based on standards such as OWL-S and WSMO. The
semantic services are enriched with inputs, outputs,
preconditions, and results with postconditions. Addi-
tionally, we have integrated our approach in a cyber-
physical business process management architectural
model. In our feasibility test, we have exemplary
demonstrated that the developed SOA is suitable to
be used in state-of-the-art workflow management sys-
tems to build valid cyber-physical production work-
flows. By using semantic web services as pre- and
postconditions of other semantic services, a near real-
time verification for executing cyber-physical work-
flows is ensured. Additionally, the developed services
provide the foundation to support low-code applica-
tions (Sanchis et al., 2020).
In future work, we investigate the described
use cases further to enhance workflow flexibility in
cyber-physical production systems. We assume that
Process-Oriented Case-Based Reasoning (POCBR),
for example, could be used for this purpose because it
has already shown great potential in various other do-
mains. Additionally, automated planning techniques
can be used to further increase workflow flexibility in
Industry 4.0. Therefore, the pre- and postconditions
of the semantic web services can be transferred into a
planning model and directly used during planning. In
this context, we plan to conduct an comprehensive ex-
perimental evaluation that assess the appropriateness
of the presented approach in more detail. With the fu-
ture application, the semantic web services are contin-
uously improved according to their environment and
requirements (see Application & Evolution phase).
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tion (DFG) under grant No. BE 1373/3-3. The basic
components of the semantic web services were devel-
oped in a student research project by Felix Reither and
Julian Sawatzki and revised by Marcel Mischo.
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IN4PL 2020 - International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics