Multifactorial Evolutionary Prediction of Phenology and Pests: Can
Machine Learning Help?
Francisco Jos
e Lacueva-P
1 a
, Sergio Ilarri
2,3 b
, Juan Jos
e Barriuso Vargas
4,5 c
Gorka Labata Lezaun
and Rafael Del Hoyo Alonso
1 d
ITAINNOVA - Instituto Tecnol
ogico de Arag
on, PT. Walqa, Huesca, Spain
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
I3A, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
CITA - Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
AgriFood Institute of Aragon (IA2), Zaragoza, Spain
Smart Farming, Phenology Forecast, Machine Learning, Big Data, Remote Sensing.
Agriculture is a key primary sector of economy. Developing and applying techniques that support a sustainable
development of the fields and maximize their productivity, while guaranteeing the maximum levels of health
and quality of the crops, is necessary. Precision agriculture refers to the use of technology to help in the
decision-making process and can lead to the achievement of these goals. In this position paper, we argue that
machine learning (ML) techniques can provide significant benefits to precision agriculture, but that there exist
obstacles that are preventing their widespread adoption and effective application. Particularly, we focus on
the prediction of phenology changes and pests, due to their important to ensure the quality of the crops. We
analyze the state of the art, present the existing challenges, and outline our specific research goals.
Advancing towards the sustainable development
goals requires a paradigm shift in the management of
farming (Kamilaris et al., 2017). Agriculture is tra-
ditionally managed on the base of the farmer’s expe-
rience (Ip et al., 2018). The application of Internet
of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
(AI) technologies to convert real-time field data into
information and knowledge is transforming the prac-
tices of farmers by supporting data-driven decision
making (Lokers et al., 2016). Smart-Farming (SF)
and Precision Agriculture (PA) are terms coined to re-
fer to the application of the IoT, Big Data and AI to
farm management (Zhang et al., 2002). However, SF
considers larger geographical areas (province, region,
country, etc.) (Bacco et al., 2019) while PA considers
smaller ones (even at specific plant level) (Pham and
Stack, 2018).
In this position paper, we argue that Machine
Learning (ML) plays a key role in PA, although there
are challenges and obstacles that are preventing its
widespread adoption from a practical point of view.
We focus on the phenology and pest incidence aspects
of PA.
The structure of the rest of this paper is as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the context of this research.
Section 3 presents a study of the state of the art. In
Section 4, we present an analysis of the existing chal-
lenges and expected trends. Then, in Section 5, and
based on our previous analysis, we explain our cur-
rent research goals related to the topic of this paper.
Finally, in Section 6, we indicate our conclusions and
prospective lines for future work.
We present here the background of our work. In Sec-
tion 2.1, we explain the growing importance of phe-
nology for PA, which is the focus of our research. In
Section 2.2, we indicate the role of technologies re-
lated to IoT, Big Data, and AI for modelling the phe-
nology of plants and modelling pests.
Lacueva-PÃl’rez, F., Ilarri, S., Vargas, J., Lezaun, G. and Alonso, R.
Multifactorial Evolutionary Prediction of Phenology and Pests: Can Machine Learning Help?.
DOI: 10.5220/0010132900750082
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 75-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 The Increasing Interest in
Phenology Understanding
Phenology studies the relations between the life cy-
cles of plants and environmental changes (Tang et al.,
2016). Reaumur (Reaumur, 1735) was the first who
indicated a relationship between the temperature and
phenology. While the phenology is affected by mul-
tiple factors like the climatic conditions, soil features,
and water stress (Tang et al., 2016), the temperature
and the solar radiation are the most influential ones.
Thus, most phenology models only consider them.
However, the complete impact of other factors on the
evolution of phenology and pests still remains un-
known (Wang et al., 2019).
Phenology is an ubiquitous phenomenon. It is a
highly-sensitive indicator of the impact of Climate
Change (CC) on plants (Tang et al., 2016). Factors
that affect the phenology have also an impact on the
incidence of pests (fungi, insects, etc.) (Zhao et al.,
2013). Thus, the interest in studying, monitoring and
creating accurate prediction models for phenology is
increasing, because they are used for analyzing and
foreseeing the impact of CC (Schwartz et al., 2003),
but also because they contribute to the implementa-
tion of SF and PA solutions (Kamilaris et al., 2017).
2.2 Phenology Modelling Technologies
Phenology monitoring and forecasting projects deal
with multi-sourced field observations, having differ-
ent formats (e.g., structured data or hiperspectral im-
ages), produced at different speed and frequency (e.g.,
climatic observations every 30 minutes or satellite im-
ages every 5 days), and creating high volumes of data
(e.g., in the case of hiperspectral images). Accord-
ing to De Mauro’s definition of Big Data (De Mauro
et al., 2016), these projects are Big Data projects.
Phenology-related time-series contain measures
about seasonally-variable conditions or field observa-
tions (e.g., the temperature, the phenology, etc.) as
well as seasonally-stable variables (e.g., field limits,
kind of soil, etc.) (Barnard, 2018). The relevant data
sources are classified in four main categories (Zeng
et al., 2020): Human observations (HO); Near-
surface observations (NSO); Remote sensing obser-
vations (RSO); and Gridded observations/forecast
model data (GOF) (Taylor and White, 2020).
Considering the area covered, HO provide
manually-recorded data about the phenology, pests
and some determinant factors in a specific area
of study. This data supports creating local mod-
els (R
otzer and Chmielewski, 2001). The general-
ity of the models increases using NSO, networks of
static climatic sensors and red / green / blue (RGB)
and hyperspectral cameras (Zeng et al., 2020). When-
ever NSO measurements are provided with the re-
quired frequency, in particular images, they can be
used for creating regional models (Zeng et al., 2020).
RSO are RGB or hyperspectral images taken by
drone/airborne/satellite-mounted hyperspectral cam-
eras (Mohanty et al., 2016). Both RSO and GOF pro-
vide high spatial resolution data of wide areas at a
regular frequency, thus enabling the development of
regional and global models (Zeng et al., 2020).
Big Data technologies allow the automation of
data capture from these sources and its transformation
for creating phenology and pests models (L’heureux
et al., 2017). The combination of data sources can
increase the knowledge of the biological processes
on which phenology depends (Tang et al., 2016).
This can help to expand the number of variables
that can be used by the models, both “classical” and
AI-based, improving their quality (Kamilaris et al.,
2017). Moreover, thanks to their precision (R
and Chmielewski, 2001), HO are used for the calibra-
tion of NSO and RSO (Zhao et al., 2013).
ML techniques, in particular Deep Learning (DL)
techniques, are used to extract patterns from multi-
sourced big data sets (time series, images, etc.). These
detected patterns are used to classify information, im-
prove the quality of data sets, or predict future val-
ues (Najafabadi et al., 2015). Big Data and ML
are applied to determine the phenology evolution of
plants (Wolfert et al., 2017) as well as the life cycles
of the diseases that can affect them (Mahlein, 2016).
Web technologies allow linking all these data and
the needed services (Lokers et al., 2016). They sup-
port the access and exchange of data (data concerning
climatic stations, satellite images, etc., are provided
through REST services) (L’heureux et al., 2017),
they provide computing power and storage on the
cloud (Kamilaris et al., 2017), and they can make AI
models and AI results available through open REST
services (Wolfert et al., 2017).
This section provides an overview of the state of the
art of Big Data and AI technologies used for moni-
toring and predicting phenology and pests. The first
three subsections describe the use of the data provided
by each of the types of data sources identified. In
Section 3.4, ML algorithms used for monitoring and
prediction are reviewed. Finally, Section 3.5 presents
existing data-driven projects development models.
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.1 Works Exploiting Field Observation
Data (HO)
Plant phenology is determined by 3 main types of
factors (Zhao et al., 2013): individual characteristics
(e.g., age); environmental factors (e.g., location); and
management practices (e.g., pruning) (Reynolds et al.,
Classical approaches statistically analyse the phe-
nology and the influencing environmental factors,
looking for correlations between them (Tang et al.,
2016). However, due to the difficulties to inte-
grate a high number of variables in human-driven
calculations (Taylor and White, 2020), the models
usually rely on (linear) functions of only one or
two climatic variables (temperature and precipita-
tion) (Rodr
ıguez Galiano et al., 2016). Thus, the ob-
tained models simplify real processes and they do not
reflect the effect of various variables or past events
(e.g., winter chilling) (Wang et al., 2019). In addi-
tion, some models set the start date of phenology de-
velopment to a fixed calendar day. However, making
this date relative to a phenology-related event (e.g.,
the start of dormancy) will improve the accuracy of
the models (Rodr
ıguez Galiano et al., 2016).
3.2 Works Exploiting Climatic Data
(NSO and GOF)
Phenology models use NSO and GOF to try to deter-
mine how their measurements influence the phenol-
ogy’s observed state either using HO or RSO. In con-
sequence, data of the predicted temperatures, among
other climatic variables (e.g., precipitation data), are
required for prediction (Taylor and White, 2020).
Observed data is obtained from climatic station
networks in near real-time. Its measurements are ac-
curate at their locations. However, their precision
decreases due to several factors such as the distance
or geographic features (like valley bottoms). This
makes their use inappropriate even for modelling the
phenology of fields not far away from the stations.
Fortunately, current climatic models provide gridded
data sets that can be used for more accurate observa-
tions (Pytharoulis et al., 2016). In order to be aligned
with climatic NSO and HO, GOF data (concerning
their locations, their timestamps, and units of mea-
surement) usually needs to be transformed (Taylor
and White, 2020). These transformations are applied
to both observed and predicted measurements.
3.3 Works Exploiting Hyperspectral
Images (RSO)
Hyperspectral images are used, at local and global
scale, for monitoring the phenology (Tang et al.,
2016), canopy anomalies, and the incidence of ex-
ternal factors (such as the impact of pests) (Barnard,
2018), as well as for determining the factors causing
anomalies (C
arlan et al., 2020).
Hyperspectral cameras provide images using sev-
eral spectral bands, including RGB and near-infrared
bands (Barnard, 2018). Vegetation Indexes (VI) com-
bine subsets of these bands. They use simple mathe-
matical formulations to measure the influence of dif-
ferent factors over the plant’s phenology behavior and
the vulnerability to pests (Tang et al., 2016). While
there are several VI, the most widely used are the
Normalised Difference VI (NDVI) and Enhanced VI
(EVI) (Tang et al., 2016).
Hyperspectral images can be provided by com-
mercial cameras (Wang, 2017) or obtained from
publicly-available repositories (C
arlan et al., 2020),
such as Copernicus Scihub (ESA-European Space
Agency, 2020). Nevertheless, their quality must be
evaluated in order to determine their possible use.
Wang provides a review of the aspects to be consid-
ered for assessing the quality of the images (Wang,
2017). For the purpose of our work, the most relevant
factors are the following:
1. The spatial resolution assesses the relation be-
tween a pixel in the image and the area of the
Earth’s surface it captures. Fixed and drone cam-
eras provide very high resolution (< 1 meters
per pixel) (Wang, 2017). Satellite images pro-
vide wider-areas pictures but having poorer res-
olution (> 75 meters per pixel) (ESA-European
Space Agency, 2020). This poses challenges
for the accurate monitoring of the phenology of
fruit trees, like vineyards, based on canopy ob-
servations. Due to canopy discontinuity (Barnard,
2018), VI can be contaminated by the vegetation
surrounding the trees (e.g., weeds) and / or the soil
composition (C
arlan et al., 2020).
2. The time resolution determines the frequency at
which a picture can be made available. Whereas
fixed cameras can capture images several times
a day, drones and airborne cameras do not fly
regularly; on the other hand, satellites can pro-
vide images at a regular frequency lower than a
week (usually between 1 and 15 days) (Reed et al.,
3. Satellite images are affected by fog and cloud
occlusions as well as by the position of the sun
Multifactorial Evolutionary Prediction of Phenology and Pests: Can Machine Learning Help?
when captured (projected shadows) (St
ockli et al.,
2008). Low-quality images can be detected and
corrected using methods like the ones suggested
by (Duarte et al., 2018) and (Borgogno-Mondino
et al., 2018), respectively. Moreover, the quality
of the images can be improved by combining ob-
servations from different constellations of satel-
lites (Nguyen and Henebry, 2019).
3.4 AI-based Modelling Approaches
ML and DL algorithms are used for different pur-
poses when applied during the creation of monitoring
or forecasting phenology models. We provide here a
short review of representative approaches.
(Sirsat et al., 2019) used random forests to se-
lect climatic variables to be used in yield predic-
tion (L
angkvist et al., 2014). DATimeS (Belda et al.,
2020) provided a set of of 30 different algorithms for
filling gaps in satellite image time series. This set in-
cludes, among other algorithms, bagging trees, adap-
tive regression splines, boosting trees and k-nearest
neighbors regression, among others. Multiple lin-
ear regressions, artificial neural networks (ANN) and
Random Forest (RF) methods have been compared for
the prediction of the incidence of rice pests using phe-
nology RSO (Skawsang et al., 2019).
A comprehensive review of existing literature
on the application of DL to solve agriculture prob-
lems (including image processing) was presented
in (Kamilaris and Prenafeta-Bold
u, 2018). According
to this work, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
improve the performance of other ML classification
methods such as Support Vector Machines (SVM),
ANN, and RF. While CNNs can be used for time
series classification problems, Recurrent Neural Net-
works (RNN) perform better. RNN’s architectures
(Long Short Time Memory –LSTM–, SVMs, three-
unit LSTMs, and CNNs+LSTMs) tend to exhibit a
dynamic temporal behavior.
Cheng obtained similar results (Cheng, 2018). He
compared the performance of two DL models (a 3-
D fully CNN and a Siamese Network) and an ML
model (a sigmodial regression network) to determine
the transition dates of vegetable images stored in Phe-
nocam (a database of static RGB cameras). The DL
algorithms led to more accurate results. Besides, their
accuracy can be further improved by combining CNN
with RNN.
3.5 Data-driven Project Development
CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for
Data Mining) (Wirth and Hipp, 2000) has been the de
facto standard process for developing data mining and
knowledge discovery projects for more than 20 years.
However, it has to be redefined to be able to fit the ex-
ploratory nature of data-science projects. (Mart
Plumed et al., 2019) proposed a new process model,
the Data Science Trajectories model (DST). DST is
based on CRISP-DM; it considers its process com-
ponents (business understanding, data understand-
ing, data preparation, data modelling, evaluation, and
deployment) but modifies the data management as-
pects. DST defines four different data management
processes (Acquisition, Simulation, Architecting, and
Release) and it also adds exploratory processes (Data
Source, Goal, Product, Data Value, Result, and Nar-
rative). Nevertheless, the main contribution of DST
is the concept of trajectories. Instead of imposing an
iterative sequence of all the processes, trajectories al-
low each project to define its own path on processes
considering the restriction of being an acyclic directed
graph over activities.
In the following, we discuss some perspectives of in-
terest that should attract further research in the near
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Phenology Mod-
Existing phenology models have proved their validity
for specific locations and species / varieties, although
they have to be readjusted to work well in different
scenarios (Zhang et al., 2002). Besides, the com-
plexity and lack of full awareness of the phenology
processes, and the fact that current models just con-
sider a subset of the available variables, complicate
the improvement of the models’ accuracy and gener-
ality (Wang et al., 2019).
Better and more data can lead to improved
models. However, the complexity of handling
data also increases (e.g., due to the dimensional-
ity increase) (Holzinger, 2018). This increment
makes the use of human-driven calculations diffi-
cult. Consequently, computational models have be-
come the preferred modeling techniques for plant bi-
ology (Prusinkiewicz and Runions, 2012), making
multidisciplinarity a requirement for creating multi-
factorial phenology models (Tang et al., 2016).
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Multidisciplinary approaches leverage different
points of view to solve a problem. However, this
increases the complexity. There are gaps within the
agronomic field (e.g., the different phenology scales
complicate the comparison of observations and re-
sults) (Tang et al., 2016). However, good-quality in-
formation eases solving these gaps (Holzinger, 2018)
(e.g., by using an ontology to map the existing
scales) (Costa et al., 2019).
Agronomic knowledge gaps increase the difficulty
of explaining non-fully-known phenology processes
to technological experts. Moreover, the potential
understanding of these problems based on available
data is further complicated by data uncertainty, in-
cluding its unpredictability, non-linearity and non-
homogeneity in time (Holzinger, 2018). These issues
define Big Data problems (De Mauro et al., 2016).
Finally, on the computing side, AI results have
to be valuable and useful for users. They have to
be presented in such a way that they are understand-
able (Taylor and White, 2020). Data presentation has
to allow perceiving the presented facts in the con-
text they happen, easing taking decisions (Holzinger,
2018). This also applies to AI models. Explainable AI
(XAI) is a very state-of-the-art trend aiming to explain
models in an understandable way, but also trustwor-
thy, to the users. XAI aims to answer questions about
how and why certain results are obtained. This will al-
low users to justify and explain their data-driven deci-
sions (Hoffman et al., 2018) and, in some scenarios, it
will allow them to demonstrate that they comply with
applicable legislation (Holzinger, 2018).
Methodologies for Creating SF and PA Systems.
A common methodology for creating phenology and
pest AI models would ease the execution of both re-
search and development projects. However, to the
best of our knowledge, a specific methodology for the
agronomic sector still does not exist.
Therefore, it is relevant to work on the develop-
ment of a methodology for filling the gaps between
the agronomic and data science worlds. This method-
ology could be developed based on the DST process
model (Mart
ınez-Plumed et al., 2019), in cooperation
with the agronomists. The goal is to build appropriate
physical and AI models of phenology and pests. Both
types of models will share data. Therefore, it is im-
portant to clearly and easily describe how the data is
obtained, transformed, presented as well as how the
results of the models are validated.
Regarding the quality of the models, a set of
measurements, which can be obtained from models
created by agronomists and data scientists, must be
agreed upon, in order to make their results compa-
rable. It is also desirable to set common criteria for
differentiating training and validation data sets. This
will allow to validate the models, in particular their
generality (Kamilaris and Prenafeta-Bold
u, 2018).
By making the whole processes visible, DST tra-
jectories (Mart
ınez-Plumed et al., 2019) can ease the
automation of the data logistics and pipeline activi-
ties. This automation will also make it possible to ef-
ficiently create (or retrain) models which will fit better
to CC (Taylor and White, 2020).
Development and Exploitation of Phenology and
Pest Forecasting Models.
While statistical and ML approaches are used for de-
veloping these models (Tonnang et al., 2018), the
real-time monitoring and short-term prediction of
phenology, in particular using satellite images, re-
mains challenging (Zeng et al., 2020). The challenges
previously described obviously have influence on this
one. Nevertheless, low-level issues related with Big
Data and AI can be bigger influencers.
Multi-factorial phenology and pest forecasting
models integrate incomplete long-term time series
data sets related to phenology, pests and relevant ex-
ternal factors (Tang et al., 2016). Mixing these data
sets is necessary for a better understanding of the
mechanisms behind the specific phenology or pest
as well as for creating general CC reactive models
of phenology and pests (Tang et al., 2016). Be-
sides, the quality and size of the data sets are go-
ing to determine the accuracy of the models cre-
ated (Ball et al., 2017); therefore, capturing and ob-
taining good data becomes crucial. However, this is
not easy when high-dimensional and multi-temporal
and spatial-scaled data is used (Zeng et al., 2020).
Our study of the state of the art shows different
ways to deal with problems concerning the data sets.
First, some works show techniques to deal with dis-
continuous series of field observation data and satel-
lite images for phenology states (Wang, 2017). Sec-
ond, other studies try to provide solutions to the
potential lack of some phenology states’ observa-
tions, due to their short duration in comparison with
the phenology observation frequency (Kamilaris and
u, 2018). Third, others authors pro-
pose methods for improving the poor resolution of
satellite images (Zeng et al., 2020). However, we
were not able to find any study offering a complete
solution to these problems.
Our work is being developed in the context of a Eu-
ropean research project GRAPEVINE (Munn
e and
Del Hoyo, 2019). It aims to use high-performance
Multifactorial Evolutionary Prediction of Phenology and Pests: Can Machine Learning Help?
computing to go further in the prevention of grapevine
pests, providing useful information to fight pests at
the right moment.
Our use case study will be developed in the con-
text of vineyards, considering several wine grape vari-
eties. Models will be created and validated in two pi-
lots placed in distant Mediterranean regions. The first
pilot will consider garnache, mazuela, tempranillo,
and chardonnay varieties, whereas the second pilot
will focus on Greek Xinomavro, Negoska, Roditis
and Assyrtiko, Sauvignon blanc, Merlot, Chardon-
nay, and Cabernet sauvignon varieties. Due to their
incidence in Europe, pests to be considered are
three pathogenic fungi (Plasmopara viticola, Botry-
tis cinerea and Uncinula necator) and two butterflies
(Lobesia botrana and Sparganothis pilleriana).
Our work is being developed in cooperation with
agronomic collaborators. Whereas they are going to
create what we call the physical models (i.e., the cre-
ation of classical phenology and pest models applying
statistical analysis on HO and NSO), we are going to
use this data and also RSO and GOF for creating ML
models, that we call the logical models.
The physical and logical models will be created
following a two-step process: creating the phenology
models and using them to create pest models. This
reduces the complexity of predicting the incidence of
pests (Chuine et al., 2013), taking advantage of the
direct relation between the pest incidence risk level
and the phenology state when it is produced (Ribeiro
et al., 2020). Moreover, some treatments are only ef-
fective if they are applied in advance to a given phe-
nology stage within a given time window (i.e., 2 or 3
weeks). Finally, we can provide more value to farm-
ers by allowing them to schedule tasks of brief dura-
tion that demand a high volume of (human) resources
(e.g., for cropping) (Taylor and White, 2020).
From the scientific and technical perspectives, our
goal is twofold: to generate a methodology for devel-
oping PA systems using ML; and to create ML meth-
ods for predicting the phenology and pest behavior in
a horizon of 2 or 3 weeks using that methodology.
Our proposed methodology is going to be based
on the DST process model (Mart
ınez-Plumed et al.,
2019). We will define DST trajectories to document
the process that the data follows when captured, trans-
formed, used for creating the models, used for validat-
ing the models, and used in real conditions.
For creating the models, we are going to use data
from different sources. The first considered source is
HO recorded by agronomists working in pilot areas.
They provide field seasonally-stable variables such
as the field’s location and its boundaries. However,
the data they weekly capture recording the phenol-
ogy state and pest incidence is more important. Be-
sides, we will try to use Copernicus hyperspectral im-
ages (their derived VI) for monitoring the phenology
and pests that appear on leaves. Environmental vari-
ables will be captured from the climatic station net-
works deployed in the regions of interest. They will
provide the temperature, precipitation, solar radiation
and wind measurements at a frequency of up to 30
minutes. The station’s data could be complemented
with GOF data, which is going to be provided by an-
other member of the consortium (Pytharoulis et al.,
2016). Its models will also provide climatic predic-
tion data.
Big Data technologies will be used to clean, com-
bine and transform raw data in a data set that can be
used for creating multi-factorial phenology and pest
prediction models. This might require using ML algo-
rithms to improve the quality of the different data sets,
in particular in the case of a hyperspectral image data
set (see Section 4). Our idea is to create a compre-
hensive data set containing all the available raw data
as well as derived data like VI. This data set will be a
continuous time series in order to be able to feed the
models with previous season’s data, and so allowing
our models to learn about the influence of past events.
ML algorithms will be applied with different ob-
jectives. First, they could be used for determining the
impact of the considered variables on the phenology
and pests. Second, they will be used to create the
models for the phenology and pests. The processes
that we will follow, the problems and challenges that
we will overcome, and the solutions that we will ob-
tain, will be included in our methodology. This will
help us to communicate during project development
but also will ease the diffusion and reuse of our work.
Finally, although it is currently in an early state of
development, we will follow the evolution of XAI to
complete our methodology with techniques that allow
to explain our models.
Providing multi-factorial intelligence phenology
models is challenging, both for humans and for
machines. Machine learning techniques, such as
deep learning, offer many benefits over more tra-
ditional modelling approaches; data may be highly
dimensional, heterogeneous, and contains spatio-
temporal structure, but can still be able to generate
useful location-specific models with minimal human
input (Lee et al., 2020).
In this position paper, we have analyzed the chal-
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
lenges for the widespread adoption of machine learn-
ing techniques for precision farming, studied the state
of the art, and presented our research goals in rela-
tion to this topic. Our future steps involve the collec-
tion and integration of heterogeneous data related to
our case study, the analysis and evaluation of machine
learning models using those data, and the proposal of
a methodology that helps advance the application of
machine learning for precision agriculture.
This research is part of the work in progress of
GRAPEVINE –hiGh peRformAnce comPuting sEr-
vices for preVentIon and coNtrol of pEsts in fruit
crops. GRAPEVINE is co-financed by the Euro-
pean Union’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Telecommunications Sector Agreement under Grant
Agreement No. INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1837816.
We also thank the support of the project TIN2016-
78011-C4-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Govern-
ment of Aragon (Group Reference T64 20R, COS-
MOS research group).
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Ball, J. E., Anderson, D. T., and Chan, C. S. (2017). Com-
prehensive survey of deep learning in remote sens-
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