The reconfigurable assembly systems are key
components of a manufacturing system complying
with the paradigm of mass individualization. In this
study, we propose a model to take into account the
workers’ learning and forgetting to make a more
precise allocation of the tasks within a given
configuration, with respect to the present workforce,
maximizing the efficiency of the system. We
combined a learning-forgetting model with the
Kottas-Lau heuristic to show how the learning and
forgetting phenomena affect the balancing of a
manual RAS and the related line costs. A preliminary
numerical application allowed to test the model, and
the use of the Jackson 11 problem showed that it is
crucial taking into account these phenomena. This is
only a first validation step, but, due to the relevance
of the obtained preliminary results, we will apply the
developed algorithm to a case study in industrial
environment, to further improve and validate the
In addition, various research developments can
extend the study presented in this paper. Among
these, the possibility of considering specific learning
rates for each operator will be investigated. To fully
take advantage of the RAS capabilities, the problem
of designing a reconfigurable layout and assigning
tasks between operators and machines in an
interdisciplinary way should be addressed. Then, the
developed methodology should be adapted and
applied to hybrid RAS, including new technologies
such as autonomous robots that can help operators to
better adapt to sudden system reconfigurations.
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