Towards Accurate Browser-based SSVEP Stimuli Generation
Alison Camilleri
1 a
, Chris Porter
1 b
and Tracey Camilleri
2 c
Department of Computer Information Systems, University of Malta, Msida, Malta
Department of Systems and Control Engineering, University of Malta, Msida, Malta
Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Steady State Visually Evoked Potential (SSVEP), Stimuli Generation,
Web-based SSVEP BCI, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
Breakthroughs in Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI) have positively impacted the lives of individuals who
suffer from highly-restrictive physical disabilities. BCIs based on Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials
(SSVEPs) rely on a neuronal response which takes place in the brain’s visual cortex whenever a person fo-
cuses visual attention onto a flickering stimulus. Specialized hardware and software tools exist for stimuli
generation, however little to no empirical evidence exists on the applicability of standard web technologies for
producing accurate and stable stimuli, for use in BCI applications. With the aim of informing efforts for the
development of lightweight, portable and low-cost browser-based BCIs, this paper produces initial evidence
on the performance attained by widely-adopted web technologies, namely CSS and WebGL. Results demon-
strate that for the square wave approximation method, CSS and WebGL are able to effectively render stable
and accurate stimuli on both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Alternative and Augmentative Communication
(AAC) tools are introduced to assist people who are
unable to communicate due to reduced communica-
tion abilities, generally caused by a variety of motor
or neurological disorders. AAC refers to any form
of aid that can be used to reduce communication
barriers, from simple boards showing symbols of
day-to-day objects or actions, to rudimentary hard-
ware, such as a wand to point to or select actions, as
well as sophisticated eye tracking systems or brain-
computer interfaces (BCIs) (Glennen and DeCoste,
1997). BCIs typically rely on electroencephalogra-
phy (EEG) sensors to capture brain activity, making
them beneficial for individuals with reduced physical
abilities. However, a number of challenges still stand,
particularly concerning accuracy, cost, adoption,
portability and convenience outside a lab setting
(Maggi et al., 2008).
BCIs based on Steady State Visually Evoked Po-
tentials (SSVEPs) are considered to be robust and re-
quire minimal user training to operate. When inter-
acting with an SSVEP-based BCI, electrodes posi-
tioned over the occipital region of the brain register
frequencies equal to that of a flickering stimulus the
user would be attending to. SSVEP detection algo-
rithms are able to determine which stimulus the user
is focusing on, and to utilize this information to exe-
cute a corresponding control function, for example, to
switch between TV channels. In SSVEP-based BCIs,
the accuracy and stability of generated stimuli reflects
on the quality and in turn the usability of the interface
(Cecotti et al., 2010).
Literature shows that most SSVEP stimuli gener-
ators are built using desktop-based technologies, such
as C++ (Wang et al., 2010), Psychtoolbox with Mat-
lab (Abbasi et al., 2015), OpenGL (Boyd and Chen,
2012), C# (Lalor et al., 2005), and Java (Hasan et al.,
2015). This kind of software possesses inherent per-
formance guarantees, as it is able to access native re-
sources, without being bound within restrictive run-
times (e.g. browser engine). On the other hand, min-
imal research has been carried out to determine the
applicability of web technologies for building accu-
rate, lightweight, and portable SSVEP stimulation
applications. A few studies have focused on web
browser interaction, but for the most part, these make
use of desktop-based software for stimuli generation,
as in the case of ‘WeBB’ (Yehia et al., 2017). Re-
cent efforts have led to some experimentation with
Camilleri, A., Porter, C. and Camilleri, T.
Towards Accurate Browser-based SSVEP Stimuli Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010159400740083
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2020), pages 74-83
ISBN: 978-989-758-480-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: 10Hz stimulus presentation using a constant-period approach.
browser-based stimuli generators, including the use
of Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) files (Saboor
et al., 2018) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (Sa-
boor et al., 2019) to build online spellers. (Rezazadeh
and Sheikhani, 2017) have also succeeded in build-
ing an in-browser stimuli interface, for navigating a
virtual home in V. Realm Builder.
Notwithstanding this, to the best of our knowl-
edge, little to no empirical evidence exists on the
extent to which different web technologies, as well
as underlying browser engines, are able to generate
accurate and stable stimuli for efficient and usable
SSVEP-based interfaces. Furthermore, the viability
of web technologies for presenting on-screen stimuli
using approximation methods, such as square waves
with varied cycle lengths (Wang et al., 2010) has not
yet been explored.
This paper explores this research gap, by investi-
gating the adequacy of standard and widely-available
web technologies, for generating accurate and stable
SSVEP stimuli, which may be adopted in web-based
BCI applications.
The primary purpose of a BCI system is to extract re-
liable features from brain signals that can be used to
classify users’ intentions accordingly. A BCI fulfills
its purpose in four stages, namely: signal acquisition,
feature extraction, feature translation and device con-
trol or output. The procedure starts off by recording
the electrical activity produced by the brain, typically
done by means of non-invasive scalp electrodes. The
recorded brain signals are very small waves, there-
fore they must be amplified and digitized before any
further processing can take place. Additionally, the
signal of interest and the background signals must be
discriminated and separated from one another so that
only the relevant signal is analysed. After this process
has been successfully completed, signal characteris-
tics are translated into meaningful commands which
in turn perform some function, such as controlling an
output device (Shih et al., 2012).
This paper considers the use of SSVEPs, which
are resonance phenomena that occur whenever a per-
son focuses attention on a visual stimulus that flick-
ers at a frequency greater than 5Hz. In such a sce-
nario, scalp electrodes positioned over the occipital
region of the brain, register frequencies equal to that
of the flashing stimulus, as well as a number of har-
monic/subharmonic frequencies (Zhu et al., 2010).
LCD and CRT monitors are typically used to ren-
der visual stimuli which are modulated at specific fre-
The success rate of an SSVEP-based BCI is
highly-dependent upon the choice of visual stimulator
(Wang et al., 2008). Having explored various stimuli-
rendering methods, (Cecotti et al., 2010) propound
that the stability of generated stimuli is crucial for
producing effective SSVEP responses. Thus, based
on these assertions, technologies which render stimuli
at stable frequencies should be preferred, as these are
expected to produce better, stronger responses (Ce-
cotti et al., 2010).
As discussed in (Teng et al., 2011), flickering
stimuli are typically presented by means of square
waves having a 50% duty cycle, with a constant pe-
riod throughout (Figure 1 shows such an example for
a 10Hz stimulus). Using this technique, only frequen-
cies which are integer divisors of the screen refresh
rate can be presented in a stable manner. For this
reason, complex applications, for which a substantial
number of targets is required, such as a phone-dialling
program or a speller, cannot present a stimulus for
each possible input. These limitations have hindered
the development of practical BCI applications, result-
ing in decreased Information Transfer Rates (ITRs),
as users are required to perform a greater number of
steps in order to select a desired target (Nakanishi
et al., 2014a).
Alternative methods for stimuli presentation ex-
ist, including the use of triangular, sine, (Teng et al.,
2011) and square waves with varying periods and duty
cycles (Wang et al., 2010). Literature indicates that
Towards Accurate Browser-based SSVEP Stimuli Generation
Figure 2: 11Hz stimulus presentation using the square wave approximation approach.
square waves are able to evoke stronger SSVEP re-
sponses, when compared to sine or triangular waves
(Teng et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2019). Using this tech-
nique, the presentation rate is estimated, such that pe-
riods consist of a varying number of frames in each
cycle (Wang et al., 2010). Stimulus signals may be
computed using the following equation, where f rep-
resents the stimulus frequency, i is the frame index,
and square() generates a square waveform with a 50%
duty cycle:
s( f , i) = square[2π f (i/Re f reshRate)] (1)
In this manner, stimuli frequencies such as 11Hz,
may be presented on a 60Hz monitor, by using peri-
ods of different lengths for each cycle, each consist-
ing of five or six frames, which correspond to 12Hz
and 10Hz respectively (Wang et al., 2010) (refer to
Figure 2). Thus, the approximation of a specific fre-
quency, considers two neighbouring frequencies, de-
rived from the constant-period approach (Nakanishi
et al., 2014a). Using this technique, any frequency
lower than half the monitor’s refresh rate can be ap-
proximated (Nakanishi et al., 2014a), thus drastically
increasing the number of concurrent stimuli which
can be displayed on-screen.
In addition to approximation methods, phase-
coding may also be adopted, so that stimuli are dis-
criminated by means of differing phase shifts. (Lee
et al., 2010) demonstrated this technique through
the development of a multi-target, phase-coded BCI,
which presented eight 31.25Hz stimuli using differ-
ent phases. Therefore, through the application of this
technique, stimuli with identical frequencies may be
utilized for building SSVEP stimulation interfaces,
as long as these are coded to have dissimilar phases
(Nakanishi et al., 2014a).
As stated by (Saboor et al., 2019), the greatest chal-
lenge stands in determining the most effective tech-
nology for in-browser rendering of stimuli. The ap-
plicability of web technologies, such as Web Graphics
Library (WebGL), Flash or Synchronized Multimedia
Integration Language (SMIL) is not yet known, thus
indicating a gap in research (Saboor et al., 2019). This
work will not make use of SMIL or Flash, due to lack
of support and adoption by major browser vendors.
The de facto technologies used for web graphics and
animation rendering will be considered, namely CSS
and WebGL.
Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, no re-
search has been performed to determine the efficacy
of approximation techniques within a web browser
context. Provided that these are attainable, a greater
number of concurrent stimuli could be displayed, al-
lowing for the implementation of more complex web-
based SSVEP interfaces.
The aim of this paper is primarily to provide em-
pirical evidence, as to whether SSVEP stimuli can
be accurately generated within a web environment,
considering standard web technologies (i.e. CSS and
WebGL), over two major browsers (Google Chrome
and Mozilla Firefox, which are available across all
platforms). Moreover, this study seeks to determine
whether stimuli produced via square wave approxi-
mations, using standard web technologies, are appli-
cable for generating robust SSVEP responses.
This data will take us one step further towards
building fully fledged, accurate, usable and highly
portable SSVEP-based web browsing interfaces.
The rest of the paper is divided as follows: Section
4 presents the design of the experiment, highlighting
the four developed web-based SSVEP stimulation li-
braries and the main experimental setup. Section 5
discusses the implementation. The results are then
presented in Section 6, while the discussion and con-
clusions are presented in Section 7.
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
4.1 Overview
For the purpose of this study, constant-period and
square wave approximations were used to build a to-
tal of four SSVEP stimulation applications. Thus,
for both CSS and WebGL, two stimulators were de-
veloped, such that constant-period and approxima-
tion versions were implemented for each selected web
technology. CSS is a client-side language used to en-
hance page content presentation. Browser vendors
build support for CSS based on standardised pub-
lished specifications. As opposed to CSS, which
operates on the document object model (DOM),
WebGL is specifically designed for advanced 2D
and 3D graphics rendering on the web, using can-
vas elements, which offer enhanced performance for
graphics-intensive web applications. WebGL is also
widely supported by major browsers, including mod-
ern versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Sa-
fari, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.
The web-based SSVEP stimulation libraries were
tested on a single high-spec machine, using both
Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, in order to ob-
serve how their stimuli-rendering performance varies
over time. Throughout the different experimental
runs, data logs for overall CPU, GPU and mem-
ory consumption were recorded. A UNI-T UT372
tachometer was also used to externally measure the
on-screen frequency as produced by the stimuli gen-
erators (refer to Figure 3 for experimental setup). This
was set up in a fixed position with a sampling rate of
255 readings per second. Tachometer data was trans-
ferred over USB to a host computer, making it possi-
ble to determine the accuracy and stability of the gen-
erated stimuli, by means of the selected technologies,
when these were run on different browser engines.
Figure 3: Experimental setup.
4.2 Experimental Procedure
Tests were conducted on a Windows 10 Pro (64-
bit) machine, having an Nvidia GTX1080 GPU, In-
tel Core i7-9700 CPU and 32GB RAM. Stimuli were
presented using an ASUS monitor (version VS228),
running at a 60Hz refresh rate (1920 x 1080 pix-
els). For both CSS and WebGL, two 7-target spellers
were developed, such that each technology was used
for implementing two stimuli generators, using the
constant-period and approximation methods respec-
tively. In this way, stimuli frequencies of 6Hz, 7.5Hz,
9Hz, 10.5Hz, 12Hz, 13.5Hz and 15Hz could be pre-
sented simultaneously on-screen. For the CSS and
WebGL approximation techniques, a total of three
test runs were conducted for five selected frequen-
cies, namely 7.5Hz, 9Hz, 10.5Hz, 12Hz and 13.5Hz.
Since constant-period methods are unable to gener-
ate frequencies which are not integer divisors of the
screen refresh rate, the 9Hz, 10.5Hz and 13.5Hz fre-
quencies were solely measured for the approxima-
tion approach, described by means of Equation 1.
Tachometer readings for the CSS and WebGL imple-
mentations were recorded on both Google Chrome
(Version 78.0.3904.97 (Official build)(64-bit)) and
Mozilla Firefox (Version 70.0.1 (64-bit)). Both web
browsers were set up to make use of Hardware Accel-
eration, allowing for the majority of graphical inten-
sive tasks to be handled by the GPU.
Each target stimulus frequency was measured for
four minutes by means of an external tachometer (see
Figure 3). This process was repeated three times, such
that for each stimuli-rendering method (i.e. constant-
period and square wave approximations), twelve min-
utes’ worth of data were gathered for every stimulus
frequency, generated via a specific web technology
and browser combination. For all test runs, a con-
stant distance of 23cm was maintained between the
monitor and tachometer device.
The strength of generated SSVEP responses
greatly depends upon the stability and accuracy of
rendered stimuli. Hence, for each frequency data set,
tachometer values were analyzed in terms of standard
deviation (denotes stimulus stability), as well as dis-
crepancies between mean measured frequencies and
target frequencies (denotes stimulus accuracy). Fur-
thermore, the Independent Samples t-test was applied
to identify any statistically significant differences be-
tween two rendering scenarios (for instance, a 7.5Hz
CSS stimulus running on Chrome vs. Firefox, or
a 7.5Hz stimulus running on Chrome generated via
CSS vs. WebGL), in terms of mean measured frequen-
cies. Through this analysis, recommendations could
be made regarding technology-browser combinations
Towards Accurate Browser-based SSVEP Stimuli Generation
which yield higher levels of performance. Finally,
Cohen’s d formula was computed for those instances
where significant discrepancies were produced by the
t-test, in order to appropriately quantify the magni-
tude of these dissimilarities.
To fulfill the aims of this study, and as discussed
in earlier sections, a total of four SSVEP stimula-
tion libraries were developed, using CSS and We-
bGL. For each technology, two stimuli-rendering
approaches were considered, namely the constant-
period and square wave approximation methods. The
implemented libraries allow for on-page element ani-
mation, making them suitable for the development of
flexible, modular and customisable SSVEP interfaces.
Prior to stimulus presentation, each stimulator
exploits JavaScript’s requestAnimationFrame()
function to calculate an initial value for the screen re-
fresh rate. In this manner, frame sequence computa-
tions are based on the actual screen refresh rate, thus
ensuring the stability of generated flickers.
For the CSS and WebGL constant-period ap-
proaches, visual flickers were realized by alternating
between dark-coloured and light-coloured frames at a
constant frequency (Nakanishi et al., 2014b). Thus,
taking into consideration a 60Hz monitor, a stimulus
frequency of 10Hz would be represented as follows:
“111000111000111000111000111...”, whereby 1 and
0 represent a dark-coloured and light-coloured frame
respectively. As for the square wave approximation
approach, this made use of Equation 1, to gener-
ate frame sequences for each SSVEP stimulus. In
this case, stimuli frequencies, such as 11Hz, may
be accurately represented on a 60Hz monitor, by
varying the number of frames in a stimulation cy-
cle. Therefore, the square wave approximation tech-
nique, would represent an 11Hz stimulus, by alter-
nating between 5 and 6 frame periods as follows:
CSS implementations made use of animation
keyframes for the realization of stimuli flickers. For
the constant-period method, the number of frames in
each stimulation cycle was constant throughout, thus
by calculating the time difference between two con-
secutive frames, animation duration for stimulus cy-
cles could be set, and used to alter stimulus state at a
regular interval.
For the square wave approximation approach,
stimuli flickers are also produced by means of
CSS keyframes, which are dynamically-generated
via JavaScript, prior to the rendering of stimuli.
Keyframes are set up to alter stimulus opacity, based
on values produced by Equation 1. In order to set
up the keyframe, square wave sequences are pre-
computed for the required number of frames. For
our implementation, the ‘required number of frames’
value is determined based on the frame index, at
which the square wave cycle repeats itself.
In order to improve rendering efficiency, all CSS
keyframes were set up to make changes to ele-
ments’ ‘opacity’ property, so that stimulus presenta-
tion would involve less rendering stages. Accord-
ing to (Lewis, n.d.), the most performant version of
the pixel pipeline eliminates the need for constant re-
paints, and only requires compositing changes. By
promoting a specific element to its own layer, the
‘opacity’ property can be handled by the compositor
alone, thus reducing the number of steps involved in
rendering visual flickers.
The WebGL stimulation implementations make
use of a single, large canvas for presenting on-screen
SSVEP stimuli. Since browsers impose a limit on
the number of concurrent WebGL contexts, the use
of a canvas element for each stimulus was not consid-
ered to be a viable option. By using a canvas which
covers the entire window, placeholder <div> ele-
ments can be used to set stimuli locations. Through
the use of element.getBoundingClientRect(),
the viewport is set to cover the <div>s loca-
tion, so that stimulus flickers may be generated
within the specified area. Prior to the genera-
tion of on-screen stimuli, two textures are rendered
for each stimulus; a dark-coloured texture, and a
light-coloured texture. During stimulus presenta-
tion, WebGLRenderingContext.bindTexture() is
invoked to display dark/light textures at specific time
For WebGLs constant-period approach, the frame
sequence was computed for a single period, and
stored within an array, so that it could be repeatedly
used for stimulus presentation. In this way, for ev-
ery requestAnimationFrame() invocation, a spe-
cific frame value is read out of the array, to display
the appropriate texture. For instance, a frame value of
0 would indicate that a black texture is to be shown,
while a frame value of 1 would signify white texture
A similar approach was also adopted for WebGLs
approximation technique, however, as discussed pre-
viously, square wave sequence values were computed
via Equation 1, for the required number of frames.
The resultant values were also stored within an array,
and looped over continuously to display appropriate
stimuli flickers.
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Table 1: Table showing results for the square wave approximation method, including the average bias and standard deviation
(calculated for 3 test runs) for each technology, browser, and stimulus frequency combination.
Technology Web Browser Actual Freq. (Hz) Mean Measured Freq. (Hz) Bias Standard Deviation
CSS Chrome 7.5 7.49982786 0.00017214 0.000357508
CSS Chrome 9 8.999826161 0.000173839 0.000033826
CSS Chrome 10.5 10.510888396 0.010888396 0.016871103
CSS Chrome 12 11.999742734 0.000257266 0.00086882
CSS Chrome 13.5 13.499745745 0.000254255 0.021762828
Mean 0.002349179 0.007978817
WebGL Chrome 7.5 7.499837479 0.000162521 0.000752463
WebGL Chrome 9 8.999831297 0.000168703 0.0000183087
WebGL Chrome 10.5 10.511127822 0.011127822 0.016984468
WebGL Chrome 12 11.999758494 0.000241506 0.000930272
WebGL Chrome 13.5 13.50000045 0.000000445 0.022015793
Mean 0.002340199 0.008140261
CSS Firefox 7.5 7.500371427 0.000371427 0.003879366
CSS Firefox 9 9.000257754 0.000257754 0.003808133
CSS Firefox 10.5 10.510751762 0.010751762 0.017077129
CSS Firefox 12 12.000036605 0.000036605 0.003783792
CSS Firefox 13.5 13.500389542 0.000389542 0.023047437
Mean 0.002361418 0.010319171
WebGL Firefox 7.5 7.499832556 0.000167444 0.0000197006
WebGL Firefox 9 8.999830261 0.000169739 0.0000224204
WebGL Firefox 10.5 10.511080384 0.011080384 0.017025472
WebGL Firefox 12 11.998369124 0.001630876 0.02129115
WebGL Firefox 13.5 13.499634118 0.000365882 0.02178422
Mean 0.002682865 0.012028593
6.1 Stimuli Accuracy and Stability
In the context of an SSVEP-based BCI, stimuli stabil-
ity and accuracy are crucial for the generation of ef-
fective SSVEP responses. Hence, for the purpose of
this analysis, technology and browser combinations
are considered to be highly performant, if they render
stimuli at frequencies which are very close to their
expected values, with minimal variance over time.
Thus, to determine the applicability of web tech-
nologies for efficacious generation of SSVEP re-
sponses, tachometer data was initially analyzed in
terms of (a) dispersion of values (denotes stimulus
stability), as well as (b) discrepancies between mean
measured frequencies and target frequencies (de-
notes stimulus accuracy). For each stimuli-rendering
method, technology and browser combination, both
mean and standard deviation values were computed,
for stimulus frequency measurements captured by the
tachometer. This procedure was repeated for fre-
quency data sets pertaining to a single test run, as well
as amalgamated data sets, consisting of frequency val-
ues for the three separate runs.
Mean values for merged data sets were subse-
quently used to compute a value for the ‘bias’, which
is defined as the absolute value of the mean measured
frequency, subtracted from the target frequency (re-
fer to Equation 2). The bias value indicates the extent
to which mean measured frequencies differ from their
expected values.
Bias = |Target Frequency Mean Frequency | (2)
For both constant-period and approximation
methods, average values for the bias and standard de-
viation were also calculated, taking into considera-
tion all stimuli frequencies, generated via a specific
technology and browser combination (refer to Table 1
for square wave approximation results). These values
may be considered as performance indicators, which
demonstrate the technology and browser’s ability to
generate stimuli at stable and accurate frequencies.
Stimuli generated via constant-periods were found
to make use of the exact frame sequences as square
wave approximations, for presenting stimuli at 7.5Hz
and 12Hz (integer divisors of the screen refresh rate).
Hence, results in terms of bias and standard deviation
did not yield significant discrepancies across these
two rendering approaches. For this reason, this paper
shall focus on discussing the applicability of distinct
web technology and browser permutations, for pre-
senting stable and accurate stimuli via square wave
From results obtained, it is evident that high per-
formance levels were attained for each target fre-
Towards Accurate Browser-based SSVEP Stimuli Generation
Table 2: Summary of t-test and Cohen’s d formula results (calculated for the amalgamation of 3 test runs) for stimuli generated
via the square wave approximation method, under the various rendering scenarios.
Stimulus Comparison P-Value (T-Test) Cohen’s d Value
CSS 7.5Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0 0.19732
CSS 9Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0 0.16027
CSS 10.5Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0.881 -
CSS 12Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0 0.10705
CSS 13.5Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0.184 -
WebGL 7.5Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0.666 -
WebGL 9Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0.016 0.05062
WebGL 10.5Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0.827 -
WebGL 12Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0 0.09220
WebGL 13.5Hz Chrome vs. Firefox 0.424 -
Chrome 7.5Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0.442 -
Chrome 9Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0 0.18884
Chrome 10.5Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0.317 -
Chrome 12Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0.386 -
Chrome 13.5Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0.59 -
Firefox 7.5Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0 0.19644
Firefox 9Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0 0.15875
Firefox 10.5Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0.35 -
Firefox 12Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0 0.10905
Firefox 13.5Hz CSS vs. WebGL 0.114 -
quency, technology, and browser combination, as sig-
nified by the remarkably small mean values achieved
for the bias and standard deviation throughout (refer
to Table 1). Results show that the largest inaccura-
cies/instabilities were noted when the WebGL stim-
uli generator was run using Firefox, resulting in mean
bias and standard deviation values of 0.002682865
and 0.01202859252 respectively. Although this tech-
nology and browser combination resulted in the high-
est level of bias and variance, it is worth noting that
such degrees of inaccuracy and instability are very
small, and are thus considered to be negligible in the
context of an SSVEP BCI system. Therefore, stim-
uli generated under such rendering conditions should
still be able to evoke appropriate SSVEP responses.
6.2 Performance Comparisons
Based on the Central Limit Theorem (CLT), the dis-
tribution of sample means approaches a normal dis-
tribution as the sample grows in size. Irrespective of
whether the source population is normal or skewed,
this holds true, provided that the sample size is 30
and sampling is carried out by replacement (LaMorte,
2016). For a specific stimulus frequency, rendered via
a specific technology-browser permutation, tachome-
ter data for the amalgamation of three test runs con-
sisted of 4000 data points. Hence, based on CLT
criteria, these data sets are considered to have suffi-
ciently large sample sizes, which indicate that data
should follow a normal distribution. As a result, para-
metric tests, such as the Independent Samples t-test
may be applied to make the necessary inferences.
Since the t-test assumes homogeneity of variance, p-
values produced by the Levene’s test were initially
computed, and used to reference the appropriate t-
test result. SPSS produces two p-values for the t-test
statistic, which were quoted based on whether the as-
sumption for equality of variances was violated or not
(KentStateUniversity, 2019).
The t-test was executed for distinct technology-
browser combinations, each time making use of two
frequency data sets, consisting of 12 minutes’ worth
of tachometer data (pertaining to 3 test runs). The
level of significance was taken to be 0.05 for all tests,
thus p<.05 indicated statistically significant discrep-
ancies between stimuli generation technologies, run-
ning on different browsers.
Results produced by the Independent Samples t-
test are listed in Table 2, to showcase any statisti-
cally significant discrepancies between two distinct
rendering scenarios (for instance, a 7.5Hz CSS stim-
ulus running on Chrome vs. Firefox, or a 7.5Hz
stimulus running on Chrome generated via CSS vs.
WebGL). As evidenced in Table 1, all technology-
browser combinations fared relatively well, and were
able to produce stimuli which remained close to their
target frequencies, with minimal deviation over time.
Through the application of the t-test, the degree by
which these rendering setups differed from one an-
CHIRA 2020 - 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
other could be further understood. This test was con-
sidered to be a first pass analysis, for the provision of
recommendations, regarding technology and browser
setups, which should be favoured when building web-
based SSVEP stimuli generators.
For stimuli rendered via square wave approxima-
tions, it was observed that when running the CSS
stimuli generator on both Chrome and Firefox, a to-
tal of three significant discrepancies were noted in
stimuli-rendering performance. In this case, bias val-
ues were very close to one another, however Firefox
showed an overall higher variance (Table 1), which in-
dicates that Chrome might be a better alternative for
presenting CSS-generated stimuli. In the case of We-
bGL, similar observations were made, whereby cal-
culated bias values were very close to one another,
yet stimuli generated via Firefox had a greater de-
gree of instability. Thus, results achieved are con-
sistent for both technologies, and favour the use of
Chrome over Firefox, for presenting stable and accu-
rate SSVEP stimuli.
When running both the CSS and WebGL stim-
uli generators on Chrome, results obtained were very
similar, both in terms of bias and standard deviation
(Table 1). Thus, both technologies are considered to
be comparable for effective presentation of SSVEP
stimuli via Chrome. However, when running the same
stimuli generators on Firefox, three out of five fre-
quencies were found to be significantly different, with
a p-value less than 0.05 (Table 2). In this scenario,
WebGL had an overall higher bias and standard de-
viation when compared to CSS, which indicates that
when using Firefox, CSS might be a better alternative.
In the context of an SSVEP-based BCI, such mi-
nor discrepancies are not considered to be of signifi-
cance, as all stimuli frequencies remained very close
to their expected values, and showed minimal vari-
ance over time. This variance, which was less than
0.03 across all cases, shows that these stimuli ren-
dering technologies are adequate, even for complex,
multi-target systems, such as the 40-target BCI devel-
oped by (Nakanishi et al., 2017), where the frequency
difference between stimuli was as low as 0.2Hz.
As stated by (Halsey, 2019), p-values provide lim-
ited information about our data, and can thus be mis-
interpreted. P-values tend to exhibit high sample-to-
sample variability, which does not reliably indicate
the amount of evidence against a specified null hy-
pothesis. Thus, these values should only be used for
providing first pass evidence, about a phenomenon
being studied (Halsey, 2019).
As opposed to significance testing, estimation
statistics are targeted towards determining the mag-
nitude of an effect and its precision. An effect size
may simply be described as the “the degree to which
the null hypothesis is false” (Enzmann, 2015). A
well-known measure of effect size is Cohen’s d for-
mula, which compares the means of two independent
For the Independent Samples t-test, Cohen’s d
value may be determined by calculating the mean dif-
ference between two groups, and then dividing this
result by the pooled standard deviation. Equation 3
depicts Cohen’s d formula (Rosenthal et al., 1994),
whereby M
and M
refer to the means of the first and
second samples, and SD
is the pooled standard
deviation of the two samples:
d =
Equation 4 is used to compute SD
, whereby SD
and SD
represent the standard deviation for the first
and second samples respectively:
For the purpose of this study, Cohen’s d formula
was computed to determine the effect size, for in-
stances where significant discrepancies were noted by
the t-test (refer to Table 2). When considering large
sample sizes, minor effects, such as minute discrep-
ancies between means, can result in significant statis-
tical differences (Walker, 2008). Thus, by making use
of Equation 3, the magnitude of differences between
two groups can be appropriately quantified.
Results obtained for Cohen’s d value (Table 2)
were interpreted based on commonly used bench-
marks (Lakens, 2013), whereby d values equal to 0.2,
0.5, and 0.8, denote small, medium and large effect
sizes respectively. Thus, if discrepancies between two
group means are smaller than 0.2 standard deviations,
differences are considered to be negligible, even if
statistically significant (Walker, 2008).
Based on this, values produced by Cohen’s d for-
mula (refer to Table 2) indicate that despite signif-
icant differences produced by the t-test, these dis-
crepancies correspond to a small effect size (d<0.2).
Thus, for all permutations listed in Table 2 (refer
to the ‘Stimulus’ and ‘Comparison’ columns), the
means for stimuli frequencies generated under the
various rendering scenarios are similar, and any dis-
crepancies are considered to be negligible. In prac-
tice, results attained demonstrate that irrespective of
the selected technology-browser combination, appro-
priate SSVEP responses may be evoked from web-
Towards Accurate Browser-based SSVEP Stimuli Generation
based stimuli generated via square wave approxima-
tion methods.
This study provides evidence-based arguments on the
applicability of standard browser-based technologies
for SSVEP stimuli generation. Results show that CSS
and WebGL may be used to render effective SSVEP
stimuli, on both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
This was demonstrated by the consistent stability and
accuracy of the generated stimuli.
Furthermore, this study successfully adopted the
square wave approximation technique, for presenting
stimuli frequencies which are non-integer divisors of
the screen refresh rate. Using this method, a greater
number of concurrent on-screen stimuli can be dis-
played, thus allowing for the development of complex
BCI applications, such as web-based spellers, with a
target for each possible input.
Contrary to state of the art SSVEP stimulation
technologies, in-browser stimuli generators guaran-
tee cross-platform portability, while further lowering
barriers for BCI-enabled web development. Building
a web-based BCI also depends on an ecosystem of
technologies, bringing forth various challenges; from
efficient and cost-effective user-side setup, to remote
signal processing, and finally, real-time browser con-
We would like to thank Dr Sandro Spina from the
Computer Graphics and Visualisation Group, for pro-
viding insights, as well as state of the art hardware,
on which tests were carried out. We would also like
to thank Rosanne Zerafa from the Biomedical Cyber-
netics lab, for insights provided at the initial stages of
this study.
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Towards Accurate Browser-based SSVEP Stimuli Generation