space in a socially appropriate manner. We have ex-
plored the use of fan-generated air flows to acquire
this attention and have shown that these flows are ca-
pable of delivering a haptic air cue within a range of
2m. We found that the delay between the generation
of a haptic air event and a human’s perception of it
is a predictable function of distance. Therefore, hap-
tic air cuing could be easily integrated into a multi-
modal attention seeking approach. We also demon-
strated that the addition of an appropriately shaped
funnel can create a narrower air stream with a more
consistent width than a fan alone. A narrow air stream
allows the robot to be selective about which humans
to contact, allowing it to be less disruptive overall.
Funnels can also produce a higher air speed near the
fan, resulting in slightly shorter cuing delays at short
distances (<1m).
Although we explored the use of fans to generate
air flow this is not the only potential technology that
can be applied to the problem. One promising alter-
native technology relies on the use of arrays of sub-
woofer speakers to drive air in a controlled manner.
Air cannons driven by such arrays can provide con-
trolled haptic air events. See Sodhi et al. (2013) and
Mowafi et al. (2015) for examples of this approach. It
is also possible to use stored compressed air to gener-
ate easily controlled haptic air events. See Tsalamlal
et al. (2014) for an example. Another promising ap-
proach is the use of a haptic ultrasound (Long et al.,
In a related study Friedman (2020a, b) we inte-
grated the haptic air cue with an audio cue and visual
instructions in a robot interaction experiment. After
gaining the attention of the person, in that experiment,
the robot communicated to the person its requirement
that the the person move off of the robot’s path (i.e.,
to get out of the way). The use of this multimodal
cue integrated with explicit instructions was found to
be more effective than the robot just waiting for hu-
mans to move out of the way. In this earlier study
we used a simple fan to provide the haptic air cues.
Results presented here demonstrate that even more ef-
fective haptic air cues can be delivered through simple
augmentation of the air source. If robots are to oper-
ate well in social settings, they require mechanisms to
gain the attention of other people and to communicate
their requirements to them. Haptic air cues provides a
safe and socially acceptable mechanism for capturing
that attention.
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ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems