Automated Sign Language Translation: The Role of Artificial
Intelligence Now and in the Future
Lea Baumg
artner, Stephanie Jauss, Johannes Maucher and Gottfried Zimmermann
Hochschule der Medien, Nobelstraße 10, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Sign Language Translation, Sign Language Recognition, Sign Language Generation, Artificial Intelligence.
Sign languages are the primary language of many people worldwide. To overcome communication barriers
between the Deaf and the hearing community, artificial intelligence technologies have been employed, aiming
to develop systems for automated sign language recognition and generation. Particularities of sign languages
have to be considered - though sharing some characteristics of spoken languages - since they differ in others.
After providing the linguistic foundations, this paper gives an overview of state-of-the-art machine learning
approaches to develop sign language translation systems and outlines the challenges in this area that have yet
to be overcome. Obstacles do not only include technological issues but also interdisciplinary considerations
of development, evaluation and adoption of such technologies. Finally, opportunities and future visions of
automated sign language translation systems are discussed.
A basic understanding of the particularities and no-
tation of sign language serves to better understand
the importance and challenges of automated sign lan-
guage translation. We use both the terms deaf and
Deaf throughout this paper, the first referring solely
to the physical condition of hearing loss, the latter
emphasizing the Deaf culture, meaning people often
prefer to use sign language and were often, but not
obligatorily, born deaf (Matheson, 2017).
1.1 Importance and Particularities of
Sign Languages
There are 70 million deaf people around the world
(World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), ), around
80,000 deaf people and 16 million with hearing loss
living in Germany (Deutscher Geh
orlosen-Bund e.V.
(DGB), ). Many of those deaf and hard-of-hearing
(DHH) individuals use sign languages as their pri-
mary language. Linguistics have shown that sign lan-
guages have similar properties as spoken languages,
such as phonology, morphology and syntax (Bave-
lier et al., 2003). Signs, like speech, are combina-
tions of phonological units, especially hand shape,
hand position and hand movement (Bavelier et al.,
2003). Like syllables and words build spoken lan-
guage, those units build signs.
There are, however, differences in how sign lan-
guages work in detail, some of which are mentioned
using the example of American Sign Language (ASL)
in the following. Since suffixes to verbs like in spoken
languages are not possible, ASL tenses are built by
adding words in the beginning or at the end of a sen-
tence. Moreover, ASL verbs of motion, for example,
include information about path, manner and orienta-
tion. According to the (World Federation of the Deaf
(WFD), ), there are over 300 different ones around the
world (European Union of the Deaf (EUD), 2012).
Furthermore, countries with the same spoken lan-
guage can have different sign languages, such as
Germany and Austria (European Union of the Deaf
(EUD), 2012). Globalization nurtured attempts to
create an international sign language for deaf people
to communicate cross-border. Today, the pidgin lan-
guage International Sign (IS) is mostly used for this
purpose (European Union of the Deaf (EUD), 2012).
1.2 Sign Language Notation
A fundamental problem regarding sign languages is
the lack of a standardized transcription system. There
have been several attempts to develop notations dur-
ing the last decades. (McCarty, 2004) considers the
Stokoe notation to be the most known of those sys-
tems that are actually being used. Both of them have
been developed for ASL but have been transferred to
Baumgärtner, L., Jauss, S., Maucher, J. and Zimmermann, G.
Automated Sign Language Translation: The Role of Artificial Intelligence Now and in the Future.
DOI: 10.5220/0010143801700177
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2020), pages 170-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-480-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
other sign languages and are used in a variety of coun-
tries worldwide (McCarty, 2004; Kato, 2008). The
Stokoe notation describes signs through three sym-
bols – “tab” for the location in which the sign is made,
“dez” for the hand shape and “sig” for the hand move-
ment and uses 55 symbols (12 tab, 19 dez and 24
sig) (McCarty, 2004). Another notation system for
sign languages that has its roots in the Stokoe sys-
tem and is commonly used today is the HamNoSys
(Hamburg Notation System for Sign Languages). It
is applicable internationally since it does not refer
to national finger alphabets and was improved af-
ter being originally mostly based on ASL (Hanke,
2004). HamNoSys describes signs on a mainly pho-
netic level, including “the initial posture (describ-
ing non-manual features, handshape, hand orientation
and location) plus the actions changing this posture in
sequence or in parallel” (Hanke, 2004, p. 1) for each
sign. Another widely used way to describe signs are
glosses. They represent signs on a higher level pro-
viding spoken language morphemes that convey the
signs’ meaning (Duarte, 2019). This kind of nota-
tion is consequently dependent on the sign language
and written language used. Currently, the most com-
mon way of gathering data of sign language is through
video files, which compared to texts have drawbacks
in storage, complexity and cost. Therefore, the need
for a text-based notation system is still applicable.
Even though some sign language notation systems
are being used around the world, there is no stan-
dard notation system for sign language on an inter-
national scale, even though this would make gather-
ing datasets for developing sign language translations
systems much easier (Tkachman et al., 2016).
In this paper, sign language translation is understood
to include the translation of sign language to text as
well as of text to sign language. Thus, both areas of
sign language recognition and sign language gener-
ation are presented in the following, comparing dif-
ferent Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, especially
their architecture, performance and challenges.
2.1 Sign-Language-to-Text Translation
(Sign Language Recognition)
Over the past years, several approaches have been re-
searched and analyzed in the area of automatic sign
language translation. Although sign languages largely
depend on phonological features like hand location,
shape and body movement (Bragg et al., 2019), some
recognition approaches are based on static hand shape
while others focus on continuous dynamic sign ges-
ture sequences. Feed-forward networks are mostly
used for static hand shape recognition and Recurrent
Neural Networks (RNN) are often employed for se-
quential recognition of body movements. This section
will outline a few possibilities of sign-language-to-
text translation based on a variety of AI methods and
solutions. Those can be differentiated in static hand
sign recognition approaches (separable into vision-
based and sensor based-methods) compared in sec-
tion 2.1.1 and dynamic sign language recognition ap-
proaches outlined in section 2.1.2.
2.1.1 Static Hand Sign Translation
One possibility of automatic sign language translation
is based on static hand signs. The natural language
alphabet can be mapped directly to a set of different
hand shapes. The recognition of those static signs can
be realized by an AI classification model. Most chal-
lenging is the feature extraction such as recognition
of hand details like fingers, hand rotation and orienta-
tion. Numerous vision-based approaches for solving
the hand sign recognition problem have been investi-
gated over the past years. In 2019, Fayyaz and Ayaz
analyzed the performance of different classifier archi-
tectures based on a static sign language image dataset
(Fayyaz and Ayaz, 2019). For Support Vector Ma-
chine (SVM), the authors achieved an accuracy of ap-
proximately 83% with Speeded Up Robust Features
(SURF) and 56% without SURF (Fayyaz and Ayaz,
2019). The Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) achieved an
accuracy of approximately 86% with SURF features
and 58% with manually extracted features (Fayyaz
and Ayaz, 2019). (Pugeault and Bowden, 2011)
(2011) researched static hand shape recognition in
real-time, using depth information for hand detec-
tion in combination with hand tracking. (Pugeault
and Bowden, 2011) used random forests as classifiers.
The result of their work is a dataset consisting of 500
samples. The authors achieved the best performance
by using “the combined vector (mean precision 75%),
followed by appearance (mean precision 73%) and
depth (mean precision 69%)” (Pugeault and Bowden,
2011, p. 5) and implemented a graphical user inter-
face which was able to run on standard laptops.
Based on the numerous investigated experiments
and papers, it can be concluded that translating static
hand signs is fairly well researched. It is mostly
an image recognition problem that can be solved by
common state-of-the-art image processing solutions.
Since static hand signs represent characters without
Automated Sign Language Translation: The Role of Artificial Intelligence Now and in the Future
context or creating sentences, static hand sign transla-
tion is not sufficient for daily life use cases.Therefore,
dynamic sequence-to-sequence sign language transla-
tion seem to be more promising as a communication
method for the daily life of signers.
2.1.2 Dynamic Sign Language Translation
The translation of dynamic sign language requires
more complex network architectures such as RNNs
because input data are time-based sequences. Since
machine learning and natural language processing
methods improved over the past years, the possibil-
ities of sign language translation have been enhanced,
too. The main challenge is to map the continuous
sign language sequences to spoken language words
and grammar. Particularly, separate movements and
gestures cannot be mapped to spoken language di-
rectly. Therefore, a gloss notation might be used.
In the following, we will outline some approaches to
capture the hand and body movements for the pur-
pose of continuous sign language recognition. In
2018, (Camgoz et al., 2017) created a sign-language-
to-speech translation system based on sign videos
using an attention-based encoder-decoder RNN and
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture.
The researchers produced the first publicly accessi-
ble dataset for continuous sign language translation,
called “RWTH PHOENIX-weather 2014” (Camgoz
et al., 2018). To overcome the problem of one-to-one
mapping of words to signs, they integrated a CNN
with attention mechanism before the RNN to model
probabilities (Camgoz et al., 2018). They conclude
that the networks performed quite well except when
mentioning numbers, dates or places (Camgoz et al.,
DeepASL was published in 2017 by (Fang et al.,
2017). Its architecture consists of hierarchical bidi-
rectional recurrent neural networks (HB-RNN) in
combination with a probabilistic framework based on
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) (Fang
et al., 2017). DeepASL achieved an average trans-
lation accuracy of 94.5% on a word level, an aver-
age word error rate of 8.2% on a sentence level on
unseen test sentences as well as 16.1% on sentences
signed by unseen test users (Fang et al., 2017). The
ASL translator can be integrated into wearable de-
vices such as tablets, smartphones or Augmented Re-
ality (AR) glasses and enable face-to-face communi-
cation between a deaf and a hearing person. An exam-
ple has been shown by the authors in a system trans-
lating both performed signs by the deaf person into
spoken English and spoken words by the hearing per-
son into English text that will then be projected into
an AR glasses of the deaf person. This makes Deep-
ASL a useful and effective daily life sign language
interpreter (Fang et al., 2017).
The described applications demonstrate the im-
portance and possibilities of dynamic sign language
recognition. While static hand sign recognition may
be a first approach, dynamic sign language translation
appears to be more useful for signing people in their
daily life.
2.2 Text-to-Sign-Language Translation
(Sign Language Generation)
2.2.1 Importance
While the importance of sign-language-to-text trans-
lation may seem more obvious because it enables deaf
people to be understood by persons who do not under-
stand sign language, the vice versa translation from
text to sign language is sometimes seen as less impor-
tant. This is reflected in less research existing in this
field (Duarte, 2019).
Nevertheless, text-to-sign-language translation
should be considered important. Sign language
videos can make information more accessible to those
who prefer sign language representation through
videos or animations over rarely used and for
many more difficult to understand text representation
(Bragg et al., 2019; Elliott et al., 2008). Pre-recorded
videos, however, face some problems: production
costs are high, later modification of the content is
not possible and signers cannot remain anonymous
(Kipp et al., 2011a; Kipp et al., 2011b). That is why
animated avatars, understood as being “computer-
generated virtual human[s]” (Elliott et al., 2008, p.
1) are the most common way to present generated
sign language. They provide “similar viewing experi-
ences” as videos of human signers (Bragg et al., 2019,
p. 5) while being much more suitable for automatic
generation and solving the mentioned problems: their
appearance can be adapted to suit the use case and
audience and animations can be dynamically adjusted
which allows real-time use cases (Kipp et al., 2011a;
Kipp et al., 2011b).
2.2.2 Technological Approaches
Two kinds of approaches generating such avatar ani-
mations can be distinguished: motion-capturing (hu-
man movements are tracked and mapped to an avatar)
and keyframe animations (the entire animation is
computer-generated) (Bragg et al., 2019). They face
various challenges and will be compared in the fol-
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
(Elliott et al., 2008) (2007) describe a pipeline for
sign language translation based on the projects ViSi-
CAST and eSIGN. In the first step, English text is
translated into phonetic-level sign language notations
of German Sign Language (DGS), Dutch Sign Lan-
guage (NGT) or British Sign Language (BSL). In the
second step, a real-time avatar animation is generated
from the output of the second step. The researchers
used the HamNoSys notation (and even improved it
for their needs) as well as Gestural SiGML (Signing
Gesture Markup Language) (Elliott et al., 2008; Ka-
corri et al., 2017). (De Martino et al., 2017) have
taken a different approach while improving the Fal-
ibras system that automatically translates Brazilian
Portuguese text to Brazilian Sign Language (Libras)
animated by an avatar for their use case. Therefore,
they combined Statistical Machine Translation (SMT)
with Example-Based Machine Translation (EBMT) to
enable translations for unseen texts as well as transla-
tions of ambiguous terms dependent on the context
and frequency of the occurrence in previous transla-
tions. (Morrissey and Way, 2005) have used a sim-
ilar approach before: Using the ECHO corpus they
automatically translated English text into Gloss no-
tation of three sign languages including non-manual
features. Even if test sentences where combined of
parts out of the corpus only 60% of the resulting trans-
lations were considered coherent by them.
The study (De Martino et al., 2017) conducted
had the goal to develop a system that presents marked
texts to students via an animated 3D avatar next to the
text so they can experience written and signed con-
tent at the same time. They built a corpus with sign-
ers being tracked by motion capture technology and
the videos were transcribed as Portuguese and En-
glish text and gloss sequences describing the recorded
signs’ hand and facial expressions. In the evalu-
ation, the intelligibility score of the signing avatar
was on average 0.926, which compared to the 0.939
score achieved by human signer videos can be con-
sidered very high. However, only comprehensibility
of those signs was evaluated and not whether the an-
imations feel natural etc. That is why the project is
currently extended to not only enlarge the corpus, but
also include non-manual features such as facial ex-
pressions in the Intermediary Language (De Martino
et al., 2017).
In 2011, (Kipp et al., 2011a) extended their
EMBR system presented one year before. This is
a general-purpose real-time avatar animation engine
that can be controlled via the EMBRScript language
(Kipp et al., 2011a). (Kipp et al., 2011a) evaluated
the comprehensibility of their system by comparing
the avatar animations with human signers, combining
objective count of the glosses understood and subjec-
tive specialist opinions. The avatar led to quite varied
understandability and reached around 58% sentence-
level comprehension in comparison to human signers
on average, which the authors state is close to ViSi-
CAST results. The researchers think that 90% com-
prehensibility will be possible if more linguistic re-
search in the area of non-manual features and prosody
is conducted.
3.1 Challenges
Although numerous approaches have been researched
in the areas of sign language recognition and genera-
tion, it is still a long way to achieve fully automated,
real-time translation systems. These challenges are
summarized in the following.
3.1.1 Use Cases
There are several application domains for sign lan-
guage translation that pose questions of transferabil-
ity but also ethical questions. First, various use cases
involve various requirements from vocabulary to plat-
form and interface (Bragg et al., 2019).
Furthermore, the tenability of use cases might be
limited. In a statement, the WFD (as cited in (Al-
khazraji et al., 2018)) expressed worries about us-
ing computed signing avatars in certain contexts in
which information is very critical and suggest possi-
ble use cases only for static content that requires no
interaction and can be pre-created. The Deaf commu-
nity is also concerned that automated sign language
translation will replace professional human transla-
tors which is why (Al-khazraji et al., 2018) demand
researcher’s responsibility to properly evaluate their
systems and consider these concerns before deploy-
ment. (Kipp et al., 2011b) likewise identified mainly
one-way communication domains with not too com-
plex or emotional content after assessing deaf study
participants’ perspective. Dialogic interaction with
avatars could not be pictured by them,only the transla-
tion of simple sentences, news, guides and texts. Nev-
ertheless, the overall attitude towards signing avatars
Kipp, Nguyen et al. (2011) experienced was positive
and even increased during the study. (Bragg et al.,
2019) on the other hand assess interactive use cases
as compelling, for example, personal assistant tech-
nologies. They call for the development of real-world
applications, i.e. considering real use cases and con-
straints. This includes focusing on the recognition of
Automated Sign Language Translation: The Role of Artificial Intelligence Now and in the Future
sign language sequences rather than of single signs
to enable fluent daily life conversations between sign-
ers and non-signers (Bragg et al., 2019; Fang et al.,
3.1.2 Sign Language Complexity,
Internationality & Notation
The WFD reminds in a statement (as cited in (Al-
khazraji et al., 2018)) that sign languages are full lan-
guages and cannot be translated word by word. As
with text-to-text translation, human assessment, espe-
cially by members of the Deaf community, is vital for
developing translations systems suitable for real-life
scenarios. Sign languages additionally vary among
themselves, too.
(Kipp et al., 2011a) found that the multimodal-
ity of sign language which requires synchronization
of various body parts is a reason why state-of-the-art
signing avatars reach a comprehensibility of at best
only around 60% and 70%. Moreover, many methods
in machine learning and natural language processing
have been developed for spoken or written languages
and cannot easily be transferred to sign languages
that have various structural differences (Bragg et al.,
2019). This affects the context changing a sign’s
meaning or non-manual features extending over mul-
tiple signs (Bragg et al., 2019). In addition, notations
vary through studies and languages and there is no re-
liable standard written form for sign languages, even
though such a default annotation system could largely
advance training sign language recognition and gen-
eration systems (Bragg et al., 2019). (Bragg et al.,
2019) see a big potential in sharing annotated datasets
which would help to enlarge training data and reduce
error. Thus, accuracy and reliability could be en-
hanced and costs reduced. Furthermore, a standard
annotation system could also benefit sign language
users in general, as it would enable the use of text
editors or email systems. The right level of abstrac-
tion compared to a dynamic sign language (as is the
case with written vs. spoken language), however, has
yet to be defined (Bragg et al., 2019).
3.1.3 Full Automation
A big limitation most current sign language transla-
tion systems face is, as (Bragg et al., 2019) state,
that user intervention is required and they are not
fully automated. This is particularly true for avatar
generation where different parameters are often de-
fined by humans to make the avatar seem more natu-
ral, even though machine learning methods have been
proposed, for instance, the approaches by (Adamo-
Villani and Wilbur, 2015) and (Al-khazraji et al.,
2018) described above.
In the area of sign language generation, especially
motion-capturing technology involves a high effort
and (Elliott et al., 2008) evaluate motion-capturing
technologies as not feasible as they are also limited
in not allowing to reuse individual components. Fur-
thermore, the degree of automation is not described
precisely in all studies, nor are machine learning ar-
3.1.4 Datasets
One reason for the large extent of human involve-
ment in translation systems is the generation of cor-
pora. These exist commonly in the form of videos
or motion-capture data of human signers which en-
tail multiple problems (Bragg et al., 2019). Gener-
ating datasets in-lab, on the other hand, may gener-
ate higher quality but is commonly more expensive
as well as less scalable, realistic and generalizing for
real-life low-quality equipment scenarios, according
to Bragg et al. (2019). They continue to explain that
enlarging the corpora by collecting data on production
is useful and scalable but an initial dataset is needed.
The diversity and size of those datasets are sig-
nificant factors influencing the performance of auto-
mated sign language translation systems (De Martino
et al., 2017). Content, size and format of training data
depend on the use case (Bragg et al., 2019). Evalu-
ating these datasets is another problem (Bragg et al.,
2019) but applies to all steps in developing automated
sign language translation systems. Furthermore, not
all corpora are published open-source and accessible
for public research which is criticized by (Bragg et al.,
2019) who conclude that “few large-scale, publicly
available sign language corpora exist” and even the
largest of them are a lot smaller than corpora of other
research areas such as speech recognition. In Table
1, (Bragg et al., 2019) compare public datasets most
commonly used for sign language recognition. There
are even more problems in dataset generation. One of
them is that they have to be created for all languages.
Many of the existing corpora are based on ASL, ac-
cording to (Bragg et al., 2019). Additionally, anno-
tations should be included. That correlates with the
lack of a standard notation system discussed in sec-
tion 3.1.2, since annotations vary in format, linguis-
tic granularity, cost and software (Bragg et al., 2019).
A written form for sign languages would also enable
datasets to exist without video content, upon (Bragg
et al., 2019). Moreover, the authors report, many ex-
isting corpora contain only individual signs (see Table
1), which they state is not sufficient for real-world use
cases. Further problems are unknown proficiency and
demographic data of signers and the lack of signer va-
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Table 1: Comparison of Popular Public Sign Language Video Corpora Commonly Used for Sign Language Recognition.
Reprinted from “Sign Language Recognition, Generation, and Translation: An Interdisciplinary Perspective” by D. Bragg, T.
Verhoef, C. Vogler, M. Ringel Morris, O. Koller, M. Bellard, L. Berke, P. Boudreault, A. Braffort, N. Caselli, M. Huenerfauth
and H. Kacorri, 2019, p. 5.
Dataset Vocabulary Signers Signer-independent Videos Continuous Real-life
Purdue RVL-SLLL ASL [65] 104 14 no 2,576 yes no
RWTH Boston 104 [124] 104 3 no 201 yes no
Video-Based CSL [54] 178 50 no 25,000 yes no
Signum [118] 465 (24 train, 1 test) -25 yes 15,075 yes no
MS-ASL [62] 1,000 (165 train, 37 dev, 20 test) -222 yes 25,513 no yes
RWTH Phoenix [43] 1,081 9 no 6,841 yes yes
RWTH Phoenix SI5 [74] 1,081 (8 train, 1 test) -9 yes 4,667 yes yes
Devisign [22] 2,000 8 no 24,000 no no
riety (Bragg et al., 2019). Another issue in the devel-
opment of sign language translation systems is that it
“requires expertise in a wide range of fields, including
computer vision, computer graphics, natural language
processing, human-computer interaction, linguistics,
and Deaf culture” (Bragg et al., 2019, p. 1). Hence, an
interdisciplinary approach is essential achieving sys-
tems that meet the Deaf community’s needs and are
technologically feasible (Bragg et al., 2019).
Currently, most researchers are not members of
the Deaf community (Kipp et al., 2011b), which
might lead to incorrect assumptions made about sign
language translation systems, even if strong ties to the
Deaf community exist (Bragg et al., 2019). On the
other hand, Deaf people being the target user group
have often little knowledge about signing avatars
(Kipp et al., 2011b). Concluding, a strong informa-
tion exchange between researchers and the Deaf com-
munity must be developed (Kipp et al., 2011b). To
enable Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) individuals
to work in this area, animations tools, for instance,
should be improved or developed to serve deaf peo-
ple’s needs (Kipp et al., 2011a).
3.1.5 Interdisciplinary & Involvement of the
Deaf Community
Adaptations are possibly not only one-sided: (Bragg
et al., 2019) believe that the Deaf community will
be open to adapt to technological change: Like writ-
ten languages evolve due to technology, for example,
character limits and mobile keyboards, they believe,
sign languages could, for instance, become simpler to
support written notation and automated recognition.
3.1.6 Evaluation
Comparability of automated sign language translation
systems largely depends on the evaluation methods
however, these vary a lot from research to research
(Kipp et al., 2011a). An objective assessment on
which approaches are most promising is therefore not
Standardized evaluation methods have been pro-
posed, for instance, by (Kacorri et al., 2017). The
authors found that especially four questions influence
a participant’s rating on signing avatars: which school
type they attend(ed), whether they use ASL at home,
how often they use modern media and video files and
their attitude towards the utility of computer anima-
tions of sign language. They stress that next to ex-
plaining the evaluation methods, collecting charac-
teristics of the participants in such studies is essen-
tial. (Kacorri et al., 2017) have released their survey
questions in English and ASL and hope for evaluation
standards in the field of sign language generation.
3.1.7 Acceptance within the Deaf Community
Following the research on signing avatars by (Ka-
corri et al., 2017), acceptance within the Deaf com-
munity is vital for the adoption of sign language gen-
eration technologies. (Bragg et al., 2019) believe that
the Deaf user perspective has to be properly analyzed
and that enforcing technology on the Deaf commu-
nity will not work. However, avatar generation “faces
a number of technical challenges in creating avatars
that are acceptable to deaf users (i.e., pleasing to view,
easy to understand, representative of the Deaf com-
munity, etc.)” (Bragg et al., 2019, 7).
To begin with, avatar rendering itself faces chal-
lenges: A large range of hand shapes must be pre-
sentable, relative positions must be converted to abso-
lute ones, body parts must not collide and all should
seem natural and happen in real-time (Elliott et al.,
2008). Small-scale systems exist that work even on
mobile devices, too, for instance, an app that (Deb
et al., 2017) describe (see section 3.2). But real-
time rendering is not yet sufficient for avatars sign-
ing in a way that is perceived adequately natural.
(Kipp et al., 2011b) have investigated the acceptance
of signing avatars for DGS within the German Deaf
community in 2011. They found that hand signs
received positive critique but upper body movement
was criticized as not being sufficient to appear natu-
ral (Kipp et al., 2011b). Another challenge are trans-
Automated Sign Language Translation: The Role of Artificial Intelligence Now and in the Future
actions that should look realistic which is especially
difficult to achieve from motion-capture data (Bragg
et al., 2019). It gets even more challenging because
movements can convey endless nuances (Bragg et al.,
2019). A similar issue arises due to the numerous
possible combinations of signs, according to (Bragg
et al., 2019).
One approach to improve prosody in sign lan-
guage avatars by (Adamo-Villani and Wilbur, 2015) is
described in section 2.2.2. So far, realism of signing
avatars seemed to be the goal. However, avatars also
face the uncanny valley problem. That means that
strong but not fully realistic avatars are not received
as pleasing, which could explain that the cartoonish
avatar was ranked best in the study by (Kipp et al.,
2011b). Lastly, the acceptance of signing avatars will
likely rise with the involvement of the Deaf commu-
nity in research and development of sign language
systems, as described in section 3.1.5. (Kipp et al.,
2011b) found that participation of Deaf persons in
such studies significantly increases the positive opin-
ion about signing avatars.
3.2 Opportunities and Visions
When the challenges outlined in section 3.1 can
be resolved, opportunities for automated sign lan-
guage translation systems are enormous. Especially
a standard notation and bigger sign language datasets
could significantly evolve training and performance
of sign language recognition and generation technolo-
gies (Bragg et al., 2019; De Martino et al., 2017).
They would also entail numerous advantages of their
own such as a written form of sign languages, ac-
curate dictionaries and better resources for learning
sign languages (Bragg et al., 2019). In the near fu-
ture, static one-way information could be presented
through signing avatars, for example next to text on
websites. This is already the case in some small-scale
projects, for instance a part of the website of the city
of Hamburg (Elliott et al., 2008).
Various research has been conducted in an edu-
cational context, not only for making material more
accessible to students using sign language, but to as-
sist those who want to learn a sign language, too.
One example is the system that (Deb et al., 2017) de-
scribe. An Augmented Reality (AR) application was
developed that presented 3D animations of signs on
mobile devices via AR as an overlay to the scanned
Hindi letters. This involves various technologies of
image capturing, processing, marker tracking, anima-
tion rendering and augmented display. If it could be
extended to whole texts and transferred to different
languages and sign languages, there would be numer-
ous use cases for this system.
Involving the additional step of speech processing,
students of the NYU have developed a proof of con-
cept app that can translate American Sign Language
to English speech as well as vice versa and display
a signing avatar through augmented reality (Polun-
ina, 2018). Unfortunately, technological details are
not given. Taking this concept further, a daily life
application based on smartphone technologies could
be developed and automatically translate speech to
sign language and vice versa. A range of (spoken and
signed) languages could be supported and the signer
might additionally be able to choose or individualize
the signing avatar.
Concluding, the mentioned approaches are
promising. In the future, they could enable sign
language users to access personal assistants, to use
text-based systems, to search sign language video
content and to use automated real-time translation
when human interpreters are not available (Bragg
et al., 2019). With the help of AI, automated sign
language translation systems could help break down
communication barriers for DHH individuals.
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Automated Sign Language Translation: The Role of Artificial Intelligence Now and in the Future