency, duration, applied
pressure and time spent in cleaning teeth. This
information is sent to the backend for parsing data
into knowledge and sent back to the user via a mobile
app telling him to visit a dentist, change brush
hardness, etc. In order to build the next product
iteration, ecosystem or entirely new product, product
developers analyze user-generated interaction data,
analyze it and seek insights for improvements that
could better serve users. All that is done with an aim
to make next-generation or new products worthy and
appealing for the purchase.
3.1 Conceptual Model
The objective is to propose a conceptual model that
represents what is the relationship between users,
product, ecosystem, and the expert system within the
product creation and improvement phases. As well as
to show what type of data would be used in
psychographic and cognitive human factor modeling
to create a decision support system for personalized
product ecosystems.
At first, user-generated data would be filtered into
two key user-product relationships describing data -
cognitive and psychographic. Data identification and
structuring is an important stage because each data
type would be modeled separately through human
factor and user modeling algorithms. As a result of
modeling a conceptual model would emerge that
would describe users existing and potential
relationships with the product or ecosystem. The
gained knowledge of user preferences and taken
actions would describe their knowledge of the usage
patterns as well as their perception of the product
ecosystems. Knowledge of user psychographic
preferences and behavioral patterns are what can help
product developers to create more personalized
products and their ecosystems. Using a decision
support system product developers would be able to
Psychographic and Cognitive Human Factor Modeling in Decision Support Systems for Building Personalized Product Ecosystems
Figure 3: Psychographic cognitive data and decision support system outcome.
access knowledge on their users and gain answers on
product ecosystem existential questions. Questions as
- what type of user would use it, for what purpose they
would serve, what kind of psychological needs are
covered, and which are not. And answer interaction-
based questions - how what will be used, will they
understand functionality, would product functionality
within the ecosystem solve users' need for it.
For cognitive user modeling used data would be
attention, language, visual-spatial perception,
memory, and executive functioning. For
psychographic user modeling it would be personality
traits, values, interests, lifestyle, motivation opinions,
behaviour data. It would be used separately for the
user modeling algorithm since cognitive data can be
more easily collected through service usage data and
is quantitative data. The expected outcome of
cognitive and psychographic data modeling is a
decision support system.
3.2 Outputs of Decision Support
Market researchers have been attempting to develop
predictive models for understanding consumer
preference of newly developed products and
ecosystems they are in. Preference mapping
techniques are the most popular methods among these
prediction models to understand what product
attributes are driving preference (R. Krishnamurthy,
A.K. Srivastava, J.E. Paton, 2007). It is important to
link describing product and ecosystem attributes,
such as appearance, packaging, ease of use and others
with customer preference from perspective of how it
fits in their daily lives (psychography) to how they are
going to use it (cognitive actions). An important
aspect of human-centered system design is cognitive
compatibility, which means that the structure of the
human-machine interface of the computer should
match the cognitive styles of the users (Fuchs-
Frothnhofen, P., Hartmann, E., Brandt, D., &
Weydandt, D., 1996. Psychology has been applied to
HCI research in recent years to inform design choices
and understand differences in how in- dividuals use
technology. It enables researchers to arrive at
conclusions regarding design effectiveness, since
successful technology development requires input
from a representative set of potential users and, more
precisely, the range of differences among individuals
may influence technology. Some factors may include
age, gender, job duties, language, culture and
fundamental idiosyncratic attributes, such as
personality and motivation (Alves, T., Natálio, J.,
Henriques-Calado, J., & Gama, S., 2020.
Business must satisfy customers and their needs,
to stay competitive - decision support system purpose
is to use input data from the users to identify what
attributes they value the most. Knowing that users -
when using any product or ecosystem generate data,
the decision support system can use the given data
and parse that into the knowledge about user
preferences about particular products as well as to
better understand ecosystem usage patterns. The
purpose and given output of the decision support
system is knowledge about unstructured user
behaviour data that represents which product and
their ecosystem attributes they value the most and
how they interact with its features. Based on proven
aspects that users likability of a product impacts on
how it fits in his daily life through his personality and
usage patterns - such a decision support system task
is to model user data and provide with clear value and
behaviour description what particular users want in a
product ecosystem. Using this decision support
system product developers will be able to see data on
their users at one unified place and query database on
specific user actions and their opinions. For the
valuable knowledge output on users,’ the developers
would be able to query whether user’s behavior
matches their values – which would be considered as
a strong positive signal that can be used as
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
confirmation on matching with user’s preferences.
And the same if users behaviors do not match with
their values – that would be an indicator that what the
user says and does are two different things and further
investigation is needed. Which most of the case is
potential for additional insights and product
Several application cases are introduced to showcase
the potential use of the decision support system in
B2C markets. Each application case consists of key
elements used in any product development cycle -
potential or existing users, product development team
and data that is known or can be mined.
4.1 New Product Introduction
Whenever a new digital-only, internet-connected
product or whole ecosystem is about to be created and
introduced to the users, there is a degree of
uncertainty whether it is going to succeed or not. To
minimize the risk of failure, the product and
ecosystem need to be maximally attuned to user
needs. Else it has the potential to become yet another
thing that is not needed and it would cease to exist in
its early lifecycle. Often new solution development
should start with its purpose and reason for existence.
This is something that is frequently overlooked by the
stakeholders and is the reason why even well-crafted
products can fail. Product and business development
as well often are driven by stakeholder’s inspiration
and emotions. Thereof there are not enough data and
evidence and research on what to base the upcoming
product or ecosystem. User preferences, lifestyle
attributes, and expectations often are not well-read.
Thus, increasing unknown factors of overall products
or its ecosystem's ability to be personalized for a
specific target audience. Product developers would
benefit from the proposed decision support system
mostly from the psychographic aspect because it
would help them to tap into the user personality traits,
values, interests to attune desire, and a true necessity
for the product.
4.2 Iterative Product Update
When a service has already been launched, but it is
time to update its capabilities it is important that the
introduced new update still captures user needs. If the
product starts to deviate from the initially designed
purpose or becomes hard to use due to new feature
introduction - users may search for an alternative.
This is a risk for stakeholders and developers because
in new iterative product updates there are aspects that
could go wrong with the decision making. And since
stakeholders and product developers mostly rely on
their instincts when developing - the risk is even
greater. For iterative product updates it is important
to evaluate whether it is even needed. There are cases
when companies release a new iterative update with
minimal changes, mostly due to marketing reasons
and users buy it but have little or no gain in
improvement. This may leave users confused and
unhappy especially if the update requires financial
investment from them. It is important to evaluate how
and if the existing user base is perceiving product or
ecosystem personalization efforts from the previous
generations before a new and updated generation is
released. Stakeholders may discover that by
comparing behavioral and product usage data from
what they were when the product was launched and
what they have become over time. For example, how
long time is now spent on using product function
comparing to what it was in the beginning. What user
values were impacted when the product was released
and how they are changes over the product's existence
time. Existing or non-existing change in data provides
some knowledge for product developers whether they
have achieved personalization overtime or not. As
well as this should help them to make a decision on
next-generation based on knowledge. Benefit for
iterative product and ecosystem updates in a matter of
personalization comes from understanding user
psychographic data change since the previous
iteration, as well as improvements in usability
through cognitive analysis.
4.3 Integration in the Product
Introducing the product to the existing ecosystem
poses a couple of questions that need to be asked by
product developers before investing in the resources.
Product development for an ecosystem is associated
with whether users need a product to be part of the
ecosystem and vice versa. And from a cognitive
aspect how users will understand the connection
between the product ecosystem and vice versa. An
interesting use case for the decision support system
would be understanding the users who are already in
the existing ecosystem before developing for it. For
example, Apple HomeKit is an existing product
ecosystem of smart home connectors, there is room
for more, but the question is how to gain a
competitive edge by being more user need-oriented.
Psychographic and Cognitive Human Factor Modeling in Decision Support Systems for Building Personalized Product Ecosystems
To not enter the existing ecosystem with a less
personalized product, compared to already existing
competitors, stakeholders need to know existing user
needs in the ecosystem. As well as which needs
(psychographic and cognitive) are already fulfilled
and which are not. For that purpose, it is important to
analyze user cognitive and behavioral trends in a
particular ecosystem. Trends change over time shows
a rise and fall in the demand for a specific product's
purpose and its usage. And ideally. compare the data
with the existing player product offering. The
challenge is to gather data that is already known to the
competitors because they are already in the given
ecosystem. This challenge will be addressed in future
work as well.
To achieve successfully made ecosystems and
products within them, then created ecosystems and
products need to be personalized for the user in a way
that corresponds to their actual needs. It is not enough
to make offering attractive in it form factor, it needs
to meet users' expectations in terms of functionality
and be aligned with users' personality traits.
Altogether many aspects need to be taken into the
account to create a result that succeeds for customers
and businesses at the same time. As discovered in this
paper most of the stakeholders are relying on their
intuition when making decisions rather than making
calculated, evidence-based decisions. There are much
researches done on users' cognition and its impact on
the likability of the end product and lesser where
users psychography is taken into the account,
especially to evaluate user values and personal
beliefs. There is a lack of proposals where
psychography and cognition both and combined
could be used in human modeling for better
understanding their motives, preferences, their values
expectations as well as how product or ecosystem will
be preferred to use.
Based on this proof of concept paper that
describes the necessity for a rational decision support
system for stakeholders who are building
personalized product ecosystems psychographic
and cognitive human factor modeling could be used.
There is potential on having a decision support
system that answers questions why to build and
what features in what way should be added by
combining psychography and cognition of a user.
Thus answering macro UX and micro UX questions,
and in ideal case giving decision support to
stakeholders to achieve personalized products and
ecosystems for user needs.
The conceptual model will be further researched,
attuned and developed in the framework of the
research and innovation project. Additional human
factor modeling decision support system application
cases will be identified, more usable cognitive and
psychographic data will be defined and user modeling
algorithms will be introduced. When the decision
support system is built it will be tested for its
efficiency improvement over the feedback loop and
will be piloted in the actual product development
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Psychographic and Cognitive Human Factor Modeling in Decision Support Systems for Building Personalized Product Ecosystems