The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind: Directed Air Flow for
Socially-acceptable Human-Robot Interaction
Vincent Zhang
1 a
, Natalie Friedman
1,2 b
, David Goedicke
1,2 c
, Dmitriy Rivkin
1 d
Michael Jenkin
1,3 e
, Xue Liu
1,4 f
and Gregory Dudek
1,4 g
Samsung AI Center, Montreal, Canada
Information Science, Cornell Tech, New York, U.S.A.
EECS, York University, Toronto, Canada
Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Human-Robot Interaction, Air-driven Haptic Cues.
A key problem for a robot moving within a social environment is the need to capture the attention of other
people using the space. In most use cases, this capture of attention needs to be accomplished in a socially
acceptable manner without loud noises or physical contact. Although there are many communication mecha-
nisms that might be used to signal the need for a person’s attention, one particular modality that has received
little interest from the robotics community is the use of controlled air as a haptic signal. Recent work has
demonstrated that controlled air can provide a useful signal in the social robot domain, but what is the best
mechanism to provide this signal? Here, we evaluate a number of different mechanisms that can provide this
attention-seeking communication. We demonstrate that many different simple haptic air delivery systems can
be effective and show that air on and air off haptic events have very similar time courses using these delivery
The real world presents many challenges to a mobile
robot that are not encountered in a controlled lab-
oratory setting. In particular, in the real world the
motion plans of mobile robots are often obstructed
by humans and getting humans to move out of the
way can be challenging. Autonomous vehicles need
mechanisms to attract the attention of humans, per-
ceived as, “obstacles” in a socially acceptable man-
ner. Classic methods that are often found in industrial
settings, like beeping loudly or waiting patiently, are
either disruptive or ineffective (Wogollter, 2006) and
sometimes both when used in a social setting.
A classic example of this problem is the motion of
a robot through a crowd in a social setting as shown
Figure 1: A telepresence robot trying to make its way
through a group of individuals who are blocking its path,
but is blocked.
in Figure 1. For the robot to be able to make its way
to the goal, it must acquire the attention of the people
who are obstructing its path and then communicate to
Zhang, V., Friedman, N., Goedicke, D., Rivkin, D., Jenkin, M., Liu, X. and Dudek, G.
The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind: Directed Air Flow for Socially-acceptable Human-Robot Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0010136001060113
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems (ROBOVIS 2020), pages 106-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-479-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Self Confi dent
Expre ssive
Draws Others
Ta sk Ori ented
Impa tient
Social Acceptability
7 point Likert scale
No Cue Air Cue
Figure 2: Results from a Wizard of Oz (WoZ) user study on the effect of using haptic air for robot to human interaction
(Friedman et al., 2020b). A questionnaire measured the appropriateness of the robot on a 7 point Likert scale. A score of 1 =
less focused, less present, less self-confident, etc. A score of 7 = more focused, more present, more self-confident, etc. Error
bars show standard errors. Haptic air cues made the robot seems more socially acceptable compared to a robot that did not use
this cue over a range of different measures. Results shown here are for the 23 adults (4 female) participants who completed
the questionnaire associated with the study. The mean age of the study participants was 25 (SD=5.8). Full details of the study
can be found in (Friedman et al., 2020b).
them its intention to move through the space. Captur-
ing the attention of users could be accomplished in a
number of ways, including through the use of acous-
tic, visual and haptic cues in various combinations.
But not all strategies are socially acceptable. For ex-
ample, loud noises are generally unacceptable in a
social setting and visual cues are ineffective except
when the robot is in direct line of sight. Cues based
on direct physical contact are likely to be inappropri-
ate in many social contexts. Touching or tapping is
generally a questionable behavior with strangers, es-
pecially in some cultures where physical contact is
frowned upon. Even the nature of acceptable touching
varies from culture to culture. For example, in some
cultures, it is acceptable to touch a stranger with an
open palm, but potentially rude to do it with a finger
tip. In the context of a robot, it is unknown if tapping
a person on the shoulder would be a socially appro-
priate strategy for an autonomous robot.
One potential alternative to an actual physical
touch is to use an alternative medium such as directed
air as a conduit for this haptic touch. In Friedman et
al. (2020a, b) a haptic air cue was integrated with an
audio cue and visual instructions in a robot interaction
experiment. This Wizard of Oz (WoZ) “in the wild”
experiment was centred around a robot attempting to
encourage participants in the space to move out of the
way as the robot followed a pre-computed path. This
study explored the use of air-based haptic cues com-
bined with audio and visual cues to both attract atten-
tion and then to communicate intent to participants
blocking the robot’s path. Providing the robot with a
mechanism to attract attention (haptic air and audio
cues) coupled with explicit instruction to the user to
move out of the way was found to be an effective strat-
egy to enable the robot to move through the crowd. In
this study participants also completed a questionnaire
that asked on a 7-point Likert scale (Burgoon et al.,
1998) questions related to the observer’s perception
of the robot’s behaviour. Figure 2 plots participant re-
sponses from the study where a score of one indicates
that the participant found the robot to be less focused,
less present, less self-confident, etc., while a score of
seven indicates that the participant found the robot to
The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind: Directed Air Flow for Socially-acceptable Human-Robot Interaction
(a) Funnel 1 (3D Printed) (b) Funnel 2 (3D Printed) (c) Common fan
Figure 3: Fan designs. (a) and (b) show the 3D printed cowls of Funnel 1 and Funnel 2. These are mounted to the basic fan
shown in (e).
be more focused, more present, more self-confident,
and so on. Each of the conditions showed a consis-
tent trend over the majority of the conditions with the
addition of air there is a trend for the robot to appear
more focused, more present, etc.
The work reported in Friedman (2020a, b) used a
very simple fan (shown in Figure 3(c)) to generate the
haptic air cue. This choice of fan design was one of
convenience. But is this the best mechanism for pro-
viding the most appropriate mechanism to generate a
haptic air cue? Here we explore a range of technolo-
gies that might be exploited in generating this cue.
The use of controlled air has been explored as an in-
teraction medium in the virtual reality/haptics space
in a number of different domains and applications.
Specific examples include the use of ultrasound trans-
ducers (Hoshi et al., 2009; Hasegawa et al., 2017)
and arrays of air jets (Suzuki and Kobayashi, 2005)
to generate local haptic events. With the goal of sim-
ulating large-scale wind sensations, there have also
been a number of efforts to build simulated wind en-
vironments including Mowafi et al. (2015), Tolley et
al. (2019) and Verlinden et al. (2013). An air puff has
also been considered as a stimulus in other contexts,
for example to elicit responses from children suffering
from autism (Dakopolos and Jahromi, 2019). While
fans and compressed air are the most commonplace
technologies for creating controlled air flows, they are
not the only options. Alternative approaches to sys-
tems based on mechanical fans and compressed air
exist as well. For example Sodhi et al. (2013) and
Gupta et al. (2013) describe approaches that use audio
subwoofer speakers and an air chamber to generate
ring vortex air patterns that are stable and have been
found to be capable of being directed out to 1.25m
from the emitter.
Although there exist a range of different technolo-
gies that might be exploited to generate a controlled
haptic air event, perhaps the most straightforward is
to use an electric fan coupled with some sort of fo-
cusing and aiming device to generate the haptic cue.
Even within this controlled design space there are a
range of different questions that must be addressed.
In particular, are there advantages in terms of shaping
the structure of the air column generated by a fan in
terms of presenting the cue to the observer? This is
the question we consider here.
An effective controlled air source should provide a
constant, non-turbulent flow at a distance of at least a
meter to the human participant. Ensuring that the flow
is non-turbulent allows the flow to have a non-chaotic
structure when it strikes the participant. While a one
meter distance allows the robot to provide a haptic
cue without entering the personal space of the user
but at the same time being sufficiently close to the
user that origin of the haptic air event is clear. Fur-
thermore, the width of the haptic air cue should be
sufficiently narrow that it can be targeted at the per-
son or persons blocking the robot’s path. Narrower
cues allows selectivity in terms of the target partici-
pant. Clearly, the desired width of the air stream de-
pends on the number of people that the robot needs
to contact simultaneously. However, we believe that a
ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
No Funnel
Funnel 1
Funnel 2
Distance (m)
Air Velocity (m/s)
Figure 4: Generated air velocity measured at different dis-
tances for the haptic air device designs shown in Figure 3.
Air velocities were measured using an anemometer (AP-
846A AOPUTTRIVER) at distances of 0.1m to 1.5m from
the driving fan.
narrower stream is preferable over a wider one, since
it provides the robot the option of alerting a single
individual. Groups of people may still be contacted
by moving the air stream from side to side. Given
these observations, here we evaluate the efficacy of
mechanical structures (funnels) in improving the per-
formance of a fixed-speed fan in terms of:
1. The width of the air stream in which a lower
width means higher performance.
2. The maximum human detection distance in
which a larger distance means higher perfor-
3. Human reaction time to “air on” and “air off”
events in which shorter is better.
For a given air source (the fan) a funnel mounted on
the air source may increase performance in terms of
condition 1 (width) by blocking air flow at high off-
normal angles. Furthermore, it may also improve per-
formance under conditions 2 (detection distance) and
3 (reaction time) by increasing wind velocity. In or-
der to explore this hypothesis, a number of different
funnel structures were constructed and evaluated us-
ing the three criteria given above. These funnel de-
signs were circularly symmetric and the radius de-
scribed by two cubic polynomials, with continuous
curvature at the matching point and zero first order
derivatives at the inlet and outlet. Several researchers
have suggested that this design maximizes air veloc-
ity at the outlet by minimizing the adverse pressure
gradient along the walls of the funnel (Morel, 1975;
Cattafesta et al., 2010). Combining the aforemen-
tioned constraint with a length ratio, contraction ratio
and match point location fully defines the shape of the
Figure 5: A view from above of the experimental setup for
measuring the width of the air stream. Orange paper stream-
ers are suspended from a bar and viewed from above. De-
tected deflection of the streamers indicates the presence of
an air signal. The effective width of the air signal and its
fall off with width can be estimated from the change in de-
flection as a function of horizontal distance.
In our case, the diameter of the inlet is determined
by the size of the fan (105 mm). As shown is Fig. 3,
both Funnel 1 and Funnel 2 have the same length ratio
as 1:1 and match point x
as 1/2. They only differ
in terms of contraction ratio. The contraction ratio of
Funnel 1 is 4:1, while Funnel 2 has a higher contrac-
tion ratio of 16:1. Both funnels were 3D printed using
ABS with a layer height of 100 µm.
We performed measurements of maximum air speed
(Fig. 4) and air stream width (Tab. 1) at several dis-
tances from the fan for No Funnel, Funnel 1 and Fun-
nel 2 air sources. An anemometer (AP-846A AOP-
UTTRIVER) was used to measure air speed. Fig. 4
plots air speed by distance for the various designs. As
shown in the figure, an air speed associated with the
fan was measurable out to 1.5m. Furthermore, the
measured air velocity of Funnel 1 was higher than No
Funnel at the exit, but the air flow did not reach as far
as the latter. There was a marked decrease in the per-
formance with Funnel 2, which can be explained by
reduced air throughput caused by the smaller outlet
Stream width was measured using a device com-
posed of a contiguous array of thin paper strips. The
device was positioned at 0.5m or 1.0m from the fan
with the strips aligned orthogonal to the direction of
air flow (Fig. 5). The width of the area where strips
were lifted by air flow was then measured. Tbl. 1
summarizes the measured air stream widths at 0.5m
The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind: Directed Air Flow for Socially-acceptable Human-Robot Interaction
Table 1: Measured width of perceptible air flow channel at
distance of 0.5m and 1.0m away from the fan.
Distance No Funnel Funnel 1 Funnel 2
0.5m 49cm 15cm 20cm
1.0m 33cm 20cm 0cm
and 1.0m from the fan. The funnels both produced
a significantly narrower air stream at 0.5m than No
Funnel. The stream width of Funnel 1 was also far
more consistent than No Funnel as the distance was
varied. The flow produced by Funnel 2 was not de-
tectable by our device at a distance of 1.0m.
A critical element for any haptic air delivery design
is its ability to deliver a perceivable airborne cue at
a socially acceptable distance. In other words, “did
you feel the robot tap your shoulder” using air flow?
While the measurements performed in previous sec-
tions can help estimate the range of detectability of
a haptic air event, they do not provide much in-
sight about the ability of individuals to note the pres-
ence/absence of the haptic air stimulus and the corre-
sponding reaction time. This question was addressed
through a user study.
An experiment was performed to identify the max-
imum distance to which a subject could reliably detect
air flow from the various designs. Fig. 6 shows the
basic setup. An observer sat in a chair at a measured
distance from the haptic air delivery device wearing
headphones that played music to obscure any acous-
tic information from the fan. The fan was left running
at all times and the air flow was blocked/released us-
ing a large occlusion device. Observers were asked
whether they could feel the flow, i.e. if the air stream
was flowing or not at a range of distances. For each
test case, we used two measurements of 4 (Funnel 2)
or 5 (Funnel 1, no funnel) test subjects. Maximum
detectability was set to be the last measured distance
at which the participant was correct in identifying the
state of the haptic air device 80% of the time when
they were queried. As shown in Fig. 7, while air flows
from No Funnel and Funnel 1 devices could be de-
tected reliably up to 2m, the air from Funnel 2 was
only detectable to 1m.
Once the maximum range at which observers
could reliably detect the presence/absence of the hap-
tic air stimulus was established, we explored the de-
tectability of ”air on” and ”air off” events and the de-
lay between the generation of an event (i.e. the inser-
tion or removal of the occlusion) and its perception by
the observer. Quantification of this delay is of particu-
Figure 6: Quantifying air as a touch cue experimental setup.
Observers sat in a chair at a measured distance from the
haptic air device and estimated the time it took for them to
start and stop feeling the air signal.
No Funnel Funnel 1 Funnel 2
Max Sensivty
Distance (s)
Figure 7: Mean maximum sensitivity distance for the vari-
ous haptic air delivery device models. Error bars show stan-
dard errors.
lar importance in situations where the haptic air stim-
ulus must be synchronized with some other robot ac-
tion. The same subjects participated in this study as in
the sensitivity study reported above. As before, sub-
jects sat in a chair at different distances from the hap-
tic air device with the device positioned to blow air on
the back of their head/neck. Each subject completed
each condition twice and the mean of their responses
was used as their individual response. Subjects wore
their normal work clothes and made no particular ef-
fort to expose the back of their neck. In other words,
everyone’s neck was exposed. They were, however,
attentive to the stimulus and thus these results should
be regarded as the best-case results for detectability;
hence the need for the naturalistic user study in the
next section.
Figure 8 shows time to detection of the average
of on air and off air events for the No Funnel, Fun-
nel 1 and Funnel 2 designs for different distances. All
ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems
0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75
Reaction Time (Air On Event)
No Funnel
Funnel 1
Funnel 2
Distance (m)
Time (s)
0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75
Reaction Time (Air Off Event)
No Funnel
Funnel 1
Funnel 2
Distance (m)
Time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Time to detection of air on (a) and off (b) events for No Funnel, Funnel 1 and Funnel 2. Error bars show standard
of the curves are quite well fit by straight lines. This
suggests that it should be relatively straightforward
to properly schedule haptic air on and haptic air off
events synchronized with other events on the robot.
As shown in Fig. 8, the design of Funnel 1 was able
to attract people’s attention more effectively than No
Funnel at distances within 1.0m, which is in the range
of personal distance zone described by Hall (1966),
in which someone might tap another on the shoulder.
The air off event showed a similar time course as the
air on event, as shown in Fig. 8. Perception of air
flow from Funnel 2 was significantly delayed com-
pared with the other two.
One complication with the use of haptic air as a
cue is the potential for protective clothing and/or long
hair to interfere with the delivery of the haptic cue. In
order to consider this we conducted a pilot study with
a single individual with long hair using the same pro-
cedure as before, but with the hair either being held up
or blocking the back of the participant’s neck. Fig. 9
shows the sensitivity for this one individual. As ex-
pected, having long hair that impedes air flow reduces
the efficiency of the cue, but does not eliminate it. For
most of the configurations tested, the air cue remained
detectable out to 0.75m. Note that this is not the case
of Funnel 2 where the subject in the hair down condi-
tion was unable to perceive the haptic cue. This sug-
gests that a robot vehicle with an appropriate haptic
air generator could potentially infer the appropriate
range or air flow for a specific individual based on
their neck coverage.
A critical challenge for any robot that is to be de-
ployed in a social setting is maneuvering in coordi-
nation with other users in the space. The problem of
No Funnel Funnel 1 Funnel 2
Max Sensitivity
Hair Up
Hair Down
Distance (m)
Figure 9: Haptic air sensitivity for one individual with her
long hair up and down. Even though there is a considerable
decrease in sensitivity, for most of the haptic air devices the
cue was perceived reliably out to 0.75m. Note that for the
hair down condition for Funnel 2 the subject was unable to
perceive the air cue.
moving one agent through a crowd of dynamic obsta-
cles is a classic one, and indeed research in this space
can be traced back to Kant and Zucker (1986) . As the
space becomes busier, however, it may become im-
possible to find a path through the space and it then
becomes necessary to develop strategies to interact
with people in the space to create a path through the
space. This requires the robot gaining the attention of
people and communicating that the robot needs to get
In some domains, the process of gaining the at-
tention of other people in the vicinity can be accom-
plished by intrusive methods such as loud noises and
bright lights. Indeed this is exactly the approach
used by emergency vehicles where efficient passage is
vastly more important than politeness. In more social
settings, such approaches are unlikely to be consid-
ered acceptable, hence an autonomous system needs
to be able to get the attention of other people in the
The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind: Directed Air Flow for Socially-acceptable Human-Robot Interaction
space in a socially appropriate manner. We have ex-
plored the use of fan-generated air flows to acquire
this attention and have shown that these flows are ca-
pable of delivering a haptic air cue within a range of
2m. We found that the delay between the generation
of a haptic air event and a human’s perception of it
is a predictable function of distance. Therefore, hap-
tic air cuing could be easily integrated into a multi-
modal attention seeking approach. We also demon-
strated that the addition of an appropriately shaped
funnel can create a narrower air stream with a more
consistent width than a fan alone. A narrow air stream
allows the robot to be selective about which humans
to contact, allowing it to be less disruptive overall.
Funnels can also produce a higher air speed near the
fan, resulting in slightly shorter cuing delays at short
distances (<1m).
Although we explored the use of fans to generate
air flow this is not the only potential technology that
can be applied to the problem. One promising alter-
native technology relies on the use of arrays of sub-
woofer speakers to drive air in a controlled manner.
Air cannons driven by such arrays can provide con-
trolled haptic air events. See Sodhi et al. (2013) and
Mowafi et al. (2015) for examples of this approach. It
is also possible to use stored compressed air to gener-
ate easily controlled haptic air events. See Tsalamlal
et al. (2014) for an example. Another promising ap-
proach is the use of a haptic ultrasound (Long et al.,
In a related study Friedman (2020a, b) we inte-
grated the haptic air cue with an audio cue and visual
instructions in a robot interaction experiment. After
gaining the attention of the person, in that experiment,
the robot communicated to the person its requirement
that the the person move off of the robot’s path (i.e.,
to get out of the way). The use of this multimodal
cue integrated with explicit instructions was found to
be more effective than the robot just waiting for hu-
mans to move out of the way. In this earlier study
we used a simple fan to provide the haptic air cues.
Results presented here demonstrate that even more ef-
fective haptic air cues can be delivered through simple
augmentation of the air source. If robots are to oper-
ate well in social settings, they require mechanisms to
gain the attention of other people and to communicate
their requirements to them. Haptic air cues provides a
safe and socially acceptable mechanism for capturing
that attention.
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The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind: Directed Air Flow for Socially-acceptable Human-Robot Interaction