based stimuli generated via square wave approxima-
tion methods.
This study provides evidence-based arguments on the
applicability of standard browser-based technologies
for SSVEP stimuli generation. Results show that CSS
and WebGL may be used to render effective SSVEP
stimuli, on both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
This was demonstrated by the consistent stability and
accuracy of the generated stimuli.
Furthermore, this study successfully adopted the
square wave approximation technique, for presenting
stimuli frequencies which are non-integer divisors of
the screen refresh rate. Using this method, a greater
number of concurrent on-screen stimuli can be dis-
played, thus allowing for the development of complex
BCI applications, such as web-based spellers, with a
target for each possible input.
Contrary to state of the art SSVEP stimulation
technologies, in-browser stimuli generators guaran-
tee cross-platform portability, while further lowering
barriers for BCI-enabled web development. Building
a web-based BCI also depends on an ecosystem of
technologies, bringing forth various challenges; from
efficient and cost-effective user-side setup, to remote
signal processing, and finally, real-time browser con-
We would like to thank Dr Sandro Spina from the
Computer Graphics and Visualisation Group, for pro-
viding insights, as well as state of the art hardware,
on which tests were carried out. We would also like
to thank Rosanne Zerafa from the Biomedical Cyber-
netics lab, for insights provided at the initial stages of
this study.
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CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications