In this highly specialized field of knowledge, hardly
any knowledge about the users is known, so that cur-
rently information technicians or scientists are in-
volved. The persona method, however, is mostly used
to identify familiar people in everyday life, so it is
difficult to imagine in the context of the IDS. The
IDS is subject to constant development. The knowl-
edge gained about the users is also subject to constant
further development due to this fact, but represents a
first human-centred approach. The personas can also
be represented in different business areas and compa-
nies in various forms. Going forward, the identified
tasks have a generic approach. Both can be modified
in the future. However, the tasks and processes have
to be reviewed again and again, as they are subject to
constant change. Taking these points into account, it
should be noted that the personas and tasks confirmed
in this study are not exhaustive and are being further
developed and modified in the scientific debate, they
represent a first approach. The described personas and
tasks are a framework for the overall design of util-
ity and usability in all phases of development. Inter-
action patterns can be derived from the tasks, which
can be tailored exactly to the needs of the personas.
For further developments they also have the function
to provide a framework of orientation within which
the requirements for interaction with the International
Data Space can be detailed.
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Personas and Tasks for International Data Space-based Ecosystems